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AS Being Shutdown - Thoughts + Suggestions @Devs, Sr. Staff

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le quack

Jul 17, 2013
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Ok first off if AS did not have a hub it wouldn't change the price. MCGamer does not and will never buy a premade mincraft server. we will always use our own dedicated servers as they run better. Adding to that, AS only had 1 server that costed the same as 3 us or eu servers (im not talking minecraft servers you get from CH im talking high grade servers that are just the hardwere and the os then the devs do the rest). AS was shut down as it cost too much and there is no way to down size it. Adding to that as was never planned in the first place, it just happened. Chad did warn you that if we did not get more players there then it would shut down.

that is no where near the price we pay as we use https://cubedhost.com/billing/cart.php?gid=23 these servers as they are better there is no way that we can cut down the price. The only way to get AS back it for it to suddenly get like 300 players.

also cuting down US or EU is not and is never going to be an option as those servers are needed and to get rid of one of our servers there we will loose 25 servers not just 1 and as those servers are full for like 12 hours a day that is not going to happen.
If you take away AS at LEAST improve AU or something so we ca actually get playable ping

AS players can't play unless we get decent connection elsewhere


Oct 6, 2012
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If you take away AS at LEAST improve AU or something so we ca actually get playable ping
I don't know how that would be possible, but if MCSG can do that, I'd be happy. Essentially, I don't care what the region is called, but as long as I can actually get good ping, and I think a lot of AS players would agree with me here, that would be adequate. Mind you, that would be adequate, but we wouldn't be happy.


Aug 9, 2012
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Few points of contention. First, on that the dedicated servers that you currently have cost a lot more than the servers that Keno found on Cubed Host. The main problem with this point is that we don't actually need the 'high grade servers' that you're talking about. Just a server with an average amount of RAM will do, and we don't even need the updates that MCSG gives to regions like US and EU, so a server on AS can potentially cost similar to a server hosted in US/EU/AU. Another problem with this is that, even if they cost more money, something as beloved as these servers shouldn't be taken away from the community in the advent of economic opportunity. To explain, here's an example. Would you break down a museum full of precious cultural artefacts to build the more economical shopping mall? Would you sacrifice an object of great patrimony purely for an economic gain? No, you wouldn't. There are many things more important than money, Dave.

Secondly, on that US and EU cannot cut back on servers to make room for AS. I think that the other regions can spare a server here and there, even during peak hours, because they aren't always full. I just logged into the US hub and found a total of 50+ servers as a lobby without people in them. I recognise that this is not peak hour for the US servers, but why not have 12-hour AS servers? You could spare 25 combined servers from US, EU etc for 8 hours or so to make room for 8 hours of 1 AS server. Even 1 AS server is better than none. Furthermore, with this 1 AS server, only donors will be able to join it consistently, causing an increase in demand, enabling MCSG to raise the donor prices, generating more revenue, and enabling MCSG to open another AS server. The end case of this would be 2 AS servers, and a satisfied community. I understand that you use boxes, but why not use a few MCSG plugins for AS direct-connected servers, not even all of the plugins, and have a single AS moderator.
First off i find it really insulting that you implied i only care about money next thing we will never use a hosted minecraft server for security reasons on top of that for our servers to run we need things installed on the server therefore we need a dedi next thing is that we dont judge the amount of people that play on a region by how many people are on when we go on we use the actual statistics and numbers of people that play also we pay for the servers per month so we cant just go oh we dont want these servers for 8 hours adding to that if we were to "spare" some servers they would still be in eu and us there for your point is invalid as it will not solve the problem lastly there are 4 plugins on our sg servers (Survival Games, Xime, No-cheat and cow world) they are all needed there is no way we can justify bringing back the AS servers.

le quack

Jul 17, 2013
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First off i find it really insulting that you implied i only care about money next thing we will never use a hosted minecraft server for security reasons on top of that for our servers to run we need things installed on the server therefore we need a dedi next thing is that we dont judge the amount of people that play on a region by how many people are on when we go on we use the actual statistics and numbers of people that play also we pay for the servers per month so we cant just go oh we dont want these servers for 8 hours adding to that if we were to "spare" some servers they would still be in eu and us there for your point is invalid as it will not solve the problem lastly there are 4 plugins on our sg servers (Survival Games, Xime, No-cheat and cow world) they are all needed there is no way we can justify bringing back the AS servers.
Well if you can buy me a house in the US with good interweb then i can play that reigon this wouldn't be a problem

and you are paying alot for dedi servers don't you guys get like 420 w33d from donations? You can't say you can't afford it.

Or move Au to perth


Aug 12, 2013
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Well if you can buy me a house in the US with good interweb then i can play that reigon this wouldn't be a problem

and you are paying alot for dedi servers don't you guys get like 420 w33d from donations? You can't say you can't afford it.

Or move Au to perth
Move AU to Perth. Best Idea. BEST Idea.


