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Jimmy/Intelligent's Goodbye (mods please don't move)

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Jan 2, 2014
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Its come to this point, after a fair time playing MCGamer I have finally decided to quit, mainly due to school and parties are more fun. But as I've had an interesting experience I thought this would be one I share. Enjoy

So late 2012 after watching some Hunger Games I thought it would be a cool idea if it was within Minecraft. I searched up Minecraft Hunger Games and several things showed up, MCSG, -snip-. I had a look at the MCSG link as I knew that the -snip- was EU, when I got into the website there was a list with servers, I had finally joined the Minecraft Survival Games community. I started off well, I believe I won my 2nd or 3rd game. But this was a fluke, my 2nd win came at about 400 games and I remember having all my IRL buddies join me in my 20th win (1000th game) I continued playing with IRL friends for the majority of the time. I never really went on TeamSpeak or tried meeting new people, admittedly I was incredibly shy, people who know me now probably can not imagine it. I continued along steadily improving, I remember staying up late at night in 2013 making Huahwi's resource pack as his birthday present, for those who want to know his IGN was Boofhead120. My other IRL mate that I played MCSG with was Faogh, we went from tryharding split screen Call of Duty to me forcing him to play with me. I was hooked. Faogh then went on later to join Red Forest and become the leading all-roun1der for quite a while until he quit. In April of 2014 as a birthday present I requested donor and an optifine cape. Both of which I got (thanks mum xoxo). I had recently gotten a job and bought my own PC(500fps) which was a god sent compared to my Laptop(35-50fps), when I got my new computer I decided to go for mod. I wrote out an application and sent it to branone(a mod at the time) in the hopes he would proof read it for me. He did and said that I would probably get Interview from it. So I submit the application and get a reply, sadly the reply was me being declined. I took this as a message that I needed to mature a bit before re-applying for moderator. I continued to play, still gaining skill, creating rivalries and still not meeting new people yet. I remember meeting NachoesReloaded, a player who at the time was so much better than me. I played with him so much, then I slowed down on MCSG and went back to Call of Duty with IRL friends. Months go by, I come back about August of 2014(short break I know) and start playing. And suddenly I have started to improve rapidly with me playing even more, not winning regularly just playing cause I loved it. We get to around December, I finish school exams and go into my summer holidays. I remember first week of my holidays meeting someone on the MCSG servers, the map was Alaskan Village and he was on the account Artistic_Penguin we teamed to take out a 3 team of hackers, which we did without TeamSpeak or skype, we just clicked as a team. At this point in time I didn't realize it but I had met my MCSG brother Alex_T101 we began to chat, and chat, and chat. He would regularly get wins off me, as he was vastly better and with every fight I lost I learned how I could beat him. We became such good friends, he told me of how he was friends with darkrai202 and I was amazed. We decided to give making a clan a shot, I made the thread we called it “Molten” and after 2 weeks we had 4 members (Alex, Krysis_PvP, Boofhead 120 and Me) we had only completed one clan battle and this was a 2v2 against “Battleaxe” we won 3-1.

Weeks go by, we talk everyday and I had improved to where I was beating him 40% of the time. He still won the majority. Now it comes a time when my MC brother has to go on a family camping trip. And while he is away I make friends with HS_finest, another one of my friends that has quit. We talked everyday and I'll never forget how Harry and I had a sing off, I still have this recorded on my computer.

We talked, had 11 hour Skype calls and Snapchatted every day. Harry being the sporting prodigy he is had to go to a training thing with Sydney Football Club(AFL). For a couple of days I played by myself, and realized how much more fun it was with other people who were your friend playing with you. The couple days pass and my MC brother finally returns back to me, we start playing again. When Alex comes back he wants to disband Molten and join a new clan, Sublime. He leaves Molten, I stay. A couple days later I hear that darkrai202 has joined Sublime and Alex gives me a warning that “now Nick has joined the standards will increase” I give in and disband Molten in the hope of getting into Sublime, I apply for Sublime. I meet the whole crew of the orignal Sublime and they all become my friends(most I still talk to now). The clan progresses, now that I have joined a clan my skill has started becoming a lot better, 1.8 comes out on the MCSG servers and the rod spam in 1.8+My Razer Naga made me into a great player. I start getting good rep as a player and a non-abusive one. I pass the 1/10 dream at 4.5k games. I had finally started to become good and I was enjoying it more than ever. I played well, winning games at a rate faster than ever before.

