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Ascendancy [US]

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May 21, 2014
Reaction score
In-Game Name: Scrad_
Name: Jake
Age: 14
Skype Username: scradplays18
Number of Wins [300+ with rare exceptions]: 500+ with all accounts you can PM me if you want details :D
Donor [Required with rare exceptions]: Getting iron when I get back from vacation.
Time Zone: EST
Past Clans: Vapor, Rivals, Adversity
PvP Weaknesses: Bow strafe and water battles. I always feel insecure in water so yeah.
PvP Strengths: Bow, Fns, and fishing rod. My best is the bow i am good at guessing where the player will go next. I'm good at using the flint and steel because I have many tactics that will get players into fire. The fishing rod I am good with I just have a hard time hot keying it sometimes.
Previous bans on MCGamer network [if applicable]: Not that I know of.
Paragraph describing yourself [at least 6 sentences]: Hello, I'm Jake. My hobbies include soccer, tennis, and minecraft. I feel as if I have a shy but nice personality. Once I get to know you better I will be less shy. In my free time I enjoy to play MCSG with clans, my real life friends, and online friends I meet through Skype. I regret revoking my application because I thought my old clan was back together so I decided to go back to them. I am excited to be reapplying. Just so you know I am on vacation at this time and won't be back for two weeks. I am also soon this on my phone so it will not be the best application. Thank you!

Jon | Lqzer

Nov 17, 2012
Reaction score
In-Game Name:

Ryan, or frozen, doesn't matter to me. :p


Skype Username:

Number of Wins [300+ with rare exceptions]:
Basically, I am a Hive player, and have 314 wins on Hive, and only 35 on MCSG because I just moved here.

Donor [Required with rare exceptions]:
Ye, I have iron.

Time Zone:

Past Clans:
Again, I'm a Hive player, but have a lot of clan experience.

PvP Weaknesses:
My computer: I get around 20-70 FPS, depending on the map, and get occasional lag spikes, but have gotten used to them.
1.7 Sprint: On Hive, you're allowed to use BSM, and I have always used BSM, so I am not very good at strafing with 1.7 sprint, but am getting better at it.

Cold Hands: When I have cold hands, I play like a typical noob. I try to keep warm all the time, but it is very hard when every window in my house is open. :p

PvP Strengths:

Fast Clicking: I can click 68 times in 10 seconds, which is pretty fast. I can usually get double hits when I click my fastest.

Flint & Steel: Ever since Hive added FnS, I have gotten drastically better with it, and can do a bunch of different, unexpected, FnS tactics.

Previous bans on MCGamer network [if applicable]:

Not that I know of. :/

Paragraph describing yourself [at least 6 sentences]:

I feel as if I am a generally nice person, and also love meeting new people.
I play Minecraft ALL DEY! :D
I am amazing with FnS.
I've been in 10 Hive clans.
I came here to make friends with the MCSG community.
My friend, ZailorHD, is in this clan.


Denied: pm me if you'd like to know exactly why.
In-Game Name: Scrad_
Name: Jake
Age: 14
Skype Username: scradplays18
Number of Wins [300+ with rare exceptions]: 500+ with all accounts you can PM me if you want details :D
Donor [Required with rare exceptions]: Getting iron when I get back from vacation.
Time Zone: EST
Past Clans: Vapor, Rivals, Adversity
PvP Weaknesses: Bow strafe and water battles. I always feel insecure in water so yeah.
PvP Strengths: Bow, Fns, and fishing rod. My best is the bow i am good at guessing where the player will go next. I'm good at using the flint and steel because I have many tactics that will get players into fire. The fishing rod I am good with I just have a hard time hot keying it sometimes.
Previous bans on MCGamer network [if applicable]: Not that I know of.
Paragraph describing yourself [at least 6 sentences]: Hello, I'm Jake. My hobbies include soccer, tennis, and minecraft. I feel as if I have a shy but nice personality. Once I get to know you better I will be less shy. In my free time I enjoy to play MCSG with clans, my real life friends, and online friends I meet through Skype. I regret revoking my application because I thought my old clan was back together so I decided to go back to them. I am excited to be reapplying. Just so you know I am on vacation at this time and won't be back for two weeks. I am also soon this on my phone so it will not be the best application. Thank you!
Denied: pm me if you'd like to know exactly why.
Last edited:


