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Zombie apocalypse Roleplay.

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May 30, 2012
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Um, may I join?

Name: Hunter

Age: 14

Backstory: He ran away from home, no one believing the Zombie Apocalypse starting. He knew he couldn't trust anyone, so he had to go on his own..

Abilities: Smart and Fast.

Alone or Group: Alone


May 30, 2012
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Appearance: Brown hair, skinny, with hazel eyes

City: San Francisco


Apr 30, 2013
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Survivor Name: Adam Ryan
Age: 14
Back story: I escaped from my parents backyard, just barely my parents they turned... they... they came after me, me and a few others have been hiding out on a crane, we thought it was the safest place, we have limited supplies and barely anything to protect ourselves with, help needed!
Special Abilities (Keep it real, no supernatural powers) : Agility and Stamina, was track and field star at school, and is incredibly fit. He also is a fencer, his uncle has been training him for the past 2 years.
Weapon of choice: Sword, he trained with his uncle, and has skill and speed with his weapon.
Appearance: 5,4 Light Brown Hair, Hazel Eyes, Lightly Tanned
In a group or alone?: A small group with 2 others,
If in a group, how many other survivors are there and what are their names?: Adam is travelling in a small group of 3, with Damien and Jack. They have known each other since birth, and have an undeniable bond between them. There is no lack of trust between the trio
Starting location (What city/ town/ country do they begin their journey in?): Maui, US


May 30, 2012
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He ran through the dark forest, his feet pressing on dark leaves as he was running out of breath. His shotgun had little ammo from the zombie encounter, and he had little food. He quickly grabbed a branch and swung onto it, climbing up the tree as he checked out his shotgun; seven ammo left. He sighed in disappointment and scanned the forest.
One random zombie was all alone, so Hunter didn't want to waste his ammo with a head shot. So, he scanned around some more, trying to find a safe house. But no one really survived in San Francisco. Maybe only him had survived. But that didn't matter, he couldn't trust anyone.
He turned around, noticing at least seven zombies walking right towards him.
Seven ammo left.
He had to get perfect head shots on every zombie, run away, or get eaten. He knew he'd miss at least one. So, he hopped off the tree, piercing a leg once he fell, and kept running. He noticed a beaten-down plane in the sky, barely flying. He remembered an airport being there. He realized his chances and sprinted harder. Due to the hurting of his right leg, he couldn't really sprint as fast as he could. He looked around, trying to see if there were any other zombies. He didn't realize a stick poking out of the leaves, as he fell hard. He screamed in pain and looked back. The zombies were getting closer. He didn't have time to run. He needed to do something....fast.....


