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Team Nitride™ [EU]



Name (REQUIRED): Jamie Dennison
MineCraft Name (REQUIRED): 118crazyJAY118
Exact date of birth (No lieing): 7 may 1997
Amount of wins from the Leaderboards?(REQUIRED): 421
Amount of games played from the Leaderboards?(REQUIRED): 1632
Why you want to join Nitride? ?(REQUIRED): I'd love to play with good PVPers for a change
Something good you have done in MCSG?(REQUIRED): I've killed a five man team before. I had full iron and they had a mix of iron and leather, one had a diamond sword :O.
Why should we accept you?(REQUIRED): I'm incredible skilled when it comes to PVP. I'm also very active on MCSG as well as skype.
Have you got MCbans or a previous ban on MCSG? Explain if yes(REQUIRED): no
Do you have Teamspeak?(REQUIRED): Yes
Skype name?(REQUIRED) And do you have a mic?: x118crazyJAY118 (i do have a mic)
Accepted! Welcome aboard


Jul 2, 2013
Reaction score
Accepted! Welcome aboard
I'm really sorry but when i was applying for your clan i applied for other clans because im inpatient and i got accepted into the rebels so im staying with them. Thanks any and sorry for wasting your time :(


Jan 12, 2013
Reaction score
I'm really sorry but when i was applying for your clan i applied for other clans because im inpatient and i got accepted into the rebels so im staying with them. Thanks any and sorry for wasting your time :(
-_- Don't apply for more then one clan at once it's stupid, if you don't think you want to join this one don't apply especially if your going to apply to others at the same time. Apply for one and if you don't get accepted wait a few days then apply for another. Ok! So please don't do that again.


District 13
Dec 30, 2012
Reaction score
Name (REQUIRED): Daniel
MineCraft Name (REQUIRED): ImTheNarwhal
Exact date of birth (No lieing): 21/10/01
Amount of wins from the Leaderboards?(REQUIRED): 53
Amount of games played from the Leaderboards?(REQUIRED): 300
Why you want to join Nitride? ?(REQUIRED): I would like to join Nitride because I am in need of a good clan that are friendly. I also like that there is some people I know and some I don't so I can be shown around :)
Something good you have done in MCSG?(REQUIRED): I won a clan FFA in #TeamSypher with some of our best players playing :D
Why should we accept you?(REQUIRED): I think you should accept me because I love having fun on SG. I can be serious when needed. I am quite good at pvp despite my stats.
Have you got MCbans or a previous ban on MCSG? Explain if yes(REQUIRED): None
Do you have Teamspeak?(REQUIRED): Yes
Skype name?(REQUIRED) And do you have a mic?: daniel211029, Yes

I applied for the force before, I was denied over Skype instead of on the forum.
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Feb 16, 2013
Reaction score
Name (REQUIRED): Joe
MineCraft Name (REQUIRED): PureEpicness4Eva/PureEpicnessHD
Exact date of birth (No lieing): 4/2/1999
Amount of wins from the Leaderboards?(REQUIRED): 4Eva: 400 HD: 13
Amount of games played from the Leaderboards?(REQUIRED): 4Eva: 1655 HD: 30
Why you want to join Nitride? ?(REQUIRED): Buxtonators asked me if I could join and I like everyone in here, looks like a good clan too.
Something good you have done in MCSG?(REQUIRED): When #TeamArchon were up I 3v1 ImHazza Minialan and Ginger Nutt and killed them all, they all said I was hacking :p
Why should we accept you?(REQUIRED): I am a pretty good PvPer and I will do well in the clan!
Have you got MCbans or a previous ban on MCSG? Explain if yes(REQUIRED): Nope
Do you have Teamspeak?(REQUIRED): Yup
Skype name?(REQUIRED) And do you have a mic?: pauleybroz2 and yes I do have a mic
Oct 30, 2012
Reaction score
I'm gonna try again, I gained nearly 100 wins since I last applied
Name (REQUIRED):Evan
MineCraft Name (REQUIRED): FlawlessWolf727
Exact date of birth (No lieing): 9.11.01
Amount of wins from the Leaderboards?(REQUIRED): 331
Amount of games played from the Leaderboards?(REQUIRED): 3058
Why you want to join Nitride? ?(REQUIRED): It is a great clan and I beat you on SG Classic echo :p
Something good you have done in MCSG?(REQUIRED): Helped 10 noobs in a lobby asking when the game will start :p
Why should we accept you?(REQUIRED): I am a great PvPer, I love meh Flint and steel and I beat you in that game, I was buzzing xD
Have you got MCbans or a previous ban on MCSG? Explain if yes(REQUIRED): Yes, my last app explained
Do you have Teamspeak?(REQUIRED):yes
Skype name?(REQUIRED) And do you have a mic?:Echo has me, and yes I do


