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Icarus [US/EU Division]

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Feb 8, 2015
Reaction score
- IGN: oisinplayZ
-Age: 13
-EU or US?: eu
-Previous Clans: 1
-Wins/Deaths: 128/1,112
-PvP Pro/Cons: straight up fights
-Skype name: oisinplayZ
-Why do you wish to join Icarus?: I wanted to see if I'm good enough ;P
-How will you be able to benefit the team?: ahh.... Being me, I guess
- IGN:RedUnmasked
-EU or US?:EU
-Previous Clans:None
-Wins/Deaths: 31/504
-PvP Pro/Cons: I can strafe people pretty good, but my Fns skill is't that good, I can do it but in a slow reaction time compared to other skilled users of it. With the fishing rod I tend to sometimes 'Q' it out because it is so close to the one, but that problem will soon be fixed because of the mouse I am using. (Getting a razer mouse). With a bow I am usually good but sometimes I screw up.
-Skype name: live:joshuaianson
-Why do you wish to join Icarus?: I want to improve my pvp skills but not only that, I would like to help in the clan battles to help the clan get more wins.
-How will you be able to benefit the team?: I am smart IRL which does help me in game, I once won a game by correcting someone so may times they left in the deathmatch, but they were bad at pvp anyway, so that doesn't really matter. I am willing to be used as a bait player so I can be sacrificed at any time in the game.

P.S: I will do your homework :)

(I keep editing coz i'm getting more wins :) )
Accepted as a Trial.
- IGN:ItsFruitiezYT
-EU or US?:US
-Previous ClansParadox (disbanded)
-Wins/Deaths:92/800 I reset my stats
-PvP Pro/Cons:fns bow rod and sword battles/ ice battles I hate
-Skype name: FruitiezYT
-Why do you wish to join Icarus?:this clan would be great if u had me and can help u win
-How will you be able to benefit the team?: I play fair I am very focus and mature for my age
Accepted as a Trial.
- IGN: GodHD
-Age: 14 turning 15 soon.
-EU or US?: EU
-Previous Clans: Used to be in Venex.
-Wins/Deaths: 281/3518 (Not good but improving)
-PvP Pro/Cons: Good with rod, bow. Bad in water battles.
-Skype name: defineminecraft
-Why do you wish to join Icarus?: I have friends in it c; Also, a clan sounds fun!
-How will you be able to benefit the team?: I am a good team player but I have a bit to improve.
Declined. You meet the requirements but your application is not good enough.


Feb 18, 2015
Reaction score
IGN: MacroShits (may be changed)
age : 13 (nearly 14)
No previous clan experience
win/death: can't remember and I'm having trouble logging in to check.
pros: i jitter click i can a d strafe circle strafe and I'm alright at FnS. my bow skills have been shaky recently
Skype: joeyboy1203
why: sounds like fun and i know ItsFrizzy irl (he doesn't know who i am right now LOLOLOL) also I'm getting bored of my usual HCF
why will you benefit: ok I'm not going to lie I'm not the most fine art mscg player around, I'm more a pot or soup player, however i feel like i could have fun, and seeing as from pot and soup i know how to kotkey accurately, i can strafe fairly well, and i can jitter click to do quick dropping damage, i feel like i might not be a complete waste of time

± joeyboy1203 ±


Nov 9, 2013
Reaction score
-IGN: VechHD
-AGE: 14
-EU or US: EU
-PreviousClans: #Riptide + #Violation
W/D: 266/3437
PVP Pros: FnS Clicking speed/Sword
PVP Cons: not That Good At Rods But im decent + Same With Bows
Skype: VechHD
Why do I Want To Join Icarus: Because I think Its A Nice Clan And I Have A Friend Pixel_exe in The Clan.
How Will I Benefit The team: Quite Sociable + I will try my hardest in CW's + Try My Hardest not to RAGE!!! ;)
Accept <3333


