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What's the matter developers?

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Apr 19, 2012
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Another problem is that MCGamer can't just take other servers plugins and copy them, our plugins have to be original and I am pretty sure the developers are working hard on this anti-cheat plugin but have not had too much time due to other deadlines they have to meet. For example the leaderboards.


Jun 3, 2013
Reaction score
You can learn to make a plugin or not complain, the developers have a lot of stuff on there hands right now


May 30, 2013
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How about insteed complaining, you try to learn how to make a better anti-cheat yourself? Or find someone who can, and is willing to?
I have a friend who is willing to join the dev team, it's just that he doesn't get payed, but he is a good developer, coded a whole server for the clan I'm in.
Turtle said:
I agree, the anti cheat needs fixing, but instead of complaining, tell them WHAT to do. Don't make a thread that says "fix blah blah blah." What should they do different? Which anti-cheat is better? You need to help them rather than annoy them c:
I would say get the anticheat before MCGv2 back, it stopped fly and speedhacks, the new one doesn't.
Jtmboy said:
You can learn to make a plugin or not complain, the developers have a lot of stuff on there hands right now
That's such a basic thing to say when you're defending someone, can you tell me, what are they busy doing? New AVN gamemodes, that only staff "enjoys playing" I have never played one of those gamemodes, and trust me, I've tried to tell people to join and just sitting in the lobby for 30mins. In my opinion the AVN gamemodes are a waste of money and time. People come here to play MCSG.

Edit: The point I was trying to make is how Badlion's devs can code better anticheats than one of the biggest communities on Minecraft, and that we need to get better/more devs. Don't go around telling me to code better, the point wasn't to get me in the developer team with this thread.

You can't deny this either, look at the amount of people agreeing.
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Apr 6, 2014
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The MCGamer network has had a lot of work to be done, but I would like to clarify that the servers aren't the same, nor will ever be the same, so I would highly encourage not using the Badlion network as a comparison to the MCGamer network. Yes, it is true that the MCGamer network is experiencing issues with anti-cheat, while Badlion does not. However, the manner that this thread is portrayed to me is to show that there is some sort of hope of eradicating all rule breakers, and I can guarantee that will unfortunately not be able to come true as easily.
I would also like you to note that as hard working MCGamer is, their responsibility is absolutely vast, hence they have to focus on as many aspects as they can for the network, which made it so successful in the first place. Take Badlion for example, it is true that they have an excellent anti-cheat system, however, the community is not considered to be the most bright. This being said, that they do have a way to decreasing the hacker amount, but there are still a lot of trash-talkers online, and not much is usually done from it, but I am not complaining over it, Badlion is indeed an interesting server, and a great one to practice PvP as well as MCGamer. But a majority of the time, the community can be sometimes too competitive, even to an extent where the disrespect would be far worse than in MCGamer. And there are still known to be hackers around the network either way, regardless of having anti-cheat or not, there will still be rule-breakers.

The MCGamer network has a community and network so large, that it is difficult to even try to manage alone, and there will be bugs and glitches flying all over the place, the ant-cheat system is indeed an issue that does indeed need to be resolved. But previously stated by some other members of the community, the developers do indeed have too much on their hands that is beyond comprehension, which we should consider ourselves lucky for having dedicated developers. Because they would still go ahead and do their best towards making the network the best they can.
Just remember that Badlion, as you have stated, is a considerably small network, but with a large community, so of course it would have some great plugins and systems that would help the network greatly, but taking to context, it would still be difficult to doing something like that in our network due to the amount of responsibility the developers already have on their hands.

I would also like to assure you that the developers, to this day, are still working hard on making the anti-cheat as best they can, they have already acknowledged the issue and are to this day, improving it. I just want to state, that making and improving plugins, on a new network type, with even more gamemodes, and as well as merging with a whole other community, is far beyond difficult than you think it is.
If it is true that a friend you know is considerably a skillful developer, then there is no harm towards having him to apply, and yes, it is frustrating not being paid, or paid enough for all the hard work. But take this to context, what about the developers we have today? They work extra hard for us, and to my opinion, they aren't paid enough, and that they constantly get bashed on for what they are trying to do for us. Remember that applying for developer is entirely voluntary, and helps bring a test to your skill, there won't always be a full-time job where you get paid. He can choose to do it so he can make the community a more interesting place to live in, or he can continue making his own plugins, heck, even try to host a server just as large as MCGamer if he wishes to.

