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How do you think MCSG will end?

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May 5, 2013
Reaction score
Here's my theory. MCSG will continually get popular. More and more servers are added until we have close to one thousand different servers in different regions around the world. Eventually, the servers will be so popular, it will be nigh impossible to get in a game unless you have the donor rank. There will be a few donors as always, but soon, it will be impossible for even them to get in a game because so many people have donor.

The players begin to thin out. Regular members have left a long time ago because they couldn't join games, or they have upgraded to a donor, only to find that, even with donor, they can't join games. They start to leave. After a few more weeks, close to a tenth of the players have left to find other servers, available servers. MCSG has stopped bringing in enough money to fund the servers. Two hundred and fifty servers are closed throughout the world. More people leave because when those servers closed, they couldn't find games to play anymore.

The pattern continues for many months. Drop a few servers here, drop a few there. Zedchase is the first gamemode to completely vanish. MCTF2 quickly follows. After many more months, MCSG is down to 250 servers worldwide, as well as the survival and creative servers. Mod applications have stopped flowing in by the bucketful, they now trickle in like a small stream during a drought. The moderator process is pushed aside for a more streamlined version, in the hopes that it can bring in new mods quicker because many staff members have been lost by the wayside.

Of the YouTubers, Joey closed his channel due to some scandal. Tomahawk gets too many strikes and is forced to stop producing material. Blamph shows up on occasion, but he's much too busy with life now to do much in minecraft. Bajan was unbanned in the hopes that it would bring attention back to the servers, but he doesn't care, and neither do his fans.

Everyday, less people are playing. MCSG is down to less than one hundred and fifty servers. There are no AS servers, there are no AU servers. There are a few CA servers left, but they're dying out and will be abandoned soon. It's such a small community now. Everyone knows everyone else. People are still leaving the community.

Another month passes. Canadian servers are gone, there are only a few European servers left as well. You see hackers quite often, but you can't report them because the website was shut down, due to inactivity. You would send an Email to Anster or Life, but you lost that address a long time ago. A few more weeks pass, and all the Eu servers are gone. You're down to only 10 servers, and you play the hell out of them. You see Chad all the time now.

Another week down the road, and Chad regretfully informs all the remaining players that he can't fund the servers for another month. You all mark a certain date on your calendars, the last game of MCSG. You log on a few days later for that game. You see Chad, Life, Anster, Sixzo, Blamph, NoahSailor, Zietra, Duckluv, Forairain, Sub, Bic, Col Star,and some others. BajanCanadian even came back to honor the servers he once enjoyed so much. You all wait in the lobby. Everyone on the server is courteous, but distant. The weight of what is about to happen is beginning to fall on you and the other players. You spawn in.

You look around in wonder at the last map made by Team Elite. They made it specifically for the final game of MCSG before their build server was shutdown. It's beautiful. You can tell that they put every ounce of skill, every drop of experience, every tear, every grain of their being into this map. The game starts and you all rush spawn. Nobody wants to kill anybody. A half hour passes. During that time, you did nothing but wander the map. No one died. You guess it was because they didn't have the heart to fight each other. Deathmatch starts. You all go at it. One by one, tributes fall, including you. You watch the remaining fights carry on.

Eventually, a victor emerges. You congratulate each other on a well fought battle, and the other players start to leave. You hit the pause button, and your cursor hovers over the disconnect button. You can feel tears welling, and you start to sniffle. You force your hand to press the button, and you disconnect. On the server, only Ant, Life, and Chad remain. They talk for awhile, then Ant disconnects. Life talks with Chad about all the good times they had on these servers. Life leaves. Chad is the only one left in the server now. He waits and waits, in the desperate hope that someone will join. No one does.

Chad takes one last look around his server, and he disconnects.

Perhaps in another day, in another year, somebody will have the bright idea of making a Hunger games based minecraft server, but MCSG will be gone. Nothing is left aside from memories and friends.
Oh my potato. This was amazing to read.