May 28, 2013
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To be perfectly honest, both Savva and Dave have legitimate points in this debate over the AS Servers. Firstly, I get that $100-$300/month is a lot of money and for a server it is very costly. However, I do agree with Savva that taking away the AS Servers that we have known and loved is taking our fun and joy away from all of the AS players. To add on, there was no announcements made about the removal of the AS servers which to myself, I find that it is insulting as it's makes myself think that "AS servers does not mean anything, let's just take it without any notice". Next thing, the AS community has a pretty decent amount of donors due to the fact that Chad stated the AS servers was on life-support. The AS community was willing to donate even more due to 1 reason and 1 reason only, we love the AS servers. Dave, I agree that sacrificing 25 US/EU servers for 1 AS server is not worth it to you, but to my friends and myself? It means the world to us. Could you consider a compromise between the developers and the AS community? It's way too hard to see it just go and not doing anything about it.


Aug 10, 2013
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First off i find it really insulting that you implied i only care about money next thing we will never use a hosted minecraft server for security reasons on top of that for our servers to run we need things installed on the server therefore we need a dedi next thing is that we dont judge the amount of people that play on a region by how many people are on when we go on we use the actual statistics and numbers of people that play also we pay for the servers per month so we cant just go oh we dont want these servers for 8 hours adding to that if we were to "spare" some servers they would still be in eu and us there for your point is invalid as it will not solve the problem lastly there are 4 plugins on our sg servers (Survival Games, Xime, No-cheat and cow world) they are all needed there is no way we can justify bringing back the AS servers.
But why take down AS? If you take CA down, most or half of them, they can still get pretty good connection to US. But AS?
Sorry, i really don't know much about this but that's why i asked and I want you to explain in a good way;)


Oct 16, 2013
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So what ur saying is,you don't care about the as servers?
In my opinion,what you should do now to help the as servers is by moving the Au servers to Perth. Or revive as servers.
And how about ca? U can just remove the ca servers and they still get good connection to us.

For AS? Only some of us *cough Quackeryy *cough gets good connection Au.

Do something about it please I beg of you. To you as is a "burden" but to us as means the world


Oct 6, 2012
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First off i find it really insulting that you implied i only care about money next thing we will never use a hosted minecraft server for security reasons on top of that for our servers to run we need things installed on the server therefore we need a dedi next thing is that we dont judge the amount of people that play on a region by how many people are on when we go on we use the actual statistics and numbers of people that play also we pay for the servers per month so we cant just go oh we dont want these servers for 8 hours adding to that if we were to "spare" some servers they would still be in eu and us there for your point is invalid as it will not solve the problem lastly there are 4 plugins on our sg servers (Survival Games, Xime, No-cheat and cow world) they are all needed there is no way we can justify bringing back the AS servers.
First off, I'm sorry if I insulted you, but from your previous post, it seemed that this was the only reason why MCSG closed the AS servers. Next, I accept that it might not be ideal for 'security reasons' not to use a hosted Minecraft server, but us AS players don't value 'security reasons' above all else. We value actually being able to play the game, which we now are unable to do with decent connection. We would be easily satisfied with a hosted server with the 4 basic plugins that MCSG uses. Furthermore, you said that if you were to spare some servers, they would still be in EU and US. First of all, why? Why would you add worthless servers to EU and US when they can be best utilised on AS? To elaborate- why are they worthless to EU and US. They are because EU and US very rarely have completely full servers, without joinable lobbies. To add more servers to EU and US won't make any tangible difference because the people that potentially would join these added servers could just join one of the other 130 that they have. For my next portion, why these servers are best utilised on AS, I'm going to explain not only on the number of games played, but on the level of value that AS players have for MCSG. On a typical US MCSG month, each lobby will have more games played than AS. However, if you add all of the games played on AS onto a single server, you may have a decent amount. However, I don't have the statistics, so I cannot argue based on our best stance. On our worst stance, in which the AS hub combined has less games played than a single US lobby, lets think about the players who actually play on these games. Inside of every AS game, you will find at least 2 'pro' players, players that people know. I have never played an AS game in which I don't recognise a single person in the lobby. Furthermore, these 'pro' players are the people that actually care about these servers. They are the people who actually CARE about these MCSG servers, unlike on US in which almost every lobby has new players who play this purely for leisure.

MCSG is a haven for AS players. It's a competitive, close-knit community. It is beloved to us, sacred to us. And you are taking it away for 'economical reasons'.

Don't get me wrong. Despite your grammar, I do appreciate you coming on this thread to talk to us. It tells us that MCSG does care about its community, something that many AS players were previously doubting. Please continue this run of kindness, please bring back AS.


Feb 16, 2014
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We'll I guess this is the end... I guess this is the last I'll see of all the cool AS players together... I always hoped I could join the pro AS clans... I guess my dreams will never be accomplished... I'll just make a list of all the players who were dedicated to this server...
-Mattzeex #MattforSnrMod c;
- VaderHD
- Some_Herobrine
-#BBPT my first and only clan I joined c:

I hope that now you all understand what this community means to us!

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