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Are you proud of MCGamer?

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Feb 14, 2014
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Are you proud to see this server have mini games on it, which lag, freeze and don't work?
I only play SG and for the most part it seems to work fine for me :)

Are you proud to see that many SG players constantly verbally disrespect everyone?
There's verbal disrespect in pretty much any competitive online game, I wouldn't say I'm proud of it but I'm certainly not surprised or anything.

Are you proud to see that the server has one of the highest amount of hackers on Minecraft?
Hackers gonna hack. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Are you proud to see huge YouTubers having to do failed recordings and them swearing at the 'stupidity' of this server?
I believe it's called entertainment.

Are you proud to see lots of SG players having to boost, team or hack to get to the top of the leaderboards?
People will do what they think they need to do to win. Not sure why you said teaming though there's no rule against that.

Are you proud to see that many of your mods don't even do half their job?
Considering they do it for free and because they want to, I'm just grateful they do anything at all.

Are you proud to see your server be bitched about my large/well known people in the community?
People have opinions, that is correct.

Are you proud to see that many moderators are hated and they constantly go on about how they are in 'the community?'
The hate moderators receive rarely makes sense anyway.

Are you proud to be a staff member. Tell me, because over the years of playing MCGamer i started off wanting to be a mod so bad.. And now if a Admin or etc offered me to be mod for free. I would decline. Please say this means something. Or am i just someone or has lost their pride to be part of MCGamer...
I'm not a staff member but if I was I'd be proud that I'd be able to help the server and it's community.

A positive viewpoint goes a long way.


Nov 1, 2012
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I guess the community don't really know what it's like behind the scenes, there are great moderators on this staff team, who work really hard, and all the community does is put them down...

And to answer the question asked, I am proud of McGamer, ChadTheDJ made this server from scratch, it now has over 3 million players on it, I would say that is a massive achievement, a lot more players than any other networks.

Also ImToxic, I can assure you the EU mods are doing work, they are either disguised or in game master, so don't put them down.
I think mods do a great job! I don't know whats up with these people...maybe they are just to new?
You know how to solve almost all of this? Remove leaderboards completely.
Leaderboards are what makes the game fun though :(


May 2, 2013
Reaction score
My opinion on this c:

1. All of the other minigames are extremely underplayed anyway why does this matter
2. This happens on every server lol, most don't even have any kind of swear filters anyway. Just ignore them ;p
3. Again there's hackers everywhere... record/report them
4. Yes because youtubers don't have to win every game to enjoy a server
5. Well if you think someone is then report them...
6. I know so many mods (EU especially) who do try really hard to improve this server and put so much time into helping others
7. Why care what other people think, yes some people hate this server but others love it
8. Staff members are trying their best yet people still complain... I personally am seeing this server improve everyday

So yes, I am proud of mcsg/mcgamer because I've met so many amazing people through it and even tho it's not perfect i still enjoy it. When are people going to realise it's only a game.. you are meant to enjoy it :)
and if you don't then why are you here


Aug 31, 2014
Reaction score
So my opinion.. okay.

Are you proud to see this server have mini games on it, which lag, freeze and don't work? I don't know what kind of mini games you are playing, But the ones i play are perfectly fine when it comes to the play time. I have never experienced lag, freeze or them not even working. The mini games are there for entertainment. I play with friends all the time. My favourite is Deadly Descent, Whats not fun about falling onto blocks and trying not to die.. Also hitting your friends off so you get to the bottom first... Good Ol' Fun.

Are you proud to see that many SG players constantly verbally disrespect everyone? I'm not proud to see this, and if i do.. I simple get a Moderator to deal with the situation. But if there is no Moderator available at the time. Take a screenshot of it and then report it on the forums, or you can do the /report command. (It's great!)

Are you proud to see that the server has one of the highest amount of hackers on Minecraft? Every server have hackers, This one is no different. They make the game unfair; i know, i have seen a good few in my times playing here. But as i said up there. ( ^^ ) help the Moderators/ Snr Moderators out. They can't do about 15 things at once, they're humans too, They don't have 8 hands. But again, Record said players hacking, Then upload it to youtube (unlisted of course) and then fill out a report about it, Because i'm feeling extra nice, Here is a link to help you :3 (http://www.mcgamer.net/threads/report-abuse-templates.6742)

Are you proud to see huge YouTubers having to do failed recordings and them swearing at the 'stupidity' of this server? I personally have not seen this happen in the time i have played on this server.. (I spend a reasonable amount of time on this server aswell... (Trust me.. 9 hours o.o)

