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Zombie apocalypse Roleplay.

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Jan 2, 2013
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Harry's Story:
Thin beams of light were shining through the slats in the windows of the hotel room I had shut myself in overnight. I groaned as I lifted myself off of the bed 'Hmm... Been a while since I slept in a real bed, makes a change from cold hard floors I've gotten so used to.'
I moved over to the window and pulled apart the slats to scan the streets, most of the hordes had dissapated but a few were still left stumbling around. 'Not perfect, but it'll do.' I thought to myself.
I picked up my knife and the revolver which I had found in a surprisingly well stocked gun store, along with my jacket. I moved towards the door and slid the chest of drawers I had used as a barricade to the side and slowly opened the door into the hallway. It was dark with a single zombie slowly grinding its rotting face against the wall, th soft floor meant that my footsteps were muffled as I approached it, I spun my knife open and the click caught its attention, it turned towards me and grunted, and slowly began lumbering towards me, 'Night night' I muttered as I plunged the knife through its eye, directly into the brain. With a satisfying squelch I removed my blade and allows the body to slump to the floor.
I had made my way outside and looked down the empty streets, puzzled, as I had seen multiple zombies from the window in the hotel, 'There were at least fifty of them out here... Where did they go?' I drew my revolver, and swung open the cylinder, all five rounds ready to go. I flicked my wrist to return the cylinder and cocked the hammer. The shorter trigger pull would mean I could respond quicker to a threat which may arise, living or dead.
Glancing around I noticed a shop shutter which was just slightly open, I don't know what made me do it but I thought that someone may have forced their way in, to shelter from last nights hordes. Before all this happened I would have gone in to loot the poor sod, in my world, you looked out for yourself, and yourself alone. But this 'apocalypse' changed something in me, I know that no one can survive for long in a world where the living are hunted by the dead, and the dead have an advantage of 100:1. You need friends, sadly those are hard to come by these days. Most people still belive that the lone wolf tactic really works. I tell you, It doesn't. I've seen plenty of bodies, torn limb from limb. Alone.
I pressed my cheek against the floor to check for zombies inside. Nothing, just a lot of broken glass and a blood stained baseball bat. I stood up and curled my fingers underneath the shutter, with a heave, i lifted it up a couple of feet, enough for me to squeeze in. Glancing behind me, I noticed a small group congregating at the end of the road, they had noticed me and had started to approach. Sliding underneath the shutter I closed it behind me. 'Best not let any nasty surprises through' I thought to myself. 'Hello?' I called out. 'Anyone alive in here?' no response. 'damn it. Either no one was here in the first place, or I've just locked myself in a room with a bunch of undead. Good one Harry'
I tentatively moved towards the back of the shop, I saw a zombie lying next to the baseball bat, it's skull caved in. However there was something else there, a man, with a single bullet wound in the centre of his forehead, he was black, wearing a blue shirt with brown trousers. But there was something intriguing about him, his right arm was handcuffed to the radiatior next to him, his left, gone, cut off just above the elbow, with a zip-tie used as a makeshift tourniquet.
'Who killed him? Why is he handcuffed to the radiator?' I wondered to myself 'Was he bitten and abandoned by his group? He can't have been alone, who'd have shot him?' I noticed the back door swaying in the breeze 'That means someone went through recently! The rest of his group maybe!' the thought of seeing another human, alive, exited me. Taking one last glance at the man, I muttered 'Rest in peace... Whoever you may have been...' and turned towards the door and stepped into the back alley...
To be continued...
(Yay for references ;) R.I.P Lee Everett)
D: intriuging story loved it

but wheres CLEMENTINE

Matt_The Dreamer

Jul 31, 2012
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Screw it, i'll continue the story.

I launched myself down the stairs three at a time and sprinted through the house. The door was open and I ran outside, it didn't look good. Mazie was trapped at a fence by two biters. Others were swarming around Joe and a few started to notice my presence. Mazie was holding them off but I guessed it wouldn't be for long. The shout came from Joe,"The tool shed! get a weapon!", I was already hurrying towards it, dodging the biters. I forced opened the door and picked up the first weapon i found, a hammer. Nice. The biters were closing in, I guess the best time to learn is on the job. I raised my hammer and plunged it on the nearest biters head. It popped like a balloon , blood burst from it's head, but it wasn't dead, if it was alive in the first place. I swung my hammer again, and again until all that was left of his head was a bloody mess on the floor.

The smell was horrific, but I had to keep fighting. Mazie swings were getting weaker, you could tell from her face, scared and dead.... I kept smashing the heads with my hammer one, two , five. I lost count of how many I took down. Joe had already killed his biters and was rushing over to help Mazie. I did the same. Mazie was in a bad way now, she was graved by a biter and pinned against a fence in some sort of stalemate. With a wild look on her eyes he threw himself against the biter, knocking them both off balance and toppling them over. Joe launched himself on the biter stabbing him multiple times with his knife. I was busy at this time, two biters had wandered in because of the commotion and I had deal with them. Each one went down with a swift blow to the head, weak really. I turned back towards the Reynolds family and saw Joe crying deeply, Mazie looked sheepish and tried to smile as i approached her.

