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So... what happens next?


Forum God
Aug 19, 2012
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Millions of people have logged onto the MCGamer Network. Many of those have stopped coming back.

But what happens next? For those people who dedicated a lot of time to MCG and the community and then left, what do they do? What happens to their life?

That's something that I wondered quite a bit. I've also often wondered when I'll leave the community for good. 100%. Completely.
I don't think that day has quite yet come (I have a plan for returning, don't you worry old members ;)) but as with anyone else, it will happen.

I guess what I'm trying to ask is...
What happens after people leave the community?

I'm a person that has spent hundreds of hours on MCGamer's platforms, whether it's the forums, TeamSpeak, or in-game. For two years straight, it was my main occupation. And I know for a fact that I'm not the only person who has dedicated a similar amount of time to MCG.
But I also know that there are people in same-size shoes that have managed to pull an incredible feat - actually, completely, 100% leaving MCGamer.

But what about you guys? I know a lot of people have friends who left. How do you think they did it?
...and more importantly, how do you think you'll do it, when the time comes?
Think about it. It might be important in the future, for my fellow MCGamer-addicts.



Jul 8, 2015
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I left for a good 5 months, and it is actually a lot easier than you think.

People get wrapped up in their own lives, and begin to become different people. In 10 years, most of everyone who played on mcsg will think (Minecraft survival what?). They will have girlfriends, wives, college, w/e.

Then, there is the factor that minecraft, the forums, and the people are boring and immature. Minecraft is definitely a kids game, no doubt. MCSG's community is mostly 12-16, and eventually people don't like being around them. They move to other games (Primarily cs or league)

I for one never ever thought I would come back to MCSG, or ever enjoy it. I thought that it was really drab, and after 2500 games played, I would get really bored. I did, and even now it is still boring, but more enjoyable. There is always a part of me that misses 2013-early 2014 me. In fact, that was when I was happiest in my life, but eventually, I'll have to move on.


Aug 20, 2012
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You just.. Do it.. (No Shia LaBeouf reference intended)

I've been away visiting family since the beginning of July, and haven't touched a PC since. In that time I've felt little separation anxiety, and if I wanted to, I feel like I'd be able to pack up and leave MCG behind right now. However I have no plans on doing that since I still have plenty of work to do.

A person can't leave truly until they're ready.


District 13
Mar 30, 2014
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I have left the community for 7 months, thinking it was the end of my run on the servers. It is a bit sad and hard to get over sometimes because of all the great memories shared and experienced on the servers throughout MCGamer's time. When I left, I went back to playing console with some friends, however there are a lot more paths that people take. When I leave again, which is inevitable, I'm going to be completely done with the community and will, unfortunately, have to move on.

With that being said, leaving isn't all that bad after the first couple of days or weeks. As soon as you come to terms with it and get over it, it's rather easy and it frees up a lot of your time, especially if you are a staff member. You will still reminisce about the servers from time to time and may end up coming back on the servers on occasion. You may even get lured back, as was the case the first time I left; sadly, it won't be the case when I leave again.

I guess it all depends on your interests and what you want to do with your newly acquired free time. MCGamer has made a huge impact on my life and helped me find out more about myself, so leaving it is a bit hard to think about but everyone is going to have to do it at one point.


Apr 20, 2012
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I think it would be quite...unusual for me to leave. Even though I don't get very involved in the community, every time I open up my laptop I automatically type mcgamer.net without even really thinking about it. While the forums where more fun at one point, I still get some sense of enjoyment talking to people about random stuff (funny enough, most of that talk is about other games).

So yeah, I'm not here for the game at all, only for the people. It wouldn't make a difference if this was a forum for something completely different. I'm also not completely addicted to it, and I don't think it's taken over my life. If I was forced to quit, or when I decide to in the future, I don't really think it would be that hard. I would simply just have to stop visiting the website. It would seem strange at first, but I would probably eventually get used to it.

One by one, all of the people that I thought where my friends seem to be leaving. Bit by bit, a person leaves every few months. I've always kept it in mind, subconsciously, that eventually I'll have to make that decision, but I'm not really thinking for the far future. I have no real reason to completely distance myself from this website anytime soon so I'll be sticking around for now.


Yeah, I couldn't imagine logging on and thinking "forget this, I'm out," or something. It'd really take a bit of contemplating from me, especially as I really do enjoy it here, and moderate the servers of course.

I couldn't imagine people leaving and forgetting entirely of their experiences here, so I don't think they're really leaving. They're just not as active as they once were, to me at least.


Jul 8, 2015
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He got banned, tho, different story. People have plenty of motivation to leave after getting banned :p
tell that to lovelights

Yeah, I couldn't imagine logging on and thinking "forget this, I'm out," or something. It'd really take a bit of contemplating from me, especially as I really do enjoy it here, and moderate the servers of course.

I couldn't imagine people leaving and forgetting entirely of their experiences here, so I don't think they're really leaving. They're just not as active as they once were, to me at least.
I've done that many times, but there was 1 thing that pushed me over the edge in 2014

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