Jan 3, 2015
Reaction score
Appling for my friend Marcus ;3
- IGN: TheSantex
-Age: 14
-EU or US?: EU
-Previous Clans: XarizZa, AngryBoys, TheFifthDuck, 2swag, analZZzz
-Wins/Deaths: 32/250(before stat reset 500/2311)
-PvP Pro/Cons: Pros-Bow and sword/Cons-FnS
-Skype name: marcusvad
-Why do you wish to join Icarus?: Once upon a time.. I had a clan war vs TheStorm eu, a very bad clan. But all of my clan members died off fall damage, I cri. and killd the other clan. Then we fought u, i was beeing all badass,, but then i saw a light. first of I thought it was Jesus, but then I saw it all. GOD MADE ME FIGHT U TO REALIZE WHAT I COULD BE. I COULD BE... ICARUS. At once I wrote a Message to You (frizz) on skype, and then like stuff happened and now im kinda in Your clan page :D
-How will you be able to benefit the team?: I can promise you that ill bring some good pvp in your clan, and ill play respectfull, and I wont be immature.


Feb 17, 2015
Reaction score
I Am Re-Appplying because when I got trialed I got Declined.

- IGN: RedUnmasked
-Age: 13
-EU or US?: EU
-Previous Clans: None
-Wins/Deaths: 33/548
-PvP Pro/Cons: My sword skills are pretty good, I can strafe people pretty well, especially rod spammers. My FnS skill is sort of good, but there is room for improvement. With the rod I can use it to stun people, and to knock them into obstacles, but the accuracy of the rod isn't the best.
-Skype name: live:joshuaianson

-Why do you wish to join Icarus?: I wish to join Icarus so I can enhance my PvP skills, and also get the experience of being in a clan. ( I have once been in the middle of a clan war but I don't know which ones, they teamed on me in deathmatch I killed one and the other cleaned me up).

-How will you be able to benefit the team?: I would be very active on the weekends/ holidays, and on school days (Monday-Friday) I would still be active but not as much, because I tend to sleep when I get back from school. Also when I strafe I tend to get really good combos.

This is a video to show you how I play (Badlion 1v1):


Sep 7, 2014
Reaction score
Re-applying because I got kicked for inactivity

- IGN: Dexiality/_FnS//Huahwiiiiiii
-Age: 13
-EU or US?: EU
-Previous Clans: IcarusEU <3
-Wins/Deaths: /stats me
-PvP Pro/Cons: Bow, sword, rod and fns/Strafe
-Skype name: Dexiality
-Why do you wish to join Icarus?: Because I am back from irl problems and could apply a lot of goodness to it.
-How will you be able to benefit the team?: Well Im was the 5th best according to frizzy and I was already in it so you know how.


Feb 8, 2015
Reaction score
Re-applying because I got kicked for inactivity

- IGN: Dexiality/_FnS//Huahwiiiiiii
-Age: 13
-EU or US?: EU
-Previous Clans: IcarusEU <3
-Wins/Deaths: /stats me
-PvP Pro/Cons: Bow, sword, rod and fns/Strafe
-Skype name: Dexiality
-Why do you wish to join Icarus?: Because I am back from irl problems and could apply a lot of goodness to it.
-How will you be able to benefit the team?: Well Im was the 5th best according to frizzy and I was already in it so you know how.
Accepted as Rookie.


Sep 7, 2014
Reaction score
I Am Re-Appplying because when I got trialed I got Declined.

- IGN: RedUnmasked
-Age: 13
-EU or US?: EU
-Previous Clans: None
-Wins/Deaths: 33/548
-PvP Pro/Cons: My sword skills are pretty good, I can strafe people pretty well, especially rod spammers. My FnS skill is sort of good, but there is room for improvement. With the rod I can use it to stun people, and to knock them into obstacles, but the accuracy of the rod isn't the best.
-Skype name: live:joshuaianson

-Why do you wish to join Icarus?: I wish to join Icarus so I can enhance my PvP skills, and also get the experience of being in a clan. ( I have once been in the middle of a clan war but I don't know which ones, they teamed on me in deathmatch I killed one and the other cleaned me up).

-How will you be able to benefit the team?: I would be very active on the weekends/ holidays, and on school days (Monday-Friday) I would still be active but not as much, because I tend to sleep when I get back from school. Also when I strafe I tend to get really good combos.