Dave | Rev

May 2, 2013
Reaction score
I think that it will end, when the developers get old and noone can take theyre spot


Aug 20, 2012
Reaction score
I don't think MCSG will end die to a lack of profit. I think it will just slowly die down until only the loyal players are still playing. It will be great in those times, but then still, slowly, people will just die off.


May 8, 2012
Reaction score
The more people join, the tougher it will be for people to join since there is more people. This will mean people will have to donate to join games. The donations will open more servers and more people will be able to join. The cycle repeats.
But there will come a point in which there is simply no more new players to join. MCSG will have used up all the newbies joining Minecraft and MCSG.
That's right folks, I'm not talking about the end of MCSG,


There will come a time when people simply stop playing on Minecraft, and although a few die-hard fans will continue to play, all the young players who make up the majority of players will move on to a new game. All it takes is for Mojang and MCSG to continue doing what they are doing, adding bigger and bigger updates, until the lag will become so big and the game so complex it will be unplayable. In fact, if a extremely well-thought-out and well-made new PC game came out in the next 24 months, one which had virtually no lag for even the half-decent PC's that are a few years old, then Minecraft would lose a large majority of players to this new 'super-game.'
MCSG had a boom back when v2 was released, but those who think that this trend will continue for years to come are sadly mistaken.
With many people leaving for this new 'super-game', MCSG will find that new players simply aren't joining any more.
The higher you fly, the harder you fall.
And MCSG will fall harder than most.
Although the servers will never truly 'end', the golden age which some say has ended already will come to an end, sooner or later. It will end when the servers are no longer expanding, when spammers fill the chat with pointless messages. When there are too many servers for mods to handle.

If you are wondering how soon it will end, or disagree with me, just log on to the EU hub.
Point Proven.


District 13
Jun 27, 2013
Reaction score
Here's my theory. MCSG will continually get popular. More and more servers are added until we have close to one thousand different servers in different regions around the world. Eventually, the servers will be so popular, it will be nigh impossible to get in a game unless you have the donor rank. There will be a few donors as always, but soon, it will be impossible for even them to get in a game because so many people have donor.

The players begin to thin out. Regular members have left a long time ago because they couldn't join games, or they have upgraded to a donor, only to find that, even with donor, they can't join games. They start to leave. After a few more weeks, close to a tenth of the players have left to find other servers, available servers. MCSG has stopped bringing in enough money to fund the servers. Two hundred and fifty servers are closed throughout the world. More people leave because when those servers closed, they couldn't find games to play anymore.

The pattern continues for many months. Drop a few servers here, drop a few there. Zedchase is the first gamemode to completely vanish. MCTF2 quickly follows. After many more months, MCSG is down to 250 servers worldwide, as well as the survival and creative servers. Mod applications have stopped flowing in by the bucketful, they now trickle in like a small stream during a drought. The moderator process is pushed aside for a more streamlined version, in the hopes that it can bring in new mods quicker because many staff members have been lost by the wayside.

Of the YouTubers, Joey closed his channel due to some scandal. Tomahawk gets too many strikes and is forced to stop producing material. Blamph shows up on occasion, but he's much too busy with life now to do much in minecraft. Bajan was unbanned in the hopes that it would bring attention back to the servers, but he doesn't care, and neither do his fans.

Everyday, less people are playing. MCSG is down to less than one hundred and fifty servers. There are no AS servers, there are no AU servers. There are a few CA servers left, but they're dying out and will be abandoned soon. It's such a small community now. Everyone knows everyone else. People are still leaving the community.

Another month passes. Canadian servers are gone, there are only a few European servers left as well. You see hackers quite often, but you can't report them because the website was shut down, due to inactivity. You would send an Email to Anster or Life, but you lost that address a long time ago. A few more weeks pass, and all the Eu servers are gone. You're down to only 10 servers, and you play the hell out of them. You see Chad all the time now.

