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|Noteworthy Maps of MCSG (Consider Adding to our System) |

Which of these maps would YOU like to see on MCSG?

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Aug 20, 2012
Reaction score
The following maps have received many positive comments, votes and lots of positive feedback. I do not know what goes on with the mapmaker committee, so I do not know if these have been checked out at all yet, but I would just like to put these out there for the benefit of the fun of our MCSG community.


Neighborhood - By BIFFINGTON


This map was created by Biffington. It has a simplistic but lovable theme and has been given many positive reviews, and likes. Biffington is also the creator of Survival Kingdom, which has a widely-loved medieval theme, the first of its kind. Sadly, Biffington was banned a while ago for, to my knowledge, "making his route OP, winning most games on that map". I will not give an opinion on this as to not start a flame war. This map was also submitted to the Fridge and the Hive. Despite the conflicts between Biff and MCSG, and their history, this map would be "wonderful :)"

Salad Frost - echo_555, Creepy_Crawler


Ladies and Gentlemen, I ask you not to scream... I present to you... SALAD FROST! This map seemed to originally be created as a semi-joke, due to the name "salad frost" and humorous lines on the introductory statement. However, it got many positive comments nonetheless and has evolved into something wanted immensely by many, including... Wert9999.. stating.. "NOW, NOW, NOW, I WANT IT NOAW!". Yeah.. Erm.. It is a "Summertime" version of the smash hit map Solar Frost
ANYWAY?! This map is very credited with 162 votes for its addition and 61 likes on the thread.

Survival Games - Snowkrill Island

Created by GuyK, the builder of Moonlight Lake, and Moonlight Lake v2, we have ourselves another demonstration of GuyK's brilliance. Believe it or not, I believe this map was actually made before Moonlight Lake, around the time of October 2012, when accepted maps were less common, and seemed to be under higher standards (my opinion plsnoflame). This was created in the "Golden Age" of MCSG maps, which was around the time of Teweran 1 and SG4. Both are high quality maps that are loved by many old players, including myself. Speaking of Teweran SG1, this map seems to have many similarities to it. The wintery theme, mountainous terrain, and the scarce buildings. In my opinion, this would make a a game of MCSG a blast. There have been people (seemingly from the same group) that were disliking his style of creating structures. This eventually turned into a mini-flame war, and may increase negativity of the map on the thread. In my personal opinion, this map is very good-looking, and its simplistic theme would add to some old-style gameplay back to the newer "v2" style of play that many of us know now. Why not spice things up a bit? We embraced SGClasssic with open arms, let us do the same for this!

Is it credited? Heck yeah! In fact, it has over 100 likes (105 to be exact :p). There is no poll.


By Imagine Unit.. - Imperial Venue - Community Map


Imperial Venue is a spectacular map. I didn't see a single negative post about it on the thread. Created by Imagine Unit, this map brings all types of map styles together, mashed up, to create this wonderful, sexy creation. It was said to slightly resemble SG4, but with slightly more terraforming, a more urban fitting, and a "touch of nature". This map is like a beautiful painting. The artist mixed the colors just right to create something noteworthy. Jeez, I went deep for that one.... :O. This is a map that doesn't seem to have many views, it is relatively new, and for 6 pages of posts (approximately 65-70 posts), it pulls off 39 likes and, like I said before, minimal negative feedback.
Now, I leave this particular map with a quote from Doge. "much sexy, need add, do now."


Neptunis- LakerFuffle, Mamiamato24, EvermoreHD, and IrishFan


This band of brilliant builders (lel, alliteration) come together to take MCSG maps to the next level. Imagine being trapped in a dome, underwater. There are tall, ominous buildings everywhere. You're surrounded by deep caverns, underwater mountains, and large hills. The underwater theme adds a dark tone, bringing an epic feeling during gameplay on this map. The brilliance of adding glowstone for lighting is just another thing. There have been two reoccuring complaints that I'd like to address from my own personal opinion, and that of many others on the thread.
For the lighting: "All you did is spam glowstone to light it up. It's too dark." Well, if you're completely submerged in an underwater dome, of course it will be dark. The glowstone lighting just adds to the ominous feeling that is this directed to in this map. Water is not a bright, happy thing. It's rather dangerous, and it will... EAT YOU :O. (loljk). But really, water is supposed to make this map seem darker than usual.
Second reoccurance: "There is a lack of terraforming, it's not realistic." There are mountains, caverns, and hills everywhere. For those of you who didn't know, the ocean's floor is not flat, it has underwater mountains, deep crevices, and hills. Also, if you didn't know, this is based off Greek Mythology. "Neptunis" means: City of Neptune. Neptune/Poseidon is god of the sea in Greek MYTHOLOGY. Ladies and gentlemen, MYTHOLOGY means not real beliefs. Have you read Percy Jackson (hopefully yes)? I'm pretty sure that most of that book is unrealistic. I mean, for starters, ya dun just uncap a pen and KABEWM, sword! (I love Percy Jackson, no h8)

Anyway, this map took a lot of effort and thought. It would bring a whole new and exotic style of play to our servers.

I would like to thank those who actually took the time to read this!

Please post your thoughts below!

I believe that the addition of these maps will not benefit me alone, but will benefit the majority of the community. (Now I do understand that you can't just go in and add five maps at a time, I would just like this thread to mean something, and pose thought amount our members :) )

Stay frosty, my friends!

TL;DR? - There is no real TL;DR to this. In order to even get a brief summary of my work, please take the two minutes of your time and at least scan through!



Here's my take on each one of these maps:
Salad Frost: it's a remake of Solar Frost, and mcsg doesn't accept remakes anymore.
Neptunis: I personally don't know a ton about this map, but I'm guessing it has been looked over and rejected.
Snowkrill Island: It was going to be added into mcsg, but it was determined that it just wasn't up to standard.
Neighborhood: This map looks great, I personally would love to see it added.
Imperial Venue: because Imagine Unit had 2 maps rejected in the pmc contest, I'm guessing their odds of getting this one in are slim. Also, it is possibly too similar to sg4.


May 17, 2013
Reaction score
None of them. Have a look at Cloudy With a Chance of Survival.


Aug 20, 2012
Reaction score
Tbh, salad frost shouldn't be on here. Its a revamp of a revamped map.
Thanks for clearing that up. I know that Salad Frost was made as kind of a joke, but still, I actually kind of liked it.


Aug 20, 2012
Reaction score
Imo opinion it's better than all of the maps on here except for Neighbourhood, that map is spectacular. But we're all allowed our opinions.
Well, that's your opinion. I don't want to start a flame war so let's leave it at that.


Dec 21, 2012
Reaction score
Neighborhood is sweet. I saw the video series of production, and its very in depth! Its obvious he worked hard on it, so I think it should be added.

Salad frost is hilarious! As an actual map doe... Nah, I would rather have original maps than revamps.

Snowkrill island is awesome! I played it in scrimmages before, it flows so well! Should be added!

Neptunis is ok... Great theme, but isn't so great :/

Imperial Venue is pretty good, not as good as Snow and Neighborhood, but I like it!
Aug 14, 2013
Reaction score
Thanks for clearing that up. I know that Salad Frost was made as kind of a joke, but still, I actually kind of liked it.
Please don't double post. I understand you are replying to multiple people, but still, please use the edit button instead of making a new post.

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