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Luckiest MCSG moment

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District 13
Oct 24, 2012
Reaction score
I was playing on Survival Games #1, this is one of my worst maps. I hate it with a passion mainly because I don't have a route, Well, I do, but It isn't that efficient, so I don't consider it a route at all, lol. But anyways, I was on Survival Games #1, after running my 'Route' I came out with a Leather Cap, and a Wooden Axe. On my way back to corn, over the bridge, it turns out I was being followed. Now, I knew I was able too kill the user in a normal 1v1, but I was way under Geared for what he was wearing. Full Iron, and a Diamond sword. (I think on the diamond sword; not 100%, hence I think I just got a flash of it while I was sprinting away, can't be 100% on this). Anyways, at the time, I just assumed that he did indeed have a Diamond sword, which left me no chance. So instead, I ran, ran some more, and ran some more. We reached corn, turns out there was another user there. As I looked behind me, I saw the user in Iron/Diamond has left me alone, and there was just a hopeless guy standing there with a diamond in his hand, inside the crafting table... Nomnom. Anyways...

I don't know how to quote more hen 1 person :/ so I'll just quote the longer one.

I sprinted for the user crafting, got a few hits on him, but it was just a few seconds later he turned around and started laying hits on me. He got my pretty low, so I sprinted away from him. As I'm running through the trees (Again) the iron guy just randomly jumped down from the tree, and one hit the guy with a diamond sword in the face. He then looked at me, and said, from the Movies, 'Just this time #2 (My district)' and then he tossed me the diamond sword. As soon as I got the sword, I sprinted after my route, gathered a bunch of gear, I still wasn't the strongest of all users, but I had my Prot 2 chain helmet, and a bit of gold. On my way back over the bridge, I confronted the user who gave me the diamond sword and said that 'famous' quote. He was directly on the other side of the bridge of me, with only Five air blocks in the middle of us. I turned around and sprinted off (I was recently low due to fail parkour) after him chasing me again, we did sort of a circle, and ended up back on the bridge. As I went to jump across the bridge, mid air, I turned around, shot the user once with my arrow, and he dropped dead. I have no idea how he was so low... Anyways, I landed a block to high, just one block, and also died. Where then a user with a leather Helmet, and a sapling runs over, and picks up all of our stuff, and ends up winning the games.

I guess it isn't really my luckiest/best story, but the Arrow show forced me too share it :p As you can see, I started with just a Leather Helmet, and almost came back too win, just like the user that got our stuff, the main point is... Never give up! :p I win 1/2 my games by not getting anything on my route, and simply; joining fights already started, Flint and Steel, pulling an Egrodo (Where you quickly do a 180 degrease turn, and hit the user behind you with an arrow) Keep in mind that's what I just call it. So yeah, don't expect to Win/Lose just because you have Worse/Better gear, you never know what happens in the might world of the Survival Games. :p

So yeah, in the end, I wasn't the luck one, I guess, so we'll just call that Leather Cap guy the lucky one. ;)

Chosen One

Aug 11, 2012
Reaction score
Well, my luckiest moment ever was on Breeze Island.

The game had started and I climbed up a hill by the bridge overlooking corn. I knew there was a chest close and started looking for it. I found one and got some food, but I knew there was another one.

I looked around for awhile, and finally found it. I got some leather armor and a stick. I left the chest and went back to the bridge. I saw a guy across the way with decent armor and a stone sword. He noticed me, and thus ensued the greatest chase in MCSG history (not really).

I started running around, with the dude closing in with every step. I tried climbing trees, randomly smashing through leaves, and whatever I could without going down the mountain/hill (there was a massive fight of about 8 people around the base of the hill and they all had decent stuff). I circle around back to the bridge, where ANOTHER dude is waiting, with leather armor and a stone axe. (the 2 weren't partners though)

The first guy comes running in, sees the 2 of us, and stops.

"We should team up and kill him(me)" said the first guy. This dude had kinda been a *enter curse word here* in the lobby. So, the second guys response was "no". During this dialogue, I try to sneak off. The first guy starts chasing me AGAIN, with the other guy chasing us both.

