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Zombie apocalypse Roleplay.

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Aug 29, 2012
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Survivor Name:Radu
Back story:A very strong tank and damage absorber, Radu was the best fighter of the wrestling team of the highschool. His disadvantages are that he doesn't know how to use a weapon, but the zombie apocalypse movies and games taught him how to handle a hatchet. He wasn't the smartest a school, but right after the graduation the apocalypse started. He and his ,,gang'' alongside their girlfriends were surviving allone in the highschool.
Special Abilities (Keep it real, no supernatural powers) :The fatness of his body protects him from bites.
Weapon of choice:Hatchet, unarmed combat
Appearance:1.90 metres tall, 70 kg black haired
In a group or alone?:A ,,gang'' formed out of the best fighters from the wrestling team of the highschool
If in a group, how many other survivors are there and what are their names?:Jacob, Christian and Andrew alongside the girls, Alexandra, Britney, Ashley and Jennifer
Starting location (What city/ town/ country do they begin their journey in?): Everything started in Romania.


Jan 2, 2013
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Survivor Name: Harry
Age: 13
Back story: Born in the city of London and brought up there Harry was a fairly wealthy guy however money didn't do much as the population started to drop dead, 1 by 1 they slowly came back to feed on those who didn't get the virus. Harry's parents Jim and Samantha caught the virus and were put in a lab straight away, as soon as they woke up they killed everyone in the lab. Running round the streets of London was a bad idea you would see "the dead" on every corner the urban city would be the best for its huge strong structures there unless you knew one in the suburbs.
I scavenged in my pocket I found a empty carton of orange juice a starburst and of course a compass the most useful thing if you were stranded however not in this situation so I basically thought to myself im fu**ed.
To be continued...
Special Abilities (Keep it real, no supernatural powers) : Very swift fast runner
Weapon of choice: cricket bat
Appearance: blond hair , scar across his left cheek, tall
In a group or alone?: alone
If in a group, how many other survivors are there and what are their names?: N/A
Starting location (What city/ town/ country do they begin their journey in?): London


Aug 5, 2012
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Survivor Name: Eskild
Age: 19
Back story: abandoned by his parents with his little sister. They were running around In the whole North-London searching for their parents. When they finally saw them, at Highbury which is an earlier football stadium, they were infected by the zombies and charged the two helpless youthes
Special Abilities (Keep it real, no supernatural powers) : Eskild is a master With the bow, and all of his bowshots are deadly.
Weapon of choice: bow
Appearance: his shirt is ripped off with lots of blood on it. Eskild is a guy with short dark brown hair.
In a group or alone?: In a group
If in a group, how many other survivors are there and what are their names?: With his sister Julia and a friend-ish named John
Starting location (What city/ town/ country do they begin their journey in?): In the countryside right outside North-London In England

EDIT: will make a story when i come home!


Aug 24, 2012
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The app for your main survivor:
Survivor Name: Nick
Age: 14
Back story: A normal student in high school, his parents aren't impressed with his grades. Brought up in Australia. The outbreak happened overnight when he was sleeping, he woke up without realizing the outbreak had even occurred.
Special Abilities (Keep it real, no supernatural powers) : Bold, Knowledgable, Decent athletic abilities.
Weapon of choice: At close range, probably a katana or a cricket bat (Keeping it real xD)
Appearance: Tall, Semi-Tanned, Long brown hair
In a group or alone?: Group.
If in a group, how many other survivors are there and what are their names?: A group of three, being myself, Isaac and Amy.
Starting location (What city/ town/ country do they begin their journey in?): We start in Adelaide.

"Wake up, Wake up!" the noise echoed in my head. "Wake up god dammit!" I knew it was my dad immediately, I slowly got up and opened my eyes. I realized it was a Monday, the weekend was over, school was starting. "Get dressed, you're going to be late, I told you to set your stupid alarm!". "S..Sorry Dad". "Sorry doesn't cut it, get off your arse and start moving!" I slowly got up and stripped off my pajamas, I quickly got dressed into my uniform and bolted down the dull grey road. I reached the main road, I realized there was a lack of cars speeding by, nor were any buses coming. I walked across the road thinking to myself what was happening. I came to the conclusion I was awfully late and the traffic was caught up. I waited Atleast a boring hour while playing angry birds on my phone, a bus finally rocked up, yet it didn't stop. I thought I'd be better off to just walk to school, little did I know I was wrong.

