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Letting out some frustration...


Jun 7, 2013
Reaction score
How about they get rid of all fishing rods and flint and steel? People will be forced to use only swords and bows...
Less strategy, it's annoying when people swim for ages whilst still fishing rodding you back, but the fishing rod can be used effectively at times. If people be annoying I either destroy them and humiliate them as best I can or I just leave them. I'm about to board a plane and I don't have much time, I will probably post a very thought out post later.


Sep 5, 2012
Reaction score
Sadly, Sixzo, I don't think people will understand at all. There are a lot of people who think they are in the same position: Being targeted, all the, quite frankly, insulting GG's that come from a single loss on your part, the drama that we come to the forums to see...except, no, you guys don't understand at all. Being blunt, here, this is likely why I've been on such an absence: Just waiting for that day that...something will change, because I can't stand it anymore.

You guys don't realize just how infuriating it can be for us when someone targets us, kills us, and then you can tell they had some sort of ego boost because they said "GG!" afterwards, often following up with them telling everyone they killed you. I mean no offense to anyone, I merely wish these kinds of things would change about people.
You guys think you may know the feeling, because, well maybe it's happened to you for the most part: But no, you don't. This will sound egotistical -- and maybe it is -- but whenever a "who's the best player" thread or "MCSG Legends" thread has come up, I've seen my name countless times; usually more than almost everyone else who was mentioned on the thread at all. (Except for other obvious ones that tend to have been prior to my presence: Egrodo, Sixzo, etc.) People know who I am. They see me close to the top of the leaderboards, with that shiny red tag, and one of the best W/L in the US, and close to one of the best internationally, too: All of this is great and all, but...people target me like crazy, and all it takes is some lag spike, one failure, one streak of bad luck, and people seem to get this idea that they are some fantastic player and brag about it for a while: Come on guys, look at how many times I've lost: That's about the amount of people who can brag they killed me in the games. Then you have the people from roxbot, Sixzo's PvP server thing now, and anywhere else I might have been seen...and who knows what issues I had in those places. (Roxbot's NCP last I checked had the problem where it thought everyone was aimbotting. I couldn't hit anyone. >.>)

...When you have one of the best W/L ratios, you want to maintain it. A single loss can be quite frustrating...especially when you lag out of games frequently now because your internet provider sucks.
...When it gets to the point that people seem to think they've earned some sort of rank for killing you, you dying to someone you know isn't actually all that amazing is quite frustrating.
...But you also know what's annoying? After a day of all this, we come back as staff members to do our job, and what do we get? Nothing pretty, that's for sure. Spending a half an hour catching a hacker, uploading the evidence, etc. Oh, let's look at the forums and see what fun- nevermind, just another "the staff is horrible" because someone was banned...*Looks at report abuse section*...so who's up to go deal with 23 reports? Anyone?
Don't get me wrong, either. I loved being a staff member, to help the community...it's just really demoralizing that for all we do, all we get is people talking bad about us, and this on top of my frustration from just a loss or two in game that I felt shouldn't have happened...I couldn't take it anymore. Probably all that kept me for so long was those people on here I really do enjoy talking to: The staff, in staff channels, where we goof off on plenty of occasions to keep ourselves sane from all the complaining that we have to deal with all day.

And even with all this being said, I bet you guys still don't understand...if only it were that easy for you guys to be able to put yourselves in the shoes of a highly leaderboard ranked staff member for a day...I can tell gravey4rd is in this position right now himself...at least for the games part, as to my knowledge, he's not actively reading the forums or on TS as much as some of the rest of us. (And there's not necessarily anything wrong with that.)

I can see a few people, as they read this post, saying in their heads "Wow, this guy can't even lose a game without losing his cool?" "He can't take a few "insults" like a man?" or something along those lines...and this is why it's so hard to make you guys understand. When you've been putting up with it constantly for this long... When you earn a "high rank", whether it be for staff or for the leaderboards, and you realize the community recognizes it... You can't help but feel insulted or frustrated at the little things, the little things that effect what you've worked so hard to earn. You can't help but get sucked into things and feel the pressure of your failure in your head...sometimes, people just don't understand how things are in the shoes of someone in that position, and until they are put into them, they never will understand.

Edit: I wrote this as if I was still a staff member. It'll take me a while to get used to, I guess. All still applies, though, as it's reflected my thoughts over the course of my time as a staff member.
Hey bud, you aren't the only person who gets targeted every damn game and people always say gg after. So please don't be pitiful, because people go through the SAME hardships that are in the top 5, but do you see HotDog, I, Noah, Elgoldo complaining? No. It's a part of the game.


Apr 8, 2013
Reaction score
What's wrong with people saying "GG". When people say that, it makes my day. At least their not like the people who go like "Hahahha noob i beat you lololol". When people say GG it makes me feel happy. Unless if people say "GG Noob" then I see where you're coming from.
I fought somebody high up on the leaderboards on sixzo's server and said gg when I won and they exploded, saying stuff like 'how would you like it if I said gg to you when I beat you?'. I swear saying gg used to be considered courteous ;-;


Dec 8, 2012
Reaction score
I fought somebody high up on the leaderboards on sixzo's server and said gg when I won and they exploded, saying stuff like 'how would you like it if I said gg to you when I beat you?'. I swear saying gg used to be considered courteous ;-;
Same, after I killed someone and said "GG" he told me the definition of good game and started lecturing me ...