This is a video to show you how I play (Badlion 1v1):
Please take the video of this section of the forums thanks


Feb 8, 2015
Reaction score
IGN: MacroShits (may be changed)
age : 13 (nearly 14)
No previous clan experience
win/death: can't remember and I'm having trouble logging in to check.
pros: i jitter click i can a d strafe circle strafe and I'm alright at FnS. my bow skills have been shaky recently
Skype: joeyboy1203
why: sounds like fun and i know ItsFrizzy irl (he doesn't know who i am right now LOLOLOL) also I'm getting bored of my usual HCF
why will you benefit: ok I'm not going to lie I'm not the most fine art mscg player around, I'm more a pot or soup player, however i feel like i could have fun, and seeing as from pot and soup i know how to kotkey accurately, i can strafe fairly well, and i can jitter click to do quick dropping damage, i feel like i might not be a complete waste of time

± joeyboy1203 ±
Declined. You did not provide all the information needed by a template.
Appling for my friend Marcus ;3
- IGN: TheSantex
-Age: 14
-EU or US?: EU
-Previous Clans: XarizZa, AngryBoys, TheFifthDuck, 2swag, analZZzz
-Wins/Deaths: 32/250(before stat reset 500/2311)
-PvP Pro/Cons: Pros-Bow and sword/Cons-FnS
-Skype name: marcusvad
-Why do you wish to join Icarus?: Once upon a time.. I had a clan war vs TheStorm eu, a very bad clan. But all of my clan members died off fall damage, I cri. and killd the other clan. Then we fought u, i was beeing all badass,, but then i saw a light. first of I thought it was Jesus, but then I saw it all. GOD MADE ME FIGHT U TO REALIZE WHAT I COULD BE. I COULD BE... ICARUS. At once I wrote a Message to You (frizz) on skype, and then like stuff happened and now im kinda in Your clan page :D
-How will you be able to benefit the team?: I can promise you that ill bring some good pvp in your clan, and ill play respectfull, and I wont be immature.
Accepted as a Trial.
-IGN: VechHD
-AGE: 14
-EU or US: EU
-PreviousClans: #Riptide + #Violation
W/D: 275/3437
PVP Pros: FnS Clicking speed/Sword
PVP Cons: not That Good At Rods But im decent + Same With Bows
Skype: VechHD
Why do I Want To Join Icarus: Because I think Its A Nice Clan And I Have A Friend Pixel_exe in The Clan.
How Will I Benefit The team: Quite Sociable + I will try my hardest in CW's + Try My Hardest not to RAGE!!! ;)
Accepted as a Trial.
I Am Re-Appplying because when I got trialed I got Declined.

- IGN: RedUnmasked
-Age: 13
-EU or US?: EU
-Previous Clans: None
-Wins/Deaths: 33/548
-PvP Pro/Cons: My sword skills are pretty good, I can strafe people pretty well, especially rod spammers. My FnS skill is sort of good, but there is room for improvement. With the rod I can use it to stun people, and to knock them into obstacles, but the accuracy of the rod isn't the best.
-Skype name: live:joshuaianson

-Why do you wish to join Icarus?: I wish to join Icarus so I can enhance my PvP skills, and also get the experience of being in a clan. ( I have once been in the middle of a clan war but I don't know which ones, they teamed on me in deathmatch I killed one and the other cleaned me up).

-How will you be able to benefit the team?: I would be very active on the weekends/ holidays, and on school days (Monday-Friday) I would still be active but not as much, because I tend to sleep when I get back from school. Also when I strafe I tend to get really good combos.

This is a video to show you how I play (Badlion 1v1):
Accepted as a Trial.
gj on the name
tenks bacca d00d, imaginatioonn flowz in 0ur soul!111!111


Feb 13, 2015
Reaction score
IGN: MattPlaysPVP
-Age: 13
-Past Clans: TeamCrits
-Win/Death Ratio: IDk
-PvP Pro/Cons: Fns/Bow
-Skype: zartash.mahmood
-Why do you want to join Icarus?: It seems like a amazing clan and i will improve thanks to you people
-How will you be able to benefit the team?: I learn stuff quick and will do anything you people say
-Problem: I can only come to play on weekends
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