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Phoenix - AU Clan

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Jan 1, 2016
Reaction score

Welcome to Phoenix

Phoenix dominated the Austalian clan scene back in the prime of 2013 & 2014. After consistently being the best for 2 year we split ways and left Minecraft. The Australian clan scene has since been revived with multiple clans all battling it out to be considered the best, however, those battles are now a thing of the past. Phoenix is back to reclaim its birthright of being the best Australian clan and dominate all of the competition in sight.

Teamspeak IP: Phoenixts.typefrag.com

| About us |
Clan Created: 29th of March, 2013 & Rebanded 1st of January 2016
Clan Battles Won: 27
Clan Battles Lost: 0
Founders: Darkrai202, Kytria, Billabongboy98
Application Status: Written Application


| Requirements |

800+ wins or demonstrated proof of excellence in CBS
A high quality microphone
Skype & Teamspeak 3
Over the age of 13
Teamwork and listening skills

| Application |

Minecraft IGN:
Wins/Games (Legacy and current):
Written Paragraph of why you'd like to join & what you'd bring to the clan:

| Roster |

-|- Leader -|-

Nick | Ronan2ndDarkrai / WomenArePeople2|

-|- Members -|-

Jeds sister | JedsSister |

Alex | MaccasEmployee |

Bailey | Bugman / HamsterStrangler |

Tom | TeeArrr |

Tom "I swear it was butterfly clicking" S. | Lebron12 / UnkillableTank / BrickOi |

Julian | FLOOFD|

Jimmy | Intelligent / SuhDood |

Pat | notverified / slayot |

John | Darkrai1stRonan |

Hayden | ExcideBoostMore / Mark27WinsLegit / ProTipBoostMore |

Noah | lolgay |

Lachy | Dejay_ |

Rob | RobertTrump |

Blake | blakew447 |

Chris | GengarHD |

沒有朋友書呆子| watgg |

| CB Rules and Results |

Survival Games 4, Valleyside University, Holiday Resort (original), Springfield SG, SG Highway, Zone85, Par 72, Alaskan Village, Turbulance & TSG2
(Don't waste our time by asking why you can't pick randy maps)

1. Only maps from the map pool may be used.
2. 4v4+ only, if any clans have less members they must fight disadvantaged or be DQ'D.
3. Once a game enters pre-game no clans can leave. If a clan is disadvantaged in lobby (ie: game starts a 4v5) then that clan can pull out in pre-game.
4. No use of OP items
5. Postponements are not allowed unless server lag or another major issue comes up, however, if both clans agree to a postponement then the battle may resume in 1 day.
6. Breaks of up to 20 minutes are allowed once by each clan.
7. Each player in each clan must be on the clans roster.
8. General MCGamer rules regarding cheating apply.
9. All clan battles must have a referee for each team unless both clans agree one is not needed.

| Clan War Results |
Won: 27 | Lost: 0

Phoenix vs Unique: Won 1-0
Phoenix vs Pegasus: Won 7-1
Phoenix vs Ignite: Won 3-0
Phoenix vs Undead: Won 3-0
Phoenix vs Eagles: Won 3-0
Phoenix vs Alpha: Won 3-0
Phoenix vs Cyber: Won 3-0
Phoenix vs NuggetZ: Won 3-0
Phoenix vs Pulse: Won 5-0
Phoenix vs Blitz: Won 3-1
Phoenix vs TheBlade: Won 3-0
Phoenix vs Galaxies: Won 3-0
Phoenix vs Murky: Won 3-1
Phoenix vs Nekk: Won 3-0
Phoenix vs Collide: Won 3-0
Phoenix vs CleanUpCrew: Won 5-0

| AU Tournament Season 1 |
Phoenix vs Cyber: Won 3-0
Phoenix vs RiZe: Won 3-0
Phoenix vs Precision: Won 3-0
Phoenix vs NuggetZ: Won 3-0

| AU Tournament Season 2 |
Phoenix vs M-Force: Won 3-0
Phoenix vs Envy: Won 3-1
Phoenix vs Apex: Won 3-1

| AU Clan Leaderboards |
Current Rank: 1

Phoenix vs Trucadation: Won 5-2
Phoenix vs Nuet: Won 5-2
Phoenix vs ExiLe: Won 5-3
Phoenix vs Philosophy: Won 5-1

| Clan War Results |
Won: 25 | Lost: 0

25-0 (no record because #blamezane

| Clan War Results |
Won: 3 | Lost: 0

Purple Cobras vs Nuet: Won 5-2
Purple Cobras vs Philosophy: Won 3-2
Purple Cobras vs Exile: Won 3-1

Last edited:


Dec 30, 2015
Reaction score
Ooh it's back, gl guys I hope it's like the original <3


Apr 19, 2014
Reaction score
Good luck c:

Why'd you add TeeArrr. He smells. jkjk.
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