Another week down the road, and Chad regretfully informs all the remaining players that he can't fund the servers for another month. You all mark a certain date on your calendars, the last game of MCSG. You log on a few days later for that game. You see Chad, Life, Anster, Sixzo, Blamph, NoahSailor, Zietra, Duckluv, Forairain, Sub, Bic, Col Star,and some others. BajanCanadian even came back to honor the servers he once enjoyed so much. You all wait in the lobby. Everyone on the server is courteous, but distant. The weight of what is about to happen is beginning to fall on you and the other players. You spawn in.

You look around in wonder at the last map made by Team Elite. They made it specifically for the final game of MCSG before their build server was shutdown. It's beautiful. You can tell that they put every ounce of skill, every drop of experience, every tear, every grain of their being into this map. The game starts and you all rush spawn. Nobody wants to kill anybody. A half hour passes. During that time, you did nothing but wander the map. No one died. You guess it was because they didn't have the heart to fight each other. Deathmatch starts. You all go at it. One by one, tributes fall, including you. You watch the remaining fights carry on.

Eventually, a victor emerges. You congratulate each other on a well fought battle, and the other players start to leave. You hit the pause button, and your cursor hovers over the disconnect button. You can feel tears welling, and you start to sniffle. You force your hand to press the button, and you disconnect. On the server, only Ant, Life, and Chad remain. They talk for awhile, then Ant disconnects. Life talks with Chad about all the good times they had on these servers. Life leaves. Chad is the only one left in the server now. He waits and waits, in the desperate hope that someone will join. No one does.

Chad takes one last look around his server, and he disconnects.

Perhaps in another day, in another year, somebody will have the bright idea of making a Hunger games based minecraft server, but MCSG will be gone. Nothing is left aside from memories and friends.
Out of curiosity, how will the servers run out of funding if absolutely everyone is buying donor?


District 13
Jun 25, 2013
Reaction score
Out of curiosity, how will the servers run out of funding if absolutely everyone is buying donor?
That's one of the holes in my theory. I wrote this story at 4am, I posted it at 5am, so a lot of holes are expected. I feel like a lot of people practiced the MST3k mantra while reading it, which to put it plainly says "Don't worry about all the details, just enjoy the show."


May 27, 2012
Reaction score
Mcsg shall be IMMORTAL!!!!
Sadly, that's not true...
One day it's going to die... ;-;


Jul 11, 2013
Reaction score
But there will come a point in which there is simply no more new players to join. MCSG will have used up all the newbies joining Minecraft and MCSG.
That's right folks, I'm not talking about the end of MCSG,


There will come a time when people simply stop playing on Minecraft, and although a few die-hard fans will continue to play, all the young players who make up the majority of players will move on to a new game. All it takes is for Mojang and MCSG to continue doing what they are doing, adding bigger and bigger updates, until the lag will become so big and the game so complex it will be unplayable. In fact, if a extremely well-thought-out and well-made new PC game came out in the next 24 months, one which had virtually no lag for even the half-decent PC's that are a few years old, then Minecraft would lose a large majority of players to this new 'super-game.'
MCSG had a boom back when v2 was released, but those who think that this trend will continue for years to come are sadly mistaken.
With many people leaving for this new 'super-game', MCSG will find that new players simply aren't joining any more.
The higher you fly, the harder you fall.
And MCSG will fall harder than most.
Although the servers will never truly 'end', the golden age which some say has ended already will come to an end, sooner or later. It will end when the servers are no longer expanding, when spammers fill the chat with pointless messages. When there are too many servers for mods to handle.

If you are wondering how soon it will end, or disagree with me, just log on to the EU hub.
Point Proven.
No matter how much I like other theories this one is most likly true.


Sep 3, 2012
Reaction score
well I might quit MCSG soon because it seems I am just bad and a lot of people say I am bad at it. I also don't have a lot of time anymore and it seems like I am on the forums more than the actual game. I will remain a player but what I'm trying to say is that soon I won't be into it as much as I used to be so GL MCSG, and this post does not mean I am leaving. It just simply means I will not be playing as much anymore.


