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Are you proud of MCGamer?

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District 13
Jan 13, 2013
Reaction score
Ex Staff member / Beta player here, and I'm definitely not proud of MCSG*.

Are you proud to see this server have mini games on it, which lag, freeze and don't work? MCSG was doing everything so right back then, but you know when the problem began? The moment they ditched the name MCSG, and went with MCGamer. No one plays any of the other game modes, because:
A. They're not fun.
B. Survival Games is the best game mode anyway.
C. They're horribly done, and half of them don't even make sense.

Are you proud to see that many SG players constantly verbally disrespect everyone? Ok honestly, this isn't really MCSG's fault. Nobody can control what anyone says or done on the internet. However you can try your best to filter out most of the bad things and then let the mods handle the rest. MCSG is a competitive game mode, so there's bound to be some "smack talk".

Are you proud to see that the server has one of the highest amount of hackers on Minecraft? No but i dont really care, and i'll tie this answer in with a different question.

Are you proud to see huge YouTubers having to do failed recordings and them swearing at the 'stupidity' of this server?
Are you proud to see lots of SG players having to boost, team or hack to get to the top of the leaderboards?
MCSG has had some of the most annoying youtubers I've ever seen. TheCreeperFarts, JoeyGraceffa, and Bajan are just to name a few. The influence that they'have had on the server have 9 times out of 10 been extremely negative. (older players should remember the Bajan drama) Joey Graceffa hated a few staff members, some of which are very close friends of mine, for doing their job. He even tweeted about it, talked about it in his videos and amassed his own little hate army to attack certain mods repeatedly. I don't see how half of them have VIP when they come out of games cussing someone out, they need to realize who they are and the impact they have on everyone. You are (probably) a famous youtuber. People watch your videos and what you do everyday, and people like you. People want to be like you or follow in your footsteps, so when they see you being an asshole in the lobby, what do you think they're more prone to do? Exactly. I dont care about boosting its 2015, if you're still trying to be #1 on the leader boards now you're wasting your time. Everyone that ever meant anything on MCSG is long gone.

Are you proud to see that many of your mods don't even do half their job?
Ever since i was mod back in late 2013, i noticed this. Back then, the only reason mods applied was to get Friend Rank, which was basically free lifetime diamond donor, with a pink name. MCSG made the right decision in getting rid of Friend rank in my opinion, even though i got nothing to compensate for it. (but that's another topic, so we wont talk about it here) Now, I've been gone from MCSG for almost a year, and from what I've seen, the staff nowadays isn't half bad. I don't really pay too much attention to them, but every once in a while i'll notice a mod actually taking their job seriously. But there are also way more tryhards nowadays, it's ridiculous. I've always understood the reason MCSG have wanted to look professional when it came to the staff, otherwise they wouldn't receive as much respect from the community. But you can still see it, the mods who try way too hard and take their job way too seriously. To the point where they'll even betray their friends and who they are to try and earn a promotion, or just to be noticed by higher ups.

(If you're a staff member, please don't quote me on this last paragraph and try to explain to me why you're the best staff member ever, or MCSG has changed, or blah blah blah, i don't really want to hear your biased opinions. I'm sorry, but that's the way it is. But hey, if it REALLY bugs you and you have to rant somewhere, you can shoot me a message.)

Are you proud to see your server be bitched about my large/well known people in the community? Honestly, no. But we deserve it.

Are you proud to see that many moderators are hated and they constantly go on about how they are in 'the community?' Meh, this doesnt really bug me. Moderators can do and say whatever the want, who am i to stop them? But most people know 80% of the people here aren't really "in the community".

Are you proud to be a staff member. Tell me, because over the years of playing MCGamer i started off wanting to be a mod so bad.. And now if a Admin or etc offered me to be mod for free. I would decline. Please say this means something. Or am i just someone or has lost their pride to be part of MCGamer... Gonna give you an honest opinion here: Move on. Go somewhere else. You're wasting your time if you're still trying to cling on to the way MCSG was in 2012-2013, that MCSG is long gone, and its not ever coming back. Do what the rest of the oldies, including myself did: Pick up League of Legends, or CS:GO. I still enjoy coming on to MCSG everyday, but only because i have a group of friends who are in the same boat with me.

too lazy to proof read or check for spelling errors sry if u dont like what u see

TL;DR - The moment MCSG adopted the name MCGamer, everything started going downhill. If you're still here waiting for the old MCSG to come back, you better be prepared to do a lot of waiting.


