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The Change

Agree or Disagree?

  • Agree

    Votes: 75 92.6%
  • Disagree

    Votes: 6 7.4%

  • Total voters


Old Timer
Jul 13, 2012
Reaction score
1) I loved a lot of those maps, and I feel like they were cheated out of their prime a little. SG5 had the game-breaking button issue, and I feel like Red Forest tried to put too much into Moonbase and Icarus in their updates, making them feel a little crowded. Freeze was removed because didn't win the vote in a really broken voting system and I feel deserves a 2nd chance.

2) The sidebar is just something that MCGamer added to make it look more modern. I could easily find the time and date about 5 inches from that sidebar, and can quickly type /info to find the timeleft. I agree, it's just a waste of space.

3) I don't really have an opinion on this one, pretty neutral here. 'OP' Items were originally allowed, and were actually in SG1 & 2, but I feel like some map creators may have ruined this by overdoing it a little.

4 & 5) I've brought this up in staff meetings before. The hubs are just too boring. No fun stuff, and even though there is a parkour, it's not like Joshkey's extreme parkour from 2013 hub. I personally hang out in the hub more than anything else, and I'd love to have something to do besides jump around on jump pads and half-heartedly do parkour for the thousandth time.The lobbies I feel are still OK, but with the 'coming soon' signs, I think that they're trying to make too much out of a 2 1/2 minute lobby time. I mean seriously, it's just a waiting room, put some easter eggs in it or something, but not time-consuming plugins.

6) Passive mobs? Yes please.
Hostile mobs? Bring back SGClassic and put them in there ;-;

Ps. Nice ending to make it tie in with clans so I don't have to move it :p


Feb 24, 2015
Reaction score
I do agree with some points of your post, however I do not understand why you have to be so rude to anyone that doesn't, I guess you have the narcissistic qualities of a young Donald Trump, I can only hope you don't have the comb over.

The reason why those maps were removed is because they were underplayed. The creator of Wyverns Wake has requested for the map to be removed. Although I did like Wyverns Wake I also recall when it was chosen to play, alot of people left or said "eww, yuck". Personally my favorite was Freeze Island, I'd be happy to see that come back.

I suspect the people who want some of these maps returned are the ones who went for the OP items straight up (and in teams) to completely ruin every one elses chances of a fair game, yes it was fun when you got them but I also remember the trash talk and trolling that went with it towards players that had no clue as to where these items were.

As for the old lobby's of 2013/2014 yes they were fun but I also remember people started complaining about them too, getting bored with them etc. If you dislike the current lobby why don't you put your entrepreneurial skills to the test and submit a new build of your liking.

Yes it's nice to look back to times that were fun but I think you might be romanticizing what was, just a little, people move on for a variety of different reasons not just because of aesthetics and map removals.

I think most people would agree that a competent anticheat would be a priority over bringing back old maps and old lobbies, I know alot of people who have left or play way less because of the influx of people that use clients on their mains and alts and consistently get away with it.
I'm not being rude, anyone who does a post that is disagreeing with this thread are the ones that are being rude, just like YOURS. "Treat others like you want to be treated."

Why need to build another lobby if there are lobbies and hubs that have been built already and are really good?

If you think it is in fact a good change that we have moved on.. how is it good if the community is dying?

Also I have a feeling you don't know what an entrepreneur is, SO i will help you out :)
Entrepreneur is someone who MANAGES a business or purposes ideas to help make something prosper and better.
If i was a real entrepreneur, I would have hired someone to make a lobby for me. Being an entrepreneur has nothing to do with making lobby?
Entrepreneur skills got nothing with building a lobby either so like you make no sense.

No matter, there will always be hackers, we have very good mods and sr.mods and staff that are working their butt off to help deal with hackers.. being on standby to record and etc. Not a lot of servers have this. Also most the client users get banned or caught.

"people move on for a variety of different reasons not just because of aesthetics and map removals." maybe you should read all of the previous pages to the thread?
THIS is the reason why people have quit. that's what you do NOT understand. I'm pretty sure you weren't around during the climax of MCSG.

The old lobbies/hubs were not boring? there were many adventurous places to go to.
People that complained about that hub should be complaining about this one even more as i feel that this hub simply isn't packed like the old ones.

You're perceiving the message of the thread wrong. I/We are not saying "the old MCSG is the best and everything else sucks" etc.. It just means that the old MCSG was better than the current state of MCSG.
In the end, I don't really expect you to understand because you weren't around before.
Have a nice day :)


Mar 31, 2015
Reaction score
I'm not being rude, anyone who does a post that is disagreeing with this thread are the ones that are being rude, just like YOURS. "Treat others like you want to be treated."

Why need to build another lobby if there are lobbies and hubs that have been built already and are really good?