I'm gonna try again, I gained nearly 100 wins since I last applied
Name (REQUIRED):Evan
MineCraft Name (REQUIRED): FlawlessWolf727
Exact date of birth (No lieing): 9.11.01
Amount of wins from the Leaderboards?(REQUIRED): 331
Amount of games played from the Leaderboards?(REQUIRED): 3058
Why you want to join Nitride? ?(REQUIRED): It is a great clan and I beat you on SG Classic echo :p
Something good you have done in MCSG?(REQUIRED): Helped 10 noobs in a lobby asking when the game will start :p
Why should we accept you?(REQUIRED): I am a great PvPer, I love meh Flint and steel and I beat you in that game, I was buzzing xD
Have you got MCbans or a previous ban on MCSG? Explain if yes(REQUIRED): Yes, my last app explained
Do you have Teamspeak?(REQUIRED):yes
Skype name?(REQUIRED) And do you have a mic?:Echo has me, and yes I do
Denied Not good enough ratio, please re-apply when you have a better ratio


Jan 3, 2013
Reaction score
Name (REQUIRED): My full name is Hjalmar Carl Gradin (sweg).

MineCraft Name (REQUIRED)
: My Minecraft name is hjalle00.

Exact date of birth (No lieing)
: I was born the 22'nd of July, 2000.

Amount of wins from the Leaderboards?(REQUIRED)
: I have got 814 wins on the MCSG servers.

Amount of games played from the Leaderboards?(REQUIRED)
: I have played 2938 games. I started off as a big noob, I was happy if I didn't crash. Sometimes I go on some really huge lose streaks aswell, due hackers/teams/lag and me just making stupid choices because I'm mad.

Why you want to join Nitride? ?(REQUIRED)
: About a week ago I disbanded my own clan, the Penguin Squad (<3), after running it since the beginning of this year. While being clanless, I've been starting to play better and better and slowly been getting closer to my old MCSG shape. Due to my skills increasing yet again, I've been starting to wonder if I should try my luck in a new MCSG clan. I've been looking at different clans to join, and I've now decided to apply for your clan, Nitride. It looks to be a friendly clan with many cool people in it, and by the looks of it some very skilled PvP'er too. I asked some of the current members of Nitride and got told that Echo is a pretty good leader. On top of that, I think that Nitride is quite simular to my past clan in some areas, which will hopefully make it easier for me to take in the change.

Something good you have done in MCSG?(REQUIRED)
: Hmm, it's hard to think of one thing only, but I guess I gotta go with the 5v1 I pulled off in an inter clan war within the Penguin Squad on Valleyside University. My 4 teammates died early due to targetters and the opposite team not knowing about the grace period we had, and I was left alone. After I had gotten my chestroute which was the football field at that time (Before one of the tier 2's got nurfed), I ran into the whole other team. I can't really remember excacly who were in it, but I remember players like Shaunypie and the Co-Owner KCHX11 being in it. I took loads of damage and legged it, and ran for quite a while. After many bowshots and cut-off attemps by them, I managed to outrun them, and they gave up on me. By the time of refill, I saw one of them running around solo. I came up behind him and killed him quite easily with the element of suprise by my side. I managed to kill 2 more of their players in a simular way, and deathmatch was then going to start. It was now me versus Shaunypie and another guy. I spotted Shaunypie hanging around alone close to spawn, and went in. I got him very low, and he started to run. I tried to finish him off before deathmatch, but couldn't get the last bowshots in. I took aim at Shaunypie since he was very low from our previous fight. I shot him once, and he died. The last one and I had a good fight, and I somehow managed to kill him with 1 heart remaining. GG no re eZ steamroll paddy cake close line goml noob l2p :p

Why should we accept you?(REQUIRED)
: I would class myself as a good MCSG player, even though I'm not the best with the bow. Sometimes when I get killed by hackers or big teams several games in a row, I tend to get mad and play worse the more angry I get. When it comes to PvP I usually have periods (No, not the kind of periods wemen have), bad PvP periods and short periods where I can play amazing. There's something inbetween them both aswell, where I play decent. Anyways, even though I've got things to work when it comes to PvP I class myself as a good MCSG player as I stated at first.
Also, since I've been leading the Penguin Squad for nearly a year I've recieved alot of leadership experience.