Mar 9, 2014
Reaction score
Hey there!

First of all, I do want to thank you for bringing up your concerns. However, as expected, many people started to get on the defensive side and counter attack your arguments, as you could have stated them in a more professional way without having to attack anyone yourself (in)directly.

I have read your arguments and and I won't deny that MCGamer is the perfect Minecraft server out there. Every server and community has their own problems, whether they are considered big or small. We are aware of our flaws and we're constantly looking into solutions and projects to resolve those issues. E.g. we host Cleansweeps, hire new staff on a regular base, submit patch notes and map updates to the forums in case of a server update, etc...

Now I will give my opinion on your arguments and will lock the thread after to avoid any future flame or arguments. This is not to protect my own post at all, I'm adding my opinion to all the ones above me to give you an insight on the situation from multiple points of view, including community members, staff and higher staff. And to avoid anyone being removed from the website because they are breaking the rules...

Are you proud to see this server have mini games on it, which lag, freeze and don't work?

The majority of our mini-games are currently running perfectly fine. However, there will always be bugs and glitches that may hinder this. That is something we cannot foresee, only try to fix them as soon as possibly once we are aware of the issue. I have noticed myself that a game of SG is likely to crash in pregame, or that one of the hubs becomes unavailable suddenly, kicking everyone to a landing hub. In case of lagging out of a game or it freezing mid-game, it is always possible. But from my own experience and the reports we have gotten in, it would only happen once a week? Then again, some mini-games are still in Beta and need to be tested, it's only normal that they will bug and glitch. That's why they released the beta so that those bugs can be found and fixed.

So overall, our mini games are up and running fine and everyone should be able to play on them without any issues. However, it's always possible that something goes wrong and that an issue needs to be fixed. The only advise I can give to you is to firstly use the /bug or /reportbug command in-game. Follow the instructions from there on to submit a successful report for the developers to look into further. The reason why we prefer you do this first, if possible, is because it can track additional information (Gametype, server ID...) that is essential to resolve the issue. The second option would be submitting a bug report here by providing all the appropriate information - https://github.com/MCGamerNetwork/Issues - And lastly to poke a member of staff regarding the issue so they can check it out themselves.

Are you proud to see that many SG players constantly verbally disrespect everyone?

No we are not, and it's very unfortunate to see that this is still happening. On one side, this is completely out of our hands. We cannot control every single player on the server and make sure that they are being nice to one another 24/7. People say what they're thinking and do what they want. On the other hand, while we cannot do much about the behavior of those players, we can take the appropriate actions against them once we have found out who they are and gathered sufficient evidence of them doing so.

So once again, I can only recommend that you report those people to a member of staff ASAP from the moment you notice it on the servers. This does not mean that you are doing our job, at all. You only need to poke a moderator and they will deal with that player right away. If they don't, then you would need to gather evidence yourself and report them to a member of the Senior Staff. We trust our moderators that they will never do something like that, however, it wouldn't be the first time it happened. So report them if you notice that they are failing to do their job. Now back to the main topic, you can either poke a member of staff, or contact one elsewhere, or gather evidence yourself. If you truly want to see this community improve and make it a better place, it would only take a minute to gather evidence. Staff deals with them when they see it happen. But they can't be in every sever all the time. So we need the community's help in catching those players.

Are you proud to see that the server has one of the highest amount of hackers on Minecraft?

No we are not, and again it's a shame. However, the bigger the network, the more chance you have of more rule breakers coming on it. That's just how it works. There will always be bad apples and the more people you have playing on the network, the higher the chance of encountering a bad apple.

