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Where are all the mods?!

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What we are talking about is the EU servers at early in the morning (EU times) All you get is Hackers and Spammer, Even at 9am, I poked around 6 or 7 people and they were all busy, We need to get the active mods back
Yea, but in the evening you see a lot of hackers..


District 13
Jun 15, 2012
Reaction score
I recently got quite a few people banned by reporting it so it does work, sometimes you just have to be patient as it takes time to clean out all the hackers.
Also I have applied for moderator so you never know they could be one mod up :p
The Stopped taking mod applications recently >.< but that was C4's choice because hes new, Theres still a BIG problem, In EVERY server i join there is always one person with nodus, We need more Active mods :/ (i'm not saying there ISN'T active mods, just there doesnt SEEM to be many atm)


Apr 16, 2012
Reaction score
We have quite a lot of European mods, not all of them are on 24/7 but i have noticed at least 20 on at all times of the day. Sometimes mods are busy and cant respond to your pokes, this is often the case and you can easily handle the problem yourself by taking a video of the hacker and reporting it. The report abuse section is checked everyday and the people who deserve a ban get them. Also C4 has been here for the whole time as an admin, as have i, and karoleigh. We all made the decision to stop accepting applications for a little while.


District 13
Jul 5, 2012
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We have quite a lot of European mods, not all of them are on 24/7 but i have noticed at least 20 on at all times of the day. Sometimes mods are busy and cant respond to your pokes, this is often the case and you can easily handle the problem yourself by taking a video of the hacker and reporting it. The report abuse section is checked everyday and the people who deserve a ban get them. Also C4 has been here for the whole time as an admin, as have i, and karoleigh. We all made the decision to stop accepting applications for a little while.
:( does that mean they wont accept me for a bit ;)


Apr 23, 2012
Reaction score
But seriously yes lol
There's definately NOT enough mods on the eu, I only see Logstone and Brandon, sometimes you Poppi but yea
That's not enough ofcourse..
I usually play on US, but if anyone pokes me about hackers I leave the game I am playing to join the server with the hacker! If I am on ts I am always available! If you see hackers and you see me on ts just poke me!


Jul 21, 2012
Reaction score
Yeh me too just give me a poke and i will come to the rescue. Also try to record the hacker and send in a report in our report abuse thread. ;)
Yeah, most of you people are from US so in early mornings there are only a few mods from eu to protect 24 servers.. And even if you are willing to help, we need more active mods , that will actualy play on eu servers and do some job them selfs... And recording, some people like me aren't able to record.. all we can do is rely on you guys.. And since there are way too many hackers.. And nobody wants or knows how to find help they go unpunished..So if you agree there should be more mods that live in Europe, i suggest you to bump this thread and prove them admins that we really do need more... If you dont belive me , try visiting the servers with your alts and take a look around i'm sure you will find at least 1 hacker on 3-5 servers.


Apr 16, 2012
Reaction score
Yeah, most of you people are from US so in early mornings there are only a few mods from eu to protect 24 servers.. And even if you are willing to help, we need more active mods , that will actualy play on eu servers and do some job them selfs... And recording, some people like me aren't able to record.. all we can do is rely on you guys.. And since there are way too many hackers.. And nobody wants or knows how to find help they go unpunished..So if you agree there should be more mods that live in Europe, i suggest you to bump this thread and prove them admins that we really do need more... If you dont belive me , try visiting the servers with your alts and take a look around i'm sure you will find at least 1 hacker on 3-5 servers.
We know there are plenty of hackers, there is no plugin that can block all the hacks included in most clients. Because of this we rely on the community (the people playing) to help us catch these hackers by providing video evidence in the report abuse section. We do have a lot of European moderators, just becuase they aren't on your servers doesn't mean they aren't on. Another note is that when a mod joins you cant see that they have, so they may actually be on but you just haven't noticed. Also, mods have more jobs then just patrolling the servers they are constantly checking the forums and answering questions.


District 13
Jul 5, 2012
Reaction score
I'm EU so if you ever hav a problem ask me, :p
Unfortunately im not a mod so cant ban or kick but I can answer questions


Jul 18, 2012
Reaction score
I have only run into hackers a few times, and 2 or 3 times moderators got on it, which was good but I also think alot of the mods are busy because even if you see a hacker there are more on another server. Thats why the moderators can't catch EVERY hacker but i think there should be some more moderators for EU.
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