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The Biggest Problem with MCSG's Community


Mar 1, 2014
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No one wants you here at the moment. I myself have experienced this a lot and it was part of the reason I stopped playing in game, and it should not be taken lightly.

This is important. It can easily ruin your day, make you feel worse and for more sensitive people any form of bullying can lead to mental instability, self harm etc.
Wow ._.
I'm really sorry to hear that lulu. I hope this thread can steer guys away from it and overall help stop it. It's a matter that shouldn't be taken lightly, like you said, and should be dealt with far more severely then it is at the moment. It's overlooked by staff far too much, I think it should result in some sort of ban.


Oct 29, 2013
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Everytime I am about to leave someone wants to flame me lollolol keep it coming ill keep coming


Dec 15, 2012
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No one wants you here at the moment. I myself have experienced this a lot and it was part of the reason I stopped playing in game, and it should not be taken lightly.

This is important. It can easily ruin your day, make you feel worse and for more sensitive people any form of bullying can lead to mental instability, self harm etc.
How have you dealt with it? You could give some great advice on this thread, seeing as a lot of girls who are being harrassed are not sure what to do.

le quack

Jul 17, 2013
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I played a lot of COD back in the day. Girls ruled the place. I did an experiment I went into a lobby as normal me and everything was normal. Then I changed my GamerTag (Or whatever it's called) asked my female friend to go on he mic, the atmosphere was not the same I'll tell you that. She got friends requests in seconds then I started talking now they hate me.

EDIT : This is MCSG, not a dating site


District 13
Dec 7, 2012
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ight ill unfollow it of fanboi
Everytime I am about to leave someone wants to flame me lollolol keep it coming ill keep coming
Someone who is mature has to stop the flaming. If you think that's you then stop. If you feel like your immature then keep it up and let the staff deal with you.

I saw a thread about this a while ago about guys having girls avatars, and how some people were offended. I think it was a lot worse, but if its happening at all its pretty bad.


How have you dealt with it? You could give some great advice on this thread, seeing as a lot of girls who are being harrassed are not sure what to do.
I quit so I wouldn't have to deal with it and I had good friends that would stick up for me any time it happened. For haters, I said 'ily [insert hater's name here]' every time I saw them, on their forum page and on TS without spamming and for some reason it made them stop :p Not even joking.

Also I'd advise just realise they're all people with no life behind a computer screen that obviously have no good female influence in their life so they're sad c:


Feb 5, 2013
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Okay, here's a girl's point of view on this. :) To me, personally, it isn't that big of a problem. Yes, members of this community do give me a lot of attention simply because of my gender but I definitely don't see this as something negative that could ruin my experience online. I'm fully aware of the fact that I probably wouldn't have half as many followers if I was a guy and people probably wouldn't even know who this "Voei" person is but why should I care? Girls in this community are rare, so once you see one, you'll most likely remember her.

As for the "sexual harassment" that you were talking about, I can see where you're coming from. However, I'm someone who can tell a joke from something serious so I definitely don't see this as a huge issue in this community. People make sexual jokes around me and I simply laugh at them because I know that in most cases they don't mean it in a bad way.

But yes, I have met one or two people on MCSG that did take it a bit too far. One of the guys decided to constantly beg me for naked pictures and wouldn't stop asking me sexual questions after I decided to play a few games with him on skype. It went on for weeks and he kept on finding different ways to contact me. It's been over a year since he's last messaged me. Apparently he found a girlfriend irl. Poor girl. ;s

TLDR; Guys, you simply need to be more careful. A lot of girls will take compliments and jokes as harassment, but others will not. Get to know the girl first if you're unsure.


Forum God
Aug 19, 2012
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I was going to post this last night, but then I started a League game and then got kicked off the computer. xD

Ok this I just find hilarious. I am pretty sure no guy tries to show off by wearing a skin.... Come on now :p
IT happens I'm telling you.
Check out his skin LOL

While I do believe that this is a very prominent issue, there are "bigger" issues within MCSG - It's a gaming community, after all.

However, keep in mind the word "community". There's boys, there's girls, there's even grandparents (Hard to believe, I know. But this is Minecraft, not COD.)
And, naturally, there's teenage boys and girls with rampaging hormones.
Heck, even I have what's referred to as "Rampaging hormones", but I'm a self-disciplined child, and I don't go flirting with every random girl I see. (Well, that and I also have a childhood fear of girls LOL)

But what I feel people are lacking is morals - not only guys, but even some girls too. Many girls, in fact.

Back in December of 2012, me and a friend (Maybe @CraftyKratonite as well, not completely sure) decided to do some pranking. We changed our skins to generic female skins, and walked around the Survival Games asking for items and teams. We took some notes, and I realized that I was more than TWO TIMES as likely to get someone to say "Yes" when I asked to team with them. (We only asked people with guy skins) Those teammates would proceed to shower both me and my other friend with items in-game, and we could only sit there and laugh.
Why this worked? Because they assumed we were females. We pretended to flirt, and made casual jokes that left them guessing. Driven by their, erm, "hormones", they tried to "please" the "female" (LOOOL)

For a second, on-the-spot experiment, I'm going to compare the amount of posts on a popular girl's profile to the amount of posts on an equally popular guy's profile. I'll do this with multiple people, but leave them anonymous for their privacy. I'll use two pages of their profile for a more accurate measurement.

Female 1: 21(I had to use the second and third page, because the first page was full of "HAPPY BIRTHDAY" messages.)
Male 1: 11

Female 2: 21 (READ BELOW)

Female 3: 21 (Seriously, what's with everyone tryna get 21?)
Male 3: 17

I was going to write more, but I'm getting distracted by someone in TS, so I have to end it off here.

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