Are you proud to see lots of SG players having to boost, team or hack to get to the top of the leaderboards? See... Another simple thing that you could help with. take screenshots of this happening and then again fill out A Report Abuse template.. (Surprise Surprise, I bet you didn't see that answer coming ;) )

Are you proud to see that many of your mods don't even do half their job? The Moderators/Snr Moderators on this server are doing their absolute best with what they can at the present time. I read that you are apart of the EU region, Heres a little fact

"This Week's Statistics:
96 participants.
40 of those were community members.
56 of those were staff members.
14 hours of sweeps.
118 hackers were banned.
116 of those bans were permanent.
2 of those were 1 week.
An average of 16.86 bans were made each session.
29 hackers were found and recorded by members of the community."

That was in ONE single week, Like c'mon that is impressive and amazing!
If you still think the Moderators aren't doing anything after reading that.. Well..
(And you can help Moderators catch hackers and rule breakers and get an outcome like this. Here is another link for you to consider: http://www.mcgamer.net/threads/eu-operation-cleansweep-spring-2015-week-3-results.183758/)
I personally dislike it when players mention that the Moderators are not doing their job, these amazing people have offered to take the time out of their day to come on try and make your time on the server enjoyable and fun. Moderators/Snr Moderators/ Admins and Developers don't get enough love in my opinion.

Are you proud to see your server be bitched about my large/well known people in the community? Everyone is entitled to their own opinion, But seriously if anyone is experiencing some kind of problem, Talk to a Moderator.. Poke a Moderator on Teamspeak. They are lovely people and will help with basically anything! They won't bite!

Are you proud to see that many moderators are hated and they constantly go on about how they are in 'the community?' I have never seen hate being thrown towards a Moderator. So i cannot comment on this.

Are you proud to be a staff member. Tell me, because over the years of playing MCGamer i started off wanting to be a mod so bad.. And now if a Admin or etc offered me to be mod for free. I would decline. Please say this means something. Or am i just someone or has lost their pride to be part of MCGamer... I may not be a Moderator but i sure would love to be one!
I am currently in the 'Waiting' stage. The only thing stopping me is the Interview and i will going in their with my head held high, and going to walk out smiling. I started on this server because i liked the Hunger Games, I heard about it from friends and decided to start playing. (Plus it was a stress reliever from the Year 12 Exams hehe) but the most i started playing it, The better (Well i think i got better, But my stats say otherwise.. I don't mind though i play for fun) i got. I then started making friends, Now i have some of the most loyal friends i have ever had.
They have been there for me whenever i needed a laugh,smile or just someone to listen to what i wanted to talk about. For that simple reason is why i wanna give back to this wonderful Community. I have applied for Moderator and i wanna give back what it has for me for the past year.

So basically, I don't know if this was a question for just Moderators but you got mine aswell. This server is an enjoyable and vibrant server. Basically i love it! So instead of asking other people what they think. Maybe you should help out, Who knows apply for Moderator.. Every region needs Moderators and you might be that one!
Sorry for the long rant, But i thought i better put my input out there.

Have a wonderful day, :)
(If there are any spelling or Grammatically mistakes i do apologise it is 3:30am) <3


Aug 20, 2012
Reaction score
Okay, I've let out some steam. Now to take a more civilized approach to the points addressed in the original post, and down to a final conclusion based on actual facts, not unsupported and uncalled for anger and hatred towards our network.

Are you proud to see this server have mini games on it, which lag, freeze and don't work?
Okay, this is a legitimate point. We do have a fair few minigames that don't work, and are rather underplayed. My plan of action? We reform our network by eliminating underplayed minigames and focusing on what the majority of people want, PvP.

Are you proud to see that many SG players constantly verbally disrespect everyone?
I'm assuming you've never played CS:GO, never played Call of Duty, and never played Badlion, Kohi, or literally any other competitive game invented in the history of the world. Because compared to that stuff, ours is minor. Yes, people go around abusing others, and yes there is trashtalk, but that is everywhere and we do all that we can do get rid of it.

Are you proud to see that the server has one of the highest amount of hackers on Minecraft?
Again, when there is competition, people cheat. It's like this in real life, it's like this everywhere. Just be glad that the majority of cheaters here are rather obvious and use somewhat underdeveloped hacks, compared to other competitive PvP networks with casper-clienting and closet cheating.

