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Letting out some frustration...


Nov 2, 2012
Reaction score
You see, I was afraid some people would look at this the wrong way. I am not insulting anyone. And, if I was, I am at least not insulting anyone in particular.

In regards to the top players, I don't have anything wrong with them. I was just mentioning them as a point for why I have little motivation to play anymore. (You might be confused by this but I can perfectly understand why)

Going on about the first topic, my main point was what people put in the chat afterwards. This is the reasoning behind me underlining the last part.

I can agree that perhaps I could have reworded the "top players" part but at the time, I just wanted to get some rough information out. Perhaps I can reword it later.

Edit: Did some minor rewording of said statement.
Ok, thanks for the clarifications. I definitely hear you about the chat, the amount of rude comments these days is bizarre.


District 13
May 28, 2012
Reaction score
To start off, I can't go into a normal game. Literally every game I go into, there is always someone annoying me. Typically once I go online, I get followed around by a select group of people who just seek to try and kill me. To be quite honest, I am tired of it. Earlier today I decided to get into a game and happened to play on a map I hardly recognize. In that game, I was doing fairly well although my main problem was I couldn't find a crafting table. Nonetheless, in my game was a group of people who seemed pretty competitive. I don't want to point out names, but one of the people I encountered was the generic "fishing rod/flint and steel/turn around and do a spin bowshotter. (if that makes sense :p)
I proceed to engage him in combat. After a good 10 seconds, he decides he is going to run away. Once he regenerates health, he comes back and fights again. He is about to lose, so he runs away again.
This cycle happens for about 10 mins. At one point I was just running around in circles waiting for him. I double F5 and notice that he has a flint and steel in his hand. He proceeds to use it and is disappears out of his hand. I presume it only had one use left. After this, he stops moving and appears to craft what seems like 5 flint and steel. At this point I am literally doing anything to have him fight me. I pull back my bow and just stand still. He shoots me twice and gains confidence and wants to fight now. At this point, I end up dying due to a combination of flint and steel, bow shots, and melee slashes. Once I die, the entire chat is filled with various ranks saying "GG".
This right here brings up my argument of "PvP isn't fun anymore." What I'm referring to directly is the fact that running to incorporate other strategies into your game has become a necessary factor in nearly every battle, and unfortunately, it's a ridiculously boring one. The game has changed dramatically compared to the "meta" game of mid-2012. Does this naturally happen in all online games? Yes. Is this a bad thing? Not always. I'll throw an example of how much the Survival Games PvP game has changed since then.

It's mid July of 2012, and the rush to gain a top spot on the fresh new leaderboard is very real. I join a match, and while recognized by some, no one effectively tries to chase me down and punch me to death (this will tie into the community factor later on in this post.) About 8 minutes into the match, I am one of the final 10 players left, and have a decent amount of gear. I run into the village in SG2, and see someone I can target, but he also sees me. I analyze one thing, his gear. He's at about the same level of armor points, and that's all I need to know. We bull rush each other and essentially just duke it out until someone dies in that SAME spot we started fighting in before. At most one of us tries to get a good strafe on each other. I get the advantage with a simple strafe and win the battle. I don't type GG, as I understand that this usually tilts the players.

Fast forward to August of 2013. I'm on the server, and while I shouldn't be forced to buy an alt, I understand why I do, and am enjoying my time as an unknown player on the servers. The match starts, and I make my way to my chest route with little to no problems. About 5-6 minutes later and there are 8 players left. I'm looking great gear and weapon wise with full iron and an iron sword left from picking off or sneaking up on some relatively sparsely geared players combined with my chest route. On my way back to corn I finally see another competitor who has the exact same gear as me. He acknowledges me but for some odd reason he dips out of any potential fight and starts sprint jumping the opposite way. I chase him for around 45 seconds and am quickly gaining on him. Little do I know, I'm in for a mighty obvious surprise with this fight, as I see 2 - 3 bursts of fire on the ground right in front of me. I dodge the fire and think to myself "Oh, of course!" He continues to run without engaging in any type of sword fighting. He attempts a couple of quick bow shots on me and after a solid minute of attempting he strikes one and decides it's finally a good time to engage in some real sword combat. Before this though he quickly scrolls over to his fishing rod and misses a couple of times but finally hits me twice with it effectively knocking me back and stunning me to get a couple of quick shots into me. I fight back though with my old style of fighting and strafing and somehow manage to take him down to a certain level of hearts that he is afraid to fight at. Around a minute into the chasing I become bored. He manages to get a golden apple in, along with some attempts at a turnaround bow shot. I'm bored. I'm really bored, so I decide he's not worth my time and I'll hopefully be able to fight him in a smaller arena in deathmatch. But quickly after leaving him alone he decides it's time to chase me. I finally just decide that this is ridiculous and go into the fight as bored as a goose. I lose the fight because he's drained all of my cares to give, and I log off of Minecraft realizing how much my simple beloved game has changed.

