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Top 10 best maps! Top 10 worst maps!

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May 5, 2012
Reaction score
Top 5 best:
Breeze Island (It's overplayed for a reason - and thats why I don't hate it)
All Teweran Maps (Greatly detailed , nice terrain and there never one thing thats ugly. Also they are built around gameplay as well.)
SG3 : I love the survival feel and always have fun playing on it. Although the games are long and often slow paced , it makes those action packed moments so much better.
Demon's Breeze : Although it's not the prettiest map (and it shouldn't have been added IMO) , being a troll I love running around punching people into lava.
Holiday Resort : I like the landmarks , and sometimes things are cringy to look at - but I still love the feel of the map and gameplay is usually good.
Lobby Games : Just generally fun. Team Elite did a really good job on this one , and hopefully they will make even better maps in the future.

Not going to list the ones I don't like.


Nov 10, 2013
Reaction score
My Favorite Maps: (Top 5 IMO)
Vallyside University - Just a great map in general. So uniqe from the others, love how it's made. I have multiple chesroutes on it and they always work :p It should be played more often tho.
2.Icarus - It's an amazing map, and really uniqe aswell. I go RedStone :]
3.SG4 - It's a really overplayed map, but it's still one of my favorites. It has always been one of my favorite maps.
4.Holiday Resort - This map is a really uniqe, and amazing aswell. As much as I HATE water fights and/or maps, this map also has alot of ground.
5.Avaricia - Honestly, I used to hate this map really much. Mainly cause I didn't have a chestroute and only got bad stuff. But after I got a really OP chestroute, I've winning almost every game.

My Least Favorite Maps: (Top 5 IMO)
SG 1 - This map is really hard to find chest's on. Unless you know where to find the boat. That's the only OP place I know, but I think there is a hidden Iron sword somewhere. It's also really big and not much space for fighting. (FnS and such)
2.SG2 - Pretty much the same as SG1, but this map is still better. I know 2 chestroutes and one of them is "Pink House", wich I think is the most OP. It's better for PvP tho.
3.Fusturistic City/TSG3 - This map is honestly AMAZING on the Hive, not as good on MCSG. They ruined alot of things, such as hidden chest's, cause you need a 2 space up to open a chest, only 1 to open a crate. It's still quite good tho, really underplayed :p
4. Moonlight lake - I just don't like the map. It's really underplayed, plus it's quite bad for PvP. To make it better they should add more flat-land. And take away some trees.
5.Fallen Empire - This map is quite hard to get a chestroute, plus there is always the "Invisible" glitch, wich makes it hard to kill some people. They should really fix this :]

Please don't argue, this is only my opinions :p


Aug 17, 2013
Reaction score
(TOP 10) Best maps:
1. Valleyside University
2. MoonBase9
3. Teweran Survival Games 3
4. Avaricia
5. Breeze Island
6. Survival Games Highway
7. Demon's Breeze
8. Holiday Resort
9. Wyvern's Wake
10. The Survival Games 4

(TOP 5) Worst maps:
1. The Survival Games 3
2. Treacherous Heights
3. Survival Kingdom
4. Fallen Colossi
5. Destiny's Shiver


Nov 21, 2012
Reaction score
Sg2: That pink house doe :3
Icarus: Good environment for FnS, also got a smexi route from Tree_TheBigKind
Vida Cova: Team Apollo, Nuff said.
Lobby Games: Brings memories, plus it has a room full of Benjamins. Also OP chest route and an intense dm arena.
Demon's Breeze: Nice Route. That's it...
Not gonna do least favorites C:


Sep 23, 2012
Reaction score
Wow, the last time I did one of these was back in v1. So much has changed...


1. Survival Games 2 (V1 version, Classic once chests are fixed)
By V1 version, I'm talking about the version that was playable right up until v2 was released. Very well balanced map with a nice even spread of tier 2s throughout each of the 4 corners. The version in Classic seems to reflect this as well, only with fewer tier 2s all around. Can't wait for the chests to be randomized. As for the map itself, nothing topped the architecture back in v1, and that hasn't changed. More maps have gotten close, but this is still my favorite. So much effort put into every building, and the attention to detail is amazing.

2. Teweran 2 Drybone Valley
Also an amazingly built map with great, balanced gameplay. Lots of wide open space to pvp, but also plenty of structures, vast mountains, and a river to mix things up. The attention to detail is also amazing. I also think the chest placement/tiering is great too, though with more emphasis on the tier 2s than sg2.

3. Valleyside University
A really fun map to explore and play. The gameplay here really does it for me. Plenty of chests and routes, and some great pvp areas from a flat arena to several places to run and corner people. I do think the map could use more attention to detail, though. The architecture, while not bad, reminds me a lot more of sg4 than sg2/teweran2.

4. Holiday Resort
I actually think this map is slightly better built than Valleyside (more details, nicer to look at), but the gameplay isn't quite as good. I'm talking about the giant ring of water surrounding corn, which makes water fights a bit more common than they should be. Fortunately, the map's gameplay isn't based on water fights like Breeze Island, and the outer ring of the map and corn are really fun. The corn actually reminds me of sg2's corn, and that can only be a good thing.

5. Icarus
For me, this map never gets old. It's like a giant web of different passages that are full of surprises. Very well built, and just has this cool kind of feel to it that I don't get with a lot of maps. I also like that this map has very 3d-ish gameplay, with multiple levels throughout the map to choose from. Makes it very unique.

Least favorites:

1. Boombeard's Battle
Just look at all that water. As far as the eye can see. I thought Breeze was bad, but this map is something else entirely. Corn is unfair for anyone who doesn't have a bow. Water fights are everywhere. There's a severe lack of tier 2s. Everything about this map falls flat gameplay-wise. As for the map itself... we've seen it before. A bunch of islands with a ship. Sound familiar? Basically this entire map is the outer ring of Breeze Island.

