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Too Many Hackers


Jun 18, 2013
Reaction score
Greetings MCSG players.

I have come to you all with an issue that was been around for some time, and it is hackers. This breed of players just seems to be growing at a mass rate and it seems it is to much for the moderators to handle. I have extreme amounts of respect for all moderators but it seems to me that it is all too much to handle. The number of mods compared to the number of hackers in the mcsg community is quite shocking to say the least. Basically I am making the suggestion of making a larger team of mods or another system to control the hackers. Something that is quick and easy to access for even the general players of the mcsg community (with balanced limits of course.) If anyone has ideas post below and if I come up with some worth looking into I will discuss it with the interested party, Thanks.


District 13
Jun 28, 2012
Reaction score
If you notice that many per game, why don't you just record the game and send us the evidence? The way we get most of our bans is from player submitted reports. If you can't record because your computer is too bad, or another such reason, you can always contact a staff member on TeamSpeak; all you have to do is poke a staff member. Either that or contact someone here on the forums, however they probably won't get your message immediately.

We have over 100 mods, and with close to 200 servers running constantly, no, there are never going to be enough staff to be in a large percentage of the games. For that reason we rely on our players to record hackers, and take screenshots of other rulebreakers for us.


Sep 15, 2012
Reaction score
I come across around 4-5 almost every game. Your experience with hackers may be vague but I notice ALOT in the au servers
AU has had a large amount of hackers recently, however that's quite an exaggeration. I only see one once every 5 games or so.


Jun 18, 2013
Reaction score
AU has had a large amount of hackers recently, however that's quite an exaggeration. I only see one once every 5 games or so.

I dont find it to be an over exaggeration I do tend to find immense amounts of hackers on AU servers, not all ways extreme hacks like forcfield, aimbot ect but still, hacking is hacking and it needs to stop. :3


Sep 15, 2012
Reaction score
I dont find it to be an over exaggeration I do tend to find immense amounts of hackers on AU servers, not all ways extreme hacks like forcfield, aimbot ect but still, hacking is hacking and it needs to stop. :3
With the increase of hackers in AU so has the "hackussations". So many of the better players get accused after nearly every win they get. Also it's impossible for a community this large to rid of all hackers. We can lower the number but we can't always rely on the staff to do everything.

I've seen 10 hackers in five games, a little bit ridiculous if you askmme
That's probably just really bad luck, there will be times where you see no hackers for 5 or 10 games.


Jun 18, 2013
Reaction score
If you notice that many per game, why don't you just record the game and send us the evidence? The way we get most of our bans is from player submitted reports. If you can't record because your computer is too bad, or another such reason, you can always contact a staff member on TeamSpeak; all you have to do is poke a staff member. Either that or contact someone here on the forums, however they probably won't get your message immediately.

We have over 100 mods, and with close to 200 servers running constantly, no, there are never going to be enough staff to be in a large percentage of the games. For that reason we rely on our players to record hackers, and take screenshots of other rulebreakers for us.

thanks for the reply, I have started recording recently but I have found some of my evidence to be insufficient. I am going to start recording every game or make sure there is at least one recorder in the game to try and terminate as many hackers as I can within my power. Unfortunately I tend to see more people simply ''blowing off'' hackers and not bother doing anything which annoys because we need as much help as possible to keep the community clean


May 27, 2012
Reaction score
The community has hit a recent spike in hackers, due to the fact that it is now summer time for the northern hemisphere. During summer time, we expect to see a large increase in the number of hackers, due to the fact that all users in the northern hemisphere, are highly likely to have free time to play Minecraft Survival Games. Due to the fact that users have more free time, that means hackers join as well.

It's also a fact to mention that many moderators are on vacation. I myself just came off a 1 week vacation. So it is in fact fair to say that we are not fully staffed at the moment, however, it is likely that as summer continues along, these staff members will return from their vacations, and continue moderating the servers.

Now these hackers are not server dependent. There are plenty of hackers on US, CA, EU, and AS. There is no specific server to blame for all of these hackers. The only logicial explanation, are the two shown above.

It is a tough time and I understand that. Even us moderators are slightly frustrated and overwhelmed with the rapid increase of hackers. I have done my best work to ban as many hackers as possible, and I can assure you that other moderators are doing the same.


Jun 18, 2013
Reaction score
The community has hit a recent spike in hackers, due to the fact that it is now summer time for the northern hemisphere. During summer time, we expect to see a large increase in the number of hackers, due to the fact that all users in the northern hemisphere, are highly likely to have free time to play Minecraft Survival Games. Due to the fact that users have more free time, that means hackers join as well.

It's also a fact to mention that many moderators are on vacation. I myself just came off a 1 week vacation. So it is in fact fair to say that we are not fully staffed at the moment, however, it is likely that as summer continues along, these staff members will return from their vacations, and continue moderating the servers.

Now these hackers are not server dependent. There are plenty of hackers on US, CA, EU, and AS. There is no specific server to blame for all of these hackers. The only logicial explanation, are the two shown above.

It is a tough time and I understand that. Even us moderators are slightly frustrated and overwhelmed with the rapid increase of hackers. I have done my best work to ban as many hackers as possible, and I can assure you that other moderators are doing the same.
I, aswell as others appreciate what all moderators do for us and thank you for giving me some insight into the recent rise in hackers. I was just thinking if there are any other ways to decrease the amount of hackers by maybe adding a new system or penalties or something like that. I know that my ideas seem non realistic but I dont currently have anything to elaborate on as of now. I will dig into it a bit more and notify the moderators if i come up with anything of interest :)


Mar 22, 2013
Reaction score
There are so many hackers nowadays and I agree. But there are so many posts about this.

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