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MCGamer v2 Updates for Saturday, November 15th


District 13
Oct 15, 2012
Reaction score
Dear potatoes, we’re now at day 3 of this adventure into MCGamer v2…

Oh, uh, right… *cough*

Hey tributes! Thank you all for bearing with us while we continue to resolve the issues and bugs that we’ve encountered in the past 72 hours. While we do understand it’s inconvenient for these issues to persist, we are working our hardest to iron out the kinks in our servers.

As always, any and all bug reports are welcome at our bug tracker, and we greatly appreciate any information our players can provide. As you could imagine, a larger amount of people playing our games will be able to help us gather a much larger amount of bug reports than a team of 6 developers can, even working 10+ hours per day.

The following issues have been nuked since Devin’s post yesterday:
  • All types of leaves, grass, etc. are now breakable.
  • Spectators are no longer visible in-game (thanks Rusty!)
  • Mobs will no longer spawn in maps that shouldn’t have mobs
  • Hub chat will no longer leak into game chat
  • Fix rare proxy crash when backend services are unavailable
  • Attempt a fix for the “Unable to find a hub” issue
  • Added additional information to kicks when you’re “unable to find a hub”
  • Fix for a rare issue that could cause extreme server lag
  • Stability improvements to our DS (Dynamic Servers) system
  • Fix disguises in the formerly AntVenom Network games
While there isn’t quite a lot of issues resolved today, these attempt to or do resolve some of the major complaints that we’ve heard over the past few days. We will continue to work as often as we have to in order to have MCGamer v2 up to par with what we all expect from MCGamer -- an amazing gaming experience.

Again, thank you all for being patient with us and supporting us while we’re resolving these issues. We enjoy hearing positive feedback, or even constructive criticism about our community and our plugin, and we’re always looking to improve.


Discord: prettyyinpink
Jul 29, 2013
Reaction score
Thank you for the great work your doing, it may not feel all the same to me, but this is getting better.


Apr 19, 2014
Reaction score
I'm very happy with V2 however all the main things that everyone was excited about isn't here yet :'( For instance new maps and e.c. However I do know that fixing issues comes first so I'm not really upset about it or disappointed. Keep up the great work.

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