I remember one day, everyone started leaving the Sublime chat and this was because a new clan had been made, #Poets. This clan was owned by Numbzy(ily zane) and darkrai202, this clan became infamous and dominated AU until it was disbanded. Some of the best memories that I have of #poets are during a cb against #monastery someone who will go unnamed DDoSed one of our players, and then put another on a 2 bar. 1 person lags out, another gets freeze killed and then Nick dies cause he gets cut off by a randy, but Nick took out one of the opposing clans members easily. I was left with a 1v3 situation which I did with suprising ease. My favourite memory of this clan is the memory thats still going, I still talk to everyone that I was in #poets with and we all still have a connection because of it. After #poets disband due to Alex and Nick quitting for other games (Alex for dota and Nick for CSGO) I quit to, going back to IRL stuff then later coming back to CSGO. I was getting better at CSGO and after a couple of months I got to DMG and felt I was really good (I know there will be people who will be like “DMG IS TRASH LOL” but please stfu). I come back to MCSG in early July and I hear MCSG has let 1.7 back, at first I try to play in 1.8 but I cant do it. I decided to come back on my little brothers account rather than mine as I thought I could stay a secret alt, but this didnt last as my friends found out that I had come back to MCSG. Now somehow in the time that I had quit I had gotten better, the main reason I had gotten better is that I had learned to click faster and this made me a “sword god” I go a while remaining clanless until xFaTaL_ invites me to join ExiLe v2, which I accept. I work my way up until I'm an admin in the clan, next in line to get owner. There was an AU Tournament running at the time and we were lucky enough to verse Apex basically straight away, but we got rule-sharked like mad and even though every single round we stayed alive and won pvp wise, they still got the 1-0 DQ. We had so much salt after this and I still think some of ExiLe v2 has some resentment towards the people that did this. But we cleared out the losers bracket and came back to beat them again 3-2 then again demolish them 3-0, the hype on the TeamSpeak after this was absolutly insane, you wouldn't believe it. ExiLe v2 was now #1 on this leaderboard. I found out that my friend CoDsNo65 has come back to MCSG and has aspirations of getting Moderator once again, and he wrote out his application in one night. He got mod a week later.....

With this came the offer of being an Admin in CoDsNo65's clan #purple cobras I accept and the rest is history, we got Nick to join and lets just say our #godsquad (Alex, Nick and I) were back and in full force. We cleared out AU even beating ExiLe v2 to get #1 on the AU leaderboard. The clans going along smoothly until again, Nick, Alex and I all want to quit and Purple cobras disbands(RIP) I join Philosophy for a short while, get mad at a particular member cause he just annoyed me so much(no names) p.s cough cough swoopz

After leaving I try to quit but ExiLe v2 offers me a spot in the clan so I join back and now that basically brings us up to speed.

11:30 at night but I want to get this over and done with now.

Shoutout to my homies: (first 3 are above for a reason)

Nick: Oh my Nick, how our relationship has changed. From me sucking up to you since you were #1 AU to us snapchatting and calling for hours and having DnMs. And to think if I never joined Sublime we may have never became such good friends, I remember 2v1ing you and Rob ;) I remember us 2v10ing the best clans in AU, I remember you finally admitting I was better than you. I remember us exchanging text messages at 3:00am because we couldnt be -snip- calling, aahhaha. Man Nick, I could write for hours but you already know how much you mean to me. Love you brother

Nick: “I believe Jimmy is 17”

Alex: Alex_T101 man that Alaskan game I had to carry you so hard, I remember you being a god and me being average. Then I improved and started smacking you but our memories, oh the memories. The battleaxe CB the 2v2, trying to make a clan called Gravity but changing to Molten cause another clan had that name. I remember that when we quit, you never went on skype, I didnt have your number. And we spend months not talking, then you came back and your voice had dropped, it felt so weird talking to you but at the same time it felt right. I'm so glad we met and I'm glad you scream for no reason whenever I smack you.

