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View on 'EZ' and 'REKT'


District 13
Aug 1, 2012
Reaction score
I'm not trying to start any flame here. Though I agree with you in some aspects. However, the world doesn't work like that. If people could just learn to put up with things and not get mad about it, there wouldn't be any terrorist attacks etc.
Things must adapt to people quickly, as people can't adapt to them quickly.
Terrorist attacks... you are related terrorist attacks to saying 'Ez' on a minecraft game? i am not saying to put up with a family member dying, i am saying to put up with someone saying 'Rekt' to you. HUGE difference sir.


Aug 31, 2014
Reaction score
Okay, you big boys seem to be fine with or without eZ in chat. I don't know what you're complaining about if the issue didn't affect you in the first place.


Apr 4, 2015
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Terrorist attacks... you are related terrorist attacks to saying 'Ez' on a minecraft game? i am not saying to put up with a family member dying, i am saying to put up with someone saying 'Rekt' to you. HUGE difference sir.
I'm relating them as the build up of anger. Every flame has to have a spark. In ways disrespect causes both these. If someone from a different origin was to have a rasict comment directed towards him/her. That person may them take it to extremes. Its bit how we want the world to be, hut that's how it is.
I'm going to leave it there. People have opinions and I have said mine :)


District 13
Aug 1, 2012
Reaction score
I'm relating them as the build up of anger. Every flame has to have a spark. In ways disrespect causes both these. If someone from a different origin was to have a rasict comment directed towards him/her. That person may them take it to extremes. Its bit how we want the world to be, hut that's how it is.
I'm going to leave it there. People have opinions and I have said mine :)
Sure people cannot control their anger, but why blame the person who said a couple letters for all of their rage?


Apr 4, 2015
Reaction score
I encouraged it? I just said it should NOT be punished. Again, it is the player who gets butthurt's fault for getting sad. If you seriously get mad and upset when someone says "Rekt" than you need to take a break. It is even more sad if you get depressed because it is a game where people say things, they aren't even saying anything personal about you.
Don't you realise that 10-year-olders play this game? You make it sound like you want to disrespect people you meet in this game. If people are young, they get sad really easily. And you're saying it's their choice to get mad. No it's not ^_^

You're probably one of those toxic pricks who run around thinking they're gods and letting everyone know how proud you are about the fact that you are good at a game.

This is probably the dumbest post I've ever seen on MCG forums.
I can already see your next thread: "Make hacks allowed"


District 13
Aug 1, 2012
Reaction score
Don't you realise that 10-year-olders play this game? You make it sound like you want to disrespect people you meet in this game. If people are young, they get sad really easily. And you're saying it's their choice to get mad. No it's not ^_^

You're probably one of those toxic pricks who run around thinking they're gods and letting everyone know how proud you are about the fact that you are good at a game.

This is probably the dumbest post I've ever seen on MCG forums.
I can already see your next thread: "Make hacks allowed"
First off, if 10 year olds get sad really easily, why punish the people who just say a couple of letters that make people rage? I never said it was their choice, I said it is partly their fault for getting mad. You have to learn to grow up and forget about a couple letters people say in a game, we shouldn't aim to help 10 year olds from stop raging.


Feb 9, 2013
Reaction score
It's kinda easy to tell someone's personality by what they say in chat. It does get annoying when every second game you get told "eZ", "rekt" and "bad". I'm not saying it should be banned, but I think everyone would be happier without an aura of asshole-ish-ness radiating around the place...

On the other side of the argument, it's not really a big deal. They're just ridiculous words. It could be worse, and it's definitely not cyber bullying. It could maybe make people feel bad, but there's people like that everywhere...


Aug 20, 2012
Reaction score
my view on it is two things:

1) players will just bypass it as they are used to MCSG being competitive and have used words like ez,l2p and r3kd for a long time as MCSG is one of the most competitive SG community over any other community

2) players will resort to more stronger vocabulary that are not filtered as a minor disrespecting word was blocked they use a more disrespecting word that is not blocked as the community never had to use that word as they could say less disrespecting words making the filter a violent cycle of disrespect

so basicly no filter people that want to desperately say something to someone no matter how hard they try someone will bypass it as this community is competitive


May 22, 2013
Reaction score
I'm gonna try to say my opinion in a way that doesn't sound as antagonistic as some other responses...

I feel like it is a problem, but not as big as a lot of people seem to make it out to be. Admittedly yeah, people are sensitive, and that's where the problem really is. No, I'm not saying people should "suck it up", I'm saying it shouldn't be dropped so casually. It used to be where you would face a team of 5 and get all 5 spamming "REKT" in chat, often against a complete stranger who was completely outgeared. This is another way the problem shows, as a way for someone to almost stroke their own ego, whether it be because they're having a bad day, or revenge (even though it's just a game), or just because they felt like it. These two combined could usually take a simple 2-4 letters in chat into a full blown flame war. It acts as a spark to the more "volatile people". I was against saying anything like that when it was allowed because of this (unless i was having a really bad day and couldn't think straight), I didn't want to start a flame war with people unless I absolutely had to.

One thing said in the past that I have to agree with though is the logic is kind of similar to saying "suck it" because you beat someone in a game about blocks. While it may just be smack talking, i seems WAY overblown, especially when almost everyone says it.

I just want to end this off by saying I'm not trying to start a flame. I'm just stating my opinions in their most basic form.


Aug 20, 2012
Reaction score
Cyberbullying is not saying 'ez' and 'rekt'. Cyberbullying is when people purposely make fun of someone and call them 'fat' or 'ugly', so learn what cyberbullying is before posting.
The filter wasn't directly made because of cyberbullying, it was just because people were becoming more toxic with all this ez and rekt crap. We just don't need it. It's pointless when people say it, and from our perspective we decided to censor it. In my opinion, people who trashtalk all the time are just hurting themselves, by being immature and they're the ones I believe should "grow up" and get over it (or themselves).

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