It'd been atleast 30 minutes until I stumbled upon her, a girl was on the pavements crying. I swiftly walked up to her and looked what was happening, what I observed was a horrifying sight. I saw two torn bloody bodies lying next to her. As hard as it was to see, it looked like a man and a woman, I assumed they were her parents. I was clueless on what to do, so I just kneeled down beside her and hugged her, she quickly snapped back and stood up, I knew I did something wrong, she screamed at me. "They're dead, they're zombies, they killed themselves to save me, you have no idea what I just went through, F*** off!". I didn't know what to do, I just mumbled "I.. I.. I'm sorry.. I know what you've been through, my aunt and uncle were brutally murdered". I don't know what happened then but she ran up to me and hugged me, I held her in my arms a bit shocked, I didn't know if I should do anything. Her tears had drenched her shirt, I felt I should be comforting, her eyes were red and bloodshot, I couldn't stand seeing someone like this. I thought to myself 'I'm not going to school today...". After that my attention suddenly turned to a figure running towards us, I recognized him. He was my school friend Isaac, my attention suddenly turned towards the group of figures behind him, they weren't humans. They were zombies.

To be continued! c:

'They were't humans, they were zombies.' I analysed the thought, and after the events I'd seen, I figured it was true. I told Amy to run, as fast as she could. I heard Isaacs footsteps getting closer 'thump, thump, thump' closer and closer. I decided to run myself, how worse could this day get? I told myself to concentrate on running, running as fast and as far as I could, I didn't care. I had to run, Amy had to run, Isaac had to run. It looked like we were in this together. No cars were speeding down the street like there normally were, the city is dead, or dying I thought to myself. I look behind myself, the zombies had either lost interest or were far behind, it was an ideal opportunity to rest. Our group sat down, Isaac was puffed and his face was red and sweaty, Amy had stopped crying and now had a serious look on her face, she didn't want to die, she wanted to survive. To many thoughts were rushing through my head, are my parents dead? What happened to the city? Why are there zombies? Why am I a survivor? Why me? I had no idea what to do, I was tired and wanted to curl up and go to sleep, waking up in my own bed knowing everything was okay, I knew it wouldn't happen like that though..

Matt_The Dreamer

Jul 31, 2012
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I stumbled along a small dirt road while fumbling through my pockets for anything I took with me. I found an old chocolate bar, my car keys and a PSP.
"Great....." I said out loud. "What the hell am I supposed to do with this?"
I supposed that around now a normal person would break down and cry about the lack of civilization. But I was strangely numbed to it all. I guessed that perhaps I was as cold hearted as Jenny said I was. Ouch,I felt a twinge in my heart. Jenny, now there was a girl. I still had feelings for her, however small they were, the breakup was harsh. Too many faults on both sides. I wondered if she was still alive, if she had found her way to safety, to some military safe zone. But there was no time, I spotted a small barn across the way, it looked deserted , no sign of life. I walked up to the place. It was quaint, like one of them dream places you would see on a TV show. The barn was a stereotype of a typical barn. Red with white stripes, small windows to peek inside. Though as I walked towards it I could smell rotting flesh.
"Jesus Christ!" I shouted, holding back vomit. I rushed as far away from the barn as I could. The farmhouse was up ahead, I decided that if there was going to be any life or supplies, it would be there. i cautiously stepped up to the door and patted on it. To my surprise it opened a second after I knocked. To my horror as I looked up, the man with the beard pointed his shotgun at my head...

To be continued when others have posted!

