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The Anti-Cheat to End All Anti-Cheats.


Jul 10, 2014
Reaction score
I'll copy-paste part of another thread.

Why CheatBreaker will fail and why you also shouldn't trust it:

1. It is a forge mod. This is all I need to say about security - it's basically going to be non-existence as forge mods have to be able to be read by the mod loader, which means they can be read by human eyes (might be obfuscated, but it's still readable). If I can read your code, I can fake your security. You guys can put two and two together.

2. The owner of MineHQ (developer of CheatBreaker) has been caught red-handed DDoSing people and paying people to steal players/spam other servers for them, and has been accused with pretty strong circumstantial of spam botting other servers and encouraging/assisting players to exploit + grief competing servers. There are also other claims, but they are purely speculation so they won't be included. If you think there isn't a RAT, a zombie process (to create a botnet), or a session stealer in this project you are going to be sadly mistaken, as they have been caught doing every underhanded thing in the book when it comes to Minecraft. If it's not in the first release, it will be added secretly in an update.

3. Forcing players to install a mod will KILL your server. This is why modded servers never took off.

4. They said even if you have the source code to their client, it is impossible to bypass. LOL, they just did something several multibillion dollar corporations can't do even with correctly secured code. Let me go ask for the source code to Punkbuster, Warden, VAC, ESEA. Oh wait, they all say hidden source code is the MOST IMPORTANT/STRONGEST part of an anticheat. And they ALL aren't programmed in Java.

5. Since they are doing waves, I speculate well known players who are caught hacking will be made exempt if they are friends with the ownership. It's not like friends of owners over there don't get away with stuff already, amirite?

6. There are some things mentioned that are basically virus like, and the fact that it's built directly into minecraft but only works on one operating should worry you, as they say they only interface with programs that affect minecraft. Minecraft is cross system compatible. Just some food for thought.

7. Enough of this rant, there are many other flaws/lies that can be found in the original thread below.

Original thread: HERE
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May 1, 2015
Reaction score
Interesting idea, but I think that this would make MCGamer lose a lot of players who just can't be bothered or don't know how to download and install the mod. There are also several worrying security flaws with that idea I'd be worried about installing a mod like this due to the amount of power that it gives the owner of the mod.

I also dislike the fact that it bans you from all servers. Even if I hack on one server, that doesn't necessarily mean that I'm going to hack on any others. I've also used hack clients to test stuff on a private server and then forgot to switch profiles before logging into another server. Obviously I disconnected and switched my profile right away, but just those few seconds on the server would get me banned if the server was using this anti cheat.

Edit: Also, why are they talking about it not being compatible with OS X? Any forge mod should be compatible with any operating system that can rum Minecraft, since it's the same folder that they would need to access. This whole thing is starting to scream virus at me...
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Nov 2, 2015
Reaction score
I logged in just to say that this is exactly what MC needs. There are SO many ghost clienters it's insane. It's so easy to install a ghost client for free in literally 2 minutes. This community needs an 'ESEA-like' anticheat and this is what we need; a strict, hardware ID PERMENANT ipban for cheaters across multiple networks.

Make MCSG great again.

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