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Axel | PlazaGames

I have so many people that I'd love to give shoutouts to and appreciate, but knowing me I'll forget a few so sorry if I do so. This'll mainly be focused around the people who have impacted me in more recent times.

Vanicle | Vanessa: I don't know if I can think of anybody else who is always there to help me out if I need it, or who understands the point of view of the community and is willing to put in the work to make change for the better. Vanessa, you're awesome. Stay that way! <3
P.S. no matter how hard Vanessa may or may not try, she will never be scary but you didn't hear that from me

PlazaGames: hot

Vanth: As I said on another thread, Vanth is always positive and helpful no matter what other people say about him. He is a positive member of the community, and we could use more of those nowadays c:

Col_StaR: Col has been sporting his position here for over two years and has done a spot on job for the entire time. He is willing to participate in active discussion with both the staff and community and works efficiently and for the better.

Tiger: Tiger has become one of my closest friends, and is always willing to record me smacking him.

Kat: Kat is, in my opinion, one of the hardest working members of Clan Staff and is always available to handle Teamspeak issues. Plus, she's an awesome and friendly person <3

yannr00s: Yannick has such a friendly and positive attitude, and is someone who I see all the time on the forums, helping people out or just posting whatever. I always have fun when talking to Yan on TS.

There are definitely more, these are just the ones that immediately stand out to me c:
OMG! <3 Ya know u are more hot bruh <3 ly.. Stay in touch


May 18, 2015
Reaction score
I want to take a moment to just appreciate every single person that has left a supportive message for me on my coming out thread along with the people who have messaged me in general on twitter or in game about it, supporting me.
Also a massive thanks to the staff team for accepting me for who I am and becoming the best family I have ever had the chance to join.
It means the world to me.

I'd also like to give some appreciation to Frankyy7 who helped me through this and gave me strength and hope! I love you very much!

Some more appreciation for Pacador and my good friend Toby for being there for me for something like 2-3 years now, we have had our ups and downs and lord knows we have all said some things we shouldn't have haha, but I love you guys to pieces and you will always be my bestfriends!

Also @Everyone who has ever broken my heart, bullied me, been rude to me.
Thank you for molding me into the strong independent woman I am today..
I hope that one day you'll see me giving my all in my perfect job, to a family, in life in general. And I hope you regret the day you hurt me :)

Also appreciation for every single person who was with me during my waiting progress, I would name you all but tbh there was like a trillion people waiting with me! lol <3

I hope everyone can take time out of their day to appreciate the people around them <3
Your honestly my favorite! : 3


Dec 25, 2013
Reaction score
There's one person that I would love to appreciate right now; LilBub
She's supported me through everything since the day we first met, we've been through a lot together and have had our days, but to me she is one lovely and amazing girl, we've known each for around 2-3 years now and I'm glad everything is still working out. She will always be my bestfriend and I'll be there for her through anything that she may encounter, I love you <3


Aug 5, 2014
Reaction score
First and foremost…

I think we need to bring the credit where credit is due……


Thank you so much for leading this ship across fair waters, troubled times, but always, always sticking with us, to make this place better every single day.

And now for the specific people, I can't mention everyone obviously, but you all know who you are. ;)

Ceroria Yaaaa Ceroria!!! You've been hanging around MCGamer for a very long time and your forum posts and videos bring both knowledge and laughter to all who see them!

LilBub For being our most courageous individual, and teaching us, that, no matter what, you can always pull through.

Vanth Despite all that oppose him, Vanth continues to be one thing: who he is, and that is something we should all be.

Fireworks For taking time out of the day to produce amazing posts that really give us insight into the things we don't think about around MCGamer.

Tenebrous12321 For helping us all find out the deepest meanings of life.

There are more, just remember that I appreciate everyone here, however small or inconspicuous you are a part of me, you still are there.


May 21, 2015
Reaction score
First and foremost…

I think we need to bring the credit where credit is due……


Thank you so much for leading this ship across fair waters, troubled times, but always, always sticking with us, to make this place better every single day.

And now for the specific people, I can't mention everyone obviously, but you all know who you are. ;)

Ceroria Yaaaa Ceroria!!! You've been hanging around MCGamer for a very long time and your forum posts and videos bring both knowledge and laughter to all who see them!

LilBub For being our most courageous individual, and teaching us, that, no matter what, you can always pull through.

Vanth Despite all that oppose him, Vanth continues to be one thing: who he is, and that is something we should all be.

Fireworks For taking time out of the day to produce amazing posts that really give us insight into the things we don't think about around MCGamer.

Tenebrous12321 For helping us all find out the deepest meanings of life.

There are more, just remember that I appreciate everyone here, however small or inconspicuous you are a part of me, you still are there.
Thanks SnoopSean for being my rock! By rock I mean my support ;). Also, you are completely right. The staff members do so much more than we "regular's" see in game. A simple "thanks" never hurts, I hope you all up your game and start showing a little more respect.



District 13
Jul 25, 2013
Reaction score
ChadTheDJ - Thank you for the amazing creation of this server, and for giving me the chance to meet so many wonderful people in this community.
StarWilly12 Ahhhhh, all those long light conversations last summer, god I love you so much Starrrrr. Thank you for such motivational words :)
itsjulesdude Honestly, one of my biggest inspirations ever since 2013. You're the reason I became so driven to becoming staff, you literally inspired me so much, and I was glad I was able to be Sr. Staff w/ you on Anarchy, we slayed <3
Kellie You're honestly so hilarious, and put a smile on my face, marry me already.
Harry ily. ty for csgo. you're my fav Italian. jk, lol ik you're Irish. xD
TotalDramaTony Mama Ruuuuuuu yaaasss!! Miss thang, I love you! We will always slay these replacements till its us 2 at the end!
Chandelle My dancing queen, girl you are so hilarious and you were such a good staff member. We don't speak so much anymore, but thank you for all those hilarious night throughout the past year.
Vanicle | Vanessa Girrrrrl, you know, you are so special. Specially when I need someone to rant to, not only that but girl you always know how im feeling one way or the other xD
Nephilim Same w/ Vanessa, YOU are ALWAYS there helping myself, and others. Thank you for all the countless efforts you put into this community and the staff team in general, you're an amazing guy nephilililililim.
At the end of the day, every person is amazing, and thank you for making this place what it is. EVERYONE is AMAZING <3 <3

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