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Guide How to write a great application: A guide

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District 13
Sep 1, 2013
Reaction score

The Basics:

We all know the application process on MCGamer. Toss in an application and wait for a response, right? well, sort of. The process is pretty long and if the applications are done incorrectly or poorly in the first attempt, they will be easily discarded and you’ll need to apply again - this guide is on how to avoid that very thing.

This guide will show you how applications should look, what we look for when reviewing them and more. This isn’t just about content, but presentation too. I’ll tell you guys some common issues we come across when reviewing applications and how to counter them. First off, lets take a look at the moderator application thread! It's located here.

Remember not to accidentally read the Java developer area instead - or use their template accidentally! We get a lot of applicants using the Java application although they’re trying to apply for mod. It’s not a pretty sight. Anyway, lets take a closer look at the information they give you and I’ll explain on some of the points!

Now that you’re ready, click on the handy ‘Click to expand’ tab at the bottom of the yellow coloured box holding the application template and select and copy the text! Next you’ll want to go to the MCSG Applications section and click ‘Post New Thread’ highlighted in the below image for your convenience.

Right! Now we’re cooking with gas. Next we’re going to talk about formatting so paste that little code in the text box - and whilst you’re here, type in your title. Remember, It’s your username then a dash with ‘Moderator Application’ following it. For instance, mine would be ‘LadyOfLove - Moderator Application’.

It should look something like this!

Great! Let’s get started!

It’s all well and good to just start filling out the application like this, but here’s a few things I’d suggest. Using the formatting tools under the thread title, you can change the way your application looks! I suggest keeping it neat and leaving the text at a default size. The best applications are simple with the questions bolded and the answers left as plain text - this separates the text and the questions nicely! If you’re doing this, it should look something like this:​

The reason formatting is so important is because it helps the staff read your application - when applications such as the following can cause eye strain, which can really be a bother when a senior mod is sifting through stacks of applications!
Remember, just because you can does not mean you should.

Below are some examples i’ve made using some dummy text. And trust me, these examples happen all the time.​

While we’re talking about formatting, it’s important to space your longer questions apart. Things like the first few questions (name, age, etc) don’t need so much room but paragraph answers and longer sentences do. Don’t make a whole block of text! Here are two examples, one with spacing and one without:

The spaced out questions on the second one have another purpose besides making it easier to read - This is because paragraphs show the senior staff where the subdivisions of an application begin and end, and thus help them grasp its main points. If there’s a block of text, readers are less likely to pay attention to the content as they’re trying to reach an end. It’s called pacing, and it is very important.

Questions Explained:

Well good - now that we’ve covered formatting and how to make the most readable, informative looking application we’re going to move on to the actual content of an application including some important things to keep in mind! Let’s take a look at the first group of questions.

Your name:
Your age:
Your Minecraft username:

These three are the most straight forward - so i’m hoping you guys can do these pretty easily. These three questions are pretty important for if you get hired because at the end of your interview these three pieces of information are primarily what we needed to enter into our staff database.

For your name, we would prefer it if you used your full name (Don’t worry, only the senior staff will know!) so that if you get hired, we can input your full information into our document so we can differentiate you from anyone else who has the same first name as you, or even any former staff because once you leave you’ll be moved to a retired staff list and there are a lot of names on that list. So your first and last name is preferable.

Age is pretty straight forward - you have to be above 14 years of age to apply normally. If you’re 13 years old you can apply for an age exception and go through that process to achieve the moderator position. The age exception process is in place to ensure maturity within applicants. The information for the process is located on the forums somewhere - and finding that information is up to you.

Your Minecraft username - for this, we want the account that you wish to have the rank of Moderator on so the account you use most frequently.

Do you have any MCBans? (If so, explain):
Do you have any bans or mutes on our servers? (If so, explain. If you have had a successful ban dispute, please provide a link):

MCBans is an online service where staff from servers all over the world can log offenses - like one big database. If you search your name up on it and you show up with an offense, make sure you tell us about it. Don’t worry, they rarely affect your chances here. We just want to know! Check out MCBans here: http://mcbans.com/

For the second question, we now allow bans that happened over a year ago to be on your record without affecting your chances of becoming a moderator. Well, so long as they’re not permanent! If you want to check if you have a recent offense that you’re not sure is within a year or not, contact a moderator or senior mod - mods have access to your ban dates also so they will be able to tell you. However, please still list whether you have been banned or not even if it extends beyond a year. Being as honest as possible with us about your offenses is very important.