By this time the epic fight at the base of the hill had concluded. I started trying to look for a quick way down. Eventually I end up back at the bridge with the 2 guys still chasing me.

The first dude runs at me and I dodge. He stops with only open air in front of him. I quickly turn and whack him with my stick. He falls over the edge to his death (me+5 points :D).

The other guy catches up (he had fallen behind). I run again and get to a spot overlooking the corn. I have nowhere to go. So I keep running and jump, falling 40+ blocks into THE WATER around the corn, and survive. The dude tries to follow me, but he lags as he starts to jump, and doesnt get enough distance. He dies, and I take his stuff. I go on to lose at beginning of deathmatch:p

*I claim the record for longest post on this thread*:D
Oct 15, 2012
Reaction score
Well, my luckiest moment ever was on Breeze Island.

The game had started and I climbed up a hill by the bridge overlooking corn. I knew there was a chest close and started looking for it. I found one and got some food, but I knew there was another one.

I looked around for awhile, and finally found it. I got some leather armor and a stick. I left the chest and went back to the bridge. I saw a guy across the way with decent armor and a stone sword. He noticed me, and thus ensued the greatest chase in MCSG history (not really).

I started running around, with the dude closing in with every step. I tried climbing trees, randomly smashing through leaves, and whatever I could without going down the mountain/hill (there was a massive fight of about 8 people around the base of the hill and they all had decent stuff). I circle around back to the bridge, where ANOTHER dude is waiting, with leather armor and a stone axe. (the 2 weren't partners though)

The first guy comes running in, sees the 2 of us, and stops.

"We should team up and kill him(me)" said the first guy. This dude had kinda been a *enter curse word here* in the lobby. So, the second guys response was "no". During this dialogue, I try to sneak off. The first guy starts chasing me AGAIN, with the other guy chasing us both.

By this time the epic fight at the base of the hill had concluded. I started trying to look for a quick way down. Eventually I end up back at the bridge with the 2 guys still chasing me.

The first dude runs at me and I dodge. He stops with only open air in front of him. I quickly turn and whack him with my stick. He falls over the edge to his death (me+5 points :D).

The other guy catches up (he had fallen behind). I run again and get to a spot overlooking the corn. I have nowhere to go. So I keep running and jump, falling 40+ blocks into THE WATER around the corn, and survive. The dude tries to follow me, but he lags as he starts to jump, and doesnt get enough distance. He dies, and I take his stuff. I go on to lose at beginning of deathmatch:p

*I claim the record for longest post on this thread*:D
Chosen One has taken the lead!


Aug 20, 2012
Reaction score
I got full iron armour and stone sword within 1 minute 12 seconds of the game. the quickest time to get full iron armour. can anyone beat that? ;)
If we're talking about quickest set of iron armor, 20 or so seconds. Including stone sword, 24 seconds. I got a diamond sword at the 2-3 minute mark same game.


Apr 29, 2012
Reaction score
If we're talking about quickest set of iron armor, 20 or so seconds. Including stone sword, 24 seconds. I got a diamond sword at the 2-3 minute mark same game.
Attacked by someone with full iron and diamond sword 50-70 minutes ingame...


Oct 20, 2012
Reaction score
I was hunting a dia + full iron armour guy, I hit him off a building, and he landed in a fire where I had used by flint and steel. Fall damage helped me kill him.

Picked up the stuff and went on to win.


District 13
Jul 5, 2012
Reaction score
I was hunting a dia + full iron armour guy, I hit him off a building, and he landed in a fire where I had used by flint and steel. Fall damage helped me kill him.