Feb 2, 2013
Reaction score
Here's my theory. MCSG will continually get popular. More and more servers are added until we have close to one thousand different servers in different regions around the world. Eventually, the servers will be so popular, it will be nigh impossible to get in a game unless you have the donor rank. There will be a few donors as always, but soon, it will be impossible for even them to get in a game because so many people have donor.

The players begin to thin out. Regular members have left a long time ago because they couldn't join games, or they have upgraded to a donor, only to find that, even with donor, they can't join games. They start to leave. After a few more weeks, close to a tenth of the players have left to find other servers, available servers. MCSG has stopped bringing in enough money to fund the servers. Two hundred and fifty servers are closed throughout the world. More people leave because when those servers closed, they couldn't find games to play anymore.

The pattern continues for many months. Drop a few servers here, drop a few there. Zedchase is the first gamemode to completely vanish. MCTF2 quickly follows. After many more months, MCSG is down to 250 servers worldwide, as well as the survival and creative servers. Mod applications have stopped flowing in by the bucketful, they now trickle in like a small stream during a drought. The moderator process is pushed aside for a more streamlined version, in the hopes that it can bring in new mods quicker because many staff members have been lost by the wayside.

Of the YouTubers, Joey closed his channel due to some scandal. Tomahawk gets too many strikes and is forced to stop producing material. Blamph shows up on occasion, but he's much too busy with life now to do much in minecraft. Bajan was unbanned in the hopes that it would bring attention back to the servers, but he doesn't care, and neither do his fans.

Everyday, less people are playing. MCSG is down to less than one hundred and fifty servers. There are no AS servers, there are no AU servers. There are a few CA servers left, but they're dying out and will be abandoned soon. It's such a small community now. Everyone knows everyone else. People are still leaving the community.

Another month passes. Canadian servers are gone, there are only a few European servers left as well. You see hackers quite often, but you can't report them because the website was shut down, due to inactivity. You would send an Email to Anster or Life, but you lost that address a long time ago. A few more weeks pass, and all the Eu servers are gone. You're down to only 10 servers, and you play the hell out of them. You see Chad all the time now.

Another week down the road, and Chad regretfully informs all the remaining players that he can't fund the servers for another month. You all mark a certain date on your calendars, the last game of MCSG. You log on a few days later for that game. You see Chad, Life, Anster, Sixzo, Blamph, NoahSailor, Zietra, Duckluv, Forairain, Sub, Bic, Col Star,and some others. BajanCanadian even came back to honor the servers he once enjoyed so much. You all wait in the lobby. Everyone on the server is courteous, but distant. The weight of what is about to happen is beginning to fall on you and the other players. You spawn in.

You look around in wonder at the last map made by Team Elite. They made it specifically for the final game of MCSG before their build server was shutdown. It's beautiful. You can tell that they put every ounce of skill, every drop of experience, every tear, every grain of their being into this map. The game starts and you all rush spawn. Nobody wants to kill anybody. A half hour passes. During that time, you did nothing but wander the map. No one died. You guess it was because they didn't have the heart to fight each other. Deathmatch starts. You all go at it. One by one, tributes fall, including you. You watch the remaining fights carry on.

Eventually, a victor emerges. You congratulate each other on a well fought battle, and the other players start to leave. You hit the pause button, and your cursor hovers over the disconnect button. You can feel tears welling, and you start to sniffle. You force your hand to press the button, and you disconnect. On the server, only Ant, Life, and Chad remain. They talk for awhile, then Ant disconnects. Life talks with Chad about all the good times they had on these servers. Life leaves. Chad is the only one left in the server now. He waits and waits, in the desperate hope that someone will join. No one does.

Chad takes one last look around his server, and he disconnects.

Perhaps in another day, in another year, somebody will have the bright idea of making a Hunger games based minecraft server, but MCSG will be gone. Nothing is left aside from memories and friends.
li3k ef u cri evrytiem :(
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