Are you proud to see huge YouTubers having to do failed recordings and them swearing at the 'stupidity' of this server?
These are the same YouTubers that cause constant drama between each other, and in general act really stuck up and like the world revolves around them. I wouldn't take critique from any one of them very seriously. Plus, recording anything can be stressful. They aren't usually calling MCSG/MCGamer at its core very stupid, they're usually just raging at themselves because they must start over again.

Are you proud to see lots of SG players having to boost, team or hack to get to the top of the leaderboards?
Have you realized that everybody that tries this usually gets banned before they can even get to 20 wins?

Are you proud to see that many of your mods don't even do half their job?
This one hit me personally. As a mod for 10 months, not only have I spent my time here working my butt off to get rid of hackers and rule breakers, but have done it alongside the rest of the staff team. The mods here that stay on the team are dedicated and willing to make a difference. The ones that don't do their jobs get removed. Simple as that.

[And before anyone says "Who doesn't do their job" Thats why. I don't even know who most of the EU mods are as they are never on and don't do anything. There are a few who i believe have made a huge impact.]
The main reason you don't see many EU mods is because we hardly have any left. Most of them had to move on to address IRL issues, and we're at as serious shortage of European moderators. That's why many Eastern US players such as myself spend almost more time on EU than we do on US to get rid of, mainly, the hacker problems.

Are you proud to see your server be bitched about my large/well known people in the community?
I'm assuming you're talking about YouTubers again. YouTubers run into a lot of problems, people that have a lot of problems and lack the necessary skills to solve them need scapegoats. Scapegoats tend to end up as the game or network they're playing on.

Are you proud to see that many moderators are hated and they constantly go on about how they are in 'the community?'
Hated for what? Oh, that's right. People break the rules, and get banned. Then these people who get banned for fair reasons turn around in anger and blame the mods for doing nothing and being corrupt, when in fact we're doing exactly what we're supposed to be doing, our jobs. I'm sick of seeing these threads because it's just full of people pumped up by angry YouTuber propaganda trying to mostly express revenge for personal vendettas.

Are you proud to be a staff member. Tell me, because over the years of playing MCGamer i started off wanting to be a mod so bad.. And now if a Admin or etc offered me to be mod for free. I would decline. Please say this means something. Or am i just someone or has lost their pride to be part of MCGamer...
I am, actually. As I stated in a previous post, I've been here for closing in on 3 years now, and I've had some ups and downs but this has truly been one hell of an awesome gaming experience. I think you've lost your pride. For what, I know not but I hope you can change your opinion. The staff here literally works their hardest past all of these angry and unproven accusations to work to make MCGamer/MCSG better.

This isn't to say we're perfect. I believe there are a few areas the staff team could work on to improve efficiency, but it all starts with the community. You guys need to have a positive mindset or nothing will get done. If there's a problem, don't let it fester and turn to anger, address it. To the staff. To the rest of the community. That's why we're here, to help.

To make the community better, effort must come from both sides, the community and the staff.


Are you proud to see this server have mini games on it, which lag, freeze and don't work? Who plays mini-games? This server became popular through Survival Games and that's it, I tried playing mini-games and nobody was on there.

Are you proud to see that many SG players constantly verbally disrespect everyone? Dude, seriously, just learn not to take it so personally. PVP is a gamemode where aggressiveness is included. While aggressiveness is included obviously, rage is there also. While rage is there bad words are too. People are way too sensitive. At the end of the day, you should learn for school not bother yourself about someone saying "eZ" in chat.

Are you proud to see that the server has one of the highest amount of hackers on Minecraft? One question that could just dominate your question! Why is MCGamer's fault if some 12 year old kid is hacking?

Are you proud to see huge YouTubers having to do failed recordings and them swearing at the 'stupidity' of this server? Nobody forces them to play on MCGamer, if they find the server 'stupid' then they should just leave. Let's use common sense. If you find something stupid, it doesn't really matter what, would you still be bothered about the 'stupid' thing? No you would just leave it and forget about it.

Are you proud to see lots of SG players having to boost, team or hack to get to the top of the leaderboards? Once again this is not MCGamer's fault, however I'm not proud to see those type of people. I remember when everybody was fair on MCGamer.. Good ol' days.

Are you proud to see that many of your mods don't even do half their job? Just stop.. Freaking stop with this.. THEY DO SOMETHING FOR THE COMMUNITY. God, only because they're not in the same hub as you, it doesn't mean they're not on the server whatsoever. Also take a look at the CleanSweep results and stuff.

