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The Blamph's (Closed)

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Ruman Birk

Jul 16, 2012
Reaction score
IGN: ruman240
Donor is required. just renewed my donorship today
Must have some wins. i have 8 wins
Must do something heroic! i saved team mate from 2 mods in 1 game and one of them had a diamond sword when i had a stone sword
Must be ruthless and willing to kill friendly targets on the demand of a callout. kill anyone when a team mate wants tells me too. even if im at a disadvantage
Hello. why hello there
Must be 14+ (exceptions can be made, but probably not.) 14 in january
Be loyal. i would take an arrow to the knee for you
Must have a working mic and Teamspeak3. my mic is good. i have teamspeak3
You are required to download my sexy voice files for Teamspeak. This way you can listen to me all the time! Yessss! (Okay, maybe not.)

Shaun Ericksen

Jul 16, 2012
Reaction score
Accepted members:

Welcome to the team everyone. As for the rest of the applicants, I'll continue to watch you play. Don't lose hope yet!

People who I need to speak to in Teamspeak (send me a PM or poke me in TS.):
Leptir (donor issue)
Deviantaudioo (donor issue)
JustAHotDog (donor issue)
nate1011 (age?)
Ferno33 (Need to speak to you)
LongCross + Nshock (need to play some more matches with you two)

James! You need to poke me in TS sometime if you want to play some blacklight.

As for everyone else. I'm sorry if I declined you. It's just tough to get Europeans on the team because of timezone differences, latency issues, etc.


Jun 29, 2012
Reaction score
Blamph I probally wont be getting a doner D:
Could there be an exception please!!! (if I dont get on a server it will be my loss)

Ezra Fuller

Aug 13, 2012
Reaction score
Hi Sir.
Donor: I will be if you accept me
Wins: I have no wins, but I have came in second three times :mad:
Heroic Thing: I once faced 3 guys at once so my noob friend could run away.
I'll do anything for the team, and will follow any orders given to me by the leader.
Age: 15
Mic: Not right now, but if I get accepted I will buy one.
Send me those files now.
Other Notes: I have been playing this server for one day, and I am Ranked 13,569 on the leader boards. (Is that considered "good"?)
Also if I get in, I'm gonna have to spend $30 for donor + mic, so I'm gonna have to be loyal, right?
Good bye and I love you.
(Well that escalated quickly)


Jul 17, 2012
Reaction score
I know im completely hopeless, but sometimes the cyanvolts can be jerks so it makes me not want to be a part of them anymore, because i am NOT that kind of person. So that's why ill take a shot at this clan :D

Donor is required. I might get it sometime this week.
Must have some wins. 47 wins.
Must do something heroic! Ill run at someone with a stick while they have an iron sword to let you get away.
Must be ruthless and willing to kill friendly targets on the demand of a callout. I've done that at least 60 times.
Hello. Haider
Must be 14+ (exceptions can be made, but probably not.) I'm 11. Yup, I'm hopeless
Be loyal. Killing everything in sight except my team,
Must have a working mic and Teamspeak3. Can i use skype? ill get teamspeak if it's super important
You are required to download my sexy voice files for Teamspeak. This way you can listen to me all the time! Yessss! (Okay, maybe not.)

Yeah i know i'm hopeless, But this is the only clan i REALLY fit in at. Hope you like my app ;)
THanks! AwesomnessFace


May 6, 2012
Reaction score
I know im completely hopeless, but sometimes the cyanvolts can be jerks so it makes me not want to be a part of them anymore, because i am NOT that kind of person. So that's why ill take a shot at this clan :D

Donor is required. I might get it sometime this week.
Must have some wins. 47 wins.
Must do something heroic! Ill run at someone with a stick while they have an iron sword to let you get away.
Must be ruthless and willing to kill friendly targets on the demand of a callout. I've done that at least 60 times.
Hello. Haider
Must be 14+ (exceptions can be made, but probably not.) I'm 11. Yup, I'm hopeless
Be loyal. Killing everything in sight except my team,
Must have a working mic and Teamspeak3. Can i use skype? ill get teamspeak if it's super important
You are required to download my sexy voice files for Teamspeak. This way you can listen to me all the time! Yessss! (Okay, maybe not.)

Yeah i know i'm hopeless, But this is the only clan i REALLY fit in at. Hope you like my app ;)
THanks! AwesomnessFace
So your quitting cyan volts?


May 5, 2012
Reaction score
I know im completely hopeless, but sometimes the cyanvolts can be jerks so it makes me not want to be a part of them anymore, because i am NOT that kind of person. So that's why ill take a shot at this clan :D

Donor is required. I might get it sometime this week.
Must have some wins. 47 wins.
Must do something heroic! Ill run at someone with a stick while they have an iron sword to let you get away.
Must be ruthless and willing to kill friendly targets on the demand of a callout. I've done that at least 60 times.
Hello. Haider
Must be 14+ (exceptions can be made, but probably not.) I'm 11. Yup, I'm hopeless
Be loyal. Killing everything in sight except my team,
Must have a working mic and Teamspeak3. Can i use skype? ill get teamspeak if it's super important
You are required to download my sexy voice files for Teamspeak. This way you can listen to me all the time! Yessss! (Okay, maybe not.)

Yeah i know i'm hopeless, But this is the only clan i REALLY fit in at. Hope you like my app ;)
THanks! AwesomnessFace


May 17, 2012
Reaction score
I know im completely hopeless, but sometimes the cyanvolts can be jerks so it makes me not want to be a part of them anymore, because i am NOT that kind of person. So that's why ill take a shot at this clan :D

Donor is required. I might get it sometime this week.
Must have some wins. 47 wins.
Must do something heroic! Ill run at someone with a stick while they have an iron sword to let you get away.
Must be ruthless and willing to kill friendly targets on the demand of a callout. I've done that at least 60 times.
Hello. Haider
Must be 14+ (exceptions can be made, but probably not.) I'm 11. Yup, I'm hopeless
Be loyal. Killing everything in sight except my team,
Must have a working mic and Teamspeak3. Can i use skype? ill get teamspeak if it's super important
You are required to download my sexy voice files for Teamspeak. This way you can listen to me all the time! Yessss! (Okay, maybe not.)

Yeah i know i'm hopeless, But this is the only clan i REALLY fit in at. Hope you like my app ;)
THanks! AwesomnessFace
Think was positive attitude, not "yup, I'm hopeless"


Jul 17, 2012
Reaction score
I'm not quitting cyanvolts just yet, of they can improve the sportsmanship then I will stay. But honestly, I've seen some of our members harassing other people in chat then I never saw them again. Then I figured out they quit mcsg. I thought that was NOT cool, so I decided to see if you guys could improve your sportsmanship or if you would keep doing that. I think Tito, soul, Zeno, and a couple others are fine but lots of the rest are just being noobish trolls. And I don't wanna be in a clan like that. Being annoyed for something I don't do, but for what others do.
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