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Hell Games 6 Official Tribute List! (Info on Quell Inside!)

The Arena Master

Apr 19, 2012
Reaction score
But for real now. Next time write (US) on the thread. I thought I am not going to lag and boom I lagged and died...
Maybe make separate events? EU and US because Exodus and Lovelights are US people that's why they did so good..
A majority of players go on US, so I have a feeling it'll still be US next time :/

Matt_The Dreamer

Jul 31, 2012
Reaction score
Couldn't agree more. I wish The Hell Games was a longer event. This one was about 10 minutes or so. All this build up for such a small event doesn't seem worth it. I wish the map was huge, larger than any normal SG map. It'd make the events take longer. I also think that the gamemakers should stay invisible. The admins flying around just ruins it for me. Also, there were so many users who had it unfair. JustAHotDog was a prime example. He was on the run (in a tight enough situation as is) and all the staff did was drop TNT on him. This wasn't a test of skill, it was a game of luck.
Hot dog was my partner. He got sponsored full iron and Iron axe :p. The GM were trolling him so much he didn't know what was going on. Also if I was there I would've won :D.
Feb 13, 2013
Reaction score
These Hell Games were way too rushed. Some feedback for this game, it may have been an improvement from the previous ones (that's an opinion, I loved running around telling people to sponsor me and I sing pokemon) but it was definitely way too fast. The gamemakers should only sponsor people and maybe spawn 1-2 mobs here and there but never more because the gamemakers shouldn't be game-changing.
Hell Games should be based on skill, not on who doesn't get mauled by the gamemakers. There must have been a dozen of the best MCSG players out there in this game, and none of them won. No offense to Exodus_King, but after how the game started for him, he did not deserve to win in my opinion.

Also, another reason it was rushed, you guys started the game before everyone was in. Matt_The Dreamer should have been there, but he was not allowed to join and the games started without him. I'm sure there are others that were in the same situation.
Yeah, I thought it was going to be much, much longer. I think the main problem was that the map was just medium-sized, not Hungry Hills sized. And don't quote me on this, but possibly because of the little food, people wanted to kill others before they starved to death.
And the games seemed to start early, as you said. It was supposed to start at 1:30 for me, and it started at 1:15ish.

But the Hell Games were definitely, in my opinion, the best they have ever had. It seems to progressively be getting better and more organized, and I'm excited to see how it is in a few months! :p

P.S. Good game, Exodus_King1


Apr 20, 2012
Reaction score
That was awesum! I just wish I was playing :(
Automatically be in the next HG pl0x I phan?

Sir Royal

Jun 22, 2012
Reaction score
Man.. I applied for every single Hell Games, and I never got in one :c

After all that training and preperation, Whyyyy.

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