Do you have any alt. accounts?:

Please, if you do have an alternate account - for any reason, do not avoid telling us. Some people simply state ‘yes’ or ‘I’ll tell you if I need to’ on their applications when we really do need to know. So, state whether you do or not and then list them.

Past administration or moderation experiences:
Have you posted any Abuse Reports before [Optional]?:

Although past experience isn’t particularly a necessity, it does help. It doesn’t even have to be Minecraft based - some people have been staff of different game servers, forums and such.. some have even talked about their job and leadership roles they’ve had at school. List anything you feel is relevant to your position.

You don’t have to have posted Abuse reports before if you haven’t, so don’t worry. If you prefer reporting people via teamspeak, feel free to let us know! But this question is optional.

How would you punish players for breaking the rules?:

I can’t really elaborate much on this but my advice would be is to consider yourself as a moderator in these situations - and study. Look at other moderators, look at the rules guide. Just answer logically and you’ll do fine.

Why do you believe you are qualified to be a moderator?:
In what ways would your presence benefit our staff team?:

Here’s another great question where you can talk about anything relevant - talk about your life experiences and what you feel you have that’d make you stand above other applicants. Perhaps you feel you’re a conscientious, caring individual - or perhaps you have great people skills? or maybe you want to talk about situations you’ve dealt with before that make you feel like you’re good for the job.

As for how you’d benefit our staff team, talk about practical skills you have - I can’t write much here without giving away some things, so I’ll leave this up to you!

Do you have the ability to record video?:
Do you own a microphone?:

These questions are both very important since if you can’t record videos and don’t have a microphone, you can’t be a moderator. Look into video software like Bandicam or Fraps (My personal favourite) and you’ll need a microphone to talk to the staff on teamspeak. Especially for your interview!

How much time a week are you willing to donate to help moderate our forums and servers?:
What languages (other than English) do you know, and to what level [Optional]?:
Where are you located? (Time zone):

We don’t expect you to spend 24/7 on the network, however a few hours a day is a great amount - think about what you do during your day and how much time you have to spare. Don't cut your leisure or homework time short.

Language skills are great to have around here due to our player base containing users from all across the globe. However, you won’t be looked down upon for saying you can only speak English - which is a good point: You need to be able to speak fluent English to apply for the position.

Your timezone is important so we know when to expect you around in case we need to call a meeting or something. Feel free to write down not only your timezone, but your country/state of origin - this’ll be helpful to the staff members who aren’t as good at understanding where each timezone indicates someone may live.

I, {Name Here}, accept the responsibilities by donating my own time by watching over the MCG Community and agree that any mistake or action not approved by the administration could result in a demotion, permanent ban from the network, or removal from the website.

This is the final part of the application and it’s as important as the rest. Posting the application with this agreement filled in is necessary as it means you agree to abide by the moderation guides and means that if you compromise the agreement in anyway, you understand you can be fired at anytime.

The Pending Stage:

So if your application meets the standards, you’ll receive a response stating you’ve been moved to the ‘pending’ stage - the pending stage is something I can’t really go into detail about what it entails but it involves a lot of people looking at your application. Once we have an answer for you based on that overall view, you’ll receive a response to your application stating that either you’re moving onto the interview round or your application was declined: if you were declined, I’d suggest going back and tidying up your application and directly responding to whatever reason was given for your denial.

Reasons for being declined and what they mean:
You may see some of these reasons or similarly written ones in response to your application. I’m going to explain in a little more detail what some of these common responses mean.​
My apologies, but your Moderator Application has been Declined as you are underage.
You may reapply once you’ve either reached the required minimum age to become a staff member (14 Years Old), or have filed a successful Age Exception. Make sure to follow the included guidelines.

This one is pretty straight forward. It’s either been sent if we found out you’ve lied about your age or you’ve flat out told us you were under 14. In this case, look for the age exception information or wait until you’re 14.

