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You never know what just hit you...


Jul 29, 2013
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Before I start, any innapropriate comments OR flame started, the thread WILL be LOCKED.

You never know when something is gone until it's gone. I have never been in those type of situations before, and when it's happening in front of you, it slaps you across the face, and says "THIS IS REALITY". This is real, and it's actually happening. Keep your best friends close and your enemies closer. What happens happens, it's life. It's sucks really bad, give yourself time to recover, and get back up. Never, EVER give up. I now know what it's like to feel others pain. I, myself have been blessed with this wonderful life and I need to use it to the best I can. Take advantage of what you have been given. I haven't been in positions like those before, now I know how it feels and I am personally making and setting goals for myself. Always know that someone has it worse than you. I am going to be striving to be the best person I can, online and offline. I am blessed with this wonderful life. I have a house, food, a gaming setup, and wonderful family who loves me, I am a Moderator on the best network there is, surrounded by the best people I know. It makes me realise something. Live your life to the fullest. And, y'know sometimes it makes me mad because I know that there is something I could have done better in certain situations.

As you know, I always try to be happy. I may seem like a really happy and funny guy to talk to (Hopefully) , I love making people laugh and entertain whether by telling stories or by singing beautifully, I try my best on these servers to make people happy and make new friends. That is what I try to do, and is what I will continue to do . Question is...
What are you going to do to make yourself happy?

Ultimately, this is the lesson I have learned, not only today, but in general. It may be overused, but I am saying it.


Seriously, YOLO is the key to life. It is true, you only live once. Use it well.​

Please post your opinion, I really do look forward to reading them.


Aug 20, 2012
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I like to think of it, in opposition to YOLO, as YODO. You Only Die Once. When it gets down to all the nitty gritty it's basically the same thing, but think about it. We only have one life here to do what we want. Make smart decisions, do what makes you happy, and will keep you happy. Remember that momentary satisfaction is nothing compared to the life-long joy you can receive from making a simple yet smart choice.


Jul 29, 2013
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I like to think of it, in opposition to YOLO, as YODO. You Only Die Once. When it gets down to all the nitty gritty it's basically the same thing, but think about it. We only have one life here to do what we want. Make smart decisions, do what makes you happy, and will keep you happy. Remember that momentary satisfaction is nothing compared to the life-long joy you can receive from making a simple yet smart choice.
Of course, when I mean YOLO, I don't mean idiotic and have fun and do stupid things... I mean more of, try your best, focus on the things that will get you far in life. Then, when it's all said and done, that's when you can enjoy your life and look back at all the things you have done.


Aug 20, 2012
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Of course, when I mean YOLO, I don't mean idiotic and have fun and do stupid things... I mean more of, try your best, focus on the things that will get you far in life. Then, when it's all said and done, that's when you can enjoy your life and look back at all the things you have done.
Yep! I totally understood the intention, I just prefer to address it as YODO instead of YOLO. I really don't know why, one day I was just talking to my friends and one of them mentioned in some way how YODO was more accurate because of something like "We don't just live once, we live everyday and only die once". Nothing big, just some kind of weird personal preference. Great thought into this thread though :)


Jul 29, 2013
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Yep! I totally understood the intention, I just prefer to address it as YODO instead of YOLO. I really don't know why, one day I was just talking to my friends and one of them mentioned in some way how YODO was more accurate because of something like "We don't just live once, we live everyday and only die once". Nothing big, just some kind of weird personal preference. Great thought into this thread though :)
Thanks Ceroria | XyZebrAbC Means a lot <3


Dec 28, 2013
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Like when I broke my leg, I was blessed with casts honestly


Community Engagement & Mapping Team Representative
May 31, 2013
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In school we learnt an alternative to YOLO. If you wanna follow another approach, follow this saying, carpe diem.
Carpe diem is a Latin aphorism usually translated to "seize the day", taken from a poem in the Odes (book 1, number 11) in 23 BC by the poet Horace.


Old Timer
Jul 13, 2012
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"It's not about how hard you can hit, it's about how hard you can GET hit, and keep moving forward, and nothing hits harder than life."
I would say this is relevant, life hits harder than anything, and you never know when it's going to. Trying to always be positive and making yourself happy is a really effective way to make that hit feel a little bit softer.


Apr 6, 2014
Reaction score
This indeed is an excellent subject that has truly gotten me thinking, about living our lives to the fullest, and achieving ambitions, and most of all. What am I going to do to make myself happy?
As a child, I have had quite a varied amount of ambitions, goals, dreams and achievements. Maybe from becoming a local store cashier, (I thought I would have gotten all the money. :I) To becoming a Psychologist, to becoming an Astronomer and many more. But a lot of my goals were merely a small fantasy that dashed around my head and in a way, seemingly impossible to achieve regarding the statistics to how many people per the rest can achieve it.

But truly making myself happy has been such a confusion to me, that I have not yet understood what my real purpose should be. Nor what I must do. Every night I have been thinking about what my future would be, and how I have been given a great opportunity to succeed. I do have food, water, shelter, internet, and a family as well as a decent education. But what can I make the most out of that? Simply living I do know is not what I would desire, but to succeed is the main goal.

I have had the intention to travel around the whole world, and see different cultures and different places with different people. I have never known how beautiful and precious our lives can be, as well as maintaining a beautiful culture. To walk the Earth, to walk the same soil each and every human was born in, to explore the different lands we refer to as our home. To understand human differences and accept them as our own, and living in peace among it.

