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#InverseSG [EU]

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Nov 8, 2013
Reaction score
IGN: MaceyMoo666
Skype name (Pm If necessary): charlottemacexx
How many wins: Enough
Games played: Fair amount
Do you have a mic?: yes
Timezone: GMT
PvP Strengths: Everything
PvP Weaknesses: Nothing
What type of player would you say you are: An amazing one
Why do you want to be in InverseSG: Because i have a vigina
What clans have you been in previously: #NaughtyBoys
Anything else: nahhh

Is this serious?


Mar 3, 2014
Reaction score
IGN: GhostRider_RS
Skype name (Pm If necessary):GhostRider_RS ( Might appear as Itachi Gaara Ghost Byakuya Kuchiki)
How many wins:242
Games played:1478
Do you have a mic?:Right now its Ok but im getting a new one after
PvP Strengths:My pvp strengths are a bow,fishing rod, sword and a flint and steel. I usually hit every shot with a bow and flint and steel.
PvP Weaknesses:Mostly water battles when someone has a bow and arrows and I don't.
What type of player would you say you are:I am both a close range and far range player. I would mostly be a strategic player and think about what im doing before i attack.Why do you want to be in InverseSG:I want to be in InverseSG because it looks like a good clan and I also have a friend here called HD_DUDE1000.I also want to become more of a team player and enhance my pvp skills.
What clans have you been in previously:I was in a clan called #Ghosts and #NinjaPvP.
Anything else:I just want to say I hope i get accepted even though I don't have the exceptional wins and also if I don't get in good luck to everyone in MCSG. Also If i do get accepted I look forward to meeting you all. :)
Im sorry to say that you have been declined from #InverseSG for the following reasons:
-Lack of wins
Feel free to reapply again once you get more wins!

IGN: My IGN is NixGamez
Age: I am 12 years old
Skype name (Pm If necessary): nixhamez
How many wins: I have won 319 games
Games played: I have played 2063 games
Do you have a mic?: I have a mic built in my computer, that works perfectly fine
Timezone: My timezone is GMT +1 (1 hour in advance of U.K)
PvP Strengths: I am really accurate with my strafe when I do not take a long break of Minecraft, which doesn't happen often. I can rely on my bow easily without dying, though I prefer using the sword. I can land many fishing rod hits to run away, so I do not die that early.
PvP Weaknesses: I am really bad when it comes to avoid FnS, I always go melee mode, where I then get FnSed, and I have to either continue melee, or I run away. I am also bad at water fights, where people alway go under me first.
What type of player would you say you are: I am more of an offensive player, which is where I die most :S
Why do you want to be in InverseSG: I would like to be able to interact with more of the community and be able to discover more personalities.
What clans have you been in previously: I have been in #React, #Exhale
Anything else: I like Pizza Hut m8
Im glad to say that you have been accepted for #InverseSG as Trial. Feel free to come on our teamspeak (inverse.mainvoice.net) so we can trial you.

IGN: MaceyMoo666
Skype name (Pm If necessary): charlottemacexx
How many wins: Enough
Games played: Fair amount
Do you have a mic?: yes
Timezone: GMT
PvP Strengths: Everything
PvP Weaknesses: Nothing
What type of player would you say you are: An amazing one
Why do you want to be in InverseSG: Because i have a vigina
What clans have you been in previously: #NaughtyBoys
Anything else: nahhh

Im sorry to say that you have been declined from #InverseSG for the following reasons:
-Lack of detail in your app
-Lack of wins
-Ratio not good enough
Feel free to reapply with a better app, more wins and a better ratio.


May 20, 2013
Reaction score
IGN: albinthemaster
Age: I am 14 years old.
Skype name (Pm If necessary): ChainZPrivat
How many wins: 692
Games played: 1980
Do you have a mic?: Yes, I have a microphone.
Timezone: GMT +1 (Swedish Timezone)
PvP Strengths: FnS, overall sword PvP and rod.
PvP Weaknesses: Im not that good with the Bow.
What type of player would you say you are: Offencive playstyle, Good Teamplayer.
Why do you want to be in InverseSG: I think it is a really great clan and it aims to have fun wich is exactly what i want.
What clans have you been in previously: #Revelution #Voltage
Anything else: Not really.


Mar 3, 2014
Reaction score
IGN: albinthemaster
Age: I am 14 years old.
Skype name (Pm If necessary): ChainZPrivat
How many wins: 692
Games played: 1980
Do you have a mic?: Yes, I have a microphone.
Timezone: GMT +1 (Swedish Timezone)
PvP Strengths: FnS, overall sword PvP and rod.
PvP Weaknesses: Im not that good with the Bow.
What type of player would you say you are: Offencive playstyle, Good Teamplayer.
Why do you want to be in InverseSG: I think it is a really great clan and it aims to have fun wich is exactly what i want.
What clans have you been in previously: #Revelution #Voltage
Anything else: Not really.
Im glad to say that you have been accepted for #InverseSG as Member! Hop on our teamspeak (inverse.mainvoice.net) for your rank. Welcome!


Nov 10, 2013
Reaction score
IGN: ItsOnlyRotta
Age: 13
Skype name (Pm If necessary): lukas.haralden
How many wins: 664..?
Games played:2100+
Do you have a mic?: My blue snowball broke, but yeah I have one
Timezone: GMT + 02:00 I believe
PvP Strengths: FnS, Rod
PvP Weaknesses: Water fights,
What type of player would you say you are: Ehh, I don't really know. Most of you guys in #InverseSG know me, so I guess you can decide.
Why do you want to be in InverseSG: I got kicked a couple of months back, and I understand why. I kinda stopped playing MCSG, but I'm getting back into it, so I hope to join the clan again.
What clans have you been in previously: #Exoic #InverseSG
Anything else: Swag


Mar 3, 2014
Reaction score
IGN: ItsOnlyRotta
Age: 13
Skype name (Pm If necessary): lukas.haralden
How many wins: 664..?
Games played:2100+
Do you have a mic?: My blue snowball broke, but yeah I have one
Timezone: GMT + 02:00 I believe
PvP Strengths: FnS, Rod
PvP Weaknesses: Water fights,
What type of player would you say you are: Ehh, I don't really know. Most of you guys in #InverseSG know me, so I guess you can decide.
Why do you want to be in InverseSG: I got kicked a couple of months back, and I understand why. I kinda stopped playing MCSG, but I'm getting back into it, so I hope to join the clan again.
What clans have you been in previously: #Exoic #InverseSG
Anything else: Swag
Im glad to say that you have been accepted for #InverseSG as Trial (Just because we want to see if you are gonna be more active). Welcome back!
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