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Who do you think is the best MCSG player?

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Community Engagement Team Representative
Jul 22, 2012
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Well, okay, that first bit, "I'm not exaggerating when I say that I once had literally nothing and a guy with a weapon went straight passed the guy who had full iron armor and no weapon just to get my points. >.>"

If he was smart, that wasn't for your points. Assuming that full iron armor guy was just another average/nooby player and not Egrodo or someone like that, then they killed you to get you out of the way. I do that too, but I don't care about points. I just know that there are some people that are unbeatable as soon as they get a wood hatchet, and you need to strike when they're weak ^_^

And when you say you killed him, do you mean with FISTS? o_O

And yeah, I think I understand what you mean with that judging PvP skills thing too. After I learned how to drive, I was like "shitshitshit" whenever I'm in the car with my parents, so I guess it's like that? XD
No, going for the iron armor guy was a smart idea. Me sticking around to attempt to get the iron armor would have been a stupid idea on my part, because even if I did get the stuff, he didn't have a weapon and I'd just get chased again. Me running off and coming back for him later wouldn't have been a problem. Even with a stone sword, it'd take a big mistake on his part to lose to me. He could also just come back for me after killing the other guy. Trust me, if you saw how it all went down, you would have thought the same thing. :p

And no, I didn't kill him with fists. >.> I got enough time to get a chest by shaking him off a bit and it had a weapon/food. lol.

Cinci | Kame

Dec 9, 2012
Reaction score
When it comes to pvp... i have my good days.....and my bad days. But i mean mcsg isnt ALL pvp. I use trickery when I fight, Im a good shot with a bow, flint and steel, act like im hurt and start running, I mean, all these things count when it comes to a fight. Even if you suck at melee battles, you can still be a pro. I see people with 100 wins and some are terrible. A good way to measure how good people are is to measure their games played with their wins. The only problem with that method is sometimes you suck for the longest time.. then you get good all of a sudden. (like me) So ive played a lot, but half of those games were when I was terrible at this game with 0 points. All in all, you just have to fight the person or watch him whether to tell if hes a pro, a noob, or a hacker. In my opinion, some of the best players are like Egrodo. He may not be the very best but he is still good. So is megaryan and blamph. G33ke is also really pro. This is a interesting thread, I don't think we will ever come up with a final answer to be honest.


Community Engagement Team Representative
Jul 22, 2012
Reaction score
Megaryan is all talk bro.. Sorry but he is not as good as his wins say, Egrodo is much better.
I have to partially disagree. While you are correct, egrodo is certainly better, themegaryan is not "bad" in the slightest. He's only slightly worse than I am, really...he just hit the top of the leaderboards before he became good, so people disregard any real skill he shows now that he didn't show before.


Aug 20, 2012
Reaction score
When it comes to pvp... i have my good days.....and my bad days. But i mean mcsg isnt ALL pvp. I use trickery when I fight, Im a good shot with a bow, flint and steel act like im hurt and start running, I mean, all these things count when it comes to a fight. Even if you suck at melee battles, you can still be a pro. I see people with 100 wins and some are terrible. A good way to measure how good people are is to measure their games played with their wins. The only problem with that method is sometimes you suck for the longest time.. then you get good all of a sudden. (like me) So ive played a lot, but half of those games were when I was terrible at this game with 0 points. All in all, you just have to fight the person or watch him whether to tell if hes a pro, a noob, or a hacker. In my opinion, some of the best players are like Egrodo. He may not be the very best but he is still good. So is megaryan and blamph. G33ke is also really pro. This is a interesting thread, I don't think we will ever come up with a final answer to be honest.
Agreed 100%. I am awful at PvP, especially sword combat, and every single one of my wins are due to performing a successful ambush on someone with better stuff than me and using their items to overwhelm other players, or by using bows, flint and steel, fall damage, etc. to soften them up before going in for melee. I guess I can be considered somewhat good at MCSG just because I'm good at killing people with only, say, a fishing rod or a flint and steel, but that's all situational, and in a long, drawn out battle where the element of surprise fades, and my opponent isn't stupid, I will usually lose.

Cinci | Kame

Dec 9, 2012
Reaction score
Agreed 100%. I am awful at PvP, especially sword combat, and every single one of my wins are due to performing a successful ambush on someone with better stuff than me and using their items to overwhelm other players, or by using bows, flint and steel, fall damage, etc. to soften them up before going in for melee. I guess I can be considered somewhat good at MCSG just because I'm good at killing people with only, say, a fishing rod or a flint and steel, but that's all situational, and in a long, drawn out battle where the element of surprise fades, and my opponent isn't stupid, I will usually lose.
lol like when you betrayed me and wolfman? you got wolf but i got you :p no hard feelings by the way :D


District 13
May 28, 2012
Reaction score
I can tell when someone gets NCP'd - I fought Blamph three games in a row one day. I lost twice to NCP, and won once to NCP...NCP was being annoying that day. >.>

Avoiding NCP is also a part of the fight, it's something you get accustomed to.
While the NCP was in full fledged action that night, I still found it fun. I enjoy playing against skilled players, and you put up a good fight every time.


Oct 12, 2012
Reaction score
No, going for the iron armor guy was a smart idea. Me sticking around to attempt to get the iron armor would have been a stupid idea on my part, because even if I did get the stuff, he didn't have a weapon and I'd just get chased again. Me running off and coming back for him later wouldn't have been a problem. Even with a stone sword, it'd take a big mistake on his part to lose to me. He could also just come back for me after killing the other guy. Trust me, if you saw how it all went down, you would have thought the same thing. :p

And no, I didn't kill him with fists. >.> I got enough time to get a chest by shaking him off a bit and it had a weapon/food. lol.
g33ke how do you get that signature??
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