Regarding the hacker problem, we are constantly looking into options to resolve this issue. And we have come up with some already. I myself, together with some other staff members, are in charge of the EU Cleansweep for example. We go in a special channel on the Teamspeak server for 2 hours, both staff and community, and gather as many hackers as we can together. The community members are even given access to the staff reports. If you aren't able to find a hacker in your game, just let a member of staff know and they will tell you a username and the server that player is in from our /reports list. We check that listen regularly and check out as many players as possible.

Check out our latest thread to see how many hackers we were able to remove from the servers during those sweeps last week: http://www.mcgamer.net/threads/eu-operation-cleansweep-spring-2015-week-3-results.183758/

Are you proud to see huge YouTubers having to do failed recordings and them swearing at the 'stupidity' of this server?

It is not our fault that there is a big amount of hackers and chat abusers on our servers. We are not advertising ourselves screaming "please come on the server and break the rules!" Those people have come to us, the reasons are unknown, but like mentioned above, we try everything we can to catch them as soon as possible, and with a big player base comes a bigger amount of rule breakers.

I personally haven't heard them swear at our server or the community, but I'll be completely honest and say that I'm not really following anyone their videos at the moment. However, they should know not to blame the servers and call it "stupid", but to look at the real issue, those rule breakers. There will always be people who just join to ruin the fun of others, and having fun themselves that way. Again something that is out of our hands / power. Instead of raging at the first person or staff member they see, because they were killed by a hacker, they could report them to us or record the player themselves, as they are YouTubers after all... Not telling them to do our job, just asking them to help us out. We have a bit over 100 staff members, and wayyy more servers to moderate. We cannot be everywhere all the time, they need to take their responsibility as well and report them to us. Already explained that above.

Are you proud to see lots of SG players having to boost, team or hack to get to the top of the leaderboards?

Once again, no we are not. But what can we do about it? Them deciding to boost, team or hack, is something we cannot change. But we can deal with them from the moment we have caught them doing it. We have some dedicated staff members who regularly check the leaderboards page, to check if there are any weird looking K/D ratios or anything of the sort. Shortly after that player has been dealt with. It was likely that more people would start doing one or multiple of the above, to boost their stats, but we have foreseen that and have multiple resources available that we can use to easily catch them and deal with them. And once they are dealt with, their stats have been reset, so it would not affect the current leaderboards in any way, shape or form.

Are you proud to see that many of your mods don't even do half their job?

[And before anyone says "Who doesn't do their job" Thats why. I don't even know who most of the EU mods are as they are never on and don't do anything. There are a few who i believe have made a huge impact.]

First of all, you know what my answer will be and you won't like it. Our staff members do everything they can to make this server a better place and more enjoyable for everyone to play on. But in most cases, you need to have actually been part of the staff team to realize this, to realize how much time they voluntarily donate to the servers in an attempt to make it enjoyable for you. So all I can say is do not give a statement about our staff not doing their job, unless you have actually seen them do it on the field. From the point of view of a staff member. Because what you said is completely false. One thing I will add is, once again, if you do notice them not performing their moderation duties when they should, to report them to the Sr. Staff immediately.

Are you proud to see your server be bitched about my large/well known people in the community?

No we don't, but we didn't decide or tell them to start doing that. They say what they want, they do what they want. Like mentioned before, our community isn't perfect, it cannot be and it most likely will never be. But we can try to improve it the best we can. For that we need to work together and find a solution to those problems. The community is aware of what is going wrong, the staff has the resources to resolve those issues.

Are you proud to see that many moderators are hated and they constantly go on about how they are in 'the community?'

I can think of some reasons why moderators would be hated; they're not replying in the hub, not replying to pokes on Teamspeak, not joining the server when you poked them the name of a hacker or because they banned / muted you. However, there are always to sides on a coin. Respectively; consider the fact that they might actually be AFK, and therefore are not able to see your message in the hub or server chat. On Teamspeak, it's best to check their idle time before poking a moderator. If their idle time is 5 minutes or above, it might very well be possible that they are away or won't be able to reply directly. Whenever we get poked about a hacker, we will either check it out ourselves right away, or ask a fellow staff member to check it out in case the other moderator can't. But we will never ignore you. Staff is trained to deal with those pokes instantly, if they do not and you know that they are there and being active, then report them to us please. Going back to the actual issue, we have a feature called Gamemaster. By now it's fairly known and it's a special game state which staff members can access so that they can join servers without being noticed. To make sure that the hacker did not spot them joining, they often use this feature when recording them. So don't be surprised if you haven't seen them join. They will actually be there, but not always visible to you.

