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'There are teams in the books and therefore they belong in the game!'


Dec 12, 2013
Reaction score
do you always start posting pictures when you run out of arguments? It's like arguing with a 5 year old lmao
I could have but I didn't want to. Tired of seeing this guy's sh***y arguments over and over again.
Why do you have to assume that the players pushing for solo servers are all bad at the game? I'm a 'top' eu player, but that doesn't mean I can consistently take out teams of respectably good players. When I play as a team I never get 2v1'd by a legit player. It's honestly way too easy. A solo player has no choice but to quickly deplete his secondaries and gapples when fighting a team, and if the team find themselves to be losing they can easily back off or gapple themselves, so that next time they engage the solo player has fewer resources to call upon.

Chokepoints can be used to take out teams but any team who share a brain cell between them will know not to go up and will instead kill other players to take it to dm, or take refill, for example.

What essentially makes 2v1s complete bs is that, assuming equal gear, a team can effectively deal damage to you twice as quickly as you can to them, AND they have twice the number of hearts you do (if they are competent and don't go in one at a time, and back out when low). They also regen hearts at twice the rate you do, so to take them out you need to be dealing way more damage to them. Really, the best way to take out a team is to clean them up, but in order for that to happen the team must be careless enough to let that happen- getting cleaned up is almost always preventable.

Before you say that this type of team is something you rarely come across, on EU there are loads of 'tryhard teams', especially with the advent of the leaderboard reset. Lots of them even team with hackers to boost their stats.

Furthermore, teams have the potential for creating a sort of snowball effect- they can get stacked with unmatched efficiency by teaming on players with gear they need.

Regarding your 'the game was meant to have teams' point- says who? Just because something has always been a certain way, doesn't mean it shouldn't be changed. I hate to take real world examples, but slavery was the norm for the duration of mankind until revolutionaries such as William Wilberforce started campaigning against it in England. He was met with a lot of resistance as everyone was accustomed to slavery, and I'm sure many a person retorted '<insert race> are meant to be our slaves'. Hopefully you can see that I'm not calling you a slave trader, but rather pointing out the weakness in your argument.

And lastly, please stop condescending and telling me to 'adapt'. I have over 2 years of experience- I've taken out huge stream teams, led clans and gone toe to toe with players considered to be 'the best' and come out on top. That's not to say that I'm the best, or that I can't possibly improve but if I need to improve to have a better chance of taking out teams, then if anything this should serve as a wake-up call as the number of players who actually are able to reliably take out teams must be severely limited.

I'm also a fair way better than you. ^_^

I don't think ending an argument with "I'm better than you" makes anyone regard your argument, but I'll end this here.

What you said is when faced with a team, a solo player would deplete his/her secondaries, which does happen sometimes. I don't know about EU, but on US, we tend to solve the problem more.

If I'm faced against say yourself and proosger, I can either rush in and have a low chance at winning, or I can clean up, with a better chance at winning, or I can find another solo to ally myself with, which has the best chance at winning. (also happened in the book)

EVEN IF MCSG abolished all teams, and became FFA only, how would you define what is ok? What if the argument on one side is "THEY TEAMED UP AGAINST ME" But the other side is "WE BOTH KNEW HE WAS LOW SO WE BOTH TRIED TO GET THE KILL"

Would simply not fighting someone be considered teaming? Divide and conquer? I'd like to know your opinion.


Oct 14, 2013
Reaction score
do you always start posting pictures when you run out of arguments? It's like arguing with a 5 year old lmao
I could have but I didn't want to. Tired of seeing this guy's sh***y arguments over and over again.
Why do you have to assume that the players pushing for solo servers are all bad at the game? I'm a 'top' eu player, but that doesn't mean I can consistently take out teams of respectably good players. When I play as a team I never get 2v1'd by a legit player. It's honestly way too easy. A solo player has no choice but to quickly deplete his secondaries and gapples when fighting a team, and if the team find themselves to be losing they can easily back off or gapple themselves, so that next time they engage the solo player has fewer resources to call upon.

Chokepoints can be used to take out teams but any team who share a brain cell between them will know not to go up and will instead kill other players to take it to dm, or take refill, for example.

What essentially makes 2v1s complete bs is that, assuming equal gear, a team can effectively deal damage to you twice as quickly as you can to them, AND they have twice the number of hearts you do (if they are competent and don't go in one at a time, and back out when low). They also regen hearts at twice the rate you do, so to take them out you need to be dealing way more damage to them. Really, the best way to take out a team is to clean them up, but in order for that to happen the team must be careless enough to let that happen- getting cleaned up is almost always preventable.

Before you say that this type of team is something you rarely come across, on EU there are loads of 'tryhard teams', especially with the advent of the leaderboard reset. Lots of them even team with hackers to boost their stats.

Furthermore, teams have the potential for creating a sort of snowball effect- they can get stacked with unmatched efficiency by teaming on players with gear they need.

Regarding your 'the game was meant to have teams' point- says who? Just because something has always been a certain way, doesn't mean it shouldn't be changed. I hate to take real world examples, but slavery was the norm for the duration of mankind until revolutionaries such as William Wilberforce started campaigning against it in England. He was met with a lot of resistance as everyone was accustomed to slavery, and I'm sure many a person retorted '<insert race> are meant to be our slaves'. Hopefully you can see that I'm not calling you a slave trader, but rather pointing out the weakness in your argument.

