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Phoenix EU


Oct 24, 2013
Reaction score
No pls ;-;
pls pu nam on thrad cus i am new ledr!!1!!1111!!1!1!!!!111!!1


No, but in all serious guys. I am your new leader and I am proud to announce this, I have a very good feeling about this clan and think it will do great. If you guys have any problems please just PM or message me on Skype. Good Luck to all applicants, and we will be reviewing them as soon as they come out.
-Tut, Aka the Leader on Phoenix EU.
i am just joking pls no ban


May 21, 2014
Reaction score
pls pu nam on thrad cus i am new ledr!!1!!1111!!1!1!!!!111!!1


No, but in all serious guys. I am your new leader and I am proud to announce this, I have a very good feeling about this clan and think it will do great. If you guys have any problems please just PM or message me on Skype. Good Luck to all applicants, and we will be reviewing them as soon as they come out.
-Tut, Aka the Leader on Phoenix EU.
i am just joking pls no ban
Lies ;_;


Dec 7, 2012
Reaction score
What's your name?: Cullen
How old are you?: 12;-;
What’s your ingame name?: ZadoHD
In which country do you live?: 'murrikah! (Might go to ireland this summer c:)
Skype/TS name?: ill pm
Do you have a donatorship? If so, which kind?:plat
How many wins do you have? (At least 600):680
How many games have you played?:3.7k
What are your PvP Strengths?: FnS and short range-bow
What are your PvP Weaknesses?: Teamfights/long range bow and defensive rod
What do you think of your teaming skills? (Write a couple of sentences): on the team under bridge leaderboards im No.1 nah srs bsns im not the best team fighter, well in 8v8's at least im pretty good at 4v4's
Why do you want to join Phoenix EU?: cus yolo (I wos in au fenix but time diffrences and if im in hive clans why not eu mcsg clans? Idk.
Why should we accept you into Phoenix EU?: because im a fun person to hang around with c:
Which clans have you previously been in? Rebels us (2x) And Phoenix. (hive clans - Desire, The Legends not so long tho, Explicit, and now Dynasty.
How active will you be?: As active as possibal, and summers nearing so i can wake up earlier
What is your favourite map?: Solor frost cus its fast game

*note* im dong this on my ipad so sorry for messed up grammar xD


May 21, 2014
Reaction score
What's your name?: Cullen
How old are you?: 12;-;
What’s your ingame name?: ZadoHD
In which country do you live?: 'murrikah! (Might go to ireland this summer c:)
Skype/TS name?: ill pm
Do you have a donatorship? If so, which kind?:plat
How many wins do you have? (At least 600):680
How many games have you played?:3.7k
What are your PvP Strengths?: FnS and short range-bow
What are your PvP Weaknesses?: Teamfights/long range bow and defensive rod
What do you think of your teaming skills? (Write a couple of sentences): on the team under bridge leaderboards im No.1 nah srs bsns im not the best team fighter, well in 8v8's at least im pretty good at 4v4's
Why do you want to join Phoenix EU?: cus yolo (I wos in au fenix but time diffrences and if im in hive clans why not eu mcsg clans? Idk.
Why should we accept you into Phoenix EU?: because im a fun person to hang around with c:
Which clans have you previously been in? Rebels us (2x) And Phoenix. (hive clans - Desire, The Legends not so long tho, Explicit, and now Dynasty.
How active will you be?: As active as possibal, and summers nearing so i can wake up earlier
What is your favourite map?: Solor frost cus its fast game

*note* im dong this on my ipad so sorry for messed up grammar xD
Accepted - Rank: Member! Welcome aboard :)


May 21, 2014
Reaction score
Why are so many people needed? xD
We are in the process of kicking some unneeded people as well
didn't even know this existed haha
ye, founded yesterday xD
What's your name?: Daniel

How old are you?: 12

What’s your ingame name?: ImTheNarwhal

In which country do you live?: Ireland

Skype/TS name?: daniel211029

Do you have a donatorship? If so, which kind?: Diamond.

How many wins do you have? (At least 600): 400+ on all of my accounts.

How many games have you played?: 1.1k on my main.

What are your PvP Strengths?: I would consider myself quite good at bowspam. It's a very efficient tactic. I also think I'm decent with a sword. If I use it right, I can pull off some cheeky combos.

What are your PvP Weaknesses?: I am bad at recognising peoples range when I'm running away. So sometimes when I turn around to fall back, they can get more hits than I would have thought.

What do you think of your teaming skills? (Write a couple of sentences): I would have put this in my PvP strenghts, this is one of my strongest skills. I am very good at not hitting my teammate. I am also good at keeping communication going. I am also quite good at recognising if I need to help my teammate or go for someone else. One thing I will say, is I am not used to large team pvp, 6v6, 7v7, etc.

Why do you want to join Phoenix EU? I want to join Pheonix because it has a lot of hope. The fact most of the members have came from another community that was around for 8-10 months, I know there isn't a chance of anything happening to it. I also am looking for a good clan I can finally fit into and enjoy. I also would like to meet new people as I see some Aussies on the roster.

Why should we accept you into Phoenix EU?: I think you should accept me because of my teamwork. Certain people have started making controvoursy about me and I want some friends that don't just talk bad about there own clan membrs. Me, as a solo player, may not be great, but I think my somewhat unique playstyle will benefit the team

Which clans have you previously been in? TeamSypher, Generals, Cynix, EndGamers

How active will you be?: Daily

What is your favourite map?: I like most maps. Solar Frost, both Breeze's, Valleyside, SG4.
Your application is being discussed :) Stay tuned

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