Have you got MCbans or a previous ban on MCSG? Explain if yes(REQUIRED)
: I got banned for an hour for the reason of caps lock, which I think is wrong. First of all, I had caps lock on from a previous skype message and said "sorry for caps" right after sending the message. Second of all, it shouldn't have been a direct 1 hour ban. They should've first giving me a warning in the MC chat. That is the only MCSG ban I've had.

Do you have Teamspeak?(REQUIRED)
: Yes I do, and I've already had a look at the Nitride teamspeak and talked with some of the members.

Skype name?(REQUIRED) And do you have a mic?
: My skype name is hjalle2000. I do have a mic, it's pretty good quality.
Last edited:


Jul 26, 2012
Reaction score
Name (REQUIRED): My full name is Hjalmar Carl Gradin (sweg).
MineCraft Name (REQUIRED): My Minecraft name is hjalle00.
Exact date of birth (No lieing): I was born the 22'nd of July, 2013.
Amount of wins from the Leaderboards?(REQUIRED): I have got 814 wins on the MCSG servers.
Amount of games played from the Leaderboards?(REQUIRED): I have played 2938 games. I started off as a big noob, I was happy if I didn't crash. Sometimes I go on some really huge lose streaks aswell, due hackers/teams/lag and me just making stupid choices because I'm mad.
Why you want to join Nitride? ?(REQUIRED): About a week ago I disbanded my own clan, the Penguin Squad (<3), after running it since the beginning of this year. While being clanless, I've been starting to play better and better and slowly been getting closer to my old MCSG shape. Due to my skills increasing yet again, I've been starting to wonder if I should try my luck in a new MCSG clan. I've been looking at different clans to join, and I've now decided to apply for your clan, Nitride. It looks to be a friendly clan with many cool people in it, and by the looks of it some very skilled PvP'er too. I asked some of the current members of Nitride and got told that Echo is a pretty good leader. On top of that, I think that Nitride is quite simular to my past clan in some areas, which will hopefully make it easier for me to take in the change.

Something good you have done in MCSG?(REQUIRED)
: Hmm, it's hard to think of one thing only, but I guess I gotta go with the 5v1 I pulled off in an inter clan war within the Penguin Squad on Valleyside University. My 4 teammates died early due to targetters and the opposite team not knowing about the grace period we had, and I was left alone. After I had gotten my chestroute which was the football field at that time (Before one of the tier 2's got nurfed), I ran into the whole other team. I can't really remember excacly who were in it, but I remember players like Shaunypie and the Co-Owner KCHX11 being in it. I took loads of damage and legged it, and ran for quite a while. After many bowshots and cut-off attemps by them, I managed to outrun them, and they gave up on me. By the time of refill, I saw one of them running around solo. I came up behind him and killed him quite easily with the element of suprise by my side. I managed to kill 2 more of their players in a simular way, and deathmatch was then going to start. It was now me versus Shaunypie and another guy. I spotted Shaunypie hanging around alone close to spawn, and went in. I got him very low, and he started to run. I tried to finish him off before deathmatch, but couldn't get the last bowshots in. After that deathmatch started, and I took aim at Shaunypie since he was very low from our previous fight. I shot him once, and he died. The last one and I had a good fight, and I somehow managed to kill him with 1 heart remaining. GG no re eZ steamroll paddy cake close line goml noob l2p :p
Why should we accept you?(REQUIRED): I would class myself as a good MCSG player, even though I'm not the best with the bow. Sometimes when I get killed by hackers or big teams several games in a row, I tend to get mad and play worse the more angry I get. When it comes to PvP I usually have periods (No, not the kind of periods wemen have), bad PvP periods and short periods where I can play amazing. There's something inbetween them both aswell, where I play decent. Anyways, even though I've got things to work when it comes to PvP I class myself as a good MCSG player as I stated at first.
Also, since I've been leading the Penguin Squad for nearly a year I've recieved alot of leadership experience.

