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Is MCSG Dying?


District 13
Apr 21, 2013
Reaction score
You r the soul reason I cry myself to sleep.
Please read your run on sentence, and see if you can find a valid point?
I know we are a community, I believe you could have inferred that, from me calling it a block game community. I'm saying if you let someone saying something a minecraft chat get to you, you should stay away from people, bleach and ropes.
Do you have to be so mean?


A good amount of new players are becoming involved in the community. They just pop up every once in a while you just don't notice them.
The only new accounts I've seen that stick are alternate accounts.
That's just form what I've noticed, of course. There's definitely new players joining, but in my personal opinion, I feel like the active community is slowly withering away.


Dec 31, 2012
Reaction score
I have not played in like 5 months i just get bored like really easy playing mcsg


Jun 9, 2014
Reaction score
yeah of like 11 year olds and gays. i cant bare a second on the mcsg ts without running into either lmao
There is absolutely nothing wrong with gay people or 11 year olds. I can't believe you had the audacity to say that. You were 11 years old once, and while there are some immature and annoying 11 year olds, some of them are quite nice. Also, there are many older people who are a lot more immature than most kids that age. As for gay people- there is absolutely NOTHING WRONG with loving someone who happens to have the same genitals as you. It's disgusting that you think gay people are something to be avoided, something you hate. I hope you realise that by saying that you're just as bad as the stupid people in this community.


Jul 16, 2012
Reaction score
I've been in this community just as long as you have, roughly the middle of the summer of 2012, and I too have noticed quite a large change in the community. Though the servers are nothing like what they used to be 2 years ago, I don't think these servers are dying, more so changing, like others have said.
1. People are leaving and at a rapid pace.
It's true that lots of people have been making good-bye threads and others just drop off the face of the planet, but that rate isn't competing the rate of new players to my knowledge. I can acknowledge that the good-bye threads have been made by active players, and many of the newer players aren't becoming part of the community, but that is at this current point in time. You never know when a bunch of new active players will show up. We've all became part of the community at different times, nothing says that there will be more further down the line.

2. There are too many hackers.
I can agree that hackers have become more common in our servers, that I can agree with and don't truly have an answer to counter that. But I don't see how an increasing in hackers could bring down our community. They're quite easy to deal with if you can gather the evidence and send it in. It may seem like a hassle to do and that should be the mods job, but sometimes you have to take matters into your own hands to do what is right.

3. The forums are dying out.
I can also agree with this, as there hasn't been many threads out there that are that interesting from what I have seen, nor people that take the time to respond to the ones that are, but that also can change. Right now may be a low time for the forums, but we don't know how it will be in a week, or a month, or a year.

4. The In-game Community has Gone Downhill
This is only something I've heard stories about. Whenever I'm playing, I never see anyone saying "gg10" or "ez", maybe like once a week, but that's nothing. I do miss the days where "gg" was considered good sportsmanship. Since times have changed I never say it anymore because it apparently makes you cocky or something. As I don't see it that much myself, I don't see this bringing the community to an end.

Not trying to say that your opinions are wrong, but that I see some of those issues a different way or not at all. I just don't see the community dying, more so changing. For the better or worse, that's up in the air right now. It will be interesting how events in the future will impact the current state of our community.


Oct 28, 2012
Reaction score
There is absolutely nothing wrong with gay people or 11 year olds. I can't believe you had the audacity to say that. You were 11 years old once, and while there are some immature and annoying 11 year olds, some of them are quite nice. Also, there are many older people who are a lot more immature than most kids that age. As for gay people- there is absolutely NOTHING WRONG with loving someone who happens to have the same genitals as you. It's disgusting that you think gay people are something to be avoided, something you hate. I hope you realise that by saying that you're just as bad as the stupid people in this community.

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