Are you proud to be a staff member. Tell me, because over the years of playing MCGamer i started off wanting to be a mod so bad.. And now if a Admin or etc offered me to be mod for free. I would decline. Please say this means something. Or am i just someone or has lost their pride to be part of MCGamer...

Yes I am. I'm more proud than I ever could be. Over the year that I have spent here so far, MCGamer had its ups and downs, but definitely did more good than bad. You might not always agree with a decision we make yourself, but we make sure to gather enough opinions of as many community members as we can on a certain situation, before actually going through with it, or canceling it. Good example are the leaderboard updates. There are still players who strongly feel against the update, but as the majority wanted it to happen, we made it true. We have updated the network to MCGamer v2. We have chanced the hacker policy from 1 week -> permanent ban to an instant permanent ban. We have come up with the appropriate punishment for people boosting their stats and multi logging in order to gain wins. And the list goes on. For all of this, I am very proud to be a member of staff and being able to help realize these features. And even hope to do so more in the future.

Overall, there is truth in your statements, but there are always two sides to an issue. And the only way we can resolve them and make both parties happy, is by working together. Up to you to decide whether I'm sounding cheesy or not, but that's the actual truth.

Pretty sure with all I mentioned above and some previous posts on the thread, I can now say


In addition to avoid any future flame or arguments on the thread. If you have further concerns about this thread or anything else, feel free to PM me privately.


Mar 9, 2014
Reaction score
UPDATE: Just a general heads-up to everyone, please do not start hating on ImToxic21 for making this thread. In the end, he contacted me to inform me that he only made it to address some of the current issues, not with the intention to complain, but to help us out that way. Thank you.


Staff member
Apr 15, 2012
Reaction score
Before this thread gets into a flame war (which I hope it wont, I appreciate constructive criticism in general and not flame), I would like to comment on a few things that I personally been feeling as some people are not seeing things in my perspective.

This response isn't directed to the OP, but to everyone here.

Are you proud to see this server have mini games on it, which lag, freeze and don't work?

I wouldn't be happy if I played a game and had issues all the time. I get it and it is frustrating. Our community grew huge with SG and it became alone a time hog where we couldn't work on other side projects some parts of the year. Nothing negative with that but we know some games didn't get enough love as it should. The games we inherited (MCTF2, ZedChase, and all of the AntVenom games) had issues from the previous owners or wasn't finished all together. Every time we try to get around on rewriting things, SG would always have something pop up and be a priority to work on first. This proved an issue at the time where we only had 1 active dev and games became stagnant until we could resume the project. Have we changed our direction? No as SG will always be our priority as it's the gametype that started it all.

Was it a mistake adding too many projects at once that needed tons of work? Yes. Are we doing something about this to get our quality control up? Yes.
To combat this, we added new developers on our team and also started opening more ways our community can report these issues to squash these bugs. We plan to "cut the fat" soon by removing some of the less popular gametypes to focus on making the others bug free so you can enjoy them again. Before you assume "Oh boy, another gametype that will never be played" when we release one, please try it out and help us make it something you would like to play. Amazingly with our gametypes already active and working, people don't even know we have them. So spread the word and tell others about them.

Are you proud to see that many SG players constantly verbally disrespect everyone?

No, and this is reason why we are cracking down on this more. As our community over the years turned into a more competitive environment compared to a playing for fun when SG was so new. Mods are instructed to punish on sight but they can't be everywhere at once. Please use the reporting features we supplied you to help us remove the abusers.

Are you proud to see that the server has one of the highest amount of hackers on Minecraft?