2. Breeze Island
Speaking of which, I still hate this map. Hate the water fights, hate the chests getting looted way too fast, and hate the overall laziness. Now, beating on this map on these forums in 2014 is like beating a dead horse, so I'll just leave it at that.

3. Survival Games 2 (V2 version)
The day MCSG v2 was released was the day the gameplay of this map died. It's like they took all the tier 2s in the map and stuffed them in the Pink House. Basically the first person to reach that gets all the loot, and everyone else pretty much has no chance. Sg1 had this problem as well when v2 was released, but lately it's been changed to a much more reasonable version both in Classic and v2. Meanwhile, sg2 is STILL screwed up, though they did fix it... in Classic... once the chests get randomized...

Anyways, yeah, the gameplay of the map dropped off a cliff back in April, and it still hasn't quite recovered.

Okay, done ranting. Most of the REALLY bad maps have been removed, so there isn't as much for me to criticize. I actually like most of the newer maps, and even several of the maps I used to hate (such as sg4 and Solar Frost) have grown on me a bit.


Feb 2, 2013
Reaction score
1. Survival Games 2
2. Avaricia
3. Survival Games 4
4. Holiday Resort
5. Valleyside University
6. Survival Games 5
7. SG Highway
8. Icarus
9. Chernobyl 2015
10. Survival Kingdom

1. Breeze Island
2. Demon's Breeze
3. Wyvern's Wake
4. Destiny's Shiver
5. Survival Games 3
6. Teweran Sg 2
7. Solar Frost
8. Lobby Games
9. Teweran Sg 3
10. Karmunrah


Feb 3, 2013
Reaction score
5 Most Favourite Maps:

1) Lobby Games - really nice aesthetics, OP chest routes galore (everyone's stacked 5 minutes in), and the void is a nice game-changer.
2) Demon's Breeze - I love the intense fights on those bridges. Having lava everywhere is so fun.
3) SG5 - I really like the design, it's not difficult no navigate (unlike other snowy maps), and I've got a nice route. Limited FnS usage is a bummer, though.
4) Solar Frost - I used to really dislike this map, but it's grown on me. Short, intense games, and a really interesting design - labyrinthine, claustrophobic tunnels with lots of neat areas.
5) Valleyside University - overplayed, but it's got a really nice, unique design, plenty of little secrets/easter eggs, and easy to navigate.
Honorable mentions: Icarus, SG4, SG Highway

5 Most Disliked Maps:

1) Castle Dracula - annoying to navigate, some difficult terrain, and it's difficult to get back to corn.
2) Destiny's Shiver - annoying terrain and corn - even though 12 chests is nice, it's hard to get back to it, especially if someone's guarding the 2 or 3 entry points.
3) TSG1 (Howling Mountains) - looks beautiful, but annoying to navigate, and its size tends to disperse players too much to keep PvP interesting.
4) Boombeard's Battle - it's like an inverted Breeze Island. So much water, and most of it is around corn. It's boring and tedious to get around in if you don't have a nice supply of boats on hand.
5) SG3 - very sparse chests, and hard to find your way around (even if you have a general idea of all the places on the map).
Honorable Mentions: SG2, Vida Cova, Breeze Island

(Why 5? The rest are just average to me)


Jan 8, 2014
Reaction score
My favorites:
10. moonbase9
9. SG4
8. SG2
7. Teweran SG2
6. Lobby games
5. Icarus
4. Avaricia
3. Demon's Breeze
2. Holiday Resort
1. Valleyside University

My least favorite:
10. Kharmunrah. (honestly it's a good map. just takes too long :/)
9. SG3 (eh. whatever.)
7. The Fallen Colossi (not the best map but interesting areas in it. WHERE IS THE WORKBENCH THO)
6. Breeze Island (decent enough map. but mods you did a really shyte job tier'ing it.
5. Fallen Empire v2.0 (original was great. remake makes me cri because the old one has the memoriez and feelz.
4.Freeze Island (thank god it was removed. icepvp is stupiddddd)
3. Boombeard's Battle (too much water, not enough chests :/)
2. Solar Frost (just not a fan of the whole idea of the map. it's a good map to others though. I just don't really like it.)
1. Hungry Hills (90% of kills are people fisting people of a freaking mountain -.-)


Feb 1, 2014
Reaction score
1. Wyvern's Wake
2. Holiday Resort
3. Teweran SG 2
4. SG Highway
5. Demon's Breeze
6. Avarcia
7. Fortune Island
8. SG4
9. Valleyside University
10. Icarus

Least Favorites:
1. SG1
2. Fortress Pyke
3. Kharmunrah
4. SG3
5. SG5


Jun 16, 2013
Reaction score
Top 5 Favourites:
1. Demon's Breeze- (Isn't too big, usually short games & it's a good twist to Breeze Island.)
2. TSG2- (A lot of chests & people get really OP so it's a nice challenge.)
3. Solar Frost- (Short games, i love the deathmatch arena & overall it's a really appealing map!
4. Valleyside University- (I love the way the map looks & it's overall fun to play!
5. Avaricia- (This one has been one of my favourites since it released, I have some amazing memories & gameplay on that map!

I usually will play any map, I don't really dislike any of them! Most of the maps that got removed lately are the ones you wouldn't see me playing. I enjoyed doing this! :3


Aug 13, 2013
Reaction score
1. Holiday Resort
2. SG4
3. Valleyside University
4. Avaricia
5. Icarus
6. Breeze Island
7. Wyvern's Wake
8. Survival Games Highway
9. Solar Frost
10. Winds of Change

Too many bad maps...
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