Feb 18, 2013
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If i was in a zombie apocalypse, i would stick with the rednecks..just saying.
Apr 26, 2012
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Survivor Name: Den
Age: 28
Back story: Always one for a challenge, Dennis (usually referred to as Den) took on the life off of the grid. Living in a small manmade hut in the forest, Den learned the way of the land. Hunting, cooking, building, swimming, running, his challenge of living in the woods progressed into a hermit like lifestyle. For 5 years he lived in the woods, alone, rarely stepping back into society.
Special Abilities (Keep it real, no supernatural powers) : As listed above, a man who was in touch with nature and survival.
Weapon of choice: A true marksman with a bow, but can be quoted in saying "A well placed arrow may put food on the table, but is not strong enough to put one of those creatures to the grave" He is decent in making crude weapons, like spears and shivs, and thanks to his time in the woods, is decent at using them. To his own surprise, can handle a .375 Magnum with ease.
Appearance: Unlike most survivors, he wasn't shaven even before the outbreak. Long greasy black-brown hair, with a thick beard. He usually wears an unwashed evergreen hunting coat, over a plain black tee shirt. He wears torn jeans. Browns eyes, nearly black. He's Caucasian with greasy skin, and slightly pointed nose. Weighing in at 210 pounds and standing at 6"6' he is a force to be reckoned with.
In a group or alone?: Refer to story.
If in a group, how many other survivors are there and what are their names?: Story.
Starting location (What city/ town/ country do they begin their journey in?): A large woods near the London Countryside.​
A dirt crusted hand grasped a bowstring, unwavering. An arrow knocked, he estimated the distance and angle to his target. Like a well oiled machine, the bow's angle rose skyward. Serene silence washed over the forest. The sound of a reverberating bow string sliced through the silence. The deer barely turned to the noises location when the arrow struck flesh. A grin visibly rose beneath the Den's mustache.​
"Gotch" He whispered.​
The man slipped his head in-between the bowstring and wood and let it hang there. He drew a large dagger from his pocket as he approached the kill. He hummed as he walked, he didn't remember the name of the song or the lyrics, but he'd been humming the tune since he left for the woods in 2008. After reaching the corpse, he retrieved the arrow and wiped the blood on his jeans. He withdrew a large coil of makeshift vine-rope from a hunting bag he'd found months ago.​
Using his dagger he cut a portion off and tied the vine around the deer's neck like noose. He grabbed the vine and tugged the creature along behind him. Lighter than normal... he thought. Walking through the brush, Den stopped walking. The sound of shifting leaves continued while he stood still. Another damn Bobcat? He pondered.​
"This one mine, damn it!" He waved his knife in the air as he yelled. "You leave, or get your face opened up!"​
To his surprise, a man stumbled out of the woods. He wore a red hoodie, and sweatpants. He stumble, uncoordinatedly through the brush, his head pointed towards the ground. His chest boar a symbol of one of the nearby university's. The boy looked to be near college age. (Not Matthew, just a connection to Dreamers story)​
"Ah!" Exclaimed Den, nearly dropping the knife. "Sorry boy, thought you were a wild cat" Den chuckled. The boy groaned. "Something wrong? You're type usually aren't about in these woods, you hurt?" The boy stepped forward, Den stepped back.​
Details on the boys face arose. He'd suffered a large cash across his cheek. Dried blood surrounded his mouth and his eyes were dark and drooping. He was missing a finger, all that was left was a stub with visible bone. Den froze. The boy seemed to lose interest, and lowered himself to the uncooked venison. He ripped neck meat off with inhuman ease, fresh blood oozing onto his face.​
Den let out a scream. The boy turned from his meal, and slowly stood up, he seemed more interested in locating the source of the sound, than eating the already dead meat. Den took action, running away from the scene. In his hurry, he fell and landed on a branch, opening a cut in his chin. Frozen with fear, Den watched as the college boy lowered himself down towards Dens flesh.​
Broken from his trance, Den pushed him back, but to no avail. The angry body pushed down, and seemed intent on maiming the woodsman. Taking one last push, Den rolled away. Grabbing the knife from his pocket. Almost immediately after, the boy was back on Den, even more readily now. Growls and snarls left his mouth, as wall as the strong metallic scent of blood. Seeing no way out, Den grasped the knife and thrust it forward. It fit through one of the monsters eye sockets and the lifeless husk fell to the ground.​
Den stood up and stared at the body. What have I done... He thought. The boys skin was tinted grey, he was obviously sickly. His veins showed through his almost translucent skin. Den puked. For almost a minute straight, Den stood there, stricken by shock. His moment was broken by moaning. More of it, waves of it. Shuffling, growling, moaning. What's happening Den worried. He needed to run. He knew where the countryside started, he could find a town, make some calls, he knew where Hatfield was. His bow, a small amount of water and food and some knives, Den rushed forward to what he hoped could be civilization.​


May 24, 2012
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I totally flipped my s*** when I saw this thread. I looove zombies. <3
Survivor Name: Sierra
Age: 14
Back story: Sierra was a "no life." Always falling back on her computer to make her happy. She had almost no friends, except for a popular girl name Rio. In till she met Aly. Aly was a girl she met on the internet, they clicked so to speak. They were the best of friends. Even though they were hours away from each other. They talked everyday. It became apparent to anyone who watched the relationship, no matter the distant's apart they would be friends. In till the "accident". Aly had always spoken of defying the Government. Bombing a major area. Shooting the president. Of course in her defense Sierra had supported it. The Government was becoming to powerful. Threatening to take away their guns. "If you take our guns, you take our freedom!", as they had said. But Aly took it farther. She bombed her school. Sierra was questioned without end, even tortured. Eventually it stopped. They left her to live the rest of her life. But Sierra was never the same. If Aly was alive, she wouldn't contact Sierra. Too risky. Or so that's what she told herself. No one realized how heavily she relied on the friendship. Now as shes being driven by two government officials, a small traffic problem begins. Starting as normal five a clock rush hour, but then came the undead.
Special Abilities (Keep it real, no supernatural powers) : To move quickly and quietly. Unfortunately having long limbs makes her a easy grab if shes not careful.
Weapon of choice: Anything light and sharp. She lived a nonviolent life, how would she instantly be a master with a bow or something? :]
Appearance: All though she has long limbs, shes only 5'5. She has short brown hair that's almost always kept in a loose bun. She picked her clothing for winter, with thick gray tights and a long dark gray shirt. With a old well kept leather jacket and sturdy snow boots.
In a group or alone?: (My story ties with Jokersmazes, aka Aly. So eventually they meet up) Solo.
If in a group, how many other survivors are there and what are their names?:Noope.
Starting location (What city/ town/ country do they begin their journey in?): The highway running through Oregon City, heading towards Portland.
Just a side note, I tried to make character very loose and undefined. After reading the other story's, I found many of them had unrealistic talents such a "MASTER BOWPERSON11!@#$". Not saying that makes them bad story's or anything! Just that I found it funny they could be a nerd and know how to use a bow. A bow takes years of practice to be a "bow master". If the back story was "They were raised by a hunting oriented family. So my character can use the bow with accuracy." But ya know it's what ever.