To conclusion, the developers do not deserve to get bashed on for things they are attempting to do for us. And I would like to clarify, that stating it here will unfortunately not be able to make a change whatsoever, as an analogy, I remember an individual blatantly saying to the moderators to go and ban hackers, believing that they are robots. Note that our developers are not robots, they make mistakes, but they work hard on fixing them.
Also, remember that they wish to provide more gamemodes for players to try out, and if the Antvenom network merged in with the MCGamer network, then complaining to the developers will prove that all this was in vain. The MCGamer network is still growing and getting better, and to re-assure you, they have cleansweeps as much as they can, and the results tend to be outstanding.

Things take time to develop, MCGv2 has come out still so recently, and even if they started working on the anti-cheat system, they're still going to get complaints due to bugs and glitches, cut them some slack, heck, some developers and administrators have even had to skip classes just to work on the network, complaining to them like that isn't going to help them at all. They're doing the best they can. :(


Aug 31, 2014
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People, if you're just going to say "well make a better one hur hur," then that is practically spam. It adds nothing to the conversation. Instead, everybody hating on this thread should defend the current NCP with real defenses, e.g. reasons it should actually stay (which is practically impossible). Wyz's was trying to make a point: devs are working on gamemodes most players won't even test, while they should prioritize the hacker problem. Even Badlion, which only came out with 3.0 PotPVP a few weeks ago, spent time correcting this rather than, I don't know, fixing block lag on Octovon or whatever.


May 30, 2013
Reaction score
People, if you're just going to say "well make a better one hur hur," then that is practically spam. It adds nothing to the conversation. Instead, everybody hating on this thread should defend the current NCP with real defenses, e.g. reasons it should actually stay (which is practically impossible). Wyz's was trying to make a point: devs are working on gamemodes most players won't even test, while they should prioritize the hacker problem. Even Badlion, which only came out with 3.0 PotPVP a few weeks ago, spent time correcting this rather than, I don't know, fixing block lag on Octovon or whatever.
Couldn't have said it better MoLoToV


Jun 27, 2012
Reaction score
Couldn't have said it better MoLoToV
If ElectrixMC means with "reasons it should actually stay" that it should be replaced with a better one, I would completely agree with that. It kever hurts to have a better NCP. But, the problem is, it's not that easy to "just" get a better one. Badlion for example took months to develope their current NCP, time that our developers might not have.

Also, we currently have a working NCP which blocks out the worst hacks already, I can imagine that the devs might want to fix main bugs first and keep the NCP as a second.

Just puttig a few thought out here why we might not have a better NCP yet.
  • The developers are currently still working on it.
  • Our developers might not be skilled enough.
  • It doesn't work on our servers. Keep in mind we have hundred of servers running, what if we had to remember every hit, and do calculations on them of every player currently online, just think about how much recourses that would take.
Also, the developers aren't focussing to bring out more gamemodes, zed Chase took months to finish as it was kept as a leftover thing to make. For the new gamemodes that have recently launched, I believen only the developers that came with the merg of antvenom are working on those.

Edit : What I'm trying to say; change would be nice, but threads like this don't achieve anything

P.s. Message is written on phone, sorry for any grammar/spelling errors.
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Aug 31, 2014
Reaction score
Just puttig a few thought out here why we might not have a better NCP yet.
  • The developers are currently still working on it.
  • Our developers might not be skilled enough.
  • It doesn't work on our servers. Keep in mind we have hundred of servers running, what if we had to remember every hit, and do calculations on them of every player currently online, just think about how much recourses that would take.
Thank you for writing a good response.

Anyone seen this thread?

This would not be as laggy as measuring every player, and it doesn't seem so hard to make.


May 30, 2013
Reaction score
If ElectrixMC means with "reasons it should actually stay" that it should be replaced with a better one, I would completely agree with that. It kever hurts to have a better NCP. But, the problem is, it's not that easy to "just" get a better one. Badlion for example took months to develope their current NCP, time that our developers might not have.

Also, we currently have a working NCP which blocks out the worst hacks already, I can imagine that the devs might want to fix main bugs first and keep the NCP as a second.

Just puttig a few thought out here why we might not have a better NCP yet.
  • The developers are currently still working on it.
  • Our developers might not be skilled enough.
  • It doesn't work on our servers. Keep in mind we have hundred of servers running, what if we had to remember every hit, and do calculations on them of every player currently online, just think about how much recourses that would take.
Also, the developers aren't focussing to bring out more gamemodes, zed Chase took months to finish as it was kept as a leftover thing to make. For the new gamemodes that have recently launched, I believen only the developers that came with the merg of antvenom are working on those.

Edit : What I'm trying to say; change would be nice, but threads like this don't achieve anything

P.s. Message is written on phone, sorry for any grammar/spelling errors.
The point in the original post was that get more/better developers and lower the standards as Badlion has better plugins and I would suppose lower standards.
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