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My thoughts on Summer Update and moving forward


Nov 27, 2012
Reaction score
I want to start off by simply saying, I absolutely love the effort McGamer is putting into trying to save this community. Whether or not the update and gamemodes is "unique" or not is irrelevant in my eyes. It's the fact that they are actually looking like they are trying, which is something this community has complained about for the last year and a half. Also, WYVERNS WAKE <3333.

McGamer "ripping off" other servers

The main thing I think people have been complaining about is the fact that Mcgamer "ripped off" other servers with UHC games, Elo system, and skywars. Let me start off by saying that every single server that you play on that has Survival games, is a rip off of the movie/book hunger games, therefore none of it is unique. Mcgamer was one of the first servers to take on this concept back in early 2012, then countless other servers copied that gametype trying to outdo this server. So why can't we do the same? Why can't we add gametypes that other servers have added, that are extremely popular in the minecraft community?

Gametypes like Skywars have been around for pretty much since the beginning, it just never truly took off until the past year or so. Other servers have been ripping off this gametype from other servers for a very long time now. Even places like Hive and hipixel weren't the first to come out with this gametype, they were just the first to really perfect it.

As far as UHC games goes, yes, thepark was the first I know of to do this, but, not all people are going to like the park, including myself. I don't get good hits or connection to the server, it's nice to have a server I can actually play it on that I enjoy(will get more into deals on that below).

Do I even need to talk about regular UHC? How many other places try to "rip" that off?

My point being, whether IRL or in the gaming community, people have been "ripping off" and taking other peoples ideas for as long as business and games were a thing. If you are in a competition with someone and they come out with something that everyone else loves, 9 times out of 10, your competition will try to do the same thing, only better. I'm going to use the pizza business as an example, just because I used to work there when I was in college. I worked at Dominos for the longest time, we would come out with great specials, then soon afterwards, other places in town would come out with either the SAME EXACT special, or one that is slightly cheaper. Then other places, would come out with new products, and guess what, Dominos would copy that idea, and just tweak it a little bit. Businesses with competition have been doing this since the beginning of time. It is life, so you people need to stop acting like McGamer is the first and only place to do things like this, especially since most of these servers copied the original SG idea from us in the first place.

Gametypes "not working properly"

When do gametypes ever work 100% properly when they are first released? When are there never some bugs? I mean come on guys. We have a very limited number of developers on this server currently. It is damn near impossible to get it 100% right on the first attempt. CAmadeusA and DV_Raiton are doing the best they can do right now. They have a lot on their plate currently.

Instead of consistently bashing on the server for things, how about you people just let them know the bugs and things that need fixed, so that they can work on them, to make it more enjoyable. Be productive if you want this server to succeed, not just consistently try to knock the server back down. They are trying, why can't you guys see that?

My thoughts as a whole


As far as skywars goes, I've never been a huge fan on any server tbh, but I played a few games, didn't really have any issues with it when I played. There were no bugs from what I saw. Only real issue I had was the fact that on some maps, we weren't given enough blocks to get to the middle. Other than that, it seemed like a skywars to me, without the different kits some servers offer. There wasn't any weird lag back like there is sometimes on hipixel when you fall off sides. Again tho, I've never been a huge Skywars fan. Let me know if there is something I'm missing.

Edit: forgot about the lightning. I'm not sure how I feel about that. Deathmatch in skywars is questionable. Maybe find a better thing?

UHC games

Defo some bugs that need worked out. I feel like the spawning spots are a bit weird at times, some better than others, Easy fix though. Needs more healing, gapples, etc. People don't understand that you can use actual player heads as gapples, and just surround them with gold, but that is just people complaining without knowing facts. I've seen a few youtubers complaining hardcore about that. Gotta get your facts straight first people. Horses didn't place. Simple fix honestly. All in all though, I like it. I never got good hits on parkmc, so it's nice getting the smooth pvp that people on this server enjoy for the most part.