Have you got MCbans or a previous ban on MCSG? Explain if yes(REQUIRED): I got banned for an hour for the reason of caps lock, which I think is wrong. First of all, I had caps lock on from a previous skype message and said "sorry for caps" right after sending the message. Second of all, it shouldn't have been a direct 1 hour ban. They should've first giving me a warning in the MC chat. That is the only MCSG ban I've had.
Do you have Teamspeak?(REQUIRED): Yes I do, and I've already had a look at the Nitride teamspeak and talked with some of the members.
Skype name?(REQUIRED) And do you have a mic?: My skype name is hjalle2000. I do have a mic, it's pretty good quality.
Accepted :), welcome aboard ;)


Dec 26, 2012
Reaction score
Name (REQUIRED): My full name is Hjalmar Carl Gradin (sweg).
MineCraft Name (REQUIRED): My Minecraft name is hjalle00.
Exact date of birth (No lieing): I was born the 22'nd of July, 2013.
Amount of wins from the Leaderboards?(REQUIRED): I have got 814 wins on the MCSG servers.
Amount of games played from the Leaderboards?(REQUIRED): I have played 2938 games. I started off as a big noob, I was happy if I didn't crash. Sometimes I go on some really huge lose streaks aswell, due hackers/teams/lag and me just making stupid choices because I'm mad.
Why you want to join Nitride? ?(REQUIRED): About a week ago I disbanded my own clan, the Penguin Squad (<3), after running it since the beginning of this year. While being clanless, I've been starting to play better and better and slowly been getting closer to my old MCSG shape. Due to my skills increasing yet again, I've been starting to wonder if I should try my luck in a new MCSG clan. I've been looking at different clans to join, and I've now decided to apply for your clan, Nitride. It looks to be a friendly clan with many cool people in it, and by the looks of it some very skilled PvP'er too. I asked some of the current members of Nitride and got told that Echo is a pretty good leader. On top of that, I think that Nitride is quite simular to my past clan in some areas, which will hopefully make it easier for me to take in the change.

Something good you have done in MCSG?(REQUIRED)
: Hmm, it's hard to think of one thing only, but I guess I gotta go with the 5v1 I pulled off in an inter clan war within the Penguin Squad on Valleyside University. My 4 teammates died early due to targetters and the opposite team not knowing about the grace period we had, and I was left alone. After I had gotten my chestroute which was the football field at that time (Before one of the tier 2's got nurfed), I ran into the whole other team. I can't really remember excacly who were in it, but I remember players like Shaunypie and the Co-Owner KCHX11 being in it. I took loads of damage and legged it, and ran for quite a while. After many bowshots and cut-off attemps by them, I managed to outrun them, and they gave up on me. By the time of refill, I saw one of them running around solo. I came up behind him and killed him quite easily with the element of suprise by my side. I managed to kill 2 more of their players in a simular way, and deathmatch was then going to start. It was now me versus Shaunypie and another guy. I spotted Shaunypie hanging around alone close to spawn, and went in. I got him very low, and he started to run. I tried to finish him off before deathmatch, but couldn't get the last bowshots in. After that deathmatch started, and I took aim at Shaunypie since he was very low from our previous fight. I shot him once, and he died. The last one and I had a good fight, and I somehow managed to kill him with 1 heart remaining. GG no re eZ steamroll paddy cake close line goml noob l2p :p
Why should we accept you?(REQUIRED): I would class myself as a good MCSG player, even though I'm not the best with the bow. Sometimes when I get killed by hackers or big teams several games in a row, I tend to get mad and play worse the more angry I get. When it comes to PvP I usually have periods (No, not the kind of periods wemen have), bad PvP periods and short periods where I can play amazing. There's something inbetween them both aswell, where I play decent. Anyways, even though I've got things to work when it comes to PvP I class myself as a good MCSG player as I stated at first.
Also, since I've been leading the Penguin Squad for nearly a year I've recieved alot of leadership experience.

Have you got MCbans or a previous ban on MCSG? Explain if yes(REQUIRED): I got banned for an hour for the reason of caps lock, which I think is wrong. First of all, I had caps lock on from a previous skype message and said "sorry for caps" right after sending the message. Second of all, it shouldn't have been a direct 1 hour ban. They should've first giving me a warning in the MC chat. That is the only MCSG ban I've had.
Do you have Teamspeak?(REQUIRED): Yes I do, and I've already had a look at the Nitride teamspeak and talked with some of the members.
Skype name?(REQUIRED) And do you have a mic?: My skype name is hjalle2000. I do have a mic, it's pretty good quality.
That was a really good app xD

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