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Players complaing about Staff and MCSG 1.8 (2.0)


Mar 31, 2014
Reaction score
If you haven't read my first thread, I recommend you go read it before reading this http://www.minecraftsurvivalgames.com/threads/people-complaining-about-mcsg-staff-being-lazy.165774/

After watching several videos with MCSG YouTubers complaing about the problems of MCSG, I felt the need to express my opinion once again to tell you, from my point of view, how tough it actually is becoming a Staff. This video is a fine example of what players are saying

MCSG has always been a great server for players to enjoy a friendly game on SG or play competitively with clans etc. but it seems that many players are forgetting the fact that MCSG is NOT run by bots or servants or slaves. They are living, breathing people who have other priorities in life such as work, school, or possibly a career in something they can make money for besides playing a game. Players simply just take for granted the hours and hours of hard work and dedication Staff put into each and every single day, setting aside other important things just to keep MCSG the way it has always been, Enjoyable.

They don't do it for themselves, they don't do it for the sake of maintaining a good profile, they do it for the players who enjoy MCSG, come home from school everyday just to play on the server, but do the Moderators, Administrators or even Developers get any appreciation? No, the players just simply complain about every minor issue that doesn't just magically fix overnight. They forget how much work it takes just to keep a single server alive, they forget how much money is spent just to mantain the servers, they forget how many Developers are trying their best to meet the needs of a couple thousand players everyday, but most importantly, they forget that they are just human, they are just like us, they need sleep, food, water and an education. They need support and appreciation for their hard work, they don't need some idiot YouTuber making a video about how bad MCSG and why their fans should quit MCSG and start a "Bring Back 1.7 Strike", it would only make matters worse.

It's true, MCSG hasn't really improved too much the last few months in terms of bugs but does that mean that the Developers aren't working their asses off trying to fix them, does that mean that the Leaderboard update was neglected? No. They are practically enslaved to the players, having to listen to all their complaints 24/7, having to work hard and get no appreciation from them, having to develop a plugin or update that they know would only result in more complaints and more players leaving the community.

So for those players who think like that, just leave MCSG. The Staff have had enough of whining, complaing and ranting from other players already and they really don't want another cocky YouTuber using their fanbase to turn against MCSG. If you're not happy, Leave. No one cares about how much you hate MCSG or how bad 1.8 PvP is, no one needs to know your opinions which would only lead to further problems for the Staff. After all it's just a game, if you can't deal with that, that's your sad life.

Thank you for reading,
m16produtionz a.k.a. BetterThanHuahwi

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Nov 24, 2013
Reaction score
I'm thankful for everything that the staff team and developers do to keep this server wonderful. Especially developers who skipped school just to fix bugs.

One thing I'll say is MCSG and dates don't mix well sometimes.
Last edited:


Jan 27, 2015
Reaction score
Just as users may be in support of the lock, stock, and barrel transition from 1.7 to 1.8, you're going to have others who are not in support of it. This isn't anything new. Let's have the facts on the table though: 1.8 is fairly buggy and laggy. I'm not trying to gibe it, these are just the facts. The users of MCSG are accustomed to fast speeds and quick reaction times, so when this is tampered with it all hits the fan. What members of MCSG don't realize is that this is not Burger King: you can not have it your way. Yes, the opinions will be taken into the account, but when it comes down to it the MCSG staff, or rather so senior staff and above, make the final decision.

So to all this commotion I simply say this: You're always going to have the members who piss and moan about even the slightest changes to their precious gameplay, their jolt-reaction is to immediately point fingers at MCSG and say it's their fault. While technically MCSG did make the transition, it's not like they couldn't have seen it coming. All I'd have to say is that, for future reference, MCSG might want to hold off until people start ASKING for the transition: have the plugins ready to go so that when the time comes around you can kick off the server, throw on the plugins, and you have your server back up with no sweat.


Mar 31, 2014
Reaction score
Just as users may be in support of the lock, stock, and barrel transition from 1.7 to 1.8, you're going to have others who are not in support of it. This isn't anything new. Let's have the facts on the table though: 1.8 is fairly buggy and laggy. I'm not trying to gibe it, these are just the facts. The users of MCSG are accustomed to fast speeds and quick reaction times, so when this is tampered with it all hits the fan. What members of MCSG don't realize is that this is not Burger King: you can not have it your way. Yes, the opinions will be taken into the account, but when it comes down to it the MCSG staff, or rather so senior staff and above, make the final decision.

So to all this commotion I simply say this: You're always going to have the members who piss and moan about even the slightest changes to their precious gameplay, their jolt-reaction is to immediately point fingers at MCSG and say it's their fault. While technically MCSG did make the transition, it's not like they couldn't have seen it coming. All I'd have to say is that, for future reference, MCSG might want to hold off until people start ASKING for the transition: have the plugins ready to go so that when the time comes around you can kick off the server, throw on the plugins, and you have your server back up with no sweat.
It's true what you're saying, players will never change. I just wanted to post this thread to express my opinion on this situation. But as for the last statement on the plugins, unexpected things can happen. It was mentioned in a thread that they test the plugins several times but in a small server so when they put it on the larger network, unexpected bugs and glitches come to play. As a previous server owner myself, it's not easy to get a plugin not to interfere with another


Mar 31, 2014
Reaction score
I'm thankful for everything that the staff team and developers do to keep this server wonderful. Especially developers who skipped school just to fix bugs.

One thing I'll say is MCSG and dates don't mix well sometimes.
Unexpected things can set back updates some times. Custom plugins are always quite tough to maintain and control.


Feb 4, 2015
Reaction score
Its what they think, and what they feel.

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