Picked up the stuff and went on to win.
seems legit


May 11, 2012
Reaction score
My luckiest moment just happened 5 minutes ago! :)
So I was playing on the Teweran SG (which I am really bad at only having played it 4 times..) and I go for the chests in the middle under the ice, I get an iron chestplate and a stone sword, then i kill the guy next to me and get iron leggins and chain boots... Then I begin hitting people around the middle and begin chasing that guy with some golden armour and an iron helmet. The player asks for a truce, I say no and I kill the guy. 2 minutes after the game began I find myself with full iron armour (except for the chain boots) and some other stuff and enough iron ingots to make an iron sword :) Me having no route just stayed around spawn and soon I spot someone and kill that player too, then I wait and see a team of two players heading to spawn, I sneak attack them and kill them both... Now it was me and three others left. I go to something that looked like a village and find someone trapped in a well :p I use my arrows to kill that player... Then the two others (that I found out were a team:eek:) and me get TPed to spawn. I kill the first guy who had some decent armour and an iron sword and then it was me and the other guy left who had a diamond sword (I had a iron sword), a diamond helmet and diamond boots (I had full iron armour). Well after a long close-combat I finally kill the player :D

So yeah I think having full iron armour and an iron sword at the beginning, killing two teams (7 players :cool:) and winning on a map that I was new to is pretty lucky...
And I went from 40 points to 175... :cool:

Edit: I now remember I killed someone else too... that's 8 players :eek:


Nov 12, 2012
Reaction score
I was climbin' the pirate ship this morning and looked up just in time to see a guy fly off the edge of the sails when I assume he tried climbing down to ambush me. Was pretty epic that he managed to hit me before landing.

Took his iron armor and sword for meself then lost in DM to some jerk in leather armor with diamond sword. :p


Jun 26, 2012
Reaction score
My luckiest moment was probably yesterday. So on Breeze Island I normally have a good route. But alot of people knew of it so I tried something else after getting some iron leggings from spawn I just take a random mountain and start climbing it. After searching a while I find this one chest in a tree I was about to take it as I see 2 people coming with both a stone sword ,one of them had some gold armor.

So I ran away hoping I lose them I go behind the leaves of the tree. He sees me and runs around the leaves to kill me. As desperate as I was I start fisting him ; hitting him of the mountain and dieing .

I proceed to jump down and get myself to 3 hearts. I pick up his stuff and regen. Right in time to see his friend dropping down on me. I shoot 2 arrows in him get some hits on him and ... done.

Pick up his stuff to going in dm. When dm started I see a guy in full iron so I run jumping over the lava trap and climbing up. The guy chases me but from the second hes on the lava trap I jump down on the press. plate and open the trap.

The guy falls and I win ,I thought I was recording but unfortunatly it got messed up. Either way it was an awesome game for me. :)


Oct 6, 2012
Reaction score
ok for my story i teamed with 3 people one i skype with one i didnt we went on my route and got leather/gold armor eventually this was on map 1 at the start i got a stone sword near corn and gold chest at corn we went to a house with crafting table and furnace and i got two chests there got 1 iron and a stone sword and some leather i shared it out with my team we stayed there till refill and then went to the twin towers and got iron helm and iron ingot i went back to the house to make iron sword while my team went to pirate ship after that we went to corn to take it i got there first after a long walk and was waiting for my team when i saw that the guy at corn had full iron and a diamond sword but he was crafting so i sneaked up and killed him while he crafted got his Good and took corn me and my team pvp and only me and my skype friend survived my other team member died refill happened again and we eventually both had full iron and diamond swords but i had to go so my friend won for me his name is luke3666rocks we are not that good but we have some brilliant plans :)

another one that i won was on the same map i had chain leggings gold cap and iron boots but only a leather chest i remained that way throughout the game but managed to get a diamond sword problem was there was 5 people left me one other person and a three team all in iron with iron swords i camped at corn in a tree and some guy went to corn i fought him and he nearly killed me (he had shitter stuff than me) i ran and at that moment the three team went into corn and killed my pursuer i used a golden apple and went back to find one snuck off and the two ironers left fought one died i killed the remaining ironer and the sneaker came up behind me and tried to kill me i killed him as while while injured from the first one and won

lucky thing 3 i didn't win but on map two i went to a tower with an obsidian front when i went onto the trees to go to my next chest i was attacked by a guy with a stone sword i had nothing and i managed to kill him by knocking him off the tree i went down and collected his stuff and got iron chest and gold leggings at top of the tower anyway i came third to two teamers with diamond swords after i managed to end up with iron chest iron leggings chain helm gold boots and diamond sword so :(
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