I had no time to scream as someone was doing it for me
"DAD NO!" I heard from behind me. A girl with bright blonde hair and freckles shoved the shotgun upwards, causing it to go off. The shot rung out and sprayed upwards.
"What the hell are you doing! He's not one of them" The girls shouted in his face.
The man's expression softened. he looked with a confused frown at me straight in the eyes. And then the glimmer of realization came into him.
"Oh Sh**, I'm sorry. Didn't know, you see?"
The man was a mess. He smelt of alcohol and looked like a drunken old fart. He was wearing a small green cap and red hunting jacket (Although this jacket was unfitting as the top of his belly poked out at certain points) His beard was unkempt and Dirty. Filled with god's knows how many stains. He looked like the apocalypse had gone on for years where in reality it only started fully a day or two ago. His daughter was a opposite. Clean brushed blond hair tied into a ponytail. A face that always looked happy, even in these situations. Her face was covered in freckles. I would've felt sorry for her had the circumstances been different. Her clothes were a loose fitting shirt with some band I'd never heard of and jeans. Her face was scrunched in a angry ball.
"It's OK" I had to calm this down. "It wax an accident, I understand, have to be careful in this brave new world"
"Thanks. My Dad's an idiot sometimes" She flashes a look at him," But he's good hearted."
"Yeah... Sorry Mate. Forgiven?" He asked hesitantly.
"Sure. No worries." I answered. "I don't suppose any of you have a better idea than me about all this?"
"We've spent most of the days here, though some have attacked, no more than 4 at a time. We're pretty isolated out here on the farm"
"Any more of you in there?"
I saw the girls now happy face, falter for a moment. As if a painful memory was being brought up. I decided not to ask. We have have painful memories, especially now. The man answered the question.
"No, not anymore."
"Any chance I could stick with you guys?" I asked as confidently as I could. If I messed this up I wouldn't be surprised If they shot me.
"On one condition, you tell me your name."
"Oh... Ok. Matthew Barnes, nice to meet you." I held out my hand for a shake.
"I'm Joe Reynold and this is my annoying 18 year old. Also known as Mazie."
Relieved to get on good terms with the family, they shared supplies and we headed into the farmhouse. The place was spacious for a house where farmers live. It was finely decorated, comfortable and it had a TV. Great place to live.
"That's what they all say" Mazie laughed.
"The place wasn't originally a farm. It used to be a mansion. But the owners, my Great grand parents saw the opportunities with the fertile land and converted it. It may not look like a mansion today, but believe me it was one." Joe spoke with pride about the family's origins.
"You're free to make yourself at home. The two rooms on the right upstairs are mine and Mazie's, you can have any of the other guest rooms."
"Thanks for doing all this."
"No problem. Considering the situation, It'd be easier to help each other."
I moved upstairs and placed my things down in one of the rooms. It was small, but comfortable. I laid my dirty clothes on the floor and relaxed on the bed. The sun was setting fast. At this time I would be out drinking with my friends. Each name I thought made me sick in my stomach.
Aaron, Paul, Kimberly, Ron. I hope they all made it. Suddenly a light flickered in the corner of the room. It was a radio, unseen because of the dark before, it was working. Quickly I tried to twist the knobs to find a station and the radio burst into life.
"....... If anyone can hear this. There is a safe zone at Dover, Repeat, there is a safe zone at Dover. Survivors are being evacced now........ Repeat There is a safe zone at Dover". I turned the radio down and thought for a second. I need to get to Dover. If there was any chance of me seeing Jenny again I had to go. We could be safe, we could b....
I was interrupted by a sound downstairs.
"Oh god! Matthew, they've got Mazie. Help!"
To be continued.....


Jan 2, 2013
Reaction score
Survivor Name: Harry
Age: 13
Back story: Born in the city of London and brought up there Harry was a fairly wealthy guy however money didn't do much as the population started to drop dead, 1 by 1 they slowly came back to feed on those who didn't get the virus. Harry's parents Jim and Samantha caught the virus and were put in a lab straight away, as soon as they woke up they killed everyone in the lab. Running round the streets of London was a bad idea you would see "the dead" on every corner the urban city would be the best for its huge strong structures there unless you knew one in the suburbs.
I scavenged in my pocket I found a empty carton of orange juice a starburst and of course a compass the most useful thing if you were stranded however not in this situation so I basically thought to myself im fu**ed.
To be continued...
Special Abilities (Keep it real, no supernatural powers) : Very swift fast runner
Weapon of choice: cricket bat
Appearance: blond hair , scar across his left cheek, tall
In a group or alone?: alone
If in a group, how many other survivors are there and what are their names?: N/A
Starting location (What city/ town/ country do they begin their journey in?): London
Short on supplies I walked home there maybe a apocalypse but I don't care walking through the streets I went home hoping something useful maybe there, to my suprise nothing had been robbed I slotted the key into the lock on the huge iron gates I thought to myself what in the living hell could get through these but I knew somehow the "zombies" could once they knew you were in there they would never leave. I walked through to see Anna a best friend from school someone she knew where the spare key was she sat there crying on the floor of the porch I kneel down next to her and comfort and hugs we decided the only option was to scavenge for supply's and make our way to farm as that was best idea with animals and stuff. I remembered I learnt a bit of driving in my dads jeep it was automatic so no gear changes ( Volkswagen Toureag 2006) and of course the spare keys were in my room I slipped some clean clothes into a bag some cricket bats and prized possessions running down the stairs I remember the old generators in the garage, my mum worried about power cuts however zombie outbreak was not the agenda in mind luckily with the generators I can snuffle a TV and some DVD's just in case we can get some power at this new "base" we find. Eventually me and Anna pack the car with our supplies I ask Anna: " do you want to go home just to find some of your stuff " she snaps: No im not going back there I take the hint that something happened and this wasn't particulary the right time. We open the gates drive the car out and lock the gates behind them just in case I can come home if the outbreak is destroyed and normal life can be restored, we check everything noticing the petrol guage the car could still a good 300 miles and with a few dozen worth of diesel cans in the back we were pretty settled, Anna and I decide that we should try and find survivors to form a "group" or a "gang"