I like to see your statistics on this. I will state that
all Minecraft communities have this issue from what I personally know from talking to people that are active on other networks. Due to the competitive nature here plus having a high player count that puts us within the top 10 largest, I know we have people breaking the rules here to benefit themselves. Our team works on removing these rule breakers daily and they do a very good job keeping up. This however doesn't mean hacking will stop as it's something we need help from everyone to fix. Our devs within the last month have been working on our NCP to try to block most of the common mods, but keep in mind the reason why it doesn't block others is because the more we have it interfere movement, the more you get "lagged back". We haven't found that "sweet spot" yet but we haven't given up either. We hope within the month we will have more patches on that before summer.

The one big issue that I see all the time that I think what is causing tons of people to think we have a bigger issue visually is that players are accusing others they are hacking when they are not. I played a few games tailing some players, someone dies and then immediately states they are hacking when they are not from my viewpoint. Another example is that if players are high up on the LBs, once again they assume they hack since they are within the top 100. I will comment on win boosting on the other question. I see this issue needing to stop as our community can't start a witch hunt with false accusations.

Are you proud to see huge YouTubers having to do failed recordings and them swearing at the 'stupidity' of this server?

Not saying all YouTubers are like this, but I do think some of them again don't understand all of the issues before they give out an opinion. For other small quantity of them, sometimes their opinions are a complete conflict of interest as they are financially supported by other networks to play there. If they state something is one way and it isn't based on actual facts, everyone believes something that isn't true which causes rumors. We have been talking with a few of them recently clarifying on some facts but others will just ignore us for their own entertainment for their channel. Lately some people (not naming names) have been making mock videos to poke fun at our issues. Again I am all for constructive criticism, but not hate and flame. Amazingly from what others have stated, I do still care about this community and been working hard improving the areas. I will always care for MCSG as it has a special place in my heart before any other gametype. (Yes, some youtubers are telling their fans I don't care anymore which I really don't appreciate.)

Are you proud to see lots of SG players having to boost, team or hack to get to the top of the leaderboards?

Let me start off by saying we been preserving our SG legacy by carefully keeping it the same since we started in 2012. Sure we had some plugin changes by some new features, a new sign system and hubs. Overall, MCSG is still pretty much the same MCSG (what Mojang changed in the game itself in Minecraft which is something out of our control).

Teaming was never against the rules ever here since the beginning as it was considered a strategy. Has the community changed over the years where this can get abused? Sadly, yes. Are we doing something about it soon? Yes but I am not sharing details yet until it gets finalized.

Boosting, Hacking to get to the top? Yes, we want these people removed and will remove them when they get caught. Having one of the most advance leaderboards in Minecraft, this caused our players to do whatever it takes to be the top. We been cracking down hard by doing more frequent OCS and reviewing game data on people who have suspicions of boosting. If they get caught, their stats get reset and removed from the community. Again commenting on the previous question, we still have a witch hunt going on as players constantly are getting accused of boosting when they are not. This is actually driving players away and we don't appreciate that activity. Trust me, we have been reviewing the top players when they get reported to us. If they haven't been removed, they are not breaking the rules. If you happen to get evidence that proves otherwise, please report them so we can further investigate.

Are you proud to see that many of your mods don't even do half their job?

First off, if a mod that is active ingame (talking, interacting with others) and isn't answering your requests for help, PLEASE report them to a sr staff or admin about it. We don't want dead weights on the team and we will remove them. For the other large majority of them that do an amazing job cleaning up the crap, I appreciate you to review all that they do here. Saying thank you to them doesn't hurt from time to time!

Are you proud to see that many moderators are hated and they constantly go on about how they are in 'the community?'

I feel like this can relate to IRL. Cops that choose to try to keep their community safe are constantly under attack and viewed with a microscope to show off their mistakes. Here, all of our mods and Sr Mods are volunteers doing just that by working hard to make this place fun for everyone. Unless they are actually a "bad" mod which we would remove, the others deserve more respect from our players. We are all here to make sure you have fun experience. Please don't make our job harder than what it needs to be as if we just focus on drama, nothing will get done. I challenge you all to start thanking our staff for donating their time to help solve our issues. They are here for you and deserve more than what they are currently being treated.

