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Map Review of Every 24-Player MCSG Map


District 13
May 24, 2012
Reaction score
So I have seen much controversy over the last couple of months regarding maps. (I feel like it started around the Winds of Change Update.)

Anyway, I have decided to become my own Map Committee and give my opinion of all the maps on the servers at this point. Whether or not MCSG decides to take my thoughts into consideration is up to them, I am only making this to voice my opinion and to entertain myself.

Some things to note: Red text = remove, green text = keep. I am only reviewing 24 player maps. If I forgot one, let me know.

Let us start with Survival Games 1-5: There is not much to say about these, whether you hate them (SG 1,2,3,5) or love them (SG4) they are not/should not go anywhere. They are too nostalgic. There is way too much history with these maps. SG1 was the map that started it all, SG2 is the REAL most popular map of all time (all you BETA and v1 players know what I am talking about), SG3, despite being painfully large, is another classic, Sg4, well, it is SG4, and SG5 is good in its own way. Either way we look at it the Vareide Maps are going to be on the servers until the end of time, and they should be.

Breeze Island: This small island is another classic. It isn’t going anywhere. If it was tiered correctly (I believe MCSG is fixing this) then it would go back to being played almost more than every other map. Breeze Island you are safe.

Teweran Survival Games 1: This is the same as Breeze to me. There is too much history with this map. Just tier it correctly and it could become a well liked map. (It is already well liked by me.

Teweran Survival Games 2: This is a fan favorite: tiered great, great builds, and great gameplay. This map too is safe.

Teweran Survival Games 3: This map is arguably the best-built map on the servers. It truly looks amazing. However, the gameplay is horrible. The cornucopia is a challenge in itself and not to mention the shear size and complexity of the map. I always keep in mind when I am building: “It can look like the best thing in the world, but if it is not good for gameplay, do not make it a map.” For this reason, I believe TSG3 should be cut from the mix.

Fallen Empire: No one ever gave this map a chance. It looks beautiful and has good gameplay. (It is a bit large, but some maps are.) However, I never see this map-making a “rebound” because it has fallen to deep into the “never voted, must be awful category”. This map should be removed due to the lack of popularity and the fact that it may not ever make a comeback.

Solar Frost: Like Breeze Island and TSG1, this map has too much history. Plus the short gameplay and interesting builds make for a good time on this map.

Fortress Pyke: This is a very fun and interesting map. The builds are cool, and the gameplay is nice as well. A revamp of this map is probably due though as most of the builds are becoming "outdated". Definitely a keeper, just needs some work.

Winds of Change: The best island map currently on the servers. I don’t think it should go anywhere and I think it is one of the better adds in the last year. It just needs a few more tier 2s and gameplay would be amazing. Also, make that death match arena bigger. xD

Chernobyl 2015: This map is good for gameplay and has a steadily growing popularity. I see nothing wrong with it. Chests are balanced and builds are very nice. This is a very solid map.

Holiday Resort: This is a fun and interesting theme executed very, very well. I am a big fan of the map. The chest routes are great, the builds are great: Nothing wrong here.

Lobby Games: No comment…

Icarus: This has to be the most unique themed map on the servers. It has very, very nice builds and well-tiered chests. It also brings a different aspect to gameplay, which I find nice. Icarus is safe. :p

Survival Games Ancient Japan: I was thrilled when I saw this classic map brought back. It has very nice builds and a cool layout. Maybe add some more tier 2s and different things around the outside were it is mostly blank and this becomes a very nice map.

Origins (Requiem v2.0): The cornucopia looks nice. The trees are also very nice. But gameplay (much like TSG3) just doesn’t make the cut. Whether it is falling off the crazy structure or playing 20-30 minute games, the gameplay is just lacking on this map. It failed my balance of looks/gameplay test.

Memory of Earth: This was a more disappointing RF map. The builds, while they look impressive from afar, are not all that impressive when you take away the colossal trees and vines that are covering them. The terraforming is sloppy in several places and it is just too big and laggy to enjoy gameplay. It is a great idea, don’t get me wrong, but it wasn’t executed as well as I know RF can make a map.

The Eye of Horus: This is another “TSG3 Effect” map. I feel that the builds are some of the best MCSG has seen, but the gameplay is just not up to par. The leaves/fences/holes that are all over the ground are hard to maneuver and the massive builds cause lag. Once again, I really like the idea and builds, but gameplay just makes the map so unbalanced on the Good Builds/Good Gameplay scale.

Survival Games Highway: This map is well built, well tiered, and fabulous for gameplay. There is not much else to say here.