If you think it is in fact a good change that we have moved on.. how is it good if the community is dying?

Also I have a feeling you don't know what an entrepreneur is, SO i will help you out :)
Entrepreneur is someone who MANAGES a business or purposes ideas to help make something prosper and better.
If i was a real entrepreneur, I would have hired someone to make a lobby for me. Being an entrepreneur has nothing to do with making lobby?
Entrepreneur skills got nothing with building a lobby either so like you make no sense.

No matter, there will always be hackers, we have very good mods and sr.mods and staff that are working their butt off to help deal with hackers.. being on standby to record and etc. Not a lot of servers have this. Also most the client users get banned or caught.

"people move on for a variety of different reasons not just because of aesthetics and map removals." maybe you should read all of the previous pages to the thread?
THIS is the reason why people have quit. that's what you do NOT understand. I'm pretty sure you weren't around during the climax of MCSG.

The old lobbies/hubs were not boring? there were many adventurous places to go to.
People that complained about that hub should be complaining about this one even more as i feel that this hub simply isn't packed like the old ones.

You're perceiving the message of the thread wrong. I/We are not saying "the old MCSG is the best and everything else sucks" etc.. It just means that the old MCSG was better than the current state of MCSG.
In the end, I don't really expect you to understand because you weren't around before.
Have a nice day :)
Wrong, I was indeed around for the "climax" of mcsg, I started playing in 2012 ;) but never bothered with the forums.

If you read my post correctly I did not disagree with everything you said and I can not understand why you are so defensive, you might want to improve on that, good entrepreneurs listen to people without immediately slagging them off just because they raise different points of view.

Also, I never said we don't have good mods/staff I merely suggested an improved anticheat may be beneficial to the server and take precedence over new lobby's/hub, come and play a few games on AU and you will see what I mean.

You have misinterpreted so much of what I said in my post, instead of having a reasonable debate with me, you chose to make a condescending, patronizing reply, you may want to practice what you preach, "Treat others like you want to be treated."

Have a fabulous day :)


Aug 14, 2015
Reaction score
Wrong, I was indeed around for the "climax" of mcsg, I started playing in 2012 ;) but never bothered with the forums.

If you read my post correctly I did not disagree with everything you said and I can not understand why you are so defensive, you might want to improve on that, good entrepreneurs listen to people without immediately slagging them off just because they raise different points of view.

Also, I never said we don't have good mods/staff I merely suggested an improved anticheat may be beneficial to the server and take precedence over new lobby's/hub, come and play a few games on AU and you will see what I mean.

You have misinterpreted so much of what I said in my post, instead of having a reasonable debate with me, you chose to make a condescending, patronizing reply, you may want to practice what you preach, "Treat others like you want to be treated."

Have a fabulous day :)

"joined october 2014"


Dec 7, 2014
Reaction score
sounds cool except for the OP items not too sure about that but the rest of the ideas (imo especially the lobbies and maps) would be the best ever, the new hub is really dull as well as the revamps of icarus and moonbase. Like srsly, nobody even plays those maps anymore when they used to be almost overplayed before.

I don't think it would be too difficult to just go back the the old lobbies at least? it doesnt seem like it'd require mass coding...

perhaps we can make a mass suggestion thread sometime because along with these there needs to be a couple other changes ie clan servers no cheat but yeah sounds cool


Apr 5, 2015
Reaction score
Agreed with everything but mobs. Also you should have said something about the no cheat and the new staff... Have a screenshot of a certain sr mod unbanning someone who was blatantly hacking because he said "I click 30 clicks in second. And have 14 ping. I am very good"
Direct quote I sht u not.


Feb 24, 2015
Reaction score
Agreed with everything but mobs. Also you should have said something about the no cheat and the new staff... Have a screenshot of a certain sr mod unbanning someone who was blatantly hacking because he said "I click 30 clicks in second. And have 14 ping. I am very good"
Direct quote I sht u not.


Jul 7, 2015
Reaction score
Wrong, I was indeed around for the "climax" of mcsg, I started playing in 2012 ;) but never bothered with the forums.

If you read my post correctly I did not disagree with everything you said and I can not understand why you are so defensive, you might want to improve on that, good entrepreneurs listen to people without immediately slagging them off just because they raise different points of view.

Also, I never said we don't have good mods/staff I merely suggested an improved anticheat may be beneficial to the server and take precedence over new lobby's/hub, come and play a few games on AU and you will see what I mean.

You have misinterpreted so much of what I said in my post, instead of having a reasonable debate with me, you chose to make a condescending, patronizing reply, you may want to practice what you preach, "Treat others like you want to be treated."

Have a fabulous day :)
ye october 2014 was definitely the peak of mcsg

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