[And before anyone says "Who doesn't do their job" Thats why. I don't even know who most of the EU mods are as they are never on and don't do anything. There are a few who i believe have made a huge impact.]

Are you proud to see your server be bitched about my large/well known people in the community? Everyone has an opinion. Somebody hates the server and it's fine, it's up to them, not me or MCGamer itself.

Are you proud to see that many moderators are hated and they constantly go on about how they are in 'the community?' Same question as "Are you proud to see that many of your mods don't even do half their job?"


Sep 15, 2012
Reaction score
Are you proud to see this server have mini games on it, which lag, freeze and don't work?
Honestly I only play Survival Games, so I can't really tell you about other mini games.
I started playing very early and let's be honest. Everyone who complains about our servers is actually complaning about mini game Survival Games.
Only SG map that freezes is Alaskan Village as far as I know. With a ping of 50 to EU I do not experience any lag while playing Survival Games. I am sure developers are trying there best.

Are you proud to see that many SG players constantly verbally disrespect everyone?
People are rude and will always be, you can't deny that. As the community gets larger there will be more rude people on our servers. We are trying our best to make sure people are polite to each others.

Are you proud to see that the server has one of the highest amount of hackers on Minecraft?
Of course not. Minecraft is a well known game around the world and for sure is easy to hack. The amount of hackers there is now, its just impossible to ban every single of them. As this is a big and a well known community hackers usually visit our servers. The more popular we get the more hacker there will be. The only solution to this is to keep them banning and banning and hopefully we decrese the number of them. We are trying our best, trust me.

Are you proud to see huge YouTubers having to do failed recordings and them swearing at the 'stupidity' of this server?
This pretty much refers to hackers and teaming. As I have already told you about hacker I guess I will switch on the team topic then. People who record can find themself recording games hard on our servers as majority of people team. The only solution to this would be to get a team, or be a really really good player. Play for fun, not every recording need to end up with a win.

Are you proud to see lots of SG players having to boost, team or hack to get to the top of the leaderboards?

I have never been a fan of leaderboards and have not tried to be first ever. This community should be a fun community and not a competition. Either way you can ask yourself "Why do you want to be first?" the answer to that would probably be because you would be a well known member as our community is really big. Which leads to people hacking all the time. Do you know Gravey4rd? Everybody those.

Are you proud to see that many of your mods don't even do half their job?
Everybody is doing their job or else they would not be here.
We are a well organized staff team, you will have to trust me on this one. :)
If a mod is not popular it those not mean they don't do anyting, remember that.

[And before anyone says "Who doesn't do their job" Thats why. I don't even know who most of the EU mods are as they are never on and don't do anything. There are a few who i believe have made a huge impact.]

Are you proud to see your server be bitched about my large/well known people in the community?
If you would look it from a staff point of view and how hard we are try to keep this community out of hackers and other troubles you would be amazed.

Are you proud to see that many moderators are hated and they constantly go on about how they are in 'the community?'
If someone those hate certain mods it will just make things even worse. Keep in mind that moderators are the only defense against hackers,spammer and pretty much anyone who breaks the rules. Telling us we don't do anything won't make hackers go away. Support us and try to help us with report abuses if possible.

Are you proud to be a staff member. Tell me, because over the years of playing MCGamer i started off wanting to be a mod so bad.. And now if a Admin or etc offered me to be mod for free. I would decline. Please say this means something. Or am i just someone or has lost their pride to be part of MCGamer...
For the past 6 months or even more I have been giving my free time to watch over this amazing community to finally try and keep the game enjoyable for everyone. I was just like you before, I was to blnd to see...


Apr 14, 2015
Reaction score
"Are you proud to see that many of your mods don't even do half their job?

[And before anyone says "Who doesn't do their job" Thats why. I don't even know who most of the EU mods are as they are never on and don't do anything. There are a few who i believe have made a huge impact.]"

I can tell you one thing: you have no clue!
well i do and i can say that while i was mod most of the time mods were just chilling on ts playing as teams not even caring about people poking them about hackers ( i did that too tbh ) and i see so many hackers with around 300 games who have been reported so many times not getting banned since noone cares, f.e scrappygames


Nov 1, 2012
Reaction score
So he boosts because he wins a few of his games through killing Vanessa? I play with IRL friends all the time, and beat them most of the time. Doesn't mean I boost.

The guy has a lot of time on his hands, and he uses it to play MCSG. As a result, he has as lot of wins, simple as that.
Wish I had that much time :(
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