Moonbase 9: Many of you may be shocked with this, but hear me out. I took the time as a spectator one day to look around the map with a keen eye. By looking carefully I noticed quite a bit: The terraforming is sloppy. If you take time to look you will notice holes everywhere, blocks sticking out, and that massive mountain to nowhere surrounding the map. Also, the builds, as cool as they are, really aren’t anything special. And the darkness makes for interesting gameplay, but not good gameplay. I think this map is helped by the fact that it is so dark. If it wasn’t as dark as it is, I can see many more people noticing building/terraforming errors. Also, the fact that it is so dark greatly inhibits gameplay. I think this map should be removed to make way for better things.

Valleyside: Great builds, chest placement/tiering, and gameplay. Probably the best map currently on MCSG. The only problem is that mountain that surrounds the map. It could be terraformed better, but it isn’t a huge mistake.

Turbulence: Not going to review as I had a minor role in creating it. Don’t want to be bias. But, as seen by the community, people really like it.

Treacherous Heights: The new Treacherous Heights looks cool, but is still not good for gameplay. The huge mountain and the abundance of snow make it hard to have enjoyable pvp. I just think this map doesn’t balance well on the looks good/good gameplay scale.

Breeze Island 2: Much like Winds of Change this is a well-executed island. Good chests/tiering and much more land than water for gameplay. Looks nice too.

Survival Kingdom: This was my favorite map when it first came out solely based on the fact that it looked cool. But then the chest got messed up and everyone stopped playing it. I think this would be a VERY popular map (flat ground/good builds/open spaces) but the fact that 99% of the chests are tier 1s scare people away. If the chests are fixed then this has the possibility of becoming a fan favorite once again.

Demon’s Breeze: No comment…. (I am against remakes.)

Alaskan Village: Very good builds, chest placement/tiering, and gameplay. Not much else to be said.

Fortune Island: Out of all the island maps this is the worst. While I actually enjoy it, most people do not. It is a big/dense jungle with a lot of water. The terrain was obviously made mostly with world painter (building term) and the builds on the map are just not good. This map’s time is up.

Wasteland: This is a huge, poorly terraformed desert with no good gameplay. The builds aren’t that great either. They are very bland/basic builds that only look cool because they appear to be blown up with tnt.

Atlantis: This map is cool, but the only way out of corn (that I am aware of) is up 4 ladders. Ladders should never be the only way out of corn. When you do get out of corn there is no place to pvp. It is either water or a building, no land to battle on. This map is very lopsided on the looks cool/good gameplay scale.

Excavation Zero: This map has a very cool theme. It just wasn’t executed well. The builds only look cool because they are so big, but if you stop and look they aren’t all that detailed. Don’t get me wrong, the builds are cool, but just not great. The default trees and the boring landscape just don’t make for amazing gameplay.

Mortal Skies: This map is very cool. It has interesting gameplay, nice chest placement. The builds are cool as well. RF did a nice job with it.

Hub Games: No comment….

Enchanted Forest: This map just wasn't for me. I played it and it appears to be a giant forest. Nothing else. I do not have extensive experience on this map, so, if I am wrong, let me know. Also: the trees appear as if they could have been ripped off from this guy: http://www.planetminecraft.com/project/native-trees-of-europe-template-repository-1779952/ : I could be wrong though. :p

Remnant: This map looks amazing, but once again gameplay is just unfortunately bad.

EDIT: My explanations about my "no comment" reviews:
As a map maker, it kills me to see people take the download link for Breeze Island and use world edit to change the water to lava and add several poorly built bridges/structures. I agree, it can be fun and interesting to play on, but it does not hide the fact that the map is a rip off and that people got recognition for building a map that they didn't truly build.

Same goes for Lobby/Hub Games: they may be cool for special events, etc. But as far as a 24/7 map, they shouldn't be part of it. They may be fun, but once again it doesn't hide the fact that they aren't true MCSG maps and could be built so much better.

This is it! I didn’t mean to offend anyone or cause any flame. I just wanted to give my review of every 24 player map on MCSG. If I forgot anything, let me know.

Tell me if you agree/disagree below.

Thanks to Giggity69Goo for the list of maps.
Last edited:


Feb 18, 2014
Reaction score
I disagree with you on Lobby Games, and Demons Breeze, both amazing maps, of course the void on Lobby Games could be amazing, it isn't ULTRA PACKED AN STACKED like the other maps, and Demons Breeze gives a whole new feel to the PvP experience, be careful! I think you should've said what you disliked on Lobby Games.


Feb 2, 2013
Reaction score
I agree with everything except Fortress Pyke, I believe it is played often enough to stay, classic, and my favourite map.
Also, you forgot the map Enchanted Forest. :)


Aug 24, 2012
Reaction score
Fortress Pyke: This is one of my favorite maps, same with several other people. However, much like Fallen Empire it has fallen deep into the “never played, must be awful category”. Fortress Pyke had a good run, but it is time to say goodbye to make room for new maps.