I don't exaggerate when I say that I fight players who use strategies like this in every single match. It's simply a staple to use these strategies now, and I understand and realize that nothing will change this. All I'm getting to with this post is that I agree with you Six. The community has changed, but that's guaranteed to happen over time, no matter the game.

What has been putting me off from the game hasn't been the community (though lately some members have been following me in matches and trolling me into battles with just their fists and then running every time they engage me, this is bogus), but it's been the gameplay that I run into every match. I just simply don't find it fun to play this way, and I can't comprehend how anyone does. Those are just my opinions on the subject. of gameplay and community.

It's actually a bit funny, because there was very little strategy in the game last year. The most you'd see was from the likes of Zeejayy mastering water, or me taking my targets into the trees of corn because I was simply just better at getting a kill in them. Mmm.


District 13
Jul 8, 2012
Reaction score
This right here brings up my argument of "PvP isn't fun anymore." What I'm referring to directly is the fact that running to incorporate other strategies into your game has become a necessary factor in nearly every battle, and unfortunately, it's a ridiculously boring one. The game has changed dramatically compared to the "meta" game of mid-2012. Does this naturally happen in all online games? Yes. Is this a bad thing? Not always. I'll throw an example of how much the Survival Games PvP game has changed since then.

It's mid July of 2012, and the rush to gain a top spot on the fresh new leaderboard is very real. I join a match, and while recognized by some, no one effectively tries to chase me down and punch me to death (this will tie into the community factor later on in this post.) About 8 minutes into the match, I am one of the final 10 players left, and have a decent amount of gear. I run into the village in SG2, and see someone I can target, but he also sees me. I analyze one thing, his gear. He's at about the same level of armor points, and that's all I need to know. We bull rush each other and essentially just duke it out until someone dies in that SAME spot we started fighting in before. At most one of us tries to get a good strafe on each other. I get the advantage with a simple strafe and win the battle. I don't type GG, as I understand that this usually tilts the players.

Fast forward to August of 2013. I'm on the server, and while I shouldn't be forced to buy an alt, I understand why I do, and am enjoying my time as an unknown player on the servers. The match starts, and I make my way to my chest route with little to no problems. About 5-6 minutes later and there are 8 players left. I'm looking great gear and weapon wise with full iron and an iron sword left from picking off or sneaking up on some relatively sparsely geared players combined with my chest route. On my way back to corn I finally see another competitor who has the exact same gear as me. He acknowledges me but for some odd reason he dips out of any potential fight and starts sprint jumping the opposite way. I chase him for around 45 seconds and am quickly gaining on him. Little do I know, I'm in for a mighty obvious surprise with this fight, as I see 2 - 3 bursts of fire on the ground right in front of me. I dodge the fire and think to myself "Oh, of course!" He continues to run without engaging in any type of sword fighting. He attempts a couple of quick bow shots on me and after a solid minute of attempting he strikes one and decides it's finally a good time to engage in some real sword combat. Before this though he quickly scrolls over to his fishing rod and misses a couple of times but finally hits me twice with it effectively knocking me back and stunning me to get a couple of quick shots into me. I fight back though with my old style of fighting and strafing and somehow manage to take him down to a certain level of hearts that he is afraid to fight at. Around a minute into the chasing I become bored. He manages to get a golden apple in, along with some attempts at a turnaround bow shot. I'm bored. I'm really bored, so I decide he's not worth my time and I'll hopefully be able to fight him in a smaller arena in deathmatch. But quickly after leaving him alone he decides it's time to chase me. I finally just decide that this is ridiculous and go into the fight as bored as a goose. I lose the fight because he's drained all of my cares to give, and I log off of Minecraft realizing how much my simple beloved game has changed.

I don't exaggerate when I say that I fight players who use strategies like this in every single match. It's simply a staple to use these strategies now, and I understand and realize that nothing will change this. All I'm getting to with this post is that I agree with you Six. The community has changed, but that's guaranteed to happen over time, no matter the game.

