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Top 10 Clan Battle players


Jan 1, 2016
Reaction score
shot calling is a major aspect in clan battles..
Respectfully disagree, Phoenixv1 had no organisation and was solely based on having a lineup of players who could 1v4 with ease. Every player being a strong link AND having someone who can organise everything well is good, but rare to find. (many examples come to mind of not so good players who were in top lineups for organisation and/or shotcalling which really let them down)

Anyway I'll make a list for some lols

1) Darkrai: I'd really like to think I might be okay at pvp and people don't consider me only good because i can tell people where do go but hey what do i know. I think I normally get 2/3 kills per round, 1 at minimum NORMALLY.

2) jimmy: Can we not forget that whenever I died he normally 1v3'd and won 90% of the time.

3) chris: he's pretty good at hitting other people

4) nush: he's really stupid and is literally caught in every single round but then runs for 5 minutes and then we have a fight where we're overgeared asf?? really really impactful and honestly pretty irreplaceable in that regard, only player in au who can pull it off

5) julian: honestly one of the most underrated people, he legit is always in full iron and kills 1/2 people per round

6) lebron: UNPOPULAR OPINION, but ok i know the unkillable tank Good is a joke but like he literally doesn't die 90% of time and always has 1+ kills per round

7) randm: not a pvp list sry fam, i've heard you don't talk ever and that's really bad in cbs

8) ryan: tell him what to do and he is pretty good at pvp

9) jed: is the type of dude to try and 1v4 which kinda sucks but i mean hey whatever he pulls it off most of the time

10) ep1c: he is big exile shotcall man and that's good because he's really good at it and pretty good at pvp, he's really important to exile and i think he'd be a massive upgrade to any other clan who needs clear communication, his importance to exile would probably put him as the #2 spot but yeah


This is CB list, not PvP. The players who are top on this list contribute to Phoenix's success which became the #1 clan. I base a players value off what they mean to me in a CB. For example, ep1c wouldn't mean as much to me as jimmy. HOWEVER, in exile having ep1c would be more important than jimmy because he is very important to how they play and operate.

everyone values players differently, i wouldn't value randm as high as other players because he's generally very quiet and doesn't fit my style of play, despite him being imho top 2 in pvp right now.


Sep 22, 2013
Reaction score
Respectfully disagree, Phoenixv1 had no organisation and was solely based on having a lineup of players who could 1v4 with ease. Every player being a strong link AND having someone who can organise everything well is good, but rare to find. (many examples come to mind of not so good players who were in top lineups for organisation and/or shotcalling which really let them down)

Anyway I'll make a list for some lols

1) Darkrai: I'd really like to think I might be okay at pvp and people don't consider me only good because i can tell people where do go but hey what do i know. I think I normally get 2/3 kills per round, 1 at minimum NORMALLY.

2) jimmy: Can we not forget that whenever I died he normally 1v3'd and won 90% of the time.

3) chris: he's pretty good at hitting other people

4) nush: he's really stupid and is literally caught in every single round but then runs for 5 minutes and then we have a fight where we're overgeared asf?? really really impactful and honestly pretty irreplaceable in that regard, only player in au who can pull it off

5) julian: honestly one of the most underrated people, he legit is always in full iron and kills 1/2 people per round

6) lebron: UNPOPULAR OPINION, but ok i know the unkillable tank Good is a joke but like he literally doesn't die 90% of time and always has 1+ kills per round

7) randm: not a pvp list sry fam, i've heard you don't talk ever and that's really bad in cbs

8) ryan: tell him what to do and he is pretty good at pvp

9) jed: is the type of dude to try and 1v4 which kinda sucks but i mean hey whatever he pulls it off most of the time

10) ep1c: he is big exile shotcall man and that's good because he's really good at it and pretty good at pvp, he's really important to exile and i think he'd be a massive upgrade to any other clan who needs clear communication, his importance to exile would probably put him as the #2 spot but yeah


This is CB list, not PvP. The players who are top on this list contribute to Phoenix's success which became the #1 clan. I base a players value off what they mean to me in a CB. For example, ep1c wouldn't mean as much to me as jimmy. HOWEVER, in exile having ep1c would be more important than jimmy because he is very important to how they play and operate.

everyone values players differently, i wouldn't value randm as high as other players because he's generally very quiet and doesn't fit my style of play, despite him being imho top 2 in pvp right now.
do top 10 pvp


Mar 29, 2016
Reaction score
I'm sorry but i don't think I diserve to be put at 9th as I can rape the top 8 list. I'm probs most expierenced out of all of them including nick.

edit: only cause i was in like 20 clans

another edit: I've won over 180 cb which means I have a %83.4 win rate. thats pretty good if u ask me. Harley is just a low life nerd. I smashed him on bl while he was clienting. not like he admited to using spook on kohi or anything


Jan 1, 2016
Reaction score
I'm sorry but i don't think I diserve to be put at 9th as I can rape the top 8 list. I'm probs most expierenced out of all of them including nick.

edit: only cause i was in like 20 clans

another edit: I've won over 180 cb which means I have a %83.4 win rate. thats pretty good if u ask me. Harley is just a low life nerd. I smashed him on bl while he was clienting. not like he admited to using spook on kohi or anything
All due respect, being in a clan battle =/= positive experience and definitely does not equate to success. And yes, the 83.4% win rate is very good. Not trying to take away from your success by saying that haha.

And also, if you do think you can rape everyone above you then you're mistaken.
Jun 15, 2015
Reaction score
Respectfully disagree, Phoenixv1 had no organisation and was solely based on having a lineup of players who could 1v4 with ease. Every player being a strong link AND having someone who can organise everything well is good, but rare to find. (many examples come to mind of not so good players who were in top lineups for organisation and/or shotcalling which really let them down)

Anyway I'll make a list for some lols

1) Darkrai: I'd really like to think I might be okay at pvp and people don't consider me only good because i can tell people where do go but hey what do i know. I think I normally get 2/3 kills per round, 1 at minimum NORMALLY.

2) jimmy: Can we not forget that whenever I died he normally 1v3'd and won 90% of the time.

3) chris: he's pretty good at hitting other people

4) nush: he's really stupid and is literally caught in every single round but then runs for 5 minutes and then we have a fight where we're overgeared asf?? really really impactful and honestly pretty irreplaceable in that regard, only player in au who can pull it off

5) julian: honestly one of the most underrated people, he legit is always in full iron and kills 1/2 people per round

6) lebron: UNPOPULAR OPINION, but ok i know the unkillable tank Good is a joke but like he literally doesn't die 90% of time and always has 1+ kills per round

7) randm: not a pvp list sry fam, i've heard you don't talk ever and that's really bad in cbs

8) ryan: tell him what to do and he is pretty good at pvp

9) jed: is the type of dude to try and 1v4 which kinda sucks but i mean hey whatever he pulls it off most of the time

10) ep1c: he is big exile shotcall man and that's good because he's really good at it and pretty good at pvp, he's really important to exile and i think he'd be a massive upgrade to any other clan who needs clear communication, his importance to exile would probably put him as the #2 spot but yeah


This is CB list, not PvP. The players who are top on this list contribute to Phoenix's success which became the #1 clan. I base a players value off what they mean to me in a CB. For example, ep1c wouldn't mean as much to me as jimmy. HOWEVER, in exile having ep1c would be more important than jimmy because he is very important to how they play and operate.

everyone values players differently, i wouldn't value randm as high as other players because he's generally very quiet and doesn't fit my style of play, despite him being imho top 2 in pvp right now.
'Guys I'm getting chased' -nush (Low monotone voice)

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