The Eye of Horus: This is another “TSG3 Effect” map. I feel that the builds are some of the best MCSG has seen, but the gameplay is just not up to par. The leaves/fences/holes that are all over the ground are hard to maneuver and the massive builds cause lag. Once again, I really like the idea and builds, but gameplay just makes the map so unbalanced on the Good Builds/Good Gameplay scale.
Fortress is very popular in AU and has amazing tiering, definitely should stay.

Eye of Horus is incredibly fun to play and is averagely popular, shouldn't be removed.


Apr 20, 2012
Reaction score
TSG3, Fortress Pyke, Origins and Eye of Horus are all good maps, in my opinion.
  • TSG3 - As you mentioned, the structures in the map are extremely well built, and the gameplay is decent apart from the cornucopia. With the 1.8 slime block update, it is a possibility that a slime block elevator could be built in place of the ladders. There could also be some minor adjustments to improve mobility in the cornucopia. While it has minor flaws, it doesn't deserve getting knocked off the map list.
  • Fortress Pyke - I've noticed lately that this map is slowly gaining some popularity, and frankly, it hasn't received the same fate as Fallen Empire. There is still some hope it can gain popularity if some of the weaker maps are removed from the bunch. The gameplay on this map makes me reminisce upon the old days, and brings the survival aspect you don't get from many other maps.
  • Origins - I absolutely love this map as well, and of course, all of our opinions are biased. I think the multiple layers and platforms bring an entirely new style of gameplay that isn't present in any other maps. You can use your height to your advantage, but it can also be used against you. Maybe some navigability edits can be made, but otherwise, I don't think it is a map that should be removed, as it has a lot of potential.
  • Eye of Horus - Same goes for this map.
However, I do agree with the rest of the critiques, and I hope some members of the staff take the time to think about them. The map list is extremely cluttered with maps, and that "spring cleaning" update that never got pushed through definitely needs to happen. Quality over quantity, as my teachers would say :p
*edit: Demon's Breeze should stay as well, it is fairly popular with the community and offers a different type of gameplay whereby navigating around can be a life or death situation.


District 13
May 24, 2012
Reaction score
I disagree with you on Lobby Games, and Demons Breeze, both amazing maps, of course the void on Lobby Games could be amazing, it isn't ULTRA PACKED AN STACKED like the other maps, and Demons Breeze gives a whole new feel to the PvP experience, be careful! I think you should've said what you disliked on Lobby Games.
Its not that I dislike the maps, I dislike where they come from.

As a map maker, it kills me to see people take the download link for Breeze Island and use world edit to change the water to lava and add several poorly built bridges/structures. I agree, it can be fun and interesting to play on, but it does not hide the fact that the map is a rip off and that people got recognition for building a map that they didn't truly build.

Same goes for Lobby/Hub Games: they may be cool for special events, etc. But as far as a 24/7 map, they shouldn't be part of it. They may be fun, but once again it doesn't hide the fact that they aren't true MCSG maps and could be built so much better.


District 13
May 24, 2012
Reaction score
Fortress is very popular in AU and has amazing tiering, definitely should stay.

Eye of Horus is incredibly fun to play and is averagely popular, shouldn't be removed.
They just aren't as popular on US. My apologies. My opinions about them still stand though. :p
TSG3, Fortress Pyke, Origins and Eye of Horus are all good maps, in my opinion.
  • TSG3 - As you mentioned, the structures in the map are extremely well built, and the gameplay is decent apart from the cornucopia. With the 1.8 slime block update, it is a possibility that a slime block elevator could be built in place of the ladders. There could also be some minor adjustments to improve mobility in the cornucopia. While it has minor flaws, it doesn't deserve getting knocked off the map list.
  • Fortress Pyke - I've noticed lately that this map is slowly gaining some popularity, and frankly, it hasn't received the same fate as Fallen Empire. There is still some hope it can gain popularity if some of the weaker maps are removed from the bunch. The gameplay on this map makes me reminisce upon the old days, and brings the survival aspect you don't get from many other maps.
  • Origins - I absolutely love this map as well, and of course, all of our opinions are biased. I think the multiple layers and platforms bring an entirely new style of gameplay that isn't present in any other maps. You can use your height to your advantage, but it can also be used against you. Maybe some navigability edits can be made, but otherwise, I don't think it is a map that should be removed, as it has a lot of potential.
  • Eye of Horus - Same goes for this map.
However, I do agree with the rest of the critiques, and I hope some members of the staff take the time to think about them. The map list is extremely cluttered with maps, and that "spring cleaning" update that never got pushed through definitely needs to happen. Quality over quantity, as my teachers would say :p
Like you said, we all have our opinions. I just offered mine as a way to possibly help with some decisions.

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