May 24, 2012
Reaction score
Survivor Name: Den
Age: 28
Back story: Always one for a challenge, Dennis (usually referred to as Den) took on the life off of the grid. Living in a small manmade hut in the forest, Den learned the way of the land. Hunting, cooking, building, swimming, running, his challenge of living in the woods progressed into a hermit like lifestyle. For 5 years he lived in the woods, alone, rarely stepping back into society.
Special Abilities (Keep it real, no supernatural powers) : As listed above, a man who was in touch with nature and survival.
Weapon of choice: A true marksman with a bow, but can be quoted in saying "A well placed arrow may put food on the table, but is not strong enough to put one of those creatures to the grave" He is decent in making crude weapons, like spears and shivs, and thanks to his time in the woods, is decent at using them. To his own surprise, can handle a .375 Magnum with ease.
Appearance: Unlike most survivors, he wasn't shaven even before the outbreak. Long greasy black-brown hair, with a thick beard. He usually wears an unwashed evergreen hunting coat, over a plain black tee shirt. He wears torn jeans. Browns eyes, nearly black. He's Caucasian with greasy skin, and slightly pointed nose. Weighing in at 210 pounds and standing at 6"6' he is a force to be reckoned with.
In a group or alone?: Refer to story.
If in a group, how many other survivors are there and what are their names?: Story.
Starting location (What city/ town/ country do they begin their journey in?): A large woods near the London Countryside.

A dirt crusted hand grasped a bowstring, unwavering. An arrow knocked, he estimated the distance and angle to his target. Like a well oiled machine, the bow's angle rose skyward. Serene silence washed over the forest. The sound of a reverberating bow string sliced through the silence. The deer barely turned to the noises location when the arrow struck flesh. A grin visibly rose beneath the Den's mustache.
"Gotch" He whispered.
The man slipped his head in-between the bowstring and wood and let it hang there. He drew a large dagger from his pocket as he approached the kill. He hummed as he walked, he didn't remember the name of the song or the lyrics, but he'd been humming the tune since he left for the woods in 2008. After reaching the corpse, he retrieved the arrow and wiped the blood on his jeans. He withdrew a large coil of makeshift vine-rope from a hunting bag he'd found months ago.
Using his dagger he cut a portion off and tied the vine around the deer's neck like noose. He grabbed the vine and tugged the creature along behind him. Lighter than normal... he thought. Walking through the brush, Den stopped walking. The sound of shifting leaves continued while he stood still. Another damn Bobcat? He pondered.
"This one mine, damn it!" He waved his knife in the air as he yelled. "You leave, or get your face opened up!"
To his surprise, a man stumbled out of the woods. He wore a red hoodie, and sweatpants. He stumble, uncoordinatedly through the brush, his head pointed towards the ground. His chest boar a symbol of one of the nearby university's. The boy looked to be near college age. (Not Matthew, just a connection to Dreamers story)
"Ah!" Exclaimed Den, nearly dropping the knife. "Sorry boy, thought you were a wild cat" Den chuckled. The boy groaned. "Something wrong? You're type usually aren't about in these woods, you hurt?" The boy stepped forward, Den stepped back.
Details on the boys face arose. He'd suffered a large cash across his cheek. Dried blood surrounded his mouth and his eyes were dark and drooping. He was missing a finger, all that was left was a stub with visible bone. Den froze. The boy seemed to lose interest, and lowered himself to the uncooked venison. He ripped neck meat off with inhuman ease, fresh blood oozing onto his face.
Den let out a scream. The boy turned from his meal, and slowly stood up, he seemed more interested in locating the source of the sound, than eating the already dead meat. Den took action, running away from the scene. In his hurry, he fell and landed on a branch, opening a cut in his chin. Frozen with fear, Den watched as the college boy lowered himself down towards Dens flesh.
Broken from his trance, Den pushed him back, but to no avail. The angry body pushed down, and seemed intent on maiming the woodsman. Taking one last push, Den rolled away. Grabbing the knife from his pocket. Almost immediately after, the boy was back on Den, even more readily now. Growls and snarls left his mouth, as wall as the strong metallic scent of blood. Seeing no way out, Den grasped the knife and thrust it forward. It fit through one of the monsters eye sockets and the lifeless husk fell to the ground.
Den stood up and stared at the body. What have I done... He thought. The boys skin was tinted grey, he was obviously sickly. His veins showed through his almost translucent skin. Den puked. For almost a minute straight, Den stood there, stricken by shock. His moment was broken by moaning. More of it, waves of it. Shuffling, growling, moaning. What's happening Den worried. He needed to run. He knew where the countryside started, he could find a town, make some calls, he knew where Hatfield was. His bow, a small amount of water and food and some knives, Den rushed forward to what he hoped could be civilization.
Honestly, I think your beginning "chapter" is one of the best written ones. The character acts like how I would except any normal person to act. Also your "special skill" is believable. Unlike someone knowing how to use a bow from a video game. 5/5! <3
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