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What's the matter developers?

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Aug 20, 2012
Reaction score
You have no idea what triggerbot is...
Anyways theres also some other shady things that I'm not going to go into right now because I honestly don't understand them..

Here is archybot talking about his ncp:

After much playing around with hacked clients, we've figured out how they work. anticheat can now detect most forms of kill aura and force field automatically and reports it to moderators to investigate and ban. anticheat also detects a variety of click aimbots and clients (and sometimes it'll detect you just being logged in with a certain client, not even using the cheat functions of it because of how a lot of them work). Here's a list of common misconceptions before people even try to hide behind these defenses:
- The check accounts for lag, if you say lag in your appeal I will laugh my a** all the way to the deny section.
- I've already caught several well known people who have been suspected of toggling or using a ghost client. I watched someone stream today with a ghost client that we specifically tested with and detect.
- The way we detect these it is algorithmically IMPOSSIBLE from a code standpoint to set these off from a vanilla client. We tested 1.7.X all the way to current version just to make sure, and tested with 100+ people we know are clean.
- Mods have been asked not to ban the closet toggling cheaters so you have your chance to come clean in this thread.
- It's not that stupid invisible entity bulls**t that most anticheats use to detect kill aura as that's a f*cking joke method of doing it that can be bypassed by any hacked client with a brain and has more false positives then actual positives.
- Yes, I'm purposely leaving out core parts of how this works so it's harder to attempt to bypass
- No, I will not explain how it works anymore than what is in this thread.
- Extra point: The staff team has become scared of how anticheat is detecting "impossible" cheats.
I, in fact, have a very developed understanding of what Triggerbot is. You have no idea how many times I've scrimmmed against... Actually let's not finish that sentence..

Nevertheless, yes Badlion does have a very well developed anti-cheat client, and sure you all can make as many complaints as you'd like comparing to how ours is "worse" but let me point this out. Our network is much, much larger. Therefore we have more players, implying many more hackers than many other networks may have. To add on to this, making threads with the background intention to bag on our staff team is a no-no suggestion and is discouraged on our forums. Due to this, the thread will be locked.

Rather true, however the anti-cheat present on the MCGamer Network is certainly better than no NCP at all, right?
I miss the days where people would complain that we did have NCP because the old NC+ was rather undeveloped and seemed to simply lower everyone's hit ranges. Then again, hacking wasn't as big of a problem back then. Ahh, the nostalgia. Sometimes NC+ would be disabled on server 1, or servers 1-10 and those servers would be flooded with donors.. The days :^)
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