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[Apply Here] The Hell Games 7 {Quarter Quell}

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Jun 12, 2013
Reaction score
IGN: kevomatic
Age: 15
Why do you want to be a part of this event?: I have never been apart of the Hell Games. It looks interesting and fun.
Where are you located on the leaderboards?: Rank #2,110
Can you record?: Yes, I make MCSG videos and I consider myself to have pretty good quality.
Do you have a Youtube channel? (if so, answer the next question): Yes, KevomaticHD
How many subscribers do you have? 16 subscribers with 7 videos up :p I am active. The reason I only have 7 videos is because I just recently started uploading.
What timezone do you live in? Eastern Standard Time
Do you have any bans on the MCGamer Network? Yes I have one ban for accidentally posting a link in chat. It wasn't hacking, raging, or bad sportsmanship related.
Additional info: I have never played Hell Games so I am not sure if it is like a YouTuber event. I am average at PvP but with a partner I am better. I have been playing MCSG for a few months now (3-4) so I am no noob to the game. I understand all of the rules and will follow them.


Jun 20, 2013
Reaction score
IGN: AlmostBreezy
Age: 19
Why do you want to be a part of this event?: I've watched blazemaster561's videos on the "Hell Games" and it looked like a lot of fun, as well it's something new and exciting!
Where are you located on the leaderboards?: Currently #2435
Can you record?: Yes, with Fraps.
Do you have a Youtube channel? (if so, answer the next question): Yes, but no uploaded videos at the moment. Trying to stockpile so I can show my viewers the content they can excpect.
How many subscribers do you have? ^
What timezone do you live in? Central
Do you have any bans on the MCGamer Network? No
Additional info: May the odds be ever in your favor. Well, my favor... <3
May 3, 2013
Reaction score
IGN: AriannaWilkinson
Age: 13
Why do you want to be a part of this event?: I love MCSG and The Hunger Games, so this would be a great experience and would help me get better at the game.
Where are you located on the leaderboards?: #36315
Can you record?: Not currently. (Screen recorder stopped working)
Do you have a Youtube channel? (if so, answer the next question): Yes, AriannaGames
How many subscribers do you have? 15
What timezone do you live in? Central
Do you have any bans on the MCGamer Network? Nope
Additional info: I like dawgs. :3 I'm not the best at MCSG but I'm getting better and think this would really help to make me better.


May 4, 2013
Reaction score
IGN: MagicMoondance
Age: 13
Why do you want to be a part of this event?: I think it would be really fun and a great opportunity to record <3
Where are you located on the leaderboards?: 6347
Can you record?: Yes
Do you have a Youtube channel? (if so, answer the next question): MagicMoondanceGaming
How many subscribers do you have? 41
What timezone do you live in? Eastern
Do you have any bans on the MCGamer Network? One, I was banned for an hour for using caps. xD
Additional info: I really like the Hunger Games books, and I think this would be really fun <3 *totalnerd* ^w^
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