"Thanks... You saved my life"
"No he didn't!" Joe shouted, his eyes still wild and angry, filled with fire.
"He didn't do **it!" Joe cried.
"Dad it wasn't his fault, he couldn't have known." Mazie tried to calm him down
I felt awkward, what was going on? Why the sudden mood change from them all? Mazie's alive right? But I didn't need to answer any of these questions, as Mazie just told me.
"Matthew.... These biting things you killed, they were my family" Mazie sighed.
"We locked them up in the barn when this thing started. We didn't have the heart to kill them, they were our family, our only ones. They rotted in there, I'm sure you smelt it as you walked in." Mazie sullenly said.
"I'm sorry..." I didn't know anything else to say. All I wanted to do was to leave this moment and go back to bed, where I could pretend the whole thing was a dream. A damn nightmare.
"There's more" Joe said, his face softened and full of tears.
"Show him hun"
Mazie lifted her arm and turned it towards Matthew. There was a big bite on the arm, it was pumping blood and had a greenish colour to it.
"What, it's just a bite? What's wrong with it?"
"You don't know? When you're bitten, you become one of them and you eat. It's what happened to our family, and it's what'll happen to me"
"No.... You can't" I choked on my words, the only friends I made were about to be broken apart and I couldn't take it. I knelled down and sobbed into the Earth. I thought at first, the apocalypse would be contained within a month. A minor event, no need to worry. But if they have the power to kill you with one bite and there are most likely millions of them... Joe put a hand on my shoulder.
"You can't be weak boy, or else we'll all die. You're the only thing keeping me from offing myself now" Joe explained.
"But what the **** can I I do? You act like I'm important. I'm just an nerd in the worst part of my life." I shouted at the old man.
"You don't understand, you have hope I haven't seen since this thing started. You came in and was smiling even in the face of death, you made me and Mazie feel like it was over." Joe said. He kept his hand on my shoulder and sheepishly smiled at me. Mazie started coughing, blood came from her mouth, she was pale as a vampire. it wasn't good.
"Leave me" She said weakly. " I don't want you to have to witness my death, and rebirth"
I picked myself up. She was right. I couldn't kill her, not now and Joe certainly couldn't, he wasn't even a option. All I did was walk, I walked away from the girl, I walked inside the house, packed up my things and left. Without saying a word. Joe came with me, you could tell from his face he didn't want to leave, the house was his prized heirloom after all. But he knew just as well as I did the implications of staying. The burden of execution, The Sacrifice of starvation, The eventuality of death. It sounds almost poetic it my head. Both of us held our heads down and didn't speak, we were too busy in our thoughts until the radio I took with me burst into life and a single message came through

" If anyone is alive, please come to Hatfield library. Survivors here"

Looks like we weren't alone after all....


District 13
Apr 19, 2012
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Survivor Name: Francis
Age: 17
Back story: When everything went to Good, he was out of his home province, on a school camping trip of 1 week, they were attacked in the middle of the night having no clue of what was going on, many of his friends, classmates and teachers died. The few that survived all ran away with close to no clue of what way their home was, he never knew what happened to most of them, luckily for him he got a ride from a family who was going to his home city, Buenos Aires. After 3 days in the road they finaly got to the outside part of the city all in caos and pretty much destroyed and plagued, fearing for his family he ran off to his house without hesitation, the family tried to stop him telling him that it wasnt safe and that his family was probably gone, but they couldnt, and they never saw him again... this is where this story begins.
Special Abilities (Keep it real, no supernatural powers): Agile and smart, knows how to use weapons.
Weapon of choice: A silent one, for now, just his Swiss Army Knife that he bought to the camping trip.
Appearance: Skinny, but of average strength and height.
In a group or alone?: Alone.
If in a group, how many other survivors are there and what are their names?: N/A
Starting location (What city/ town/ country do they begin their journey in?): Argentina, outsides of Buenos Aires City.
Matt_The Dreamer ;)
Well heres the first part, sorry from my redacting I did my best :p

Episode 1: A new world.

All by himself, after getting a ride from a nice family, he was yet again alone... but he couldn’t care less, all he wanted was to go back with his family so thats what he did. He knew the way to get home was long, but Francis knew the way there, his only fear were this terrible creature which he only could run away from, he didn’t dare to kill them.
On his way back home he cote many close calls but all that kept him going was the hope of his family all still alive and surviving at home. After a good while walking and avoiding danger for as long as he could he then saw something he recognized, it was his cousin's suburb. One of the walls that surrounded it was fallen but he didn’t hesitate to go and check if they were safe, so that’s what he did.
Once inside the suburb, he didn’t find a nice scenery, many houses burnt down, some other had just dead bodies all around them with zombies eating them and this one house had a crashed helicopter on it. Francis realized with this first sight that this place he once knew had fallen, it was a bad first impression so, having seen this he rushed to his cousin's house. When he got there, he didn’t know what to think, the house was good, but some of the windows were broken and furniture, together with other stuff, were missing. Francis had this bad feeling he wouldn’t like what he could find in there, but he denied it and forced himself to think they were alive. He got inside the house and called for his cousin's family and got no answer, so he looked around the first floor and once he got close to the kitchen he smelled something terribly bad, even if he was close to vomiting because of that he held his breath and went inside to see what it was about, he would have preferred not to do that if he would have known what he would find... just there, lying on the floor, his cousin's body was rotting, with her guts out and a shot in her head. When he saw this he bursted into tears, knowing one of his closest friends died in such a terrible way, but after not so much sadness and crying he got extremely angry, terribly mad at the thought of this new world he realized will be living in from now on. Then a sound from upstairs distracted him and brought him back from his rage and sadness. He stood up and slowly climbed up the stairs once he got to the second floor he saw her, his 5 year old younger cousin was standing there facing the other was so Francis couldn’t see her face. Before calling her he just thought for a second all that she probably went through and how scared she probably was, so after that little second he called her and she turned around.


May 27, 2012
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I was just thinking of how I could continue my story, and I like the idea of more TWD cameos. Do you think that would be cool? Or not?
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