Cam: CoDsNo65 Cam, I owe you a lot, you've given me so many chances and your nurturing and levelheaded personality is a great value which will give you a great advantage in whatever you choose to do. I remember you first coming back to league, I remember carrying you drunk to MG. I remember recording you saying that “INVIS FIRE IS A GOOD STRAT LETS USE THAT IN CBS” when you were drunk, I just remember your laid back personality and that weird way you say “WTF”

Hayden: @whichever forum account isnt banned, the flame king, the hackusate god. But you're still such a chill human being, calling you when you were drunk at parties and then getting yelled at by your friends cause they're trying to calm you down. I remember “doolanbros do you hate me” on Kaylas ts. I remember you calling me out on badlion, and I remember when I fooled you into thinking that I hacked.

Aris: le quack oh aris I remember the times you carrying us on CSGO with 300ms I remember you clicking faster than me :[[
I remember our late night memes together and most of all I remember your distinctive laugh. Fav Asian man btw

Tom: Lebron12 the kiwi “unkillable tank” you're basically my verbal punching bag, and thank you for taking my -snip- always. I love that a measurement of how good you are is “I can sometimes trade with Jimmy” ;) I remember my first fight back getting 7 hearted by you, and before my PC died I was 7 hearting you.

Blake: Blake Thanks for ts ranks and thanks for living near me

Tim: RedRavenMC Tim omg I miss you, but dude I'm sorry I couldnt stay around long enough for you to come back, I might make special returns just for you <3. I remember forming the scuxx squad with you and I dont think I can say what we did without getting in some form of trouble. Your theme line “What a craaaaack up” still makes me laugh now thinking about it.

Luuca: AlLuc the wog -snip- machine himself, I remember our -snip- 1v1s and our CSGO sessions, when in S4 you said “I'm an entry fragger” and tried to act like you were LE, well you are now. XD
I remember when we used to snapchat heaps, I miss that man

Tom: TeeArrr I remember you getting abused so much for joining Apex I remember trying to be nice to you still, I remember smacking you on -snip- and you yelling “AUTOCLICKER!” and “You're only winning cause I'm not hacking” I remember when I first came back and you were on the opposite team(Apex) and I remember being a -snip- to you after we beat you, I'm still sorry about that to this day :/

Chris: GengarHD Oh Chris we havent really talked that much in TeamSpeak and I dont know why but you're just such a nice guy and a pvp god too ;) I remember targetting you off spawn with Alex then typing “GG -snip-” and “GG WIN BOOSTER” cause you got wins so quickly ahha

Jesse: SheIsAGoldDigga, oh Jesse our snapchat sessions and anime chats will always make me happy, our kohi fights (before I jokingly autoclicked, r1p) I remember us yelling “POT LAG!” regardless of how we died. Ahahah

Kaycee: MisterrHellfiree I barely remember you in Poets but I definently remember you now, I remember dancing in bottom lane on league with you till my lungs hurt cause of laughter. I remember fully hacking my -snip- off on you on -snip- and not getting banned.

Harry: HS_Finest Good lad, still talk to me on snapchat yeah?

Nat: @NachoesReloaded one of my first mcsg friends, I remember you being so much better than me and my friend that we were scared of you ahahha

@rest of ExiLe v2: thanks for the memories <3

@most of AU MCSG: Thanks for treating me as a god, I'm overrated and dont deserve it but you guys made my last couple of months on mcsg so enjoyable. <3

Thanks for reading this guys, spelling mistakes probably since its midnight and I worked 7 hours today.

Love most of you (If I hate you you're probably well aware)
Last edited:


Dec 23, 2015
Reaction score
I really didn't get to talk to you alot, not at all infact but you seemed really chill and from what I've been told pretty cool. Cya man, gl in that irl shiz <3


Jul 16, 2015
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Even though I really didn't know you as well as many others. I've heard great stuff about you. You will definitely be missed and I hope the best for your future! #RIPJimmy2012-2015 ;-;


Mar 15, 2014
Reaction score
I would just like to say thanks for the team who made Alaskan Village, otherwise i wouldn't be as close to this guy. Jimmy ur without a doubt my idol on this game, sometimes i used to feel u looked up to me when i gg 10 ez u, now i am like na i have to look up to you because u god me on bad frames and phone net :DDDDDDD love you brother, this isnt the end <3<3
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