Anti- cheat

This is really my only true negative about the update. I have still ran into some crazy stupid speed hackers, pretty much flying and whatnot. I don't know if this Anti-cheat is just not catching them? not detecting them? Or if it just logs the information and bans later? I have seen some people getting banned mid game tho, so that is a positive I think? People have been complaining about false bans, but ever server with any sort of good anti-cheat complains about this. Badlion to this day still gets hardcore complaints. I guess we will know more going forwards, as far as now though, I haven't noticed that much of a difference in the games i've played.

Moving forward

Main thing McGamer has to do, is simply not make the same mistakes they did in the past, big one being, taking FOREVER to fix bugs and issues on the server, especially with the new gametypes. I'm telling you right now, if you take too long to fix issues with these new gametypes, they will die VERY quickly, and this whole update will be for nothing. Get these bugs and things people are complaining about fixed asap.

I've been told by a few people I won't name, that there are more gametypes to be released in the near future. I am hyped for sure for these update honestly.

One thing I agree with that people are saying, is McGamer needs something Unique to it's servers, something that makes them stand out from other servers. Yeah sure, it's nice having things like skywars here, but with having gamemodes that other servers already have, it comes down to preference on which server you like things better on. Places like hive and hipixel have been perfecting these things for awhile now, getting a huge fanbase for their server. We do need something that people can't play anywhere else, which forces them to play on our server to get it.

Well, I've wrote all I can think of writing honestly. Let me know what you guys think, what bugs you guys are aware of that I am not yet.


District 13
Jun 11, 2013
Reaction score
I really want to see the ELO and leaderboard system implemented on Battlegrounds. I think that is the last major missing feature on MCGamer right now. Battlegrounds would be so much more fun with stats.


Dec 27, 2013
Reaction score
I didn't read the whole thread but your message and points you brought up are inspiring and well thought out. Good job man


Sep 22, 2014
Reaction score
I didnt have a problem with placing horses maybe its just a few people? idk but good points!


Nov 27, 2012
Reaction score
I really want to see the ELO and leaderboard system implemented on Battlegrounds. I think that is the last major missing feature on MCGamer right now. Battlegrounds would be so much more fun with stats.
Can honestly say i've never played battlegrounds, but with mcsg being as competitive as it is, I'd defo see it better if it had a leaderboards xD. It encourages other to play better/be better.
I didn't read the whole thread but your message and points you brought up are inspiring and well thought out. Good job man
Thanks <3
I didnt have a problem with placing horses maybe its just a few people? idk but good points!
I think it was just an issue at first. Saw a few youtubers complain about it. Must be fixed now. Who knows lol


District 13
Jun 11, 2013
Reaction score
Can honestly say i've never played battlegrounds, but with mcsg being as competitive as it is, I'd defo see it better if it had a leaderboards xD. It encourages other to play better/be better.

Thanks <3

I think it was just an issue at first. Saw a few youtubers complain about it. Must be fixed now. Who knows lol
How have never played battlegrounds lol? Not even once?


Nov 12, 2014
Reaction score
See, this is the type of thread people need to be creating to give constructive criticism. im very happy with the statements that have made and I agree 100% with everything that you said :) Thanks for making this!


Nov 27, 2012
Reaction score
How have never played battlegrounds lol? Not even once?
nah xD hardly ever saw anyone on it, figured i'd stick to Sg lol

See, this is the type of thread people need to be creating to give constructive criticism. im very happy with the statements that have made and I agree 100% with everything that you said :) Thanks for making this!
no prob :p. Main point of it


District 13
Feb 18, 2014
Reaction score
I really want to see the ELO and leaderboard system implemented on Battlegrounds. I think that is the last major missing feature on MCGamer right now. Battlegrounds would be so much more fun with stats.
I disagree. I sort of enjoy going on Battlegrounds and just fighting without stressing about when I die or what my rank is. I can just run around fight and have fun, as well as try insane FnS tactics etc.

I didnt have a problem with placing horses maybe its just a few people? idk but good points!
It's sort of on and off sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't and sometimes it places a baby horse which isn't great either... For some reason it only worked that one day I played with you haha.