Jun 7, 2013
Reaction score
I fought somebody high up on the leaderboards on sixzo's server and said gg when I won and they exploded, saying stuff like 'how would you like it if I said gg to you when I beat you?'. I swear saying gg used to be considered courteous ;-;
Some people just get frustrated cause they get told gg when they get targeted, I say gg when I fight a hard fight or to show respect, if anyone ever gets annoyed by my gg then sorry :(


Nov 8, 2012
Reaction score
Really well said Sixzo. Have you tried playing on alts?


Feb 27, 2013
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Another thing that probably annoys everybody is being targeted off spawn for the sheer fact that you have a lot of points. I have literally been chased off spawn till about refill when I just quit. Also, when people brag about 'having a lot of points'. I try to explain to them that points really mean nothing, with the release of the bounty system, and that wins show a lot more skill than points. I had around 2k points, and I was tired of getting targeted, so I bountied all of them. After that I joined a game and was immediately called a noob because I had no points. People like this ruin the fun aspect of the servers.


Jan 18, 2013
Reaction score
I can't say i am in the same position as you, but I have been tryharded before. But not for the same reason as you, i have been tryharded for having lots of points, doing #Rebels or even for being a fruit. To be honest, i rage from being tryharded 5 times in the same day, i even made like 10 memes about it and put it as my Teamspeak avatar, Exampe:

Then on a day in June, i had a 20 somethin losing streak, then i just gave up... my donor ran out and ive been either offline or playing some other server, i don't know exactly why I got tryharded but i had trouble playing the game, and magicly when i came back in July and didn't get tryharded anymore.

Anyways, thanks Sixzo for making this thread, and yes i realize i said tryharded 5 times.


Jul 17, 2012
Reaction score
use alt accounts so people don't know who you are. . ?


Aug 24, 2012
Reaction score
You don't face these problems alone Sixzo, every high-ranked player deals with this. Being the #1 Australian player I get it more than most and the amount of times I want to scream at them, the amount of times I want to rant on the forums about it... I respect you for actually doing so.

I really wish GG was part of the swear filter.. lol, that would be amazing although it wouldn't happen.

Sadly, Sixzo, I don't think people will understand at all. There are a lot of people who think they are in the same position: Being targeted, all the, quite frankly, insulting GG's that come from a single loss on your part, the drama that we come to the forums to see...except, no, you guys don't understand at all. Being blunt, here, this is likely why I've been on such an absence: Just waiting for that day that...something will change, because I can't stand it anymore.

Coming from a high ranked player myself believe me, I understand. Yourself and Sixzo aren't the only people that get that, I really hope you understand that. As infuriating as being targeted and having 'GG' insults thrown at you (Yes, I said insults as that is how I perceive them now. Saying GG used to be respectful, saying you put a good fight up now it's a way to anger players upon killing them) you really have to deal with it, as a high ranked player did you expect wins to be handed to you on a silver platter? I personally take getting targeted, teamed, etc as an extra challenge for me to overcome.

In my personal opinion dying, losing a game, getting teamed on, targeted and lagging out (Probably the worst one as you can't control it unlike the rest) are really fine but what really just enrages you is the fact they said good game, the fact they'll brag to all their friends how they unfairly killed one of the best players, etc. I've personally took a break from MCSG for 2 months due to this, I look back on it and say to myself.. "Man, I needed to take a break getting frustrated over being targeted in a game.. wow" but now I realize that it's only natural, every other player gets it.

...When you have one of the best W/L ratios, you want to maintain it. A single loss can be quite frustrating...especially when you lag out of games frequently now because your internet provider sucks.
I can't really say I've felt that as my W/L is only 30% (I consider that pretty bad) I've never had a great win loss as I started out terrible, not to mention my Internet sucks (See signature :p) I guess I can try to understand though, my W/L used to be at 15% and I can't really say I was ever happy lagging out of games or getting targeted as that made it worse. I tried to get it up to standard to be considered 'good' and losing games can be frustrating as it makes it worse.

...When it gets to the point that people seem to think they've earned some sort of rank for killing you, you dying to someone you know isn't actually all that amazing is quite frustrating.
Agree 100%, nothing else needs to be said.

...But you also know what's annoying? After a day of all this, we come back as staff members to do our job, and what do we get? Nothing pretty, that's for sure. Spending a half an hour catching a hacker, uploading the evidence, etc. Oh, let's look at the forums and see what fun- nevermind, just another "the staff is horrible" because someone was banned...*Looks at report abuse section*...so who's up to go deal with 23 reports?

Oh god yes, some of the community will never understand that the staff actually tries to help you guys have an enjoyable experience, the staff aren't 'bad guys' who want to ruin MCSG.

To think I started writing this post because my Internet lagged out, lol...


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