Other issue is that people want us to get more mods in general. We are trying to hire more people but good potential mods are getting scared away due to some people making this environment hostile. This needs to stop or the people involved will get removed.

The last comment I will state is that we have no intention removing the Leaderboards. To address this, unranked games maybe will be a thing so that casual players can play desperately to the competitive people.

I know I wrote a book but summing up that change is coming. We are ramping up new things for the summer that everyone will enjoy both community and games. Most of the community's concerns will be addressed and resolved with policy changes. Even with a lot of this unneeded negativity, I am still excited for the future of this community. We have gone through much worse and survived all of it.

Hope you enjoy the read and I appreciate you all being a player here at MCGamer. Staff, you are doing a great job, keep up the amazing work! Here's to what 2015 will bring us! Horrrah!


District 13
Jan 13, 2013
Reaction score
Unlocking. There was simply no reason to lock. If whichever mod did it wants to come and talk to a senior mod, it would be appreciated.
it was a senior mod that locked it lmao


Aug 5, 2014
Reaction score
Are you proud of this server?

Are you proud to see this server have mini games on it, which lag, freeze and don't work?
Chad said, they have there priorities, and these priorities are set already because no one tried them at first. That is our fault as the players that we need to fix, try something new.

Are you proud to see that many SG players constantly verbally disrespect everyone?
Everyone does, there is no holding back. Human nature does not prevent anger and flame, it has not evolved enough to realize that it simply isn't the best way. So us, we, need to accept that, and try to remember to do the best that we can to stop. It will happen, but excessively without the human nature excuse is simply because people are different. Some express themselves like that, and with LB's that keep players playing on the server, we can't remove that part. (LB's are a story for another time.)

Are you proud to see that the server has one of the highest amount of hackers on Minecraft?
Highest amount? For the most players? And the most competitive server ever? Not everyone is connected with their community, some people don't care, and that's why they hack, they are willing to give their profile to get higher up on the LB's, and that's them. But complaining about it won't help anyone, we need to report them, and ban them.

The mods can't do it on their own, so we should help them to mitigate the problem. We can't eliminate it, but we can mitigate it, as all things can be done.;

Are you proud to see huge YouTubers having to do failed recordings and them swearing at the 'stupidity' of this server?
Face it, it's once again what people see the server for, and we can't change that, we can show them what the server is supposed to be, but we can't change them, only we can change ourselves.

For now, I watch and laugh at them and I acknowledge the fact that the servers are different and I understand that.

Are you proud to see lots of SG players having to boost, team or hack to get to the top of the leaderboards?
They don't, there is no evidence, people just want a chance at that but they need to work for that. There are no shortcuts, there's no way that anyone would get that far without cheating.

Winners never cheat and cheaters never win.

Are you proud to see that many of your mods don't even do half their job?

You don't understand, the mods that you see, they are doing work right then, whether it's making bonds with their peers, their community, every action they take strengthens us and we should be happy for that alone.

But we aren't, we only know what we see or hear direct.

Are you proud to see your server be talked about my large/well known people in the community?
All these people want to do is to help the community they feel should be able to return, they want to see change and if people like them don't speak out, and inspire others to speak out, change won't happen.

Moderators can only do so much, it's us, the players, to help them.

Are you proud to see that many moderators are hated and they constantly go on about how they are in 'the community?'
People seem to not understand what the moderators do, they have misconceptions, stereotypes that are very common in every online hub there ever was. Everyone's part of the community, good or bad, it's just if they want to be in the community that counts. If they have to defend the fact that they want to be here, I wonder where the people calling them out want to be………

Are you proud to be a staff member. Tell me, because over the years of playing MCGamer i started off wanting to be a mod so bad.. And now if a Admin or etc offered me to be mod for free. I would decline. Please say this means something. Or am i just someone or has lost their pride to be part of MCGamer...
Are all of us day to day staff? No.

