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Your best friends, and inspirations.


District 13
Dec 26, 2014
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Who are your best friends, and inspirations?

Best Friends
Pearlyyy - Your an amazing individual who doubts yourself way to much, don't be afraid to do what you want, just be yourself. I and many others look up too you. You're such an intelligent person, so use it to your strengths, and follow your instincts. I can't wait to see what comes from you in the future. :)

AGFire2013 - Worlds best female rower coming through. Amber, your a lovely, helpful person. Too be honest, your a really sweet person, and I commend you to keep being nice!! I can't wait for you to become a mod ;). Keep it up!!

TheLastGapple - Your just an amazing moderator. Your a sick person, and I enjoy talking to you. Also, I do have something that I don't agree with you on.. India is not going to beat New Zealand in the Cricket World Cup. I hope you get Sr.Moderator one day... Ahh. I can see that dark blood red, glowing. :p

Risq - Risq, your actually really fun to play with, your funny. I love trolling people with you online. We can have hours of fun talking, and playing. Also, the sound of your birds in your background noise, they sound so cute!! I can't wait to talk to you more. Stay cool ;3

Yozy_XD - Yozy, your actully a really cool lad. Your really fun to play with, as your so cheeky. I love your cheeky remarks, I remember when we took on a 5 team, and we got rekt, ahh. The days.. Seriously dude, your a really nice guy, who can go far in life. Keep it up bro.

Dejay - Dejay, I know we haven't talked in a while, but we need to!! Because your so cool, I want you to teach me how to play League. Your ideas are brilliant, I remember you in the build team, your building ideas were really good!! Keep using that brain of yours, I can't wait for our League lesson!! (Hype).


Mooclan Miner9823 - I remember seeing both you guys postings on threads, they were so detailed, and well thought about. I remember that day. I said to my self "I want to be like that". So, from that day on I've tried to become like you. You guys are just gods. Lets be honest here, you guys should write a book. I would purchase this book, I would be the first person to buy it!! I just want you guys to know that I'm thankful for you guys inspiring me!!

Who are your best friends, and inspirations?
Last edited:


Apr 19, 2014
Reaction score
AWWWWW Thanks bud! You're pretty awesome ahaha
You wrote your not you're ;-; <3

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