What has been putting me off from the game hasn't been the community (though lately some members have been following me in matches and trolling me into battles with just their fists and then running every time they engage me, this is bogus), but it's been the gameplay that I run into every match. I just simply don't find it fun to play this way, and I can't comprehend how anyone does. Those are just my opinions on the subject. of gameplay and community.

It's actually a bit funny, because there was very little strategy in the game last year. The most you'd see was from the likes of Zeejayy mastering water, or me taking my targets into the trees of corn because I was simply just better at getting a kill in them. Mmm.

^^^ Words from a god


Mar 30, 2013
Reaction score
I think we all have these moments in MCSG when we think the community is not at it's best. Some want nostalgia. I would've loved to see what the community was. But, what many has said, the community has changed. We have to move on from that.


Dec 8, 2012
Reaction score
I somewhat agree, the community has changed a lot, and I mean a lot. This doesn't mean it's a bad thing. I still have just as much fun as I did a year ago, honestly whenever I'm on the forums I tend to see a ton of drama and such but when I actually play, it just seems like a regular match, and about to have fun pwn'ing some noobs :)


Jan 21, 2013
Reaction score
Mean people just because your mod :( Who else sees a big old green monster on the people who target you backs :)

be proud to be mod don't care about mean people!


Community Engagement Team Representative
Jul 22, 2012
Reaction score
Sadly, Sixzo, I don't think people will understand at all. There are a lot of people who think they are in the same position: Being targeted, all the, quite frankly, insulting GG's that come from a single loss on your part, the drama that we come to the forums to see...except, no, you guys don't understand at all. Being blunt, here, this is likely why I've been on such an absence: Just waiting for that day that...something will change, because I can't stand it anymore.

You guys don't realize just how infuriating it can be for us when someone targets us, kills us, and then you can tell they had some sort of ego boost because they said "GG!" afterwards, often following up with them telling everyone they killed you. I mean no offense to anyone, I merely wish these kinds of things would change about people.
You guys think you may know the feeling, because, well maybe it's happened to you for the most part: But no, you don't. This will sound egotistical -- and maybe it is -- but whenever a "who's the best player" thread or "MCSG Legends" thread has come up, I've seen my name countless times; usually more than almost everyone else who was mentioned on the thread at all. (Except for other obvious ones that tend to have been prior to my presence: Egrodo, Sixzo, etc.) People know who I am. They see me close to the top of the leaderboards, with that shiny red tag, and one of the best W/L in the US, and close to one of the best internationally, too: All of this is great and all, but...people target me like crazy, and all it takes is some lag spike, one failure, one streak of bad luck, and people seem to get this idea that they are some fantastic player and brag about it for a while: Come on guys, look at how many times I've lost: That's about the amount of people who can brag they killed me in the games. Then you have the people from roxbot, Sixzo's PvP server thing now, and anywhere else I might have been seen...and who knows what issues I had in those places. (Roxbot's NCP last I checked had the problem where it thought everyone was aimbotting. I couldn't hit anyone. >.>)

...When you have one of the best W/L ratios, you want to maintain it. A single loss can be quite frustrating...especially when you lag out of games frequently now because your internet provider sucks.
...When it gets to the point that people seem to think they've earned some sort of rank for killing you, you dying to someone you know isn't actually all that amazing is quite frustrating.
...But you also know what's annoying? After a day of all this, we come back as staff members to do our job, and what do we get? Nothing pretty, that's for sure. Spending a half an hour catching a hacker, uploading the evidence, etc. Oh, let's look at the forums and see what fun- nevermind, just another "the staff is horrible" because someone was banned...*Looks at report abuse section*...so who's up to go deal with 23 reports? Anyone?
Don't get me wrong, either. I loved being a staff member, to help the community...it's just really demoralizing that for all we do, all we get is people talking bad about us, and this on top of my frustration from just a loss or two in game that I felt shouldn't have happened...I couldn't take it anymore. Probably all that kept me for so long was those people on here I really do enjoy talking to: The staff, in staff channels, where we goof off on plenty of occasions to keep ourselves sane from all the complaining that we have to deal with all day.

And even with all this being said, I bet you guys still don't understand...if only it were that easy for you guys to be able to put yourselves in the shoes of a highly leaderboard ranked staff member for a day...I can tell gravey4rd is in this position right now himself...at least for the games part, as to my knowledge, he's not actively reading the forums or on TS as much as some of the rest of us. (And there's not necessarily anything wrong with that.)

