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Huahwi Conspiracies


Jul 8, 2015
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Publicity stunt. I doubt it's a coincidence he left around the same time, twice in a row.

Other youtubers are doing it too, but it's not working that well for them.


Jun 25, 2015
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I think Huahwi is moving houses because it said it in is latest video that was 2 months ago because he didn't like living with a room mate and he said he has school and needs a place where he can chill on his own, not with some room mate.


Feb 5, 2015
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This is what I believe happened to Huahwi:
He went on the annual trip to the sun to warm his hands, and on the way there he stumbled upon what he though was a black hole, which sucked him in, and turns out it was a worm hole ( :O ). The next thing he realised, he was on Pandora (yes I'm bringing Avatar into this cause I can :p ) and he is roaming the (definitely (actually, the last time I read about it, they're saying there's a very slim chance Pandora is real...) NOT fictional) Earth-like place we know as Pandora and is having so much fun teaching the Na'vi the ways of MC PVP ( _HDPlqysYT). :p
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District 13
Mar 15, 2014
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I personally think it could be for two reasons;
  • Gaining subscribers like he had done before.
  • Focusing on important stuff outside of YouTube and Minecraft (Ultimately)
Like I said, he has previously done this before, as some may call it, "a publicity stunt". He came back randomly, with close to 100k subscribers. He may be leaving again so people go out of their minds and post everywhere about him, make videos about him, give him publicity. If we all stopped caring, worrying about him I can't guarantee, but can say he'd come back sooner than if we gave his channel publicity.


Jul 3, 2015
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his mother had two strokes and hes having alot of tough times so he decided to take a break off mcsg for a while and to help his mother in china, he said he'll be back in 2016
Sep 7, 2013
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Why do you people care so much about him? He's just a regular person who has a youtube channel. I've met him and played with him 1 game, and I'm not saying this because I'm jealous or anything. He's just a normal person, like us, he's nothing different.

Ag | Alex

District 13
Jun 27, 2012
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I think this time, he didn't leave by his own free will. Something happened to Huahwi that made him, no; forced him to leave. I think that Huahwi was...MURDERED
It's the only logical explanation. I think someone was jealous of Huahwi. He had been rapidly gaining subscribers and it wasn't fair. Other MCSG youtubers had worked so hard, but all they got was a few hundred subscribers at most. Then, this guy comes along and bam! He's a hit. All the girls want him and all the guys want to be him. Clearly the man who kidnapped Huahwi is a fellow youtuber. It seems to me that this kidnapping has been in the works for a while now. Probably since Huahwi reached #3 on the leaderboards. The only problem was, if he disappeared, people would get suspicious. There would be search parties searching the globe for him. At least that's what the kidnappers thought. Yes, kidnappers. I believe there was more than one. It seems only reasonable to pull off something as large as this.

I think it means that Huahwi is just doing the same thing he did last time. Here's the thing though, he mentioned one of his breaks was to take care of his mom. Some other source told me it's because something bad happened to his mom. If this is true, then I respect his leave but if he just leaves again with no explanation and comes back to gain a boat load of subs I'll be rather pissed off again.

Huahwi needs to stay or leave, and stop doing this whatever you call it.
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I think this time, he didn't leave by his own free will. Something happened to Huahwi that made him, no; forced him to leave. I think that Huahwi was...MURDERED
It's the only logical explanation. I think someone was jealous of Huahwi. He had been rapidly gaining subscribers and it wasn't fair. Other MCSG youtubers had worked so hard, but all they got was a few hundred subscribers at most. Then, this guy comes along and bam! He's a hit. All the girls want him and all the guys want to be him. Clearly the man who kidnapped Huahwi is a fellow youtuber. It seems to me that this kidnapping has been in the works for a while now. Probably since Huahwi reached #3 on the leaderboards. The only problem was, if he disappeared, people would get suspicious. There would be search parties searching the globe for him. At least that's what the kidnappers thought. Yes, kidnappers. I believe there was more than one. It seems only reasonable to pull off something as large as this.

Cut to a few months later, Huahwi goes off the radar (for the first time). He stops playing MCSG and stops uploading videos. No one knows why, or where he went. Surprisingly, there were no search parties. Maybe Huahwi wasn't as big of a deal as everyone thought? I believe that at this point, the kidnappers decided there was no reason to continue their plan if Huahwi was already gone, so they disbanded the team. Huahwi started to fade into the past and things started to go back to normal. That was when it happened. Huahwi. Came. Back.

The kidnappers were enraged. They had thought Huahwi was gone for good. Lost within the real world, never to come back to the MCGamer network. After a few weeks, it was clear Huahwi was here to stay and the kidnappers had to re band the team. They did just that and after a few months, they succeed. They kidnapped Huahwi and I bet he's currently locked in a basement somewhere with nothing to eat but unleavened bread and tomato juice.

Now, onto who I think, or rather who I know the kidnappers are.
1) Jccandfriends - At the time, Jc had just been promoted to leader in Rebels. He hoped being a leader in the #1 clan would help his channel gain subscribers, but after a week, he had gained maybe 2. His channel was going nowhere and it was because Huahwi was taking his subs.

2) Lovelights - That's right, the prominent MCSG player. I believe he had a very large part in kidnapping Huahwi. You see, Lovelights was jealous of all the attention Huahwi was getting. Lovelights had been in the community way longer and he thought his videos were better and deserved more views. He figured the best way to get those views was to eliminate the competition.

3) myruhh7 and Spellyy - These two were also part of the gang that brought down Huahwi. You see, Mayra and Trevor had been itching to start a youtube channel for a long time, but with bigger MCSG youtubers like Huahwi in the way, they knew their channel wouldn't grow far. Once Huahwi disappeared the first time, the duo made a channel and it became mildlysuccessful. Unfortunately for them, Huahwi came back and they had to shut down their channel, hence the deleted videos. Now that Huahwi is gone again, I believe Mayra and Trevor will start uploading again.

4) Ceroria - And finally, the last kidnapper. That's right ladies and gentleman. Ceroria. Odd right? It seems he would be the one person you wouldn't suspect to kidnap Huahwi, what with him being a moderator and all. How could a trusted member of the MCGamer staff commit such a terrible crime? Exactly. Ceroria knew that if he was a staff member, no one would think of him as a suspect to the Huahwi kidnapping. So he applied for staff. He got accepted and blended in until it was time for action.

This is not a theory. This is not a suspicion or a guess. This is the truth. The true story of what happened to Huahwi and who was behind it. I suspect not long after I post this message, I will also go missing. I just felt that it was my duty as an MCGamer player to inform the community of what was going on.

I'm also not 100% sure if these are all of the kidnappers, so until this mystery is solved once and for all, DO NOT TRUST ANYONE. At this point, anyone could be lying to you. A word of advice: Stay inside, turn off your routers, and read a book. You could be next.


Aug 20, 2012
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Nobody actually knows. Even he could be lying, I stopped caring way too long ago because the guy appears to care for nothing but himself.


Oct 27, 2014
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He is moving things for mixed up or he just takes something small and takes a break and returns and lies and makes the original seem really bad. He gets sympathy and is a hero for returning. (Not being mean just a opinion)
That's what I think as well.

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