ImToxic21 I understand you're concern that you are putting here with this thread. And I do agree that MCGamer has changed, and will be forever changing. But time is never a constant. We have no power of time. Everyone wants the old days to return,

The Elder Days.

But times are changing, forever will be, and we need to understand how to ride with the change, how to make it ours, and not make us it's.

As in Lorien, there are places that will be forever, we need to uncover them and appreciate them.

As in the world, there are problems to address, that everyone needs to attend to.

I'm proud of MCGamer, the staff, for keeping this place afloat. For keeping all of us on this boat for so long. If you think about it, it's amazing how much time we've spent on here.

There are some leaks, but we need to, together, work to fix them, find ways that the future will accept.

We should all be proud.


Apr 22, 2014
Reaction score
Before this thread gets into a flame war (which I hope it wont, I appreciate constructive criticism in general and not flame), I would like to comment on a few things that I personally been feeling as some people are not seeing things in my perspective.

This response isn't directed to the OP, but to everyone here.

Are you proud to see this server have mini games on it, which lag, freeze and don't work?

I wouldn't be happy if I played a game and had issues all the time. I get it and it is frustrating. Our community grew huge with SG and it became alone a time hog where we couldn't work on other side projects some parts of the year. Nothing negative with that but we know some games didn't get enough love as it should. The games we inherited (MCTF2, ZedChase, and all of the AntVenom games) had issues from the previous owners or wasn't finished all together. Every time we try to get around on rewriting things, SG would always have something pop up and be a priority to work on first. This proved an issue at the time where we only had 1 active dev and games became stagnant until we could resume the project. Have we changed our direction? No as SG will always be our priority as it's the gametype that started it all.

Was it a mistake adding too many projects at once that needed tons of work? Yes. Are we doing something about this to get our quality control up? Yes.
To combat this, we added new developers on our team and also started opening more ways our community can report these issues to squash these bugs. We plan to "cut the fat" soon by removing some of the less popular gametypes to focus on making the others bug free so you can enjoy them again. Before you assume "Oh boy, another gametype that will never be played" when we release one, please try it out and help us make it something you would like to play. Amazingly with our gametypes already active and working, people don't even know we have them. So spread the word and tell others about them.

Are you proud to see that many SG players constantly verbally disrespect everyone?

No, and this is reason why we are cracking down on this more. As our community over the years turned into a more competitive environment compared to a playing for fun when SG was so new. Mods are instructed to punish on sight but they can't be everywhere at once. Please use the reporting features we supplied you to help us remove the abusers.

Are you proud to see that the server has one of the highest amount of hackers on Minecraft?

I like to see your statistics on this. I will state that
all Minecraft communities have this issue from what I personally know from talking to people that are active on other networks. Due to the competitive nature here plus having a high player count that puts us within the top 10 largest, I know we have people breaking the rules here to benefit themselves. Our team works on removing these rule breakers daily and they do a very good job keeping up. This however doesn't mean hacking will stop as it's something we need help from everyone to fix. Our devs within the last month have been working on our NCP to try to block most of the common mods, but keep in mind the reason why it doesn't block others is because the more we have it interfere movement, the more you get "lagged back". We haven't found that "sweet spot" yet but we haven't given up either. We hope within the month we will have more patches on that before summer.

The one big issue that I see all the time that I think what is causing tons of people to think we have a bigger issue visually is that players are accusing others they are hacking when they are not. I played a few games tailing some players, someone dies and then immediately states they are hacking when they are not from my viewpoint. Another example is that if players are high up on the LBs, once again they assume they hack since they are within the top 100. I will comment on win boosting on the other question. I see this issue needing to stop as our community can't start a witch hunt with false accusations.

Are you proud to see huge YouTubers having to do failed recordings and them swearing at the 'stupidity' of this server?