And lastly, please stop condescending and telling me to 'adapt'. I have over 2 years of experience- I've taken out huge stream teams, led clans and gone toe to toe with players considered to be 'the best' and come out on top. That's not to say that I'm the best, or that I can't possibly improve but if I need to improve to have a better chance of taking out teams, then if anything this should serve as a wake-up call as the number of players who actually are able to reliably take out teams must be severely limited.

I'm also a fair way better than you. ^_^

It's common sense that it simply takes more skill to be able to deal with teams. If you don't like the way things work, simply go to another server.
Players aren't expected to win every single game, hence the leaderboards being in place. If you don't like teaming, try it yourself.
I personally only play the game for fun, and I've never attempted to climb the leaderboards. I recommend it. It's much less stressful/aggravating.

...Also, I'd respect your opinions if you were a little more respectful towards the opinions of everyone else.

Lastly, I'm sure the developers have much more important matters to attend to. Solo servers may become available in the distant* future, but it's not a need at the moment.
*I believe it's been mentioned before that it won't happen for a while, if at all.
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Community Engagement Team Representative
Jul 22, 2012
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Didn't know this was such a heated topic these days. o.o

I don't really find myself on either "side" of the issue. Players want to play together and have fun, but I personally want to be able to play the game competitively for my own fun, without feeling like I must team to do so. Unless there is a separation between these two types of play - which would have to be heavily moderated - I don't think people will really ever be happy.

I've seen it happen, though: I remember back to the days when "just get better to take them out" was a better argument. Most players who teamed a long while back weren't some of the best players, and in the rare cases they were, the mechanics of the game and skill level of most players was much different than as of now. I remember taking out teams on a regular basis once, back when I was considered to be really "good", but these days so many players are "really good" that expecting a solo player to take out the common "good" team of 3 is foolish. All it takes to be a good team is to know the golden rules of teaming: No separating from your teammate, no fighting without your teammate, and remember: You can eat, shoot arrows, and fall back without all your power stopping its movement.

It's so easy to just say "separate them," but in practice, there are plenty of teams out there where my response to that is just as simply "I can't. They make that impossible." It is only through impatience or mistakes that a decent team can so easily be taken down, given their massive advantage. (Twice as much health, twice as much regen, two locations to attack from...)

As it's been said: Teams can practice just as much as a solo player can. While certainly the solo player is a heck of a lot better off if their good at the game, there are teams full, no, clans full of players just as good, and nobody should expect him to win in any situation but a miracle at those times...such times being more common than ever, even for the best of them.


Oct 5, 2014
Reaction score
Teaming is not an issue. The attitude that people have is the real issue. Players come on MCGamer to have fun. Playing with your friends is extremely fun and sometimes you get bored playing alone. "Teaming is an issue" That statement gets me agitated so much. This is what MCSG has become? If you are really one of this people that prefer to win all on skill and think like that, just get better. That's it. Playing with friends and such is what Minecraft is all about. As you said "Go play on Mineplex if you want to team" and "Other servers have already implemented this". Then why don't you go play on those servers? Why? Because MCSG is unique and no other server can give the amount of fun that you get from playing on the MCGamer servers. If they add gamemodes like teams only and such, it removes the whole jest of it. That's what makes MCSG fun. It is how challenging it is and how you expect teams. Sometimes even though I hate to say it, hackers. MCSG feels as close to Hunger Games as it is possible. You are always of aware of everything and expecting the hardest challenges, thinking about how to overcome them. If that aspect of the game was removed, it makes MCSG one thing closer to being just another Survival Games server.



District 13
Dec 9, 2012
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I play with buddies a lot. You just have to learn to deal with teams. They're very irritating while playing alone, but there's nothing we can do about it. However, I do like the option of having solo servers though, but it would take a lot of time for staff members to enforce them though.


Oct 14, 2013
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wooo ur cool bcuz u have meme pic ^_^

But seriously, on 1.8, someone with 14cps can get outhitted by someone who has 7cps and I've seen it happen

I said we could have BOTH Normal and Solo servers, so players could pick

You don't play EU, and you don't know how things are here. As I said, yeah one team a game doesn't hurt, but when there are 3 teams in the game plus the 2 hackers that often also get in the game, it's just dumb. If you do make it to deatchmatch, the two people are gonna randy team on you and you are gonna die.

Especially now that the stat reset happened, i really would like to work for nice stats.
I know it's bad. You should have seen the US servers early summer of 2014.


Oct 31, 2014
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There's teamers across every region. US players should definitely have a say in this.
ive been playing both regions for about a year each. eu is about 10 times worse. =))


Aug 25, 2013
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Fighting teams has always come naturally to me. I played a game on Alaskan village and there was a team of 2, full iron, diamond sword, iron sword. I had 7 armor bars and a stone sword. The other person left for refill as it was approaching quickly, and I destroyed the other player with a fishing rod combo. I went on to win the game. If you're stacked, light 'em up with flint and steel, bowspam and go in!


Oct 14, 2013
Reaction score
ive been playing both regions for about a year each. eu is about 10 times worse. =))
That might just be bad luck on your part. There's always teamers, but they probably just don't last long enough for you to notice.

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