I think that the update was great as a whole for MCGamer for a couple reasons. BTW, giving credit where credit is due, the first point was by either Frankyy or Alyssa, I can't remember who, but thanks for putting a great point in my head.

Firstly, the update plays to MCGamer's strengths. This to me is the most important thing, because as people have been badgering on and on about how the server is going down the drain and the anti-cheat sucks etc. the server really needed something to reignite the flame. A lot of people were asking for 1v1 PvP, or new servers here and there, but by adding 2 new game types that follow an SG format (A bunch of people start, you fight until one is left) is genius. By doing this, 'MCSG' reminds everyone what they do best: SG. I personally don't like Skywars and never have, but UHC SG is such a blast. The complaints I have are similar to yours reven86 : there isn't enough gold bars to create heads and gapples, the horses are pretty on and off, and where you spawn can sometimes be obnoxiously close to 2-5 other players. I don't have much commentary for Skywars because I'm awful at it :p

In terms of the anti-cheat, just be sheer # of hackers I see per day, I feel like it is less but I can't really be certain. I keep getting banned for speed hacks when I sprint jump up stairs, which is odd, but probably just a bug or something. Another person told me you can get banned for water walking if you are spectating and you fly over the top of water within a 2 block range.

Moving forward, improvement to the anti-cheat as usual, as well as ironing out the new game modes are 2 very important things. You fixed the leaderboards, which is great cuz it was annoying those were frozen, but for some reason Kill / Death ratio when you /stat someone is still broken. Also the /friends list command sometimes lies and gives you completely wrong information about what HUB / SG they are in. Anyway, minor things.

Also I need to relearn Wyvrens Wake cuz I forgot it but thanks for that too :D


Nov 27, 2012
Reaction score
I disagree. I sort of enjoy going on Battlegrounds and just fighting without stressing about when I die or what my rank is. I can just run around fight and have fun, as well as try insane FnS tactics etc.

It's sort of on and off sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't and sometimes it places a baby horse which isn't great either... For some reason it only worked that one day I played with you haha.

I think that the update was great as a whole for MCGamer for a couple reasons. BTW, giving credit where credit is due, the first point was by either Frankyy or Alyssa, I can't remember who, but thanks for putting a great point in my head.

Firstly, the update plays to MCGamer's strengths. This to me is the most important thing, because as people have been badgering on and on about how the server is going down the drain and the anti-cheat sucks etc. the server really needed something to reignite the flame. A lot of people were asking for 1v1 PvP, or new servers here and there, but by adding 2 new game types that follow an SG format (A bunch of people start, you fight until one is left) is genius. By doing this, 'MCSG' reminds everyone what they do best: SG. I personally don't like Skywars and never have, but UHC SG is such a blast. The complaints I have are similar to yours reven86 : there isn't enough gold bars to create heads and gapples, the horses are pretty on and off, and where you spawn can sometimes be obnoxiously close to 2-5 other players. I don't have much commentary for Skywars because I'm awful at it :p

In terms of the anti-cheat, just be sheer # of hackers I see per day, I feel like it is less but I can't really be certain. I keep getting banned for speed hacks when I sprint jump up stairs, which is odd, but probably just a bug or something. Another person told me you can get banned for water walking if you are spectating and you fly over the top of water within a 2 block range.

Moving forward, improvement to the anti-cheat as usual, as well as ironing out the new game modes are 2 very important things. You fixed the leaderboards, which is great cuz it was annoying those were frozen, but for some reason Kill / Death ratio when you /stat someone is still broken. Also the /friends list command sometimes lies and gives you completely wrong information about what HUB / SG they are in. Anyway, minor things.

Also I need to relearn Wyvrens Wake cuz I forgot it but thanks for that too :D

couldn't agree more :)


District 13
Feb 18, 2014
Reaction score
couldn't agree more :)
We have the same # of messages :)

edit: well, we will as soon as you reply to this post xD

editedit: when we have the same # of posts but you double my likes... :/

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