My apologies, but your Moderator Application has been Declined as your application is short and lacking in the necessary amount of detail.
You may reapply if you wish. Make sure to follow the included application guidelines!

This one means you haven’t given us enough information for the important sections of the applications. It can also mean your application was so short that it was immediately bypassed, however it’s more frequently that it’s alright - just needs more detail. In this case, I suggest elaborating on questions you identify as most important.

My apologies, but your Moderator Application has been Declined due to the fact that you have had a previous ban on our network that remains unpardoned within 12 months. Due to this, you may unfortunately not reapply for this position for another __ months.

This one is fairly straight forward. You were banned for an offense that, within a year, stops you from being able to become a moderator. However, due to a recent rule change, once your ban has been expired for 12 months you may apply without issue!

My apologies, but your Moderator Application has been Closed, as you have not used the correct format for your application. Please refer to this link in order to find the correct application template: http://www.minecraftsurvivalgames.c...vailable-volunteer-staff-positions-mcsg.7389

This means you didn’t use the template (which the entire first section of this guide explained how to do correctly, So i doubt any of you will have this response) or used it incorrectly, such as deleting questions or altering them. You need to keep the template as it is.

Declined due to the fact that you are a demoted moderator. You may not reapply.

Given to former staff members who were demoted, and due to the severity of their offenses can not reapply. However, some may be allowed to reapply if they gain admin permission.

Tips and tricks:

  • Do spend time on the teamspeak familiarising yourself with staff and the community in general.
  • Do use the forums to join discussions with people, it’ll help you understand the people you’re going to be helping.
  • Do read the rules page before applying.
  • Do read the frequently asked questions page.
  • Do help out on the servers. You can make a change in the community without the rank by encouraging good behaviour. We’ll notice.
  • Do spend time on different game modes. Don’t just focus on SG. Try out the creative server too!
  • Do participate in community events.
  • Do expect that we will be looking into your chat history.
  • Do use lots of examples when answering questions - ArgaJones
  • Do try to use correct spelling and grammar - ArgaJones and Zaex
  • Do ask senior staff members if you have any offenses on your record that could hinder you from becomming a mod. - @Krypton360
  • Do break your application up into easy to read paragraphs. - HolidayResort
  • Do be honest about any issues you have that you think will affect you. We’re very accepting, it won’t be as bad as you think.

Do not:
  • Do not harass the senior staff to look at your application. It may be instantly denied.
  • Do not use bright coloured text and difficult to read fonts.
  • Do not give us a huge story for ‘short’ questions such as name, age, etc.
  • Do not use the developer application
  • Do not have anyone help you with your application - it must be your own work.
  • Do not avoid telling us any of your alternate accounts
  • Do not avoid telling us about any of your offenses - it doesn’t hurt to even list anti-cheat bans.
  • Do not ask other staff/ex-staff members for their application for reference as we take plagiarism very seriously - KitMencha
Well then, now that you've read this thread.. go forth, apply, and join the team!​


Moderator | Mapping Team
Apr 10, 2014
Reaction score
This could really help everyone.
Thanks, for taking the time to help everyone with this! :)


District 13
Apr 21, 2013
Reaction score
This is great and I be it will help a lot of people and make their time applying for mod easier and less time consuming.


Mega Nonce.
May 28, 2013
Reaction score
Looks like this may have took a while. :p Hope it helps people!


Jun 27, 2012
Reaction score
Very well written! This will clear up alot for the people who'd like to apply :)


Dec 28, 2012
Reaction score
It looks like you really put a lot of work into this! Hope this helps people out :)


Apr 2, 2013
Reaction score
While this is a great guide, some part of me is saying, "If they couldn't figure this out on their own, do they deserve to be Mod to begin with?"
I certainly see where you are coming from with the "If they couldn't figure this out on their own, do they deserve Mod to begin with?" (and I agree completely)

Perhaps this thread will help tidy up the Sr Staffs job with a higher percentage of applications coming in neat and easy to read; not just a waste of time for them... I don't even want to think about the amount of mod apps those guys have to go through o.o
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