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Bans for investigation

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Sep 20, 2012
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Although I am against bulling may it be in real-life or on the internet, I feel that the situation has escalated too far. The problem amongst most people is that they acknowledge the negatives too much. Remember that this is all about staff on a game. I feel that most staff has lost the real reason to why we are here. To look over a game and its community and instead they are more interested in being in control. Power hungry shall I say.

I do feel sorry for the people being harassed and I would do anything to stop it. Although I have to say you need to stop acknowledging the most smallest of negatives and instead look at the greater and more positives.

This statement does not just go for the situation being discussed in this thread but to everyone in this community.


May 29, 2012
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Everyone who was 'involved' was banned, but they're figuring out who was 'involved' in the ... part..

So you're saying that they just banned everyone and are now, after the bans, figuring out who had to be banned? So they banned everyone who they think are involved without knowing if they actually were involved? I don't think that's the correct order to ban someone... Shouldn't they first check who was involved and then ban them?..
All players temporarily banned were in some way or form related to the incident. All of which were banned just for now to make sure no problem arises. Think of it as a quarantine, a temporary quarantine. As far as I'm concerned it was only a small portion of the Summit that chose to do or plan those actions - but don't worry now until more particular information is given out. Angeled's reply is right as well.


Jan 5, 2013
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Okay, this is a quick explanation post for the community to know why there have been a number of people banned for a large period of time.

The reason behind this is because they were part of the "Peace Summit" and we have received evidence that a number of these people have been planning to do things that not only break our rules but also causing health problems for other staff & players.

So in an attempt to reduce the possible spread of drama they have been temporally perm banned, this is because we want to check all the evidence that we have been given and are still getting.

If they have been causing problems and the evidence proves this then they shall stay banned and we will be posting a least part of the evidence in as a transparency thing. It may not be all uploaded, but that will be to protect the identity of people who provided evidence, and so prevent further bullying.

If of course any of the banned people do not show up in the evidence as having done something against the rules then they shall be un-banned and returned to their previous ranks

Anyone who has any questions please feel free to come onto the TS to talk to me or Col.
Or you can email your questions to [email protected]
And I shall answer them as best I can, with what is relevant.

P.S. The health problems, stress, sleep loss and threat related

I would personally like to know what this "Summit" is exactly. I would also like to say if there is bullying/abuse going on then sure ban them. But I think we all deserve to see the evidence, just black out people's name in MS Paint. It's not that hard. But hopefully we can work this out and have people not whining and having fun on the servers. Isn't that what they are there for?
Apr 26, 2012
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I'm slightly upset at how some of the community is handling this. At this point in the age of the internet you'd think people would be more akin to the effect cyber-bullying and stress can have on people. As someone who has undergone both constantly I can tell you for a fact that it hurts. You lose sleep over things like these, whether the platform over which the bullying is performed is a video game or not, the effect is the same. You lose sleep over these comments, attacks and threats, you worry that more will come and become paranoid. If things do continue you will become more paranoid, more stressed, and lose a lot more sleep.
I for one undergo quite a bit of stress at school. Whether it's coping with the masses of unbearable people around me, or trying to maintain a good enough grade to continue my honors courses, I come home suffering from a headache and wanting to do absolutely nothing. The effects of cyber-bulling are the same. It's hard to understand this all if you haven't gone through it, many people think that those who can't handle bullying are wusses and should get over it.

All I'm asking is those of you saying "HUR HUR HUR, How r u geting fisicly hurt ovr a videogam? Tak a brek." Stop and think about what can happen to those bullied.

Jon | Lqzer

Nov 17, 2012
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This is a rant for the community to listen:

Just because video game bullying might not affect you, it still might affect others. Especially others who have been constantly yelled for the past year! The community needs to treat the staff with more respect. If they have a reason for keeping this confidential, then don't ask.

Thank you.



May 27, 2012
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Oh wow? People threatening others through a video game?
What are you gonna do? Caps me to death?
Utterly f***ing clueless...
You have no idea what stress is do you? What it can do to your mental health.
Just because it's over the Internet, doesnt change a damn thing.


Jul 8, 2012
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Mental bullying is inevitable in any community. The staff can do all they can but it can never be completely eliminated. My best advice for if you're being cyberbullied in this community and can't take it, leave.​


Mar 29, 2013
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Thanks staff for acting on this situation and shame be on whoever's cyberbullying. It's 2013 and some people still haven't learned...
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