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10 Months as Staff & a Face Reveal?!


District 13
Sep 1, 2014
Reaction score

Hello members of MCGamer!

I am making this thread because as of today, it is my ten months as staff! And because of the occasion, I wanted to do something special. :)

Today I will be sharing my, well, my coming to MCGamer story. I’m really nervous to be sharing this with you guys, but for my new year’s resolution I want to be more open with the community.

I began playing minecraft in near the end of 2012, not excessively though. I played survival with my friend (her IGN is Emilinee as of now) mostly. In 2013, this friend found mineplex through some YouTubers, and wanted me to play on the server with her. I did, and I didn’t really like it, so I went to play on the Nexus. I played on the Nexus for most of 2013, and I finally switched over to Mineplex near the end of 2013. I played with Emilinee on all the mini-games, and I became very found of their survival games. Occassionaly, we would also play on smaller factions servers and such (sadly they’ve all shut down as of now ): ). Now we are getting to the good part, on January 9th, 2014 I first logged onto MCGamer. I immediately fell in love with the server. I was obsessed with SG, and obviously I was really bad since I wasn’t surrounded by amazing PVPers at the Nexus. I never had issues with hackers, at least I don’t think, I wasn’t experienced with them. xD
After a while of playing on MCGamer, Emilinee and I made our first community friend, _Because__Cats_ (who is now Abilinee). We ran into her on an SG and we skype’d with her. Later, in the beginning of summer, 2014, I met got two new friends through my community friend MaddieButter (now LilyCollins). Their IGNs were MCKing_Sam and MCKing_Tyler. Emilinee, Abilinee and I skype’d with them for hours on end while playing UHC, Factions, SG, and mini-games. It’s nearing two years since I met these amazing people, and we all still keep in touch. They’re my best friends. And because of MCGamer I was able to meet them. :)
Now, It’s October 2014, and I was still in love with this server. I wanted to become a bigger part of it, I had donated for Iron donor and Platinum donor, but that wasn’t enough for me. I wanted to become mod. And the mod who inspired me to become moderator was TheLastGapple and RishSA|Imaboss2414 . I thought these guys were the coolest people on the planet, I swear. They were always so helpful when I had my many questions about the server. So on November 28th, 2014, I applied for mod for the very first time. And shortly after I was denied by KellieBreanne xD (Love you Kellie). I wasn’t all that upset, it just encouraged me to try harder. I sent in two more applications, both of them denied. And finally, I sent in my fourth application, and I got sent into pending, then interview! I was so excited. I went on the teamspeak, and got my waiting rank on December 10th, 2014. On the 24th of that month, I got denied in my first interview. ); Sad day, sad day. But it’s okay! I got my second interview on January 19th, 2015.. and then got denied again. Then after nearly two months, I got accepted as a moderator on March 5th, 2015. It took a while, but I finally did it! It was awesome getting to make some amazing waiting buddies in the waiting room (My waiting buddies, not in order of my 1st, 2nd, and 3d set of waiting buddies : _Gamer_FTW Felipe Riptide Cueue | David PrinceSkelington Matt0808 @WhoIsFancy Vicman_1995 Kaylie | Holidays and bad2020 )

And that’s it! That’s my coming to MCGamer story. I haven’t been in the community very long, (2 years in 4 days omg!!!) but I still love this server with all my heart.

However, I have a bit more of my story to tell. This is the part I was nervous for. It’s more of a background story from 2012-2015 of my real life.

In 7th grade (2014) I was a pretty depressed kid. I was very unmotivated, very upset, very angry, just very very sad. I didn’t like my friends, my family, myself… I didn’t like my life. I sincerely wanted to take my life. Around this time, I was addicted to a forums (it shut down sadly) and I had a best friend there, Tink. We would use kik to communicate most of the time, and we would make little animations together. She was my best friend, but she was severely depressed, and near the end of 2013 she took her life. This upset me greatly, and shortly after that I left that forums community. Things didn’t change after that, they got worse. I was very pessimistic, and hated everything. I only found my happiness on the internet, playing Sims 3 and minecraft. But I was still extremely sad, I was losing interest in everything, and eventually I just couldn't take it anymore. On April 8th of 2014, I attempted to take my life. Obviously, I’m still here, but for other reasons, cops came to my house. So I wasn’t able to go through with the act.
Time has passed and we are in the time where I am in the 9th grade. My depression was getting worse, and my mom finally took notice of it. After much debate, she forced me to go get mental testing. I oblique for the most part, but was still very much against the idea. Two weeks later, we go back to the office for my test results; and they bared devastating news. They diagnosed me with three things. Severe depression (not really a shock), inattentive ADHD (was not expecting that, but it explained a lot), and the worst of the three.. psychosis. I was that I became so disconnected from reality, I began to create an alternate world in my head where I was happy; but along with this non-existent reality, it came with hallucinations and voices. My psychosis, is basically a less severe version of schizophrenia. I was shocked. I was terrified. I was too afraid to tell anyone anything about my condition. I wasn't happy with this, and it didn't help that days after; I lost all my friends at school (a contributing reason as to why I am home schooled now). On May 28th, I attempted to take my life again.. but it didn't work.
Let’s fast forward to today. Today, I can finally say that I’m happy. I’m not depressed anymore, sure I still get sad, but I’m always better the next day. The psychosis? I still struggle with that everyday, and right now, it looks like it will only get worse as I get older, but I guess I’m okay with that for now. I will try and enjoy my life while I still can, I will stay optimistic, I will keep hope.

See why I was nervous now? Haha.

I’m not asking for pity, not asking for support, not asking for help. I just wanted to be open with you guys. I wanted to share a part of my life, with you. I don’t really like the idea of having a story that’s never been told, so I’m sharing a big chapter of my life with you guys.

I also wanted to add onto that. I have the biggest desire to keep my real life separate from my online life. I do not want to cross the two over. The idea of it scares me. And that is why I don’t like sharing my real life name. Now, I know that my name is easily accessible to anyone, but I do ask that you don’t be a jerk and publicly release my name if you know it. That is my only request. When I am online, I get to be someone else. Please don’t make it to where I’m forced to be the person I am in real life in my online life.

But hey, as a cheer to me being staff for 10 months, here is what I look like! I’m not one to really advertise my face, but I figured since I’m trying to be open with you all, why not right?


Well, that is it guys! Thank you so much for making these past 10 months the very best months, and let's hope for many more months! :D
I love you all, just a reminder.


Jun 27, 2015
Reaction score
First! I love you so much pirate! I am so glad to have made freinds with you as soon as I became a Staff member. You are easily one of my best friends here and I hope we can be friends for a very long time <3 Stay strong and keep moving on my fav.


Jul 19, 2015
Reaction score
I hopped on looked at your status, and went straight here :D What you did was very brave, sharing a deep part of your story <3 Congrats on 10 months, please stay for more!!!


Nov 2, 2015
Reaction score
Congratulations Pyrrhic and I hope to see many more months!! You've came a long way with such a background, but you're still brave, awesome, and a great friend! Even though I've seen your face before, you're still stunning ;).

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