To be continued...


May 27, 2012
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Harry's Story - Chapter One
Thin beams of light were shining through the slats in the windows of the hotel room I had shut myself in overnight. I groaned as I lifted myself off of the bed 'Hmm... Been a while since I slept in a real bed, makes a change from cold hard floors I've gotten so used to.'
I moved over to the window and pulled apart the slats to scan the streets, most of the hordes had dissapated but a few were still left stumbling around. 'Not perfect, but it'll do.' I thought to myself.
I picked up my knife and the revolver which I had found in a surprisingly well stocked gun store, along with my jacket. I moved towards the door and slid the chest of drawers I had used as a barricade to the side and slowly opened the door into the hallway. It was dark with a single zombie slowly grinding its rotting face against the wall, th soft floor meant that my footsteps were muffled as I approached it, I spun my knife open and the click caught its attention, it turned towards me and grunted, and slowly began lumbering towards me, 'Night night' I muttered as I plunged the knife through its eye, directly into the brain. With a satisfying squelch I removed my blade and allows the body to slump to the floor.
I had made my way outside and looked down the empty streets, puzzled, as I had seen multiple zombies from the window in the hotel, 'There were at least fifty of them out here... Where did they go?' I drew my revolver, and swung open the cylinder, all five rounds ready to go. I flicked my wrist to return the cylinder and cocked the hammer. The shorter trigger pull would mean I could respond quicker to a threat which may arise, living or dead.
Glancing around I noticed a shop shutter which was just slightly open, I don't know what made me do it but I thought that someone may have forced their way in, to shelter from last nights hordes. Before all this happened I would have gone in to loot the poor sod, in my world, you looked out for yourself, and yourself alone. But this 'apocalypse' changed something in me, I know that no one can survive for long in a world where the living are hunted by the dead, and the dead have an advantage of 100:1. You need friends, sadly those are hard to come by these days. Most people still belive that the lone wolf tactic really works. I tell you, It doesn't. I've seen plenty of bodies, torn limb from limb. Alone.
I pressed my cheek against the floor to check for zombies inside. Nothing, just a lot of broken glass and a blood stained baseball bat. I stood up and curled my fingers underneath the shutter, with a heave, i lifted it up a couple of feet, enough for me to squeeze in. Glancing behind me, I noticed a small group congregating at the end of the road, they had noticed me and had started to approach. Sliding underneath the shutter I closed it behind me. 'Best not let any nasty surprises through' I thought to myself. 'Hello?' I called out. 'Anyone alive in here?' no response. 'damn it. Either no one was here in the first place, or I've just locked myself in a room with a bunch of undead. Good one Harry'
I tentatively moved towards the back of the shop, I saw a zombie lying next to the baseball bat, it's skull caved in. However there was something else there, a man, with a single bullet wound in the centre of his forehead, he was black, wearing a blue shirt with brown trousers. But there was something intriguing about him, his right arm was handcuffed to the radiatior next to him, his left, gone, cut off just above the elbow, with a zip-tie used as a makeshift tourniquet.
'Who killed him? Why is he handcuffed to the radiator?' I wondered to myself 'Was he bitten and abandoned by his group? He can't have been alone, who'd have shot him?' I noticed the back door swaying in the breeze 'That means someone went through recently! The rest of his group maybe!' the thought of seeing another human, alive, exited me. Taking one last glance at the man, I muttered 'Rest in peace... Whoever you may have been...' and turned towards the door and stepped into the back alley...
To be continued...
(Yay for references ;) R.I.P Lee Everett)
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