Nov 11, 2013
Reaction score
In-Game Name: CAKoch2000
Name: Caleb
Skype Username: cakoch2000
Number of Wins [300+ with rare exceptions]:719
Donor [Required with rare exceptions]:Golden!
Time Zone:CST
Past Clans: MysticJews,Olympians,ThePast,Nebulous,immortality,Extinct *note all erv dez clernz dersperderd*
PvP Weaknesses: Getting gypsied, rod ;-;
PvP Strengths: Left Clicking, Sword, FNS SPAM in clan battles that get my teammates killed! .... i mean fns...
Previous bans on MCGamer network [if applicable]:Ummm.... stuff you allready know " I said i hacked in the chat" ;-;
Paragraph describing yourself [at least 6 sentences]:I am a funny person. I like turtles alot. I love crayons. I know how to left click. I sometimes scream...alot..... Most importantly I can clutch 2v1 or 3v1 with my FaZe skillz :D


Feb 25, 2013
Reaction score
In-Game Name: ShakeSchack
Name: Griffin
Skype Username: American.nomad52
Number of Wins [300+ with rare exceptions]:450+ with alts
Donor [Required with rare exceptions]: Sadly I do not have donor, but I will be willing to sit in scrims if needed.
Time Zone:ESt
Past Clans: Sentinels, Nebula, BrotherHood, United, ReUnited, CyanVolts, ThePast, Insidiousv1, and Vanguard
PvP Weaknesses: Using the rod, and FnS
PvP Strengths: Block Hitting, Strafing, combos, and bow.
Previous bans on MCGamer network [if applicable]:
Paragraph describing yourself [at least 6 sentences]:I try to be friendly with everyone when I first meet them, even if they have a bad reputation preceding them. I feel by going through life with this outlook makes it possible for me to create new friendships easily. I am also an intense soccer player. I wish that one day I would go pro. This does mean that at times I will put that as the priority before my virtual life. Other than that I feel that I can be very humorous and nice. I try to be supportive of my clan mates and I do not like to argue.

Jon | Lqzer

Nov 17, 2012
Reaction score
In-Game Name: ShakeSchack
Name: Griffin
Skype Username: American.nomad52
Number of Wins [300+ with rare exceptions]:450+ with alts
Donor [Required with rare exceptions]: Sadly I do not have donor, but I will be willing to sit in scrims if needed.
Time Zone:ESt
Past Clans: Sentinels, Nebula, BrotherHood, United, ReUnited, CyanVolts, ThePast, Insidiousv1, and Vanguard
PvP Weaknesses: Using the rod, and FnS
PvP Strengths: Block Hitting, Strafing, combos, and bow.
Previous bans on MCGamer network [if applicable]:
Paragraph describing yourself [at least 6 sentences]:I try to be friendly with everyone when I first meet them, even if they have a bad reputation preceding them. I feel by going through life with this outlook makes it possible for me to create new friendships easily. I am also an intense soccer player. I wish that one day I would go pro. This does mean that at times I will put that as the priority before my virtual life. Other than that I feel that I can be very humorous and nice. I try to be supportive of my clan mates and I do not like to argue.
Accepted as trial! :)

Smashmaster731 and EnderSnapple have both been accepted as full member. Congratulations!

There are now only two more spots left for players to take. Good luck to all the trial members! ^_^


Oct 12, 2013
Reaction score
In-Game Name: CobraFury
Name: Alvin
Age: 14
Skype Username: alvinthemaster (was 8 when I made it, don't judge)
Number of Wins [300+ with rare exceptions]: 334
Donor [Required with rare exceptions]: Diamond
Time Zone: Central
Past Clans: Forsaken, Deception, CyanVolts, Instinct II,
PvP Weaknesses: Dodging quick 180 FnS.
PvP Strengths: Bow, Rod, FNS, 180 rods.
Previous bans on MCGamer network [if applicable]: I think I got banned back when I was a noob in v1, although v1 MCSG was known as the MCGamer network so I don't know if that qualifies.
Paragraph describing yourself [at least 6 sentences]: I really like pie, pepsi and pizza. I was once a hive player with 200+ wins but quit due to all the lag and hackers, although today I get 40-80 MS and run a constant 5 bar. (Idk how). I've only been playing MCSG for about 9-11 months. I usually play really offensively and like to rush routes if possible in Clan Battles. My strong maps are Holiday Resort, Survival Games Highway, Teweran Survival Games 2, Valleyside University and Demon's Breeze. I think I can benefit this clan with Leadership, because you can never have too much :D I really do like teamwork, especially when it works out really well and I have a good feeling this clan is a highly skilled group of individuals with honorable reputations and great teamwork. If someone is stepping out of line, I will try my very best to get them back in line, rather than just sitting there letting them have inapt behavior.


Apr 29, 2014
Reaction score
Announcement: I will not be on most of the day due to Father's Day. I just thought I would tell the clan why you won't be seeing me too much today.

- Aedrift
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