But I truly have never known what has hit me. But I wish to be, in a way hit again to wake up. Epiphany, the sudden and great realization of something. That realization that I live a life within the screen, meeting new, and wonderful people as I gamble my luck with whom to trust and who I shouldn't. Throughout my time in the internet, I have met many great people, and incredible communities such as this one; I have been taught to be careful around the the internet of course, however when I need to find a solution to a problem, and need to use the internet, as well as providing certain information to networks that are well trusted, others around me disagree. Knowing that sometimes it is difficult to know who you really trust, especially when they are not either well known, or infamous.

I believe that through our human differences, that we all have our different solutions towards making us happy, to bring optimism towards our attitude. We are all in a way different towards one another, yet we are human, we all have our ways of happiness, our ways of compassion and love, a way of kindness and prosperity.

Things that would make me happy, is for the world to begin a new era, to where there is more peace, more kindness and more understanding towards our morality and our acceptance of differences, this is what makes the MCGamer community a wonderful place, because of how diverse and kind we can be towards one another, excluding those who make our experience bad for us. An aspect towards this world that will make me happy is that all our politics, all our leaders start making more peaceful decisions, to work together as our humanity is diverse, to make the world a lot more peaceful and so we can all live in it without worry of war, poverty, hatred and discrimination.

I would lead that cause if I find a way to obtain the opportunity.

Yet again, what relevance is there of a 14 year old sitting comfortably in their home and striding through the forums is there? But yet again, my ambitions are too, diverse. And I too hope to follow them. And as agreed upon, we only die, and live a life once. This does not give us an excuse to ruin our experience in this globe, this does not give us an excuse to do regrettable actions and laugh it off, instead, as agreed upon in this thread, that we make the most out of our lives, to do our hardest to whatever we wish to do and follow, to achieve success...

I do apologize if it is a little too long of a post, but otherwise if you have read through it, then I hope my message has been clearly stated. :)


Jul 29, 2013
Reaction score
In school we learnt an alternative to YOLO. If you wanna follow another approach, follow this saying, carpe diem.
Hm, I might use that... Thank you!
That was very well said! I can completely relate!
"It's not about how hard you can hit, it's about how hard you can GET hit, and keep moving forward, and nothing hits harder than life."
I would say this is relevant, life hits harder than anything, and you never know when it's going to. Trying to always be positive and making yourself happy is a really effective way to make that hit feel a little bit softer.
Like the quote. I have seen it before too. :)
This indeed is an excellent subject that has truly gotten me thinking, about living our lives to the fullest, and achieving ambitions, and most of all. What am I going to do to make myself happy?
As a child, I have had quite a varied amount of ambitions, goals, dreams and achievements. Maybe from becoming a local store cashier, (I thought I would have gotten all the money. :I) To becoming a Psychologist, to becoming an Astronomer and many more. But a lot of my goals were merely a small fantasy that dashed around my head and in a way, seemingly impossible to achieve regarding the statistics to how many people per the rest can achieve it.

But truly making myself happy has been such a confusion to me, that I have not yet understood what my real purpose should be. Nor what I must do. Every night I have been thinking about what my future would be, and how I have been given a great opportunity to succeed. I do have food, water, shelter, internet, and a family as well as a decent education. But what can I make the most out of that? Simply living I do know is not what I would desire, but to succeed is the main goal.

I have had the intention to travel around the whole world, and see different cultures and different places with different people. I have never known how beautiful and precious our lives can be, as well as maintaining a beautiful culture. To walk the Earth, to walk the same soil each and every human was born in, to explore the different lands we refer to as our home. To understand human differences and accept them as our own, and living in peace among it.

But I truly have never known what has hit me. But I wish to be, in a way hit again to wake up. Epiphany, the sudden and great realization of something. That realization that I live a life within the screen, meeting new, and wonderful people as I gamble my luck with whom to trust and who I shouldn't. Throughout my time in the internet, I have met many great people, and incredible communities such as this one; I have been taught to be careful around the the internet of course, however when I need to find a solution to a problem, and need to use the internet, as well as providing certain information to networks that are well trusted, others around me disagree. Knowing that sometimes it is difficult to know who you really trust, especially when they are not either well known, or infamous.

I believe that through our human differences, that we all have our different solutions towards making us happy, to bring optimism towards our attitude. We are all in a way different towards one another, yet we are human, we all have our ways of happiness, our ways of compassion and love, a way of kindness and prosperity.

Things that would make me happy, is for the world to begin a new era, to where there is more peace, more kindness and more understanding towards our morality and our acceptance of differences, this is what makes the MCGamer community a wonderful place, because of how diverse and kind we can be towards one another, excluding those who make our experience bad for us. An aspect towards this world that will make me happy is that all our politics, all our leaders start making more peaceful decisions, to work together as our humanity is diverse, to make the world a lot more peaceful and so we can all live in it without worry of war, poverty, hatred and discrimination.

I would lead that cause if I find a way to obtain the opportunity.

Yet again, what relevance is there of a 14 year old sitting comfortably in their home and striding through the forums is there? But yet again, my ambitions are too, diverse. And I too hope to follow them. And as agreed upon, we only die, and live a life once. This does not give us an excuse to ruin our experience in this globe, this does not give us an excuse to do regrettable actions and laugh it off, instead, as agreed upon in this thread, that we make the most out of our lives, to do our hardest to whatever we wish to do and follow, to achieve success...

I do apologize if it is a little too long of a post, but otherwise if you have read through it, then I hope my message has been clearly stated. :)
Dang. Nice work on the post. Love what you said in there, and thank you for responding. :)
Oct 31, 2013
Reaction score
The big thing that hit me was that I might be seeing my cousin for the last time
So she came from India to Australia she was fine happy enjoying her holidays then when she went back she had a check up and the doctors found cancer then when I got that report reality hit me hard I was In a lousy mood for a couple of days.
That is when reality hit me.
PS She is fine now

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