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The Seperation of the EU Community.


District 13
Dec 30, 2012
Reaction score
Hi everyone, today I'd like to post my opinion and possibly start some sort of a motion about the state of the EU community - nationality wise.

The EU community has a lot of different nations playing; a lot of which of kind of bordered themselves out of the main EU community through clans. The countries in name would be the following: Turkey, Russia, Ukraine, Moldova, Romania, and Estonia.

I'd like to know why they've seperated from the mixed-nation community that we have on EU.
Whether it's because the mainstream EU clan's have pushed them away, maybe it's because of the language barrier.

For instance, Scout325 was a member of the Prussian community; he then applied for Trivium and made a name for himself. Why can't all communities merge?

There are some very good Russian, Romanian, Turkish, Ukrainian players that don't seem to be respected. Is it exclusion? Is it their choice? It just seems weird that Irish, British, Dutch, German, Spanish, French, Greek, Italian, Belgian etc, all mix but when it comes to any of the countries listed above they stick together.

Please leave your opinions, I'd like to know what you feel about the situation.

Any racist remarks deleted and will be punished as necessary.



District 13
Dec 30, 2012
Reaction score
Its simply because Eastern Europeans tend to speak worse English.
Well, would MCSG not be the perfect place for them to gain a better knowledge of the language? I mean, most clans on EU speak English. If this is the case, I think some of these players from these countries would hugely benefit joining an English-speaking clan rather than a clan that speaks their own language.


Apr 17, 2014
Reaction score
I believe it's because of the stereotypes. It's the belief that all Russian/Romanians hack, when in reality the don't. The language barrier is also a factor, as clans tend to look for people they can communicate well with. If they can't communicate well with them, they won't get played in battles and then they end up leaving the clan.

NickSharpx ☆

District 13
May 20, 2013
Reaction score
You forgot Italy in there... Italians in clans are just very very rare exceptions: Italians usually make clans to fight each other and flame with pointless Good under threads cause they would not put up any losses; or pretty much yelling and throwing Good at each other.


Nov 6, 2012
Reaction score
I think the language barrier is the main problem. They tend to speak less English then we do. So I can't really communicate when they speak their language. They even have different typography so that makes it completely impossible to understand them for a lot of people.

There is one thing that is really sad about this though. The mainstream MCG players accuse these people of hacking really quickly. They don't trust them. People need to be more open-minded in my opinion. ;)


Sep 6, 2013
Reaction score
You forgot Italy in there... Italians in clans are just very very rare exceptions: Italians usually make clans to fight each other and flame with pointless Good under threads cause they would not put up any losses; or pretty much yelling and throwing Good at each other.
This is why a lot of Italian players join clans where they talk English.


Sep 28, 2013
Reaction score
phew wall of text, sry but i had to:

From 1 or 2 arguments I've had with russian people in youtube comments (fun fun fun) I've seen some pretty worrying attitudes from a large part of the russian community towards EU people. Quite a few times, I have seen russians calling anyone english/who speaks english to a good extent "american" and saying stuff about how Russia is a stronger country than America. That is a really worrying attitude to me, and while I've seen plenty of russians with a completely positive attitude towards the "west", there are definitely a large percentage that have this mindset.

This worries me a lot... While we berate ourselves on this thread for being hostile towards the russian community, a large part of it is actually far more hostile towards the english speaking one. Don't get me wrong, not every russian hacks. I've met some pretty nice russian people etc., and people like Scout325 have actively tried and succeeded at integrating themselves into this part of the community, but a lot of russian people also seem to downright hate english speakers and those are generally the ones that cheat, trash talk etc.

What I'm trying to say with this post isn't that english speakers should hate russian speakers because they all think we're American pigs. What I'm saying is that their attitudes towards us are just as bad, if not worse, and driven to a larger extent by stereotypes. So ya, I really don't think the two communities will ever mix, unfortunately.


May 30, 2013
Reaction score
Get rid of CA servers, make Eastern Europe servers. Congratulations, you just got rid of 75% of hackers. The ones who can actually speak fluent English can always play the Western servers and join a clan.

Not all romans, russian or turks hack. Not at all, but it's just the publicity they get for themselves. In every lobby I go, I can see a few people speaking russian or turkish, and that's when I know we're going to have either a 4team or a few hacker teams.

Also the reason why people hack isn't that they are bad at the game, they just don't plain care. Humans are smart, they know that they are doing something wrong, especially when people are calling them names in every game. Raising awareness about the rules does nothing, they wouldn't care.

Edit: I just have to add this in. The randy clans on EU are getting out of control. The forums are full of #FastClick #HaxClick 2.0 and #PrefectFire.. Of course that could be an easy win for some people, and that's the plus side of it. But the people from Eastern Europe make clans that last for 2 days. 2 DAYS??!!? Don't get me wrong, this has nothing to do with language barrier (RuffyPlayzMC) but I feel like they don't get the full idea of clans. That is the reason I would like to see some kind of requirements on starting a clan.

More edits lad: I actually want to tag some people here to get their opinions on maybe getting requirements on starting a clan and the leaders getting punished if the clan won't last long. I am just sick of this. Also, read the whole thread and tell your opinions. Fancypants6000 Ceroria Moose
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