Not saying all YouTubers are like this, but I do think some of them again don't understand all of the issues before they give out an opinion. For other small quantity of them, sometimes their opinions are a complete conflict of interest as they are financially supported by other networks to play there. If they state something is one way and it isn't based on actual facts, everyone believes something that isn't true which causes rumors. We have been talking with a few of them recently clarifying on some facts but others will just ignore us for their own entertainment for their channel. Lately some people (not naming names) have been making mock videos to poke fun at our issues. Again I am all for constructive criticism, but not hate and flame. Amazingly from what others have stated, I do still care about this community and been working hard improving the areas. I will always care for MCSG as it has a special place in my heart before any other gametype. (Yes, some youtubers are telling their fans I don't care anymore which I really don't appreciate.)

Are you proud to see lots of SG players having to boost, team or hack to get to the top of the leaderboards?

Let me start off by saying we been preserving our SG legacy by carefully keeping it the same since we started in 2012. Sure we had some plugin changes by some new features, a new sign system and hubs. Overall, MCSG is still pretty much the same MCSG (what Mojang changed in the game itself in Minecraft which is something out of our control).

Teaming was never against the rules ever here since the beginning as it was considered a strategy. Has the community changed over the years where this can get abused? Sadly, yes. Are we doing something about it soon? Yes but I am not sharing details yet until it gets finalized.

Boosting, Hacking to get to the top? Yes, we want these people removed and will remove them when they get caught. Having one of the most advance leaderboards in Minecraft, this caused our players to do whatever it takes to be the top. We been cracking down hard by doing more frequent OCS and reviewing game data on people who have suspicions of boosting. If they get caught, their stats get reset and removed from the community. Again commenting on the previous question, we still have a witch hunt going on as players constantly are getting accused of boosting when they are not. This is actually driving players away and we don't appreciate that activity. Trust me, we have been reviewing the top players when they get reported to us. If they haven't been removed, they are not breaking the rules. If you happen to get evidence that proves otherwise, please report them so we can further investigate.

Are you proud to see that many of your mods don't even do half their job?

First off, if a mod that is active ingame (talking, interacting with others) and isn't answering your requests for help, PLEASE report them to a sr staff or admin about it. We don't want dead weights on the team and we will remove them. For the other large majority of them that do an amazing job cleaning up the crap, I appreciate you to review all that they do here. Saying thank you to them doesn't hurt from time to time!

Are you proud to see that many moderators are hated and they constantly go on about how they are in 'the community?'

I feel like this can relate to IRL. Cops that choose to try to keep their community safe are constantly under attack and viewed with a microscope to show off their mistakes. Here, all of our mods and Sr Mods are volunteers doing just that by working hard to make this place fun for everyone. Unless they are actually a "bad" mod which we would remove, the others deserve more respect from our players. We are all here to make sure you have fun experience. Please don't make our job harder than what it needs to be as if we just focus on drama, nothing will get done. I challenge you all to start thanking our staff for donating their time to help solve our issues. They are here for you and deserve more than what they are currently being treated.

Other issue is that people want us to get more mods in general. We are trying to hire more people but good potential mods are getting scared away due to some people making this environment hostile. This needs to stop or the people involved will get removed.

The last comment I will state is that we have no intention removing the Leaderboards. To address this, unranked games maybe will be a thing so that casual players can play desperately to the competitive people.

I know I wrote a book but summing up that change is coming. We are ramping up new things for the summer that everyone will enjoy both community and games. Most of the community's concerns will be addressed and resolved with policy changes. Even with a lot of this unneeded negativity, I am still excited for the future of this community. We have gone through much worse and survived all of it.

Hope you enjoy the read and I appreciate you all being a player here at MCGamer. Staff, you are doing a great job, keep up the amazing work! Here's to what 2015 will bring us! Horrrah!
Thank you for the great reply. This is what i wanted. i only made this thread to look for feedback as well as using it to help you guys improve MCGamer. At the end of the day, if this came out wrong i am sorry but i respect every staff member massively. :)


District 13
Jul 1, 2012
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In reviewing my post from last night in locking the thread, I found my reasoning flawed and out of character. So, I wanted to issue a sincere apology to Nephilim for seeming to call him out. I did not see his post regarding lock information as it got overshadowed in my eyes by other posts. His reasoning was correct and I was in the wrong. Thread locked if it wasn't already.
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