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What inspired you to become good at MCSG?


Jan 16, 2013
Reaction score
I watched BajanCanadian (who now sucks at PvP) play on MCSG. I was a really big fan like a year ago. Although he didn't inspire me to play MCSG, he gave me an idea to join the server and play. Then I started to watch great pvpers like Grapeapplesauce, Huahwi, TOXICWASTEII etc. play on MCSG. I wanted to have their skill, be on their skill level. I'm still improving. I'm pretty decent at the game, thanks to their tactics. Even though I still mess up and die from 1v1's xDD


Oct 20, 2013
Reaction score
What, if anything, inspired you to do well in MCSG?

For me, it was my conflict with Canziano. He was a reasonably famous player, and I was just starting out, so he had some 500 wins more than me at the start. So, I, one day, decided to tell him that I am better than him, and he retaliated. So, we had a few random fights. In the first of these, he killed me because he had better stuff, we were in a tight space, and he was block hitting. Then he 9-hearted me in a fair 1v1. So, I started to rage. I couldn't keep losing to this 'noob'. So, I managed to beat him 10 times in a row on a 1v1 server, Andre started to acknowledge the fact that my PvP skills were improving faster than his. The problem was, from then on, we hardly met on MCSG, and when we did, one of us (mostly him) just had to die before we even met up. By the time he got banned, I was quite decent at PvP. So, I suppose that my reason for my PvP strength is Canziano. What about you?
My good friend Soadamnix got me into minecraft and MCSG - He was a mod at the time, The thing that made me want to do well is my ratio, 8 months ago i had a 100/800 now i have a 450/2117. So i wnt from a 1/8 to 1/4 ratio.

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