I can see a few people, as they read this post, saying in their heads "Wow, this guy can't even lose a game without losing his cool?" "He can't take a few "insults" like a man?" or something along those lines...and this is why it's so hard to make you guys understand. When you've been putting up with it constantly for this long... When you earn a "high rank", whether it be for staff or for the leaderboards, and you realize the community recognizes it... You can't help but feel insulted or frustrated at the little things, the little things that effect what you've worked so hard to earn. You can't help but get sucked into things and feel the pressure of your failure in your head...sometimes, people just don't understand how things are in the shoes of someone in that position, and until they are put into them, they never will understand.

Edit: I wrote this as if I was still a staff member. It'll take me a while to get used to, I guess. All still applies, though, as it's reflected my thoughts over the course of my time as a staff member.


Dec 8, 2012
Reaction score
Sadly, Sixzo, I don't think people will understand at all. There are a lot of people who think they are in the same position: Being targeted, all the, quite frankly, insulting GG's that come from a single loss on your part, the drama that we come to the forums to see...except, no, you guys don't understand at all. Being blunt, here, this is likely why I've been on such an absence: Just waiting for that day that...something will change, because I can't stand it anymore.

You guys don't realize just how infuriating it can be for us when someone targets us, kills us, and then you can tell they had some sort of ego boost because they said "GG!" afterwards, often following up with them telling everyone they killed you. I mean no offense to anyone, I merely wish these kinds of things would change about people.
You guys think you may know the feeling, because, well maybe it's happened to you for the most part: But no, you don't. This will sound egotistical -- and maybe it is -- but whenever a "who's the best player" thread or "MCSG Legends" thread has come up, I've seen my name countless times; usually more than almost everyone else who was mentioned on the thread at all. (Except for other obvious ones that tend to have been prior to my presence: Egrodo, Sixzo, etc.) People know who I am. They see me close to the top of the leaderboards, with that shiny red tag, and one of the best W/L in the US, and close to one of the best internationally, too: All of this is great and all, but...people target me like crazy, and all it takes is some lag spike, one failure, one streak of bad luck, and people seem to get this idea that they are some fantastic player and brag about it for a while: Come on guys, look at how many times I've lost: That's about the amount of people who can brag they killed me in the games. Then you have the people from roxbot, Sixzo's PvP server thing now, and anywhere else I might have been seen...and who knows what issues I had in those places. (Roxbot's NCP last I checked had the problem where it thought everyone was aimbotting. I couldn't hit anyone. >.>)

...When you have one of the best W/L ratios, you want to maintain it. A single loss can be quite frustrating...especially when you lag out of games frequently now because your internet provider sucks.
...When it gets to the point that people seem to think they've earned some sort of rank for killing you, you dying to someone you know isn't actually all that amazing is quite frustrating.
...But you also know what's annoying? After a day of all this, we come back as staff members to do our job, and what do we get? Nothing pretty, that's for sure. Spending a half an hour catching a hacker, uploading the evidence, etc. Oh, let's look at the forums and see what fun- nevermind, just another "the staff is horrible" because someone was banned...*Looks at report abuse section*...so who's up to go deal with 23 reports? Anyone?
Don't get me wrong, either. I loved being a staff member, to help the community...it's just really demoralizing that for all we do, all we get is people talking bad about us, and this on top of my frustration from just a loss or two in game that I felt shouldn't have happened...I couldn't take it anymore. Probably all that kept me for so long was those people on here I really do enjoy talking to: The staff, in staff channels, where we goof off on plenty of occasions to keep ourselves sane from all the complaining that we have to deal with all day.

And even with all this being said, I bet you guys still don't understand...if only it were that easy for you guys to be able to put yourselves in the shoes of a highly leaderboard ranked staff member for a day...I can tell gravey4rd is in this position right now himself...at least for the games part, as to my knowledge, he's not actively reading the forums or on TS as much as some of the rest of us. (And there's not necessarily anything wrong with that.)

I can see a few people, as they read this post, saying in their heads "Wow, this guy can't even lose a game without losing his cool?" "He can't take a few "insults" like a man?" or something along those lines...and this is why it's so hard to make you guys understand. When you've been putting up with it constantly for this long... When you earn a "high rank", whether it be for staff or for the leaderboards, and you realize the community recognizes it... You can't help but feel insulted or frustrated at the little things, the little things that effect what you've worked so hard to earn. You can't help but get sucked into things and feel the pressure of your failure in your head...sometimes, people just don't understand how things are in the shoes of someone in that position, and until they are put into them, they never will understand.

Edit: I wrote this as if I was still a staff member. It'll take me a while to get used to, I guess. All still applies, though, as it's reflected my thoughts over the course of my time as a staff member.
Too G33ke, didn't read.

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