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Suicide + Depression Awareness


Apr 14, 2014
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Just a quick thread, with a powerful message.

Recently, a player from HCF (HardCoreFactions, a server on the ShotBow network) who went by the name of VanillaPockyFox, committed suicide after fighting depression. Reading through the posts on the HCF reddit, it finally hit me that while I was not a part of this community (not as much as other people are), this guy meant a lot to a heap of people- they were even prepared to have an event on the server in his memory. Your life and the lives of others mean something to others- you're never unloved, never unnoticed- never alone.

Depression is an immense evil in our society. It can change who you are, to in extreme cases like this, irreversibly changing your life by taking the ultimate last resort- suicide.

As young people, we need to be aware of things like this and know how to deal with this if it happens to you or someone you know, whether it be a friend of a family member.
If you see anyone struggling/showing signs of depression, check on them and ask them if they're OK, because your actions can save someone's life. If you personally ever feel like this, please, talk to someone. There are dozens of people on these very forums who I'm sure would be happy to talk to you and help you out, myself included. If you can't find anyone, you will find someone in depression hotlines or youth websites/hotlines. These services are set up for this very purpose, and using them can mean the difference between a person lost forever or a person saved from the darkness.

This also brings a light upon mean comments, both within this community and on other parts of the internet. Think before you post these comments, because while it may not be right in front of you to realise, it can affect someone, sometimes to the point where it becomes too much for them, and they take the only method of escaping from all of it.


Dec 21, 2014
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This is my forst ever post and thread I have read on these forums and it is one that I think needs my reply or input on it.

Now, I have a friend that is dpressed and self-harms, I used to question why he did it and he never told me. Finally, one day he said to me; "I have seen people die, shot right in front of me, my parents have split and my grandpa- who meant a lot, passed away." (If you were wondering, the country he previously lived in was Timor. It really hit me hard, I had never even known someone that was depressed as much as him. I made sure I was always there for him because I would hate it if he resorted to committing suicide. He know see's a professional counsellor and talks about his feelings, since he has done that, he seems more happy and motivated to do a lot more. The moral of that passage of writing is that if you talk to someone, it can and will get better. But make sure it is a person you trust, or trained in the field.

What VanillaPockyFox did truly hurts me, even though I did not know him personally, I will still grief for him,



District 13
Mar 15, 2014
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As a previous sufferer from this evil disease, this is my view.

Committing suicide is a last resort and something most sufferers think about- in my time I did think about it multiple times. I never really had anyone to talk to as I was a shy and solitude person, I thought this was only going to be temporary. That was the worst thing to think, I suffered for 2 years. Those two years were the worst years of my life, no one really understands the pain that is felt with this disease. Then a switch flicked on inside my head. I needed to speak to someone. So that is what I did, I went and saw the counsellor and they spoke and discussed how I felt. It felt good, and it pained me even more when I realised how long I put this off. What VanillaPockyFox has done will never go unnoticed and is something I hate to think about. I can't stress enough that if you do have unhappy thoughts, there is someone that is willing to talk! Don't just hold your feelings in, it's okay to let them out. There are plenty of hotlines and trained professionals that are here for you, not only are they there for you, but there are people such as you parents or school teachers there too.

VanillaPockyFox, you will be missed, rest in peace.


Nov 24, 2014
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R.I.P Dude, don't know you but I feel sorry.
Heaven will treat you right and good.


Dec 19, 2013
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Rest In Paradise, VanillaPockyFox. You will be missed.


District 13
Mar 31, 2014
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Very well said! Adding on, bullying and abuse are 2 things that cause this. This is why we have a strict policy towards this.

Blazerboy | Noah

District 13
Sep 5, 2012
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I don't like the discussion of suicide and these topics in communities like this one because I have my own conflicting views about it. In my opinion, someone who is susceptible to harsh comments on a regular basis should exit the community where they receive hate, talk to an adult, or report it. It's the same for real life. I can't help but feel some kind of feeling that the person who commits suicide really could have helped themselves solve the problem.
Obviously it's still the right thing to reach out to the one being hurt and help them, but you can't rely on everyone for help when you're being abused or depressed, you need to get yourself help. You can't sit there and mope around and cry about being hurt by someone calling you names. It's a harsh reality, but you need to be stronger to make it, especially in both a virtual world and a reality where people like to torment other people.
I don't suffer from depression or bullying because I don't let other people's comments get to me. I just turn it into a joke and make fun of myself, or I just ignore it. It's really not hard at all.
If you know someone that's being bullied or is in depression, or you yourself are being bothered by it, don't sit there and relive the same thing every day, or let your friend relive the same thing every day. Do something about it.

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