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How I broke my wrist + How I got into Minecraft


Jul 29, 2013
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Well, here it goes. This is the story that people have been begging me to tell.
This is the story of
How it all began.


MAY 18th, 2013
Well, I thought this was an ordinary day. It turned out to be the complete opposite. Let me start it off. It was a pretty sunny day, nice outside. I was playing basketball with my friends out in front of my house. When one of my friends drove towards the basket, he tripped on my leg. Turns out he sprained it, but that was not the worst of the injuries for that day. Well, soon enough, it was time to walk home. We decided that since he was injured, my Mom would drive him to his house, and since he had his bike here, I would just ride it to his house, and my Mom would drive me back. Smart plan, Eh? Well, here is how the area looks like.

I followed my Mom's car on the bike. Well, right in front of the school, the handle bars started to wobble. I thought nothing of it, and kept riding. It was not until the handle bars fell off, that I knew I was in trouble. It fell off, I flipped over the handle bars. I look over to the left of me, and there it is. My bone sticking out of my left arm. Now, I didn't cry, nor did I freak out. I was in shock. Everything felt like a dream to me. I got up, and left my left hand on my right for support, and dashed for the car. I'll be honest with you, I felt drunk. Once I caught up to the car, I jumped in the front seat and my Mom was freaking out. At the same time, she was pretty calm. Knowing that I am the most injury prone person you will ever meet, I say she did a good job. My friend quickly said "I HOPE YOU FEEL BETTER" and ran home. I think I scared him more than anything. He did end up buying me an iTunes gift card (50$) which I thought was the nicest thing ever. Anyways, on to the story.
First thing we did, was go to my house, tell my dad. Of course, he flipped out, I think he went crazy. But he cares. <3 We went to the nearest hospital, I waited about 5 minutes, and got into a room. When I was lying down. It hit me. I JUST BROKE MY WRIST. Then, the pain started to set in. I have a really high pain tolerance, and this was starting to affect me.
The doctor came in and he even flipped out. My uncle arrived because my Mom wanted someone who wouldn't freak out, he also plays Basketball. So he is pretty good with injuries. I then got a small surgery (I guess you could call it) to put the bone closer back into place. During the surgery, they took X-Rays, seen here.

Pretty gruesome, and that was AFTER they tried to put the bone back into place.
FUN FACT: You have 2 bones in your wrist. The right bone, came out on the LEFT side.
When I woke up, I was like that kid with laughing gas. I, at one point, started talking about Unicorns. I saw triple, and my head was on HYPERSPEED!!! sensitivity. Oh yeah. It was crazy. When I soon snapped out of it, I then was told I would have to have surgery the next morning. I then slept. Might I add, it was the worst sleep of my life.

The Next Morning
After my 2 hour sleep, I was woken up by a doctor. He told me all the risks, I could lose feeling in my arm, I could lose my arm (Potentially). So, I said whatever, my parents agreed. I was on a stretcher, being moved down the the surgical department. Before I went in, the guy seemed doubtful. He was going to put a metal plate in my wrist. He had never done this before, meanwhile, he is on the phone with one the most prestigious kid hospitals in North America. He told us it would be better if we were transferred there. No more surgery for me, as I was driven in the MOST DAMN BUMPY CAR RIDE EVER down town. When we arrived, I was exhausted. I was admitted, and I was in a room. We stayed there for a bit, I then was visited by a surgeon, who had to cut open my cast, and look inside. I might add, this was the most painful thing I have ever done in my life. After that, I was told I would have to wait another 12 hours for surgery.

463463 Freezies later.....
I finally was heading into surgery. It was 3 hours long, the toughest of the month. Considering thousands of people go in, I was surprised. When I woke up, I was in pain, but I couldn't express anything, so I just fell back asleep. I can't really say what happened, I was in a full arm cast, knuckles till shoulders in cast. I spent the next 5 days in the same room, doing nothing but eat and watch play-off games. The one thing that really got me depressed is, I am quite the Javelin thrower. I throw competitively. 3 days before this, I came first in a competition, and it was time to throw in an even bigger competition. Well, with my luck , it was on June 9th. With no sign of getting my cast off in the next few days, I thought of what I could do. I was getting my cast off and getting it replaced with a lighter one the day before.

Cast replacements

I got my cast replaced with a lighter one, a one where I didn't need a sling. It was pink. Yes, pink. Pink is my favourite colour. Anyways, tomorrow was my big day. I don't want to postpone this any longer, I came 9th, I was predicted to come 1st, but with the cast, it was not happening. I was still happy I got to do it, as I was very passionate about it. Going back to when I got my cast replaced, it was with a saw, I (if I didn't say already) got 2 pins in my arm, to hold the bone in place. It was basically 2 metal rods sticking out my arm. It was pulled out, but you would think it hurts, it really does not. A small popping sound is all you hear. Time to go back to school.

For the next 6 weeks, I was struggling to get around, but I managed. I went through a lot, but I managed to stay positive. A lot of things that I enjoy, I had to stay out of for the mean time, but it was for the best. Once I got my cast off, I knew I had almost a whole year of therapy to go through, to re-strengthen my wrist.

How I got into Minecraft
As any kid would be, bored, doing nothing is not fun. So, in my free time, I searched up games to play, and I found Minecraft. Now, we all know how this story goes, so I'll make it short. I searched up Survival games, and MCSG came up. I started playing, now I didn't know anything about ANYTHING. I was literally playing with 2 fingers and one hand on the mouse, playing SG. My statistics were absolute TERRIBLE. I never ended up resetting. I am proud to see my progress, and I guess that would lead me to end up writing this now.

  • I got 23 stitches in my arm
  • I still have scars
  • I still go for therapy
  • When I was under laughing gas, I was telling my mom to record, and she didn't want to. I remember it faintly.
  • I touched my bone, and made it gush blood (It stung)
  • I have pictures, but I don't feel comfortable posting them
  • The only thing connecting my hand to my arm was my skin
I probably missed like A LOT of stuff, but I leave you with one last thing.

While in that hospital, I learned something special.
If you are in a tough situation, know that there is always someone who has it worse. Even when I thought I was in trouble, I heard about everyone else around me, all the kids hearts who stopped beating... Very tragic situations, I thought that I was lucky to be here and have things end up how they did. How everything in life happens for a reason. People always have it worse than you, be positive.

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Nov 24, 2013
Reaction score
Wow.. o.o
Edit: That x-ray looks gruesome as hell. You are one trooper for going through that.


Jul 29, 2013
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If you want an IRL picture (I was smiling) I may post it. But this injury is also quite similar to Kevin Ware's. (If you know who he is)


District 13
Apr 21, 2013
Reaction score
If you want an IRL picture (I was smiling) I may post it. But this injury is also quite similar to Kevin Ware's. (If you know who he is)
:D If thats ok with you. Yes I do know who kevin Ware is.


Jul 29, 2013
Reaction score
Dang, I admire your pain tolerance. I'm such a wimp with that kind of stuff. :p
Thank you! It's just, I get injured over the stupidest things. I once was walking casually down the stairs, all of a sudden, I trip and fall down head first 11 steps. I just got up and acted like nothing happened. I was more hurt by all my friends laughing at me then anything. I guess it's more because I am so used to it.


Aug 8, 2014
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Well I could never imagine that xD worst thing that happened to me is a bruised tail bone xD


Oct 2, 2012
Reaction score
Damn. I thought some of the stuff I got was bad :/ worst injury I got was a millimetre from becoming blind, then got nailed next to my eye ;-;

That xray made my body cringe. Dont post irl pictures please - knowing me I will look anyway.


District 13
Mar 15, 2014
Reaction score
Ouch, I guess it would have hurt, but the pain tolerance though. ;)

I'm also quite the Javelin